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Last active November 1, 2017 00:56
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Example of creating data schemae using Google's protocol buffers and Facebook's GraphQL Schema Language
# this defines a new field type
scalar HTML
# this defines a new object type
type Institution {
# the ! denotes a required field
name: String!
location: String
type Person {
full_name: String!
# [] denote a list, as opposed to a single value
institutions: [Institution]
biography: HTML
job_title: String
photo_url: String
type Project {
title: String!
description: HTML
institutions: [Institution]
type Scheme {
title: String!
union GrantHolder = [Person] | Project
type Grantee {
holder: GrantHolder!
scheme: Scheme!
award_amount: Float
year_awarded: Int
# this defines our actual public schema, e.g. the types we can use from it
schema {
grantee: Grantee
grant_holder: GrantHolder
person: Person
scheme: Scheme
institution: Institution
project: Project
html: HTML
syntax = "proto3";
message HTML {
string content = 1;
message Institution {
string name = 1;
string location = 2;
message Person {
string full_name = 1;
repeated Institution institutions = 2;
HTML biography = 3;
string job_title = 4;
string photo_url = 5;
message Project {
string title = 1;
string description = 2;
repeated Institution institutions = 3;
message Scheme {
string title = 1;
message Grantee {
oneof holder {
Person person = 1;
Project project = 2;
Scheme scheme = 3;
uint32 award_amount = 4;
uint32 year_awarded = 5;
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aantono commented Nov 1, 2017

@ephemer - This is proto3 version, which no longer has required or optional qualifiers on the field declarations.

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