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Created May 3, 2021 02:41
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GNUplot example script
set terminal pngcairo transparent enhanced font "arial,10" fontscale 1.0 size 600, 400
set output 'image.png'
set key outside right top vertical Right noreverse enhanced autotitle nobox
set title "plot with filledcurve [options]"
set xrange [ * : * ] noreverse writeback
set x2range [ * : * ] noreverse writeback
set yrange [ * : * ] noreverse writeback
set y2range [ * : * ] noreverse writeback
set zrange [ * : * ] noreverse writeback
set cbrange [ * : * ] noreverse writeback
set rrange [ * : * ] noreverse writeback
plot [-10:10] [-5:3] 1.5+sin(x)/x with filledcurve x2, sin(x)/x with filledcurve, 1+sin(x)/x with lines, -1+sin(x)/x with filledcurve y1=-2, -2.5+sin(x)/x with filledcurve xy=-5,-4., -4.3+sin(x)/x with filledcurve x1, (x>3.5 ? x/3-3 : 1/0) with filledcurve y2
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