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Last active December 13, 2020 20:28
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I dreamed a dream

Better config management


Use HCL, not YAML.

# Ensure blocks group actions
ensure "Foo service" {
    package "foo" {
        version = "1.0.0"  # No version means install latest available
    file "/etc/foo.conf" {
        source = file.conf.tmpl
        user = "foo"
        group = "foo"
        mode = 0644
        validate = "/usr/bin/foo validate"  # Some way of running a command to validate the template?
    # Or explicitly create a new action?
    exec {
      command = ["/usr/bin/foo", "validate", "/etc/foo.conf"]
    service "foo" {
        state = "running"
        enable = true  # Ensure started at boot
        # Should requirements be explicit or purely based on ordering?
        require = {
            package: "foo",
            file: "/etc/foo.conf",

ensure "Some external condition" {
    # This group needs another group to have completed
    require = {ensure: "Foo service"}
    # Alternatively, run this group when another changes
    when = {changed: "Foo service"}
    exec {
        command = ["/usr/bin/echo", "one", "two"]
        expect = "one two"  # Ensure this output
    exec {
        command = ["/usr/bin/touch", "/tmp/foo"]
        creates = "/tmp/foo"  # Ensure this file is created

The equivalent in Salt would be:

# Salt lets you group states, although they all have the same "name" which may need to be overridden in the state
Foo service:
    - name: foo
    - version: 1.0.0
    - name: /etc/foo.conf
    - source: salt://foo.conf.tmpl
    - name: foo
    - enable: true
    - require:
        - pkg: foo
        - file: /etc/foo.conf

Some external condition:
    - name: /usr/bin/echo one two

# Note you can't have two in the same block so this one must be separate
Some second condition:
    - name: /usr/bin/touch /tmp/foo
    - creates: /tmp/foo

And in Ansible:

# Ansible groups tasks too.
- name: Setup foo service
  - name: Install foo package
      name: foo
  - name: Install foo config
      src: foo.conf.j2
      dest: /etc/foo.conf
  - name: Ensure foo is running
      name: foo
      state: started

- name: Some external condition
  - name: echo one two
    command: /usr/bin/echo one two
  - name: touch /tmp/foo
      cmd: /usr/bin/touch /tmp/foo
      creates: /tmp/foo


Oh god not Jinja. Nor Go text/template. There must be something better? HCL2 has its own basic templating although the docs are vague.

Variables could be injected in a similar way to Ansible.

How should loops / repeated actions work? Maybe instead of templating inside the file, you have a template file that gets repeated N times

package "${}" {
  version = "${package.version}"
service "${}" {
  state = "${service.state}"

The package and service vars could be populated by a map elsewhere, which calls that template each time. No more messy generated loops?

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