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Last active April 17, 2023 01:30
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Exa LS_COLORS theme generator
#!/usr/bin/env python
# What is this:
# This script generates an LS_COLORS theme.
# By default it is using the same colors as the ls replacement exa. The
# purpose is to generate an LS_COLORS theme that is consistent with exa's
# colors so that it can be used by other tools like fzf.
# How to use it:
# - Optionally, adjust colors...
# - Scroll down to `# Color settings - Adjust this`
# - Don't touch anything else
# - Run the script with:
# `export LS_COLORS=$(python ./`
# - Compare the output of exa and ls with:
# `echo "Exa colors:" && LS_COLORS='' exa -l && \
# echo "ls colors" && /bin/ls -l --color=auto`
# - If you are on macOS or BSD...
# - ls doesn't use LS_COLORS
# - Install gnuls with `brew install coreutils`
# - And then use `gls -l --color=auto`
# - Tools like fzf will use LS_COLORS even on macOS
# - Add the `export LS_COLORS` command to your .zshrc or .bashrc
import sys
# Color code definitions - Don't touch this
base_red = '31'
base_green = '32'
base_yellow = '33'
base_blue = '34'
base_magenta = '35'
base_cyan = '36'
base_white = '97'
default = None
red = f'0;{base_red}'
green = f'0;{base_green}'
yellow = f'0;{base_yellow}'
blue = f'0;{base_blue}'
magenta = f'0;{base_magenta}'
cyan = f'0;{base_cyan}'
white = f'0;{base_white}'
red_bold = f'1;{base_red}'
green_bold = f'1;{base_green}'
yellow_bold = f'1;{base_yellow}'
blue_bold = f'1;{base_blue}'
magenta_bold = f'1;{base_magenta}'
cyan_bold = f'1;{base_cyan}'
white_bold = f'1;{base_white}'
red_underline = f'4;{base_red}'
green_underline = f'4;{base_green}'
yellow_underline = f'4;{base_yellow}'
blue_underline = f'4;{base_blue}'
magenta_underline = f'4;{base_magenta}'
cyan_underline = f'4;{base_cyan}'
white_underline = f'4;{base_white}'
red_bold_underline = f'1;4;{base_red}'
green_bold_underline = f'1;4;{base_green}'
yellow_bold_underline = f'1;4;{base_yellow}'
blue_bold_underline = f'1;4;{base_blue}'
magenta_bold_underline = f'1;4;{base_magenta}'
cyan_bold_underline = f'1;4;{base_cyan}'
white_bold_underline = f'1;4;{base_white}'
# Color settings - Adjust this
# Generated from
default_settings = {
'normal': default,
'directory': blue_bold,
'symlink': cyan,
'pipe': yellow,
'block_device': yellow_bold,
'char_device': yellow_bold,
'socket': red_bold,
'executable': green_bold,
# Generated from code:
default_file_type_settings = {
'immediate': yellow_bold_underline,
'compressed': red,
'image': default,
'video': default,
'music': default,
'lossless': default,
'crypto': default,
'document': default,
'temp': default,
'compiled': default,
# LS_COLORS maps - Don't touch this
settings_ls_color_map = {
'normal': 'fi',
'directory': 'di',
'symlink': 'ln',
'pipe': 'pi',
'block_device': 'bd',
'char_device': 'cd',
'socket': 'so',
'executable': 'ex',
# Generated from code:
file_type_map = {
'immediate': [
'image': [
'video': [
'music': [
'lossless': [
'crypto': [
'document': [
'compressed': [
'temp': [
'compiled': [
# LS_COLORS generator code
def gen_ls_colors():
ls_colors = []
for setting_name, color in default_settings.items():
ls_code = settings_ls_color_map[setting_name]
except KeyError:
f'WARNING: Could not generate LS_COLOR entry for '
f'setting `{setting_name}: '
f'Value is not present in settings map.',
if color is not None:
for file_type, color in default_file_type_settings.items():
extensions = file_type_map[file_type]
except KeyError:
f'WARNING: Could not generate LS_COLOR entry for '
f'file_type `{file_type}: '
f'Value is not present in file type map.',
if color is not None:
for ext in extensions:
ls_colors_env = ':'.join(ls_colors)
sep = '\n\t'
print(f'Generated settings:{sep}{sep.join(ls_colors)}', file=sys.stderr)
print(f'\n\nexport LS_COLORS="{ls_colors_env}"\n', file=sys.stderr)
print('LS_COLOR value:', file=sys.stderr)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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@TonioGela you are very welcome.

Thanks for letting me know about the special entry. I couldn't find a corresponding setting for LS_COLORS. So I have taken it out from the code above to silence the warning.

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