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Created May 30, 2011 00:17
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sanitize replace & with & on whitelisted elements
my processor:
OK_FLASH = /^http:\/\/(?:www\.)?youtube\.com\/v\/|^http:\/\/(?:\w+\.)?grooveshark\.com\/songWidget.swf/
# how to easily replace @ reload without reloading full server?
T_YOUTUBE = lambda do |env|
node = env[:node]
node_name = env[:node_name]
parent = node.parent
return nil unless (node_name == 'param' || node_name == 'embed') && == 'object'
if node_name == 'param'
# Quick XPath search to find the <param> node that contains the video URL.
return nil unless movie_node ='param[@name="movie"]')[0]
url = movie_node['value']
# Since this is an <embed>, the video URL is in the "src" attribute. No
# extra work needed.
url = node['src']
#d "testing url #{url}"
return nil unless url =~ OK_FLASH
#d "allowing #{url}"
# strip autoplays. hmm, removing p=1 could be dangerous?
node['value'] = node['value'].gsub(/autoplay=1|p=1/i,"").gsub(/&amp;/,"&") if node['value']
node['src'] = node['src'].gsub(/autoplay=1|p=1/i,"").gsub(/&amp;/,"&") if node['src']
#d "value, src", node['value'], node['src']
# We're now certain that this is a YouTube embed, but we still need to run
# it through a special Sanitize step to ensure that no unwanted elements or
# attributes that don't belong in a YouTube embed can sneak in.
# flashvars
#egads, starting to look more sensible to replace allowed elements to [grooveshark 1221111] again.
Sanitize.clean_node!(parent, {
:elements => ['embed', 'object', 'param'],
:attributes => {
'embed' => ['allowfullscreen', 'allowscriptaccess', 'height', 'src', 'type', 'width','flashvars','type'],
'object' => ['height', 'width'],
'param' => ['name', 'value']
# so even though embed is disallowed, this will whitelist this node. need to pass node to have changes reflected
# Now that we're sure that this is a valid YouTube embed and that there are
# no unwanted elements or attributes hidden inside it, we can tell Sanitize
# to whitelist the current node (<param> or <embed>) and its parent
# (<object>).
{:node_whitelist => [node, parent]}
end if !defined? T_YOUTUBE
<object width="250" height="40"> <param name="movie" value="" /> <param name="wmode" value="window" /> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /> <param name="flashvars" value="" /> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="250" height="40" flashvars="" allowScriptAccess="always" wmode="window" /></object>
*mystring.rb:207 ---
- value, src
*mystring.rb:207 ---
- value, src
- window
*mystring.rb:207 ---
- value, src
- always
*mystring.rb:207 ---
- value, src
*mystring.rb:207 ---
- value, src
*mystring.rb:457 ---
- after cleaning
- |-
<object width="250" height="40"> <param name="movie" value="">
<param name="wmode" value="window">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always">
<param name="flashvars" value=";widgetID=25096656&amp;style=metal&amp;p=0">
<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="250" height="40" flashvars=";widgetID=25096656&amp;style=metal&amp;p=0" allowscriptaccess="always"></embed></object>
Somehow the &'s get replaced with &amp;, despite being fine when I'm checking the 'value' parameter inside the filter, and whitelisting the current node.
Any tips welcome & thanks for a great project!
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