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Created September 10, 2021 20:11
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Properly open lua and fennel required files via gf
local fmt = string.format
-- Iterator that splits a string o a given delimiter
local function split(str, delim)
delim = delim or "%s"
return string.gmatch(str, fmt('[^%s]+', delim))
-- Find the proper directory separator depending
-- on lua installation or OS.
local function dir_separator()
-- Look at package.config for directory separator string (it's the first line)
if package.config then
return string.match(package.config, '^[^\n]')
elseif vim.fn.has('win32') == 1 then
return '\\'
return '/'
-- Search for lua traditional include paths.
-- This mimics how require internally works.
local function include_paths(fname, ext)
ext = ext or "lua"
local sep = dir_separator()
local paths = string.gsub(package.path, '%?', fname)
for path in split(paths, "%;") do
if vim.fn.filereadable(path) == 1 then
return path
-- Search for nvim lua include paths
local function include_rtpaths(fname, ext)
ext = ext or "lua"
local sep = dir_separator()
local rtpaths = vim.api.nvim_list_runtime_paths()
local modfile, initfile = fmt('%s.%s', fname, ext), fmt('init.%s', ext)
for _, path in ipairs(rtpaths) do
-- Look on runtime path for 'lua/*.lua' files
local path1 = table.concat({path, ext, modfile}, sep)
if vim.fn.filereadable(path1) == 1 then
return path1
-- Look on runtime path for 'lua/*/init.lua' files
local path2 = table.concat({path, ext, fname, initfile}, sep)
if vim.fn.filereadable(path2) == 1 then
return path2
-- Global function that searches the path for the required file
function find_required_path(module)
-- Look at package.config for directory separator string (it's the first line)
local sep = string.match(package.config, '^[^\n]')
-- Properly change '.' to separator (probably '/' on *nix and '\' on Windows)
local fname = vim.fn.substitute(module, "\\.", sep, "g")
local f
---- First search for lua modules
f = include_paths(fname, 'lua')
if f then return f end
-- This part is just for nvim modules
f = include_rtpaths(fname, 'lua')
if f then return f end
---- Now search for Fennel modules
f = include_paths(fname, 'fnl')
if f then return f end
-- This part is just for nvim modules
f = include_rtpaths(fname, 'fnl')
if f then return f end
-- Set options to open require with gf
vim.opt_local.include = [=[\v<((do|load)file|require)\s*\(?['"]\zs[^'"]+\ze['"]]=]
vim.opt_local.includeexpr = "v:lua.find_required_path(v:fname)"
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Adapted from the vimscript in this link to also support Windows and Fennel files.

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