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Created April 28, 2012 23:48
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Troubleshooting RabbitMQ installation on OSX via homebrew

Troubleshooting RabbitMQ installation on OSX via homebrew

brew update
brew install rabbitmq

To see if rabbitmq is running after following the installation instructions:

launchctl list | grep rabbit
> 48303	-	homebrew.mxcl.rabbitmq

You should see a process id in the first column. If not, it's because rabbitmq-server is not running.

Try to manually start rabbitmq-server


If you see an error message after a minute or so like:

ERROR: epmd error for host "yourhostname": timeout (timed out establishing tcp connection)

Then you need to update your /etc/hosts file to add your hostname to the list of localhost:    yourhostname
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thx it worked. But I don't understand, how it was working all these days.

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awesome! it worked! Thanks!

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thank you very much! it worked

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I have some issues when try to manually start rabbitmq-server. Can you help me? Please 🙏

2023-07-11 10:54:05.856778+07:00 [error] <0.234.0> Feature flags: `stream_queue`: required feature flag not enabled! It must be enabled before upgrading RabbitMQ.
2023-07-11 10:54:05.864045+07:00 [error] <0.234.0> Failed to initialize feature flags registry: {disabled_required_feature_flag,
2023-07-11 10:54:05.864045+07:00 [error] <0.234.0>                                               stream_queue}
2023-07-11 10:54:05.870830+07:00 [error] <0.234.0> 
2023-07-11 10:54:05.870830+07:00 [error] <0.234.0> BOOT FAILED
2023-07-11 10:54:05.870830+07:00 [error] <0.234.0> ===========
2023-07-11 10:54:05.870830+07:00 [error] <0.234.0> Error during startup: {error,failed_to_initialize_feature_flags_registry}
2023-07-11 10:54:05.870830+07:00 [error] <0.234.0> 

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