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Created July 8, 2019 18:51
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  • Save javan/c07960246cac037be64acf3a79d16f0c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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macOS: Optimized Screenshots
😱 Before: ~/Desktop/Screen Shot….png 4.1 MB
🏆 After: ~/Screenshots/Screen Shot….png 937 KB


  1. Install
    $ brew install pngquant
  2. Press Shift5 to launch
    1. Go to OptionsOther Location… and change the folder to ~/Screenshots
  3. Launch and FileNewFolder Action
    1. Choose your ~/Screenshots folder
    2. Drag the Run Shell Script action in
    3. Change Pass input: to as arguments
    4. Paste:
      for filename in "$@"; do
        /usr/local/bin/pngquant "$filename" --output "$filename" --quality=65-80 --force --strip 
    5. Save and Quit
  4. Screenshot away and enjoy!
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