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BofA and PNC daily balance e-mail consolidator with running tally


Bank of America and PNC send a daily balance e-mail of your accounts every AM. They send one email for each account.

This script will group them into one e-mail with a running balance of the last X days.

I have the script scheduled to run every AM after the emails usually arrive.

What It Does

The script generates a running tally of the last X days.

  • The first column is the account name
  • The next columns are the date in descending order
  • The top line in each cell shows how much the change was
  • The bottom shows the new total



How It Work

  1. The script searches for all of the daily balance e-mails
  2. Goes through them to extract balance data
  3. Creates and sends the e-mail
  4. Deletes daily balance e-mails older than the last X days
var dailyBankingHistoryGmailSearchQuery = '(from:( subject:("Your Available Balance") "your available balance") OR (from:( subject:(("Your Credit Card Balance" AND -"Your Credit Card Balance Is") OR "Your Savings Account Balance" OR "Your Checking Account Balance"))';
var dailyBalanceDaysToKeep = 5;
function getDailyBankBalance()
// get all the emails
var emailThreads =;
// if we have no mails then stop
if(!emailThreads.length) return;
// track all the balances and dates we have
var accountBalanceData = {};
var dateBalanceTracker = {};
// go through each thread
// go through each message
var accountName, accountBalance, balanceDate;
// get the email sender
var emailFrom = emailMessage.getFrom().match(/<(.+?@.+?)>$/)[1].toLowerCase();
// different extraction logic depending on who the email is from
case "":
// use regex to extract balance data
var balanceDetails = emailMessage.getPlainBody().match(/^(Balance|Account|Date): (.*)$/gm);
accountBalance = Number(balanceDetails[0].split(": ")[1].replace(/[^0-9.]/g, ""));
accountName = "BofA: " + balanceDetails[1].split(": ")[1];
balanceDate = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(balanceDetails[2].split(": ")[1]), Session.getScriptTimeZone(), "yyyy-MM-dd");
case "":
// get the html body
var emailBody = emailMessage.getBody();
// extract the account name
var accountName = emailBody.match(/<h3.*?>\s*([^<]+?)\s*<\/h3>/);
// if we found one
// get the account name
accountName = "PNC: " + accountName[1];
// get the account balance
var accountBalance = emailBody.match(/<h4.*?>[^$]+Ledger Balance[^$]+[^$]+\$([\d\.,]+)[^<]+<\/h4>/i);
if(!accountBalance) accountBalance = emailBody.match(/<h4.*?>[^$]+\$([\d\.,]+)[^<]+<\/h4>/);
accountBalance = Number(accountBalance[1].replace(/,/g, ""));
// get the balance date
var balanceDate = emailBody.match(/<h2.*?>[^<]+ on (\d\d\/\d\d\/\d\d)[^<]+<\/h2>/)[1];
GmailApp.sendEmail("...", emailMessage.getSubject(), emailBody);
throw new Error("dingo");
balanceDate = new Date(balanceDate.replace(/\/(\d\d)$/, "/20$1"));
balanceDate = Utilities.formatDate(balanceDate, Session.getScriptTimeZone(), "yyyy-MM-dd");
throw new Error("who?");
if(accountName == "..." || accountName == "...")
accountBalance = accountBalance * -1;
// if the date is not in the date balance tracker then add it
if(!(balanceDate in dateBalanceTracker))
dateBalanceTracker[balanceDate] = {
"totalBalance" : 0,
"differenceFromDayBefore" : 0,
"emails" : []
// save this email to the tracker so we can delete it later
// if the account name is not in the account balance data add it
if(!(accountName in accountBalanceData)) accountBalanceData[accountName] = {};
// save this date's account's balance
accountBalanceData[accountName][balanceDate] = accountBalance;
// get an array of all the accounts and dates
var accountBalanceAccounts = Object.keys(accountBalanceData).sort();
var dateBalanceTrackerDates = Object.keys(dateBalanceTracker).sort().reverse();
// styles
var headingStyle=' style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px;"';
var accountCellStyle = ' style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px; text-align: left"';
var moneyCellStyle = ' style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px; text-align: right;"';
// styles
var emailOut = '<table style="border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;"><tr><th' + headingStyle + '>account</th>';
// add the dates in the tracker to the header row
emailOut += '<th' + headingStyle + '>' + d + '</th>';
emailOut += '</tr>';
// go through each account
// start a new row in the email
emailOut += '<tr>';
// print account name
emailOut += '<th' + accountCellStyle + '>' + accountName + '</th>';
// go through all the dates
dateBalanceTrackerDates.forEach(function(oneDate, i){
// get this dates balance
// we may not have one so set it to 0
var currentDayBalance = accountBalanceData[accountName][oneDate] || 0;
// save the diffrence from the previous day
var differenceFromDayBefore = 0;
// we can't calculate differnce for the last (first) date cause we don't have anything before it
if(i < (dateBalanceTrackerDates.length - 1))
var previousDayBalance = accountBalanceData[accountName][dateBalanceTrackerDates[i + 1]] || 0;
differenceFromDayBefore = currentDayBalance - previousDayBalance;
// start a new cell
emailOut += '<td'+ moneyCellStyle +'>';
// print detla
if(differenceFromDayBefore < 0)
emailOut += '<b style="color: red">' + moneyToCurrency_(differenceFromDayBefore) + '</b>';
else if(differenceFromDayBefore > 0)
emailOut += '<b>+' + moneyToCurrency_(differenceFromDayBefore) + '</b>';
// new line
emailOut += '<br />';
emailOut += moneyToCurrency_(currentDayBalance);
emailOut += '</td>';
dateBalanceTracker[oneDate]["totalBalance"] += currentDayBalance
dateBalanceTracker[oneDate]["differenceFromDayBefore"] += differenceFromDayBefore;
emailOut += '</tr>'
// print totals
emailOut += '<tr style="background-color: #ddd;"><th' + accountCellStyle + '>totals</th>';
dateBalanceTrackerDates.forEach(function(oneDate, i){
var totalBalance = dateBalanceTracker[oneDate]["totalBalance"];
var differenceFromDayBefore = dateBalanceTracker[oneDate]["differenceFromDayBefore"];
emailOut += '<td ' + moneyCellStyle + '>';
if(differenceFromDayBefore < 0)
emailOut += '<b style="color: red">' + moneyToCurrency_(differenceFromDayBefore) + '</b>';
else if(differenceFromDayBefore > 0)
emailOut += '<b>+' + moneyToCurrency_(differenceFromDayBefore) + '</b>';
// new line
emailOut += '<br />';
// print the total
emailOut += moneyToCurrency_(totalBalance);
emailOut += '</td>';
emailOut += '</tr>';
emailOut += '</table>';
// send the email
"to" : "...",
"subject" : "Daily Balances",
"htmlBody" : emailOut
// delete emails older than the # we're keeping
// delete all of the old emails
// comma seperates thousands
function moneyToCurrency_(num)
num = num.toFixed(2).split(".");
return num[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",") + "." + num[1];
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