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Last active September 14, 2023 18:23
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Python script to decode a JWT. Works with JWT that are compressed (DEFLATE algorihtm) and incomplete padding
from __future__ import print_function
import base64
import json
import os.path
import pprint
import sys
import time
import zlib
def pad_base64(data):
"""Makes sure base64 data is padded
missing_padding = len(data) % 4
if missing_padding != 0:
data += '='* (4 - missing_padding)
return data
def decompress_partial(data):
"""Decompress arbitrary deflated data. Works even if header and footer is missing
decompressor = zlib.decompressobj()
return decompressor.decompress(data)
def decompress(JWT):
"""Split a JWT to its constituent parts.
Decodes base64, decompress if required. Returns but does not validate the signature.
header, jwt, signature = JWT.split('.')
printable_header = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(pad_base64(header)).decode('utf-8')
if json.loads(printable_header).get("zip", "").upper() == "DEF":
printable_jwt = decompress_partial(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(pad_base64(jwt)))
printable_jwt = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(pad_base64(jwt)).decode('utf-8')
printable_signature = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(pad_base64(signature))
return json.loads(printable_header), json.loads(printable_jwt), printable_signature
def showJWT(JWT):
header, jwt, signature = decompress(JWT)
print("Header: ", end="")
print("Token: ", end="")
print("Issued at: {} (localtime)".format(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(jwt['iat'])) if 'iat' in jwt else 'Undefined'))
print("Not before: {} (localtime)".format(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(jwt['nbf'])) if 'nbf' in jwt else 'Undefined'))
print("Expiration: {} (localtime)".format(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(jwt['exp'])) if 'exp' in jwt else 'Undefined'))
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
jwt = sys.argv[1]
if os.path.exists(jwt):
with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as input_file:
jwt =
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hotcobra commented Jun 27, 2021

Great script. However, I'm getting an error in line 24.zlib.error: Error -3 while decompressing DEFLATED jwt: incorrect header check. I php'd it and verified good jwt. The header does have zip::DEF so its DEFLATED. In php I used gzinflate(base64url_decode($jwt]) to get the ascii jwt.
Is there an issue with zlib.decompressobj? Or maybe I need more parameters?

Cripes. I'm so dumb. Its exactly what the error said incorrect header. Just had to add a -15 to the decompressobj so it ignores the header

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ixe013 commented Jun 28, 2021

Can you paste the failing JWT? No risk, it should be expired by now...

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This particular one was a SMART Health card so its not expired and has private data in it. I'm still working it to validate the signature with a ES256 encryption

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MohRaza commented Aug 8, 2021

I get the same error "decompressing DEFLATED jwt: incorrect header check". I used the JWT from this other notebook (

JTW: eyJ6aXAiOiJERUYiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ik9CenRCR1JleFYwbWU0eWNQVEJwLWxBTVdRbVUxX09ZMXE4bTRhd1dfMzQifQ.3VJNj9MwEP0rq-HaJnEKtM0JWiQ-DgiJXS6oB9eZNkaOHdlO2rLKf2fGbReQdvfECd_GfvPmvee5Bx0CVNDE2IUqz0MrfWxQmthkSvo65HiUbWcw5ATs0cME7HYHlXhdFstlOVvMslIsJjAoqO7hjXI24jFC9f2B8nA4ZIdZ5vw-LwuxyJXHGm3U0oR8ELCZQDx1yB3f0OudlluD6wcMzXtS24tzMeXiWZxu297qnzJqZ58FKjfoWixZ1G-ZX_vtD1SR_e0a7UllYJ4KXmZFJoiPb1e9rQ0yxmNwvVd4m1zB5eHqEpQzhtjOSmiAP5F1Yu6NufOGANf-qiDAtXiE-AvZoX7-ENnimUS22hAfvLWE8SHN2OsBLcf7yTVcrzLYjGRwq8n8OxmZSyxfiWkhpmUB4zh5VI14Xs3HvyMOUcY-JLu8PRH5gwaplLa4dnViUK7Wdp-Eh1OI2F72kH6mMfO0MJxsHnSdq-FIBCp1QlnMYdyME-guESQ5O_RoWdufCRLIKdX79MRmb3V7piiT4YJtUVQ751tabtYiVXSeKWsdOiNTnKv1zXu06KW5-eBCpyMt5sghGhc_9-2WW6FIRzyZYPlfJlgu_3WCc34Y6fwC.RH5TVWB-aYrPnbtb2LXU9gpC1WRra0gQHjZxSE_htNScq8NdIdgoUt5C1kvdiXbYqD79W87si9x66fFCwmCmgw

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MohRaza commented Aug 8, 2021

After re-reading hotcobra's comment, I changed line 23 to the following and it started working:

decompressor = zlib.decompressobj(wbits=-15)

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MohRaza commented Aug 9, 2021

In case someone is wondering how to use this script with "shc:/12496934958......238484329" string that the Vaccine QR Code gives, the following code can be used:

jwt = ""
for (char1, char2) in zip(raw[0::2], raw[1::2]):
            jwt = jwt + chr(int(char1+char2)+45)
# jwt = "eyJ6aXAiOi...."

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MohRaza commented Aug 9, 2021

Another thing worth mentioning, if the decoded json payload contains French characters (e.g. SiteName... "VACCINATION À L'AUTO..."), then pprint library will throw an error, and if you print json payload without using pprint library, you will see the french character in unicode (e.g. VACCINATION \u00c0 L'AUTO).

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hotcobra commented Aug 9, 2021

I'm no Python expert but shouldn't the final JWS be numerically encoded? (Smarthealthcard: "the JWS string SHALL be encoded as Numerical Mode QR codes consisting of the digits 0-9") Or was this what MohRaza is referring to?

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MohRaza commented Aug 9, 2021

JWT Tokens are three base64 strings concatenated with a "." as described by the official spec

SmartHealthCard (SHC) is numerically encoded JWT prepended with "shc:/". A SmartHealthCard QR Code is the "shc:/123456....123456" string encoded as a QR Code.

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MohRaza commented Aug 9, 2021

And JWT is numerically encoded by taking the ASCII value of the JWT token's base64 characters, and subtracting 45 from it. Therefore when converting shc:/123456...123432 to JWT, you take two digits at a time, add 45 to the digits, and use ASCII mapping to get the corresponding base64 character.

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thanks, this is very useful!

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