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Created October 20, 2023 15:32
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simple binary shapley values for data records against query output
import itertools
import math
def query_age(dataset):
A query function that returns records with age less than 26.
return [record for record in dataset if record['age'] < 26]
def query_trust(dataset):
A query function that returns records with trust equal to 100.
return [record for record in dataset if record['trust'] == 100]
def shapley_value(dataset, query_func):
Compute the Shapley value for each record in the dataset based on a given query.
n = len(dataset)
shapley_values = [0] * n
# Generate all possible coalitions (subsets) of the dataset
for i in range(1, n + 1):
for coalition in itertools.combinations(range(n), i):
# Calculate the value of the coalition and the value of the coalition without each player
best_of_coalition = query_func([dataset[j] for j in coalition])
for j in coalition:
best_without_j = query_func([dataset[k] for k in coalition if k != j]) if i > 1 else []
marginal_contribution = 1 if dataset[j] in best_of_coalition and dataset[j] not in best_without_j else 0
shapley_values[j] += marginal_contribution / (math.comb(n, i) * i)
return shapley_values
# Sample dataset: 3 records with 3 fields
dataset = [
{'age': 20, 'value': 1, 'trust': 10},
{'age': 25, 'value': 5, 'trust': 50},
{'age': 30, 'value': 10, 'trust': 100}
# Compute Shapley values for the query 'age < 26'
shapley_values_age = shapley_value(dataset, query_age)
print(f"Shapley values for query 'age < 26': {shapley_values_age}")
# Compute Shapley values for the query 'trust = 100'
shapley_values_trust = shapley_value(dataset, query_trust)
print(f"Shapley values for query 'trust = 100': {shapley_values_trust}")
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