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Last active April 15, 2024 05:15
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nah() {
# Configuration
local cutoff_in_seconds=86400 # 1 day
# Stash our current changes, including untracked files
git stash save -u "<<nah - $(date +%s)>>"
# Get a list of all stashes that match our message format
IFS=$'\n' existing_stashes=($(git stash list | grep "<<nah - [0-9]*>>"))
# Iterate over stashes and drop stashes older than our cutoff
local current_time=$(date +%s)
for stash in "${existing_stashes[@]}"; do
local stash_name=$(echo $stash | cut -d ":" -f1)
local stash_time=$(echo $stash | grep -o "<<nah - [0-9]*>>" | grep -o "[0-9]*")
if [[ $stash_time =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && ((current_time - stash_time > cutoff_in_seconds)) ; then
git stash drop $stash_name
yah() {
# Get a list of all 'nah' stashes
IFS=$'\n' existing_stashes=($(git stash list | grep "<<nah - [0-9]*>>"))
if [ ${#existing_stashes[@]} -gt 0 ]; then
local most_recent_stash=$(echo ${existing_stashes[0]} | cut -d ":" -f1)
git stash apply $most_recent_stash
echo "No nah stashes found"
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