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Last active September 25, 2019 00:57
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Dynamo DB Seeder
This script populates a DynamoDB table with seed data. Add seeds into a JSON file, named the same as your table. Place the file in a `./seeds/` directory, e.g.,
The file should contain data that matches your database schema.
"petCategory": 1,
"name": "dog"
"petCategory": 2,
"name": "cat"
Run the file:
$ python --region-name us-east-1 --table PetCategories
import argparse
import boto3
import json
import sys
class Seeder:
def __init__(self, region_name="us-west-1", table=None, endpoint_url=None):
"""Initializes the Seeder class
Pass `"http://localhost:8000"` for endpoint_url to run against localhost aka DynamoDB Local,
self.dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', region_name=region_name, endpoint_url=endpoint_url)
self.table = table
def seed_table(self):
"""Imports data into a DynamoDB database
Imports a seed file based on the same case-sensitive name, in `./seeds/<table>.json` (JSON-based), into an
existing database. If the seed key already exists, it is overwritten.
table: An existing DynamoDB database
A dict of total_seeds found in the json file, number of successful writes, and
number of failed writes, e.g.,
{'total_seeds': 106, 'successful_writes': 106, 'failed_writes': 0}
Exception: An error (usually ParamValidationError) if a parameter (i.e. column name) was
not found in the DDB table.
table = self.dynamodb.Table(self.table)
with open((f"./seeds/{self.table}.json")) as json_file:
seeds = json.load(json_file)
writes = 0
fails = 0
for seed in seeds:
item = {}
for k, v in seed.items():
item[k] = v
writes += 1
print(f"Error adding: {seed}, {sys.exc_info()[1]}")
fails += 1
return {"total_seeds":len(seeds), "successful_writes":writes, "failed_writes":fails}
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Seed a DynamoDB table')
parser.add_argument('--region', '-r', default='us-west-1', help='The AWS region the DynamoDB table lives in')
parser.add_argument('--table', '-t', required=True, help='The table name, which should be the same as the JSON file from which you\'re importing')
parser.add_argument('--endpoint', '-e', default=None, help='The endpoint URL of DDB. Leave empty for cloud DDB, or specify `http://localhost:8000` for DynamoDB local')
args = parser.parse_args()
seeder = Seeder(args.region, args.table, args.endpoint)
result = seeder.seed_table()
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