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Created July 11, 2018 00:46
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libp2p dht interface
import "context"
type Key interface {}
// concrete type likely a []byte or string
type Record interface {}
// concrete type is a struct
// (in libp2p, will be ipld -- see iprs)
// mitting here for clairty and avoiding distraction
// for now, let's assume it's an opaque value.
type DHT interface {
// Put sets record r as the latest value for key k.
Put(k Key, r Record) error
// Get retrieves the latest record value for key k in the DHT
Get(k Key) (Record, error)
// PutSloppy sets a record in a DHT, with sloppy semantics.
// A sloppy put is like adding to a set. See GetSloppy.
PutSloppy(k Key, Record) error
// GetSloppy retrieves a subset of records for key k
// Sloppy DHTs (DSHTs) don't try to get a single record value for a key
// Rather, GetSloppy returns a subset of the record in the dht
// This is useful for multiple writer environments, and maintaining sets.
// See for more.
GetSloppy(k Key) ([]Record, error)
// Arguably, we could really split it into two interfaces as below,
// but the benefits are pretty limited, and most DHTs can operate
// as DSHTs.
type DHT interface {
Put(k Key, r Record) error
Get(k Key) (Record, error)
type DSHT interface {
Put(k Key, r Record) error
Get(k Key) ([]Record, error)
// maybe we could avoid the "sloppy" wording and use set wording:
type DHT interface {
Put(k Key, r Record) error
Get(k Key) (Record, error)
SetAdd(k Key, Record) error
GetSubset(k Key) ([]Record, error)
// in practice, in our go implementation, we'll likely use
// an interface like the one below, which:
// - uses context.Context (idiomatic to Go) to handle canccellation
// - uses channels (idiomatic to Go) for async record return
type DHT interface {
Put(ctx context.Context, k Key, r Record) error
Get(ctx context.Context, k Key) (Record, error)
PutSloppy(ctx context.Context, k Key, Record) error
GetSloppy(ctx context.Context, k Key) (<-Record, error)
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jbenet commented Jul 23, 2018

let's maybe use:

// in practice, in our go implementation, we'll likely use 
// an interface like the one below, which:
// - uses context.Context (idiomatic to Go) to handle canccellation
// - uses channels (idiomatic to Go) for async record return
type DHT interface {
  Put(ctx context.Context, k Key, r Record) error
  Get(ctx context.Context, k Key) (Record, error)

  SetAdd(ctx context.Context, k Key, Record) error
  SubsetGet(ctx context.Context, k Key) (<-Record, error)

or something

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