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Last active September 7, 2016 17:18
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Nancy caching using Last-Modified/If-Modified-Since header (could be replaced with ETag)
public class Cache : ICache
private ConcurrentDictionary<string, DateTime> cacheLookup = new ConcurrentDictionary<string,DateTime>();
public Response Get(NancyContext ctx)
DateTime lastmodified;
if(ctx.Request.Method == "GET") //Could be POST as well I guess
if (!cacheLookup.TryGetValue(ctx.Request.Method + "-" + ctx.Request.Url.ToString(), out lastmodified)
return null;
return null;
var modifiedsince = ctx.Request.Headers.IfModifiedSince.Value;
if (modifiedsince < lastmodified)
return null;
return new Response(){ StatusCode = 304 };
return null;
public void AddOrUpdate(NancyContext ctx)
if(ctx.Request.Method == "GET") //Could be POST as well I guess
var id = ctx.Request.Method + "-" + ctx.Request.Url.ToString();//GET -
var date = DateTime.UtcNow;
cacheLookup.AddOrUpdate(id,date,(key,value) => date);
ctx.Response.Headers.LastModified = date;
//One thing to consider is if you indirectly update a resource by updating this resource and return a Last-Modified date
//it will potentially return a 304 even thought its been indirectly updated and a newer representation is available
namespace Nancy.LastModified
using System;
using Nancy;
public class MainModule : NancyModule
public MainModule(ICache cache, ISomeRepoOrServiceOrOtherLayerYouLove someRepoOrServiceOrOtherLayerYouLove)
Get["/{int:id}"] = x => {
return someRepoOrServiceOrOtherLayerYouLove.Get(;
Put["/{int:id}"] = x => {
var model = this.BindAndValidate<MyModel>();
return 204;
Delete["/{int:id}"] = x => {
return 204;
Before += ctx => {
return cache.Get(ctx);
After += ctx => {
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