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Created September 8, 2022 14:49
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Updated VS Code settings.json
"workbench.colorTheme": "Blackboard",
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// auto import dependencies
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// set this to a higher value if 'on paste' is too aggressive for you
"vscode-exports-autocomplete.minimumWordLengthToImportOnPaste": 1,
// set this to false when you're annoyed by the stuff you get from your npm modules*
"vscode-exports-autocomplete.enableNpmDependencies": true,
// set this to true when you prefer spaces around curly braces
"vscode-exports-autocomplete.addSpacingAroundCurlyBraces": true,
// string to be used when indenting, default is two spaces
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// Scans devDependencies as well
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// Scans file modules as well
"node-module-intellisense.scanFileModules": true,
* Scans alternative module paths (eg. Search on ${workspcaceRoot}/lib).
* Useful when using packages like ( to manage require paths folder.
"node-module-intellisense.modulePaths": [],
// File module extensions
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// TODO Highlight
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// highlight `TODO:`,`FIXME:` or content between parentheses
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"rgba(128, 32, 32, 0.3)"
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"indentRainbow.updateDelay": 20,
// The indent color if the number of spaces is not a multiple of "tabSize".
"indentRainbow.errorColor": "rgba(128,32,32,0.3)",
"indentRainbow.ignoreErrorLanguages": [
"markdown", "plaintext"
// Example of regular expression in JSON (note double backslash to escape characters)
"indentRainbow.ignoreLinePatterns": [
"/.*\\*.*/mg", // lines begining wit *
"/.*\\/\\/.*/g" // lines begininning with //
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