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Created March 12, 2020 20:59
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Jay's RichSQL.scala from 2012
* RichSQL.scala
* @note I originally found this at
* Since sourcing it I have
* made some improvements.
* -Jay T.
import java.sql.ResultSet
import java.sql.PreparedStatement
import java.sql.Date
import java.sql.Statement
import java.sql.Connection
import java.sql.Types
import scala.runtime.RichBoolean
object RichSQL {
private def _strm[X](f: RichResultSet => X, rs: ResultSet): Stream[X] = {
if ( {
Stream.cons(f(new RichResultSet(rs)), _strm(f, rs))
} else {
implicit def query[X](s: String, f: RichResultSet => X)(implicit stat: Statement) = {
_strm(f, stat.executeQuery(s))
implicit def conn2Statement(conn: Connection): Statement = conn.createStatement
implicit def rrs2Boolean(rs: RichResultSet) = rs.nextBoolean
implicit def rrs2Byte(rs: RichResultSet) = rs.nextByte
implicit def rrs2Int(rs: RichResultSet) = rs.nextInt
implicit def rrs2Long(rs: RichResultSet) = rs.nextLong
implicit def rrs2Float(rs: RichResultSet) = rs.nextFloat
implicit def rrs2Double(rs: RichResultSet) = rs.nextDouble
implicit def rrs2String(rs: RichResultSet) = rs.nextString
implicit def rrs2Date(rs: RichResultSet) = rs.nextDate
implicit def resultSet2Rich(rs: ResultSet) = new RichResultSet(rs)
implicit def rich2ResultSet(r: RichResultSet) =
class RichResultSet(val rs: ResultSet) {
var pos = 1
def apply(i: Int) = { pos = i; this }
def nextBoolean: Option[Boolean] = { val ret = rs.getBoolean(pos); pos = pos + 1; if(rs.wasNull) None else Some(ret) }
def nextByte: Option[Byte] = { val ret = rs.getByte(pos); pos = pos + 1; if(rs.wasNull) None else Some(ret) }
def nextInt: Option[Int] = { val ret = rs.getInt(pos); pos = pos + 1; if(rs.wasNull) None else Some(ret) }
def nextLong: Option[Long] = { val ret = rs.getLong(pos); pos = pos + 1; if(rs.wasNull) None else Some(ret) }
def nextFloat: Option[Float] = { val ret = rs.getFloat(pos); pos = pos + 1; if(rs.wasNull) None else Some(ret) }
def nextDouble: Option[Double] = { val ret = rs.getDouble(pos); pos = pos + 1; if(rs.wasNull) None else Some(ret) }
def nextString: Option[String] = { val ret = rs.getString(pos); pos = pos + 1; if(rs.wasNull) None else Some(ret) }
def nextDate: Option[Date] = { val ret = rs.getDate(pos); pos = pos + 1; if(rs.wasNull) None else Some(ret) }
def foldLeft[X](init: X)(f: (ResultSet, X) => X): X = match {
case false => init
case true => foldLeft(f(rs, init))(f)
def map[X](f: ResultSet => X) = {
var ret = List[X]()
while (
ret = f(rs) :: ret
ret.reverse // ret should be in the same order as the ResultSet
implicit def ps2Rich(ps: PreparedStatement) = new RichPreparedStatement(ps)
implicit def rich2PS(r: RichPreparedStatement) =
implicit def str2RichPrepared(s: String)
(implicit conn: Connection): RichPreparedStatement = conn prepareStatement(s)
implicit def conn2Rich(conn: Connection) = new RichConnection(conn)
implicit def st2Rich(s: Statement) = new RichStatement(s)
implicit def rich2St(rs: RichStatement) = rs.s
class RichPreparedStatement(val ps: PreparedStatement) {
var pos = 1
private def _inc = { pos = pos + 1 ; this }
def execute[X](f: RichResultSet => X): Stream[X] = {
pos = 1
_strm(f, ps.executeQuery)
def <<![X](f: RichResultSet => X): Stream[X] = execute(f)
def execute = { pos = 1 ; ps.execute }
def <<! = execute
def <<(x: Option[Any]): RichPreparedStatement = x match {
case None =>
case Some(y) => (this << y)
def <<(x: Any): RichPreparedStatement = {
x match {
case z:Boolean => ps.setBoolean(pos, z)
case z:Byte => ps.setByte(pos, z)
case z:Int => ps.setInt(pos, z)
case z:Long => ps.setLong(pos, z)
case z:Float => ps.setFloat(pos, z)
case z:Double => ps.setDouble(pos, z)
case z:String => ps.setString(pos, z)
case z:Date => ps.setDate(pos, z)
case z:Seq[Any] => { => this << y) ; pos = pos - 1 /* B/c not actually pmtrizing the list */}
case z => ps.setObject(pos, z)
class RichConnection(val conn: Connection) {
def <<(sql: String) = new RichStatement(conn.createStatement) << sql
def <<(sql: Seq[String]) = new RichStatement(conn.createStatement) << sql
class RichStatement(val s: Statement) {
def <<(sql: String) = { s.execute(sql); this }
def <<(sql: Seq[String]) = { for (x <- sql) s.execute(x); this}
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