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Last active December 13, 2023 19:01
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Nuke macOS Swift Package Manager manifest cache database
# ​Xcode does not offer a way to fully remove all cached Package manifest data from
# macOS. This script takes care of it for you.
# Important: SPM implicitly relies on the `org.swift.swiftpm` Swift package
# to manage a local database of resolved package manifest files. That database
# will happily cache your resolved manifest to character-level accuracy. To
# clear out the resolved package manifest, there is only one known solution:
# nuking and paving that database. Running the following command (standard
# user permissions works fine) will nuke the database:
rm -r ~/Library/Caches/org.swift.swiftpm/manifests
# Afterwards you can simply close and re-open this package and Xcode/SPM will
# resolve anew this Package.swift file, pulling in your updated settings.
# But even so.... sometimes Xcode will still infuriatingly continue to cache
# old crap, for example when changing an existing dependency from an SSH URL to
# an HTTP URL. When that happens, you have to nuke everything:
# 1. Quit Xcode
# 2. Delete derived data:
rm -r ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
# 3. Delete the entirety of the SPM system cache:
rm ~/Library/Caches/org.swift.swiftpm
# 4. Delete any Package.resolved files from your project
# 5. Open Xcode, open your project
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