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Last active November 23, 2019 01:14
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Go code used to play around FPE / FF1 asking this question
package main
import (
// I'll be damned:
func min(a, b int) int {
if a < b {
return a
return b
func generateCharactersOfBase(length int) string {
chars := make([]rune, length)
i := 0
soFar := 0
//Start with digits
for ; i < min(10, length); i++ {
chars[i] = rune(int('0') + i)
soFar = i
//Then with uppercase letters
for ; i < min(26+soFar, length); i++ {
chars[i] = rune(int('a') + i - soFar)
soFar = i
//Now with lowercase letters
for ; i < min(26+soFar, length); i++ {
chars[i] = rune(int('A') + i - soFar)
return string(chars)
type Alphabet struct {
characterSet string
baseXDigits string
func (alphabet *Alphabet) Length() int {
return len(alphabet.characterSet)
func NewAlphabet(characterSet string) *Alphabet {
a := new(Alphabet)
a.characterSet = characterSet
a.baseXDigits = generateCharactersOfBase(len(characterSet))
return a
func (alphabet *Alphabet) Convert(text string) string {
/* Equivalent Python
>>> import string
>>> base36 = list(string.digits+string.ascii_uppercase[:26-10])
>>> ''.join([base36[string.ascii_uppercase.index(c)] for c in 'ABCHELLO'])
chars := make([]rune, len(text))
for i := 0; i < len(chars); i++ {
pos := strings.Index(alphabet.characterSet, string(text[i]))
chars[i] = rune(alphabet.baseXDigits[pos])
return string(chars)
func (alphabet *Alphabet) Revert(text string) string {
/* Equivalent Python
>>> import string
>>> base36 = list(string.digits+string.ascii_uppercase[:26-10])
>>> ''.join([base36[string.ascii_uppercase.index(c)] for c in 'ABCHELLO'])
chars := make([]rune, len(text))
for i := 0; i < len(chars); i++ {
pos := strings.Index(alphabet.baseXDigits, string(text[i]))
chars[i] = rune(alphabet.characterSet[pos])
return string(chars)
func encryptFF1(key []byte, tweak []byte, plaintext string, alphabet *Alphabet ) string {
basedPlaintext := alphabet.Convert(plaintext)
// Create a new FF1 cipher "object"
// 10 is the radix/base, and 8 is the tweak length.
FF1, err := ff1.NewCipher(alphabet.Length(), len(tweak), key, tweak)
if err != nil {
// Call the encryption function on an example SSN
ciphertext, err := FF1.Encrypt(basedPlaintext)
if err != nil {
//Move the result to the original alphabet
return alphabet.Revert(ciphertext)
func decryptFF1(key []byte, tweak []byte, ciphertext string, alphabet *Alphabet ) string {
basedCiphertext := alphabet.Convert(ciphertext)
// Create a new FF1 cipher "object"
// 10 is the radix/base, and 8 is the tweak length.
FF1, err := ff1.NewCipher(alphabet.Length(), len(tweak), key, tweak)
if err != nil {
// Call the encryption function on an example SSN
plaintext, err := FF1.Encrypt(basedCiphertext)
if err != nil {
//Move the result to the original alphabet
return alphabet.Revert(plaintext)
// panic(err) is just used for example purposes.
func main() {
// Key and tweak should be byte arrays. Put your key and tweak here.
// To make it easier for demo purposes, decode from a hex string here.
key, err := hex.DecodeString("EF4359D8D580AA4F7F036D6F04FC6A94")
if err != nil {
tweak, err := hex.DecodeString("D8E7920AFA330A73")
tweak = nil
if err != nil {
ciphertext := encryptFF1(key, tweak, "HELLO", a)
plaintext := decryptFF1(key, tweak, ciphertext, a)
fmt.Println("Ciphertext:", ciphertext)
fmt.Println("Plaintext:", plaintext)
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