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Created June 25, 2020 04:58
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We need someone to update, prepare materials for, and record the segment of the New Contributor Workshop that welcomes students, and then leads them through selecting, or at least thinking about how they want to contribute.

See the Section Description for what this section is to cover, or used to cover. This will have to be updated.

Slides are in the [Overall NCW Slide Deck], slides ___ to ___. You will be making a copy of these slides, then updating and modifying it to work with your recording.

Here's what the team creating this segment needs to do:

  • Update the slides and materials for timeliness and changes to the community
  • Modify the slides to take into account online presentation
  • Devise new exercises for this segment that work with an online, asynchronous audience
  • Publish slides and exercises to the NCW repository
  • Record a presentation of this section and upload that to the NCW Gdrive folder

/sig contributor-experience /kind documentation /area new-contributor-track /help

cc: @alisondy @markyjackson-taulia

[Overall NCW Slide Deck]:

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