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4/29/14 10:21:07.958 AM Alfred Preferences[61316]: (
0 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff90cfcb06 __exceptionPreprocess + 198
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff9460b3f0 objc_exception_throw + 43
2 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff90d9340a -[NSObject(NSObject) doesNotRecognizeSelector:] + 186
3 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff90ceb02e ___forwarding___ + 414
4 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff90ceae18 _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 232
5 Alfred Preferences 0x000000010000c454 Alfred Preferences + 50260
6 AppKit 0x00007fff94a7a50e -[NSWindow sendEvent:] + 6853
7 AppKit 0x00007fff94a76644 -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 5761
8 Alfred Preferences 0x00000001000038b0 Alfred Preferences + 14512
iansoper / index.slim
Created March 28, 2013 16:44
A CodePen by Ian Soper.
iansoper / gist:4731396
Created February 7, 2013 14:52
RegEx for HTML Email
// Convert 3 char HEX to 6 char (for better email support)
iansoper / index.html
Created November 30, 2012 04:27
A CodePen by Ian Soper.
<div class="ribbon">
<span class="left"></span>
<div class="front">This is Something</div>
<span class="right"></span>
<div class="content">
<ul class="portfolio" >
<li id="item1">
<h2>Portfolio Item1</h2>
<button class="rw"></button>
<button class="play"></button>
<button class="pause"></button>
<button class="stop"></button>
<button class="ff"></button>
<menu class="medium">
iansoper / dabblet.css
Created January 24, 2012 18:17
The first commented line is your dabblet’s title
* The first commented line is your dabblet’s title
background: #f06;
background: linear-gradient(45deg, #f06, yellow);
iansoper / dabblet.css
Created January 5, 2012 16:07 — forked from bastianallgeier/dabblet.css
PE to use SVG as CSS background image with fallback for IE8/7/6
* PE to use SVG as CSS background image with fallback for IE8/7/6
* Using SVG as CSS background image to display
* resolution-independent logos or icons is pretty
* awesome but does completely fail on IE8/7/6
* The trick:
* All three IE versions don't support rgba color values.
* By defining a rgba background color together with the
iansoper /
Created August 31, 2011 02:34
Make a Project Skeleton Folders with Bash Script
mkdir -p ./_Project/{Supplied,Design,Documents,Proofs,Finals,-siteroot{html/{css,js,images},wp}}/
iansoper / favicon.html
Created June 22, 2011 13:54
HTML Favicon Link usage
<!-- Example taken from SimpleNote -->
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="/favicon.png" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="/Simplenote-32px.png" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="64x64" href="/Simplenote-64px.png" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="256x256" href="/Simplenote-256px.png" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="512x512" href="/Simplenote-512px.png" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
iansoper / CSS3 Button with Graidient.css
Created May 26, 2011 20:54
CSS3 Button with Background image and transparent gradient
.button.mesh {
font-size: 18px;
line-height: 18px;
font-family: "BPreplayBold",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;
text-shadow: 0 1px 1px #ffffff;
letter-spacing: 0;
color: #333333;
height: auto;
margin: 0 10px 0 0;
padding: 7px 15px 10px 15px;