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Created April 22, 2013 23:21
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gradient lines in matplotlib
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""A quick hack to draw gradient lines using a colormap.
This was written in response to <Baribal>'s question on IRC.
There are two functions provided here:
`plot_gradient_hack` takes two arguments, p0 and p1, which are both (x,y)
pairs, and plots a gradient between them that spans the full colormap.
`plot_gradient_rbg_pairs` does the same thing, but also takes rgb0 and rgb1
arguments, makes a new colormap that spans between those two values, and uses
that colormap for the plot.
There's an alternative solution over here [1], but that uses many more points.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
def plot_gradient_hack( p0, p1, npts=20, cmap=None, **kw):
Draw a gradient between p0 and p1 using a colormap
The **kw dictionary gets passed to plt.plot, so things like linestyle,
linewidth, labels, etc can be modified directly.
x_1, y_1 = p0
x_2, y_2 = p1
X = np.linspace(x_1, x_2, npts)
Xs = X[:-1]
Xf = X[1:]
Xpairs = zip(Xs, Xf)
Y = np.linspace(y_1, y_2, npts)
Ys = Y[:-1]
Yf = Y[1:]
Ypairs = zip(Ys, Yf)
C = np.linspace(0,1, npts)
cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap)
# the simplest way of doing this is to just do the following:
for x, y, c in zip(Xpairs, Ypairs, C):
plt.plot(x, y, '-', c=cmap(c), **kw)
# But for cases when that will be too slow, you can make this go faster,
# follow along with this example:
def plot_gradient_rbg_pairs(p0, p1, rgb0, rgb1, **kw):
"""Form the gradient from RGB values at each point
The **kw dictionary gets passed to plt.plot, so things like linestyle,
linewidth, labels, etc can be modified directly.
cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('tmp', (rgb0, rgb1))
plot_gradient_hack(p0, p1, cmap=cmap, **kw)
# plot gradient that just spans the full colormap
plot_gradient_hack( (1,2), (5,6) )
# we can specify the colormap, and set some properties for the plot
plot_gradient_hack( (2,5), (5,3), cmap='bwr', linewidth=3.)
# We also have a simple wrapper to specify the two rgb points to interpolate
# the gradient between
plot_gradient_rbg_pairs( (1.1,2), (5.1,6), (0,0,0), (1,1,1) ) # black to white
plot_gradient_rbg_pairs( (1.2,2), (5.2,6), (0,0,0), (0,0,1), # black to blue
linestyle='--', linewidth=9)
plot_gradient_rbg_pairs( (1.3,2), (5.3,6), (1,0,0), (0,1,0), # red to green
linewidth=4 )
# we can use this gradient plot to display all colormaps on one plot easily
with matplotlib.rc_context({'lines.solid_capstyle':'butt'}):
# the default projecting capstyle looks kind of ugly. rc_context was
# introduced in matpltolib 1.2.0, if you are running a version older than
# that, you can ignore this line and remove one level of indentation from
# the for loop
for i, map_name in enumerate(
plot_gradient_hack((0, i), (1, i), cmap = map_name, linewidth=4)
plt.text(1,i, map_name, va='center')
# comment out this last line to plot all ~140 colormaps
if i==25: break
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