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Created May 26, 2016 16:51
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Demandware Jenkinsfile build
node {
stage 'Checkout'
checkout scm
env.BUILD_TAG_CLEANED = "${env.BUILD_TAG}".replaceAll(/\%\d[a-zA-Z]/, "-").replaceAll(/[^\w-]+/, "")
env.ENABLE_TWO_FACTOR = 'false'
env.ENVIRONMENT_INSTANCE = 'dev03' // test build sandbox for branches != develop
if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'develop') {
sh 'printenv'
stage 'Node env'
sh 'node -v'
// since grunt is global install, it's installed on the jenkins server directly
//sh 'npm install -g grunt-cli'
stage 'Bootstrap Cartridges'
dir ('cartridges/') {
sh 'npm prune'
sh 'npm install'
/*stage 'Lint Cartridges'
dir ('cartridges/') {
sh 'grunt lint'
/*stage 'Bootstrap Test'
dir ('cartridges/') {
// since phantom and selenium are global installs, they're installed on the jenkins server directly
//sh 'npm install -g phantomjs'
//sh 'npm install --production -g selenium-standalone@latest'
//sh 'selenium-standalone install'
/*stage 'Execute Tests'
dir ('cartridges/') {
sh 'selenium-standalone start'
sh 'grunt test:unit'
//sh 'grunt test:application'
stage 'Bootstrap Buildsuite'
dir ('buildsuite/') {
sh 'npm prune'
sh 'npm install'
stage 'Build'
dir ('buildsuite/') {
sh 'grunt --no-color build'
stage 'Deploy'
dir ('buildsuite/') {
withCredentials([[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: 'DWRE_DEPLOY',
usernameVariable: 'ENVIRONMENT_USER_NAME', passwordVariable: 'ENVIRONMENT_PASSWORD']]) {
sh 'grunt --no-color upload'
sh 'grunt --no-color activate'
sh 'grunt --no-color http:deleteUpload'
stage 'Metadata'
dir ('buildsuite/') {
withCredentials([[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: 'DWRE_DEPLOY',
usernameVariable: 'ENVIRONMENT_USER_NAME', passwordVariable: 'ENVIRONMENT_PASSWORD']]) {
// Site initialization/configuration import (default source folder: sites/site_template)
sh 'grunt --no-color initSite'
// Demo site import (default source folder: sites/site_demo)
//sh 'grunt initDemoSite'
// Complete site import, including demo site (if given)
//sh 'grunt importSite'
// Metadata import. Metadata is always read from configuration data (default: sites/site_template/meta)
//sh 'grunt importMeta'
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