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Created November 12, 2016 18:47
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module Main exposing (..)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.App as Html
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onInput, onClick)
import String exposing (..)
import Char
import Maybe
main =
Html.beginnerProgram { model = model, view = view, update = update }
type alias Model =
{ name : String
, password : String
, passwordAgain : String
, age : String
, validationResult : ValidationResult
type ValidationResult
= NotDone
| Error String
| ModelOk
model : Model
model =
Model "" "" "" "" NotDone
type Msg
= Name String
| Password String
| PasswordAgain String
| Age String
| Submit
update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
case msg of
Name name ->
{ model | name = name }
Password password ->
{ model | password = password }
PasswordAgain password ->
{ model | passwordAgain = password }
Age age ->
{ model | age = age }
Submit ->
{ model | validationResult = validate model }
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ input [ type' "text", placeholder "Name", onInput Name ] []
, input [ type' "text", placeholder "Age", onInput Age ] []
, input [ type' "password", placeholder "Password", onInput Password ] []
, input [ type' "password", placeholder "Re-enter Password", onInput PasswordAgain ] []
, button [ onClick Submit ] [ text "Submit" ]
, viewValidation model
viewValidation : Model -> Html msg
viewValidation model =
( color, message ) =
case model.validationResult of
NotDone ->
( "", "" )
ModelOk ->
( "green", "OK" )
Error msg ->
( "red", msg )
div [ style [ ( "color", color ) ] ] [ text message ]
validate : Model -> ValidationResult
validate model =
validations =
[ (passwordsMatch model.password model.passwordAgain)
, (passwordLongEnough model.password)
, (containsNumeric model.password)
, (containsUpcase model.password)
, (containsLower model.password)
, (isNumber model.age)
messages =
List.filterMap identity validations
valid =
List.isEmpty messages
case valid of
True ->
False ->
Error (join " " messages)
isNumber : String -> Maybe String
isNumber str =
case String.toInt str of
Ok _ ->
Err _ ->
Just "Age must be a number"
passwordsMatch : String -> String -> Maybe String
passwordsMatch str again =
case str == again of
False ->
Just "Passwords do not match!"
True ->
passwordLongEnough : String -> Maybe String
passwordLongEnough password =
case (String.length password) >= 8 of
False ->
Just "Password is not long enough!"
True ->
hasCharType : (Char -> Bool) -> String -> String -> Maybe String
hasCharType fn msg password =
case String.any fn password of
False ->
Just msg
True ->
containsNumeric =
hasCharType Char.isDigit "Must contain number!"
containsUpcase =
hasCharType Char.isUpper "Password must contain upper case letter!"
containsLower =
hasCharType Char.isLower "Password must contain lower case letter!"
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