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Created October 12, 2023 11:59
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CEO Hour Questions
  1. How do you handle the stresses and pressures of being the CEO?
  2. What are some areas where you think we could innovate or improve, outside of our core product or service?
  3. What opportunities do you see for employee growth and development?
  4. How do you see our industry evolving, and how are we positioned to adapt?
  5. What do you hope to achieve with these "CEO Hour" sessions in the long term?
  6. What's one thing you wish you knew more about regarding the day-to-day operations of the company?
  7. How would you describe the company culture you’re aiming for?
  8. How do you foster a culture of innovation within the company?
  9. What's your vision for the company over the next 5 years?
  10. Are there any books, podcasts, or other resources that have significantly influenced your leadership style?
  11. How can employees best prepare for these sessions to make them more effective?
  12. Are there aspects of the company where you'd like more feedback from employees?
  13. Are there any major challenges or opportunities you foresee for us in the near future?
  14. Are there any upcoming changes in our processes or tools that you're excited about?
  15. How do you see the balance of remote and in-office work evolving in the coming years?
  16. What's the best piece of advice you've ever received in your career?
  17. How do you envision integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion into our daily operations?
  18. How do you see our relationship with our competitors? Are there any partnerships or collaborations you're considering?
  19. In what ways are you working to maintain and enhance our company culture, especially as we grow?
  20. Are there new markets or industries you're considering exploring?
  21. What do you believe are the company's biggest strengths and weaknesses right now?
  22. How can employees best advocate for themselves or their ideas within the company?
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