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Last active November 27, 2016 17:19
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.bashrc alias functions to handle GPG encrypt/decrypt operations per file/folder
# Define the encryption algo for gpg
# Define the gpg binary name (Solaris is gpg2)
# Use ${gpg_name} to get full path of GPG
gpg=$(which ${gpg_name} 2>/dev/null)
# Validate GPG is installed
if [ -z ${gpg} ]; then
echo 1 && return 1
echo 0 && return 0
# Help test file/directory for link & use target
function validate_inode()
# Re-assign ${1} to a var local in scope
local inode="${1}"
# Account for symlinks
if [[ -h ${inode} ]] || [[ -L ${inode} ]]; then
inode="$(readlink -x ${inode})"
# Test file
if [[ ! -f ${inode} ]] && [[ ! -d ${inode} ]]; then
echo 1 && return 1
# Special case for folders
if [ -d ${inode} ]; then
# Fix for trailing slash
if [ "${inode: -1}" == "/" ]; then
# Create a tarball of the directory & rename it to ${inode}
tar -cf ${inode}.tar ${inode} #2>/dev/null
# Make sure it exists
if [ ! -f ${inode}.tar ]; then
echo 1 && return 1
# Move it from ${inode}.tar to ${inode}
rm -fr ${inode} && mv ${inode}.tar ${inode}
echo ${inode} && return 0
# Get user input for passphrase
function get_passphrase()
# Define a local in scope var for passphrase
local pass
# Force user to input passphrase
read -sp "Enter passphrase for '${inode}': " pass
# Test ${pass} for null & return 1
if [ -z "${pass}" ]; then
echo 1 && return 1
# echo ${pass} & return 0
echo "${pass}" && return 0
# Decrypt the inode
function decrypt_inode()
# Re-assign ${1} to a var local in scope
local inode="${1}"
# Ensure GPG is installed on system
if [ $(validate_gpg) -eq 1 ]; then
printf "GPG is not installed\n"
return 1
# Get ${inode} path & name from validate_inode() function
inode=$(validate_inode ${inode})
# Perform inode validation using validate_inode ${inode}
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
return 1
# Retrieve ${pass} from getpassphrase() function
local pass="$(get_passphrase ${inode})"
# Make sure 0 was returned along with a non-null ${pass}
[[ $? -ne 0 ]] || [[ -z ${pass} ]] && return 1
# Pass supplied ${pass} to GPG as a file descriptor & open ${inode}
echo "${pass}" | ${gpg} --yes --no-tty --batch --passphrase-fd 0 \
--decrypt --cipher-algo ${algo} -o ${inode} ${inode} 2>/dev/null
# Test results of ${inode}
if [[ $(file ${inode}) =~ 'encrypted' ]]; then
printf "\nAn error occured decrypting '%s'\n" ${inode}
return 1
# Handle special case for archives
if [[ $(file ${inode}) =~ 'archive' ]]; then
# Extract ${inode}
tar -xf ${inode}
# Let the user know
printf "\nDecrypted '%s'\n" ${inode}
# Encrypt the inode
function encypt_inode()
# Re-assign ${1} to a var local in scope
local inode="${1}"
# Ensure GPG is installed on system
if [ $(validate_gpg) -eq 1 ]; then
printf "GPG is not installed\n"
return 1
# Get ${inode} path & name from validate_inode() function
inode=$(validate_inode ${inode})
# Perform inode validation using validate_inode ${inode}
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
return 1
# Retrieve ${pass} from get_passphrase() function
local pass="$(get_passphrase ${inode})"
# Make sure 0 was returned along with a non-null ${pass}
[[ $? -ne 0 ]] || [[ -z ${pass} ]] && return 1
# Pass supplied ${pass} to GPG as a file descriptor & open ${inode}
echo "${pass}" | ${gpg} --yes --no-tty --batch --passphrase-fd 0 \
--symmetric --cipher-algo ${algo} -o ${inode}.gpg ${inode} 2>/dev/null
# Test results of ${inode}
if [[ ! $(file ${inode}.gpg) =~ 'encrypted' ]]; then
printf "\nAn error occured encrypting '%s'\n" ${inode}
return 1
# Replace ${inode} with ${inode}.gpg
mv ${inode}.gpg ${inode}
# Let the user know
printf "\nEncrypted '%s'\n" ${inode}
# Make use of the functions
alias open_inode=decrypt_inode
alias close_inode=encypt_inode
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