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Last active February 3, 2024 17:34
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Using OAuth2 with Shiny
# WARNING: This sketch does not make proper use of the "state" parameter.
# Doing so usually involves using cookies, which can be done with the
# Rook package but I have not done that here. If you choose to use this
# approach in production, please check the state parameter properly!
APP_URL <- if (interactive()) {
# This might be useful for local development. If not, just hardcode APP_URL
# to the deployed URL that you'll provide a few lines below.
options(shiny.port = 8100)
} else {
# TODO: Provide the URL that will be used when deployed. This is the URL from
# the browser's/end-user's perspective.
# TODO: Provide an actual client_id, client_secret, and scope here
client_id <- "a_real_client_id"
client_secret <- "a_real_client_secret"
scope <- "photos"
has_auth_code <- function(params) {
# params is a list object containing the parsed URL parameters. Return TRUE if
# based on these parameters, it looks like auth codes are present that we can
# use to get an access token. If not, it means we need to go through the OAuth
# flow.
make_authorization_url <- function(req) {
# TODO: Implement for real
# The req object is a Rook request. This is just an environment object that
# gives you access to the request URL, HTTP headers, etc. The documentation
# for this object is here:
# Implement this function by returning the URL that we should redirect the
# user to in order to
url_template <- ""
redirect_uri <- APP_URL
state <- "something"
utils::URLencode(client_id, reserved = TRUE, repeated = TRUE),
utils::URLencode(redirect_uri, reserved = TRUE, repeated = TRUE),
utils::URLencode(state, reserved = TRUE, repeated = TRUE),
utils::URLencode(scope, reserved = TRUE, repeated = TRUE)
ui <- fluidPage(
# Your regular UI goes here, for when everything is properly auth'd
# A little-known feature of Shiny is that the UI can be a function, not just
# objects. You can use this to dynamically render the UI based on the request.
# We're going to pass this uiFunc, not ui, to shinyApp(). If you're using
# ui.R/server.R style files, that's fine too--just make this function the last
# expression in your ui.R file.
uiFunc <- function(req) {
if (!has_auth_code(parseQueryString(req$QUERY_STRING))) {
authorization_url <- make_authorization_url(req)
# This is silently redirecting the user to oauth. If you prefer, this could
# be a pretty login page with a button-link.
return(tags$script(HTML(sprintf("location.replace(\"%s\");", authorization_url))))
} else {
server <- function(input, output, session) {
params <- parseQueryString(isolate(session$clientData$url_search))
if (!has_auth_code(params)) {
code <- params$code
state <- params$state
session_state <- params$session_state
# etc.
# TODO: Get the access token or whatever. If you do this synchronously here
# then you never have to consider the case of the access token not being
# available.
#access_token <- httr::something(...)
resp <- httr::POST("",
body = list(
client_id = client_id,
scope = scope,
code = code,
redirect_uri = APP_URL,
grant_type = "authorization_code",
client_secret = client_secret
respObj <- jsonlite::fromJSON(rawToChar(resp$content))
output$code <- renderText({
paste("The code is", code)
# Note that we're using uiFunc, not ui!
shinyApp(uiFunc, server)
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sourourarbi commented Feb 18, 2018

hello i used this code in my R application but when i run my application i couldn't get the token and my page web is empty ?? can you help me please ??

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