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Created September 24, 2019 16:50
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Arduino code to send a synchronizing signal to cameras
// JB 20130421
// output square wave + LED frame counter + LED sub-frame measurement
// Square Wave: sent to FSIN on the cameras, maintaining the frame rate
// Counter: LEDs count in binary for each frame
// Sub-frame: each of 8 LEDs lights up in turn, 1/8th of the way through a frame
// constants for pins
// pins for input switches
const int LEDSWITCHPIN = 48;
const int SYNCSWITCHPIN = 50;
const int SPEEDSWITCHPIN = 52;
// output led pins for counting
const int LEDPINS[8] = {42, 40, 38, 36, 34, 32, 30, 28};
// output led pins for binary count
const int LEDBINPINS[4] = {43, 41, 39, 37};
// output pins for sync
const int SYNCPIN = 22;
// How often should we send an FSIN signal?
// We don't actually have to send it every frame, because the
// cameras have an internal timer too. You can send a sync
// signal less often to keep them disciplined, and let the interal
// clock handle the frames in between.
// global variables for state
// number of milliseconds counted on LEDs
unsigned long count = 0;
// last time the count was incremented
unsigned long lastCountMicros = 0;
// read the speed switch to get a frame rate
double ReadFreq()
// 125fps is slipping 1/8th of a frame every 5 seconds
// it appears that the cameras like 124 fps instead of 125 fps
// doesn't give artifacts in the frames that way and still is nice and stable
return (digitalRead(SPEEDSWITCHPIN) ? 125.0 : 124.0);
// convert a frequency to a period in microseconds
unsigned long FreqToMicros(double freq)
return (unsigned long)(1000000.0 / freq);
void WriteLED()
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) digitalWrite(LEDPINS[i], count % 8 == i ? HIGH : LOW);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) digitalWrite(LEDBINPINS[i], count & (0x08 << i) ? HIGH : LOW);
void WriteLEDOff()
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) digitalWrite(LEDPINS[i], LOW);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) digitalWrite(LEDBINPINS[i], LOW);
void UpdateLED()
if (digitalRead(LEDSWITCHPIN))
void UpdateSyncWave()
if (digitalRead(SYNCSWITCHPIN))
// we are updating the wave, but is it time?
if (count % (8 * FRAMESBETWEENSYNC) == 0)
// rising edge
digitalWrite(SYNCPIN, HIGH);
else if (count % (8 * FRAMESBETWEENSYNC) == 4)
// falling edge
digitalWrite(SYNCPIN, LOW);
// always off because we aren't outputing a sync wave
digitalWrite(SYNCPIN, LOW);
void setup()
// set pin modes
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) pinMode(LEDPINS[i], OUTPUT);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) pinMode(LEDBINPINS[i], OUTPUT);
// set initial time
lastCountMicros = micros();
// set initial LED state
// set initial sync wave state
void loop()
unsigned long nowMicros = micros();
// count happens 8 times per frame (bc we have 8 LEDs)
unsigned long countPeriod = FreqToMicros(ReadFreq() * 8.0);
unsigned long nextCountMicros = lastCountMicros + countPeriod;
if (nowMicros >= nextCountMicros)
// update the count
// avoid slippage by adding period to last time
// rather than adding period to current time
lastCountMicros = nextCountMicros;
// update the LEDs, if they are turned on
// update the sync wave, if it is turned on
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