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Created September 20, 2016 08:59
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componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if (nextProps.lastRequestedUserLocationAt > this.props.lastRequestedUserLocationAt) {
if (nextProps.lastUpdated > this.props.lastUpdated) {
const markers = this.createMarkersForLocations(nextProps);
if (markers && Object.keys(markers)) {
const clusters = {};
Object.keys(markers).forEach(categoryKey => {
// Recalculate cluster trees
const cluster = supercluster({
radius: 60,
maxZoom: 16,
clusters[categoryKey] = cluster;
getZoomLevel(region = this.state.region) {
const angle = region.longitudeDelta;
// 0.95 for finetuning zoomlevel grouping
return Math.round(Math.log(360 / angle) / Math.LN2);
createMarkersForRegion() {
const padding = 0.25;
if (this.state.clusters && this.state.clusters[this.props.selectedOfferType]) {
const markers = this.state.clusters[this.props.selectedOfferType].getClusters([
this.state.region.longitude - (this.state.region.longitudeDelta * (0.5 + padding)),
this.state.region.latitude - (this.state.region.latitudeDelta * (0.5 + padding)),
this.state.region.longitude + (this.state.region.longitudeDelta * (0.5 + padding)),
this.state.region.latitude + (this.state.region.latitudeDelta * (0.5 + padding)),
], this.getZoomLevel());
return => this.renderMarker(marker));
return [];
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Thank you for this really helpful gist, saved me a few days of tearing out my hair!

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For those who want to install super cluster this is the command npm install git+ssh:// --save

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Do you know how to implement it with react-native-maps ? thx

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