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Last active January 29, 2018 20:58
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ELK setup on ubuntu
2 node Cluster:
master node: elasticsearch , logstash , kibana , niginx
data node: elasticsearch worker
- all the above services are install using standard ubuntu package manager
- Both the nodes are working as cluster
- Cluster configuration defined in /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml on both nodes
- Data and logs directories on data node : /usr/share/elasticsearch/data , /usr/she/elasticsearch/logs
- Kibana is configured to contact elasticsearch on localhost:9200
- Ngnix standard configuration location , modified config file to proxy incomming requests to kibana
- Logstash configuration: /usr/share/logstash/config ( main logstash config)
and /usr/shre/logstash/conf.d/ ( ingest filters)
- Logstash is configred to use elasticsearch on localhost:9200
- To see all the listening ports: ss -tlnu
- Curator need to be installed using package manager and configured to clean up old indices
- Master and Data node communicate over private network
- Kibana is accessable using master public ip with username and password
- Curator is available as a standard command on master node
- The config files are in / root
- To clean up old indices, run: curator ./delete_index.yml --config ./curator.yml
- it will clean up indices older than 90 days
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