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Created December 21, 2023 18:49
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Script helping to install newer Java versions on Netlify required by Shadow-cljs
rm -rf $HOME/.m2/
cp -a $NETLIFY_BUILD_BASE/cache/.m2/ $HOME/.m2/
JAVA_RELEASE=jdk-17.0.2 # Must match directory inside archive in JAVA_DOWNLOAD_URL
currentver="$(java -version 2>&1 |head -n1 | cut -d'"' -f2 |cut -d'.' -f1)"
requiredver="11" # Shadow-cljs requires a minimum of Java 11
# Version check shamelessly copied from StackOverflow:
if [ ! "$(printf '%s\n' "$requiredver" "$currentver" | sort -V | head -n1)" = "$requiredver" ]; then
echo "Java version 11 is required as minimum by Shadow-cljs (found Java version $currentver)"
if [ ! -d "$CACHE_DIR/$JAVA_RELEASE" ]; then
echo "Downloading $JAVA_RELEASE since it isn't available in cache"
wget --quiet -O openjdk.tar.gz $JAVA_DOWNLOAD_URL
tar xf openjdk.tar.gz --directory $CACHE_DIR
echo "Enabling $JAVA_RELEASE from cache, by making it available on PATH"
"scripts": {
"release": ". ./ && npx shadow-cljs release app",
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