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Created May 8, 2020 18:06
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Save jeff303/ed1401dfbbda87ee1878394c01b65032 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
StreamSets Data Collector field restructuring example
"pipelineConfig" : {
"schemaVersion" : 6,
"version" : 16,
"pipelineId" : "FieldRestructuring5b840130-fc26-4363-8e1d-b075a6db10a2",
"title" : "Field Restructuring",
"description" : "",
"uuid" : "23890b10-6da9-4de1-b7e0-a8c32bd3e679",
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"value" : "STANDALONE"
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"value" : "http://localhost:18633"
}, {
"name" : "deliveryGuarantee",
"value" : "AT_LEAST_ONCE"
}, {
"name" : "testOriginStage",
"value" : "streamsets-datacollector-dev-lib::com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_devtest_rawdata_RawDataDSource::3"
}, {
"name" : "startEventStage",
"value" : "streamsets-datacollector-basic-lib::com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_destination_devnull_ToErrorNullDTarget::1"
}, {
"name" : "stopEventStage",
"value" : "streamsets-datacollector-basic-lib::com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_destination_devnull_ToErrorNullDTarget::1"
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"value" : true
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"name" : "triggerInterval",
"value" : 2000
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"name" : "retryAttempts",
"value" : -1
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"value" : false
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"name" : "badRecordsHandling",
"value" : "streamsets-datacollector-basic-lib::com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_destination_devnull_ToErrorNullDTarget::1"
}, {
"name" : "errorRecordPolicy",
}, {
"name" : "statsAggregatorStage",
"value" : "streamsets-datacollector-basic-lib::com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_destination_devnull_StatsDpmDirectlyDTarget::1"
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"name" : "workerCount",
"value" : 0
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"value" : 2048
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"name" : "clusterSlaveJavaOpts",
"value" : "-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -Dlog4j.debug"
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"name" : "shouldCreateFailureSnapshot",
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"value" : 60
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"name" : "preprocessScript",
"value" : "/*\nThe following script define a method\nthat increments an integer by 1 \nand registers it as a UDF with \nthe SparkSession, which can be accessed\nusing the variable named \"spark\":\ndef inc(i: Integer): Integer = {\n i + 1\n}\nspark.udf.register (\"inc\", inc _)\n\n*/"
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"value" : "CLIENT"
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"value" : "/streamsets"
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"value" : ""
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"value" : "{\n \"num_workers\": 8,\n \"spark_version\": \"5.3.x-scala2.11\",\n \"node_type_id\": \"i3.xlarge\"\n}"
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"value" : false
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"value" : "https://localhost:30443/gateway/default/livy/v1/"
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"name" : "livyConfig.username",
"value" : ""
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"name" : "livyConfig.password",
"value" : ""
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"value" : null
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"value" : null
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"value" : ""
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"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.secretKey",
"value" : ""
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"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.s3StagingUri",
"value" : null
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"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.provisionNewCluster",
"value" : false
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"value" : null
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"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.terminateCluster",
"value" : false
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"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.loggingEnabled",
"value" : true
}, {
"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.s3LogUri",
"value" : null
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"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.enableEMRDebugging",
"value" : true
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"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.serviceRole",
"value" : "EMR_DefaultRole"
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"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.jobFlowRole",
"value" : "EMR_EC2_DefaultRole"
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"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.visibleToAllUsers",
"value" : true
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"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.ec2SubnetId",
"value" : null
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"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.masterSecurityGroup",
"value" : null
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"uiInfo" : {
"previewConfig" : {
"previewSource" : "CONFIGURED_SOURCE",
"batchSize" : 10,
"timeout" : 30000,
"writeToDestinations" : false,
"executeLifecycleEvents" : false,
"showHeader" : false,
"showFieldType" : true,
"rememberMe" : false
"fragments" : [ ],
"stages" : [ {
"instanceName" : "DevRawDataSource_01",
"library" : "streamsets-datacollector-dev-lib",
"stageName" : "com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_devtest_rawdata_RawDataDSource",
"stageVersion" : "3",
"configuration" : [ {
"name" : "rawData",
"value" : "{\n \"data1\": [\n {\n \"vlan\": \"195\",\n \"vlanname\": \"Subnet-54.14.195\"\n },\n {\n \"vlan\": \"195\",\n \"vlanname\": \"Subnet-54.14.193\"\n }\n ]\n}"
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"name" : "stopAfterFirstBatch",
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"name" : "eventData",
"value" : null
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"name" : "stageOnRecordError",
"value" : "TO_ERROR"
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"uiInfo" : {
"yPos" : 50,
"stageType" : "SOURCE",
"icon" : "dev.png",
"description" : "",
"label" : "Input Data",
"xPos" : 60
"inputLanes" : [ ],
"outputLanes" : [ "DevRawDataSource_01OutputLane15889586173500" ],
"eventLanes" : [ ],
"services" : [ {
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"value" : "^(\\S+) (\\S+) (\\S+) \\[([\\w:/]+\\s[+\\-]\\d{4})\\] \"(\\S+) (\\S+) (\\S+)\" (\\d{3}) (\\d+)"
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"group" : 1
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"name" : "dataFormatConfig.grokPatternDefinition",
"value" : null
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"name" : "dataFormatConfig.grokPattern",
"value" : "%{COMMONAPACHELOG}"
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"name" : "dataFormatConfig.onParseError",
"value" : "ERROR"
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"value" : 50
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"name" : "dataFormatConfig.enableLog4jCustomLogFormat",
"value" : false
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"name" : "dataFormatConfig.log4jCustomLogFormat",
"value" : "%r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n"
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"instanceName" : "FieldMapper_01",
"library" : "streamsets-datacollector-basic-lib",
"stageName" : "com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_processor_mapper_FieldMapperDProcessor",
"stageVersion" : "1",
"configuration" : [ {
"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.operateOn",
"value" : "FIELD_NAMES"
}, {
"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.conditionalExpression",
"value" : "${f:name() == 'vlan'}"
}, {
"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.mappingExpression",
"value" : "${str:concat('new_', str:concat(f:name(), '_map'))}"
}, {
"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.aggregationExpression",
"value" : ""
}, {
"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.structureChangeAllowed",
"value" : true
}, {
"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.appendListValues",
"value" : false
}, {
"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.maintainOriginalPaths",
"value" : true
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"name" : "stageOnRecordError",
"value" : "TO_ERROR"
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"name" : "stageRequiredFields",
"value" : [ ]
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"name" : "stageRecordPreconditions",
"value" : [ ]
} ],
"uiInfo" : {
"yPos" : 50,
"stageType" : "PROCESSOR",
"icon" : "iconfinder_thefreeforty_map_1243687.png",
"description" : "",
"label" : "Add vlan_map",
"xPos" : 280
"inputLanes" : [ "DevRawDataSource_01OutputLane15889586173500" ],
"outputLanes" : [ "FieldMapper_01OutputLane15889586435950" ],
"eventLanes" : [ ],
"services" : [ ]
}, {
"instanceName" : "FieldMapper_02",
"library" : "streamsets-datacollector-basic-lib",
"stageName" : "com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_processor_mapper_FieldMapperDProcessor",
"stageVersion" : "1",
"configuration" : [ {
"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.operateOn",
"value" : "FIELD_VALUES"
}, {
"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.conditionalExpression",
"value" : "${f:name() == 'new_vlan_map'}"
}, {
"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.mappingExpression",
"value" : "${emptyMap()}"
}, {
"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.aggregationExpression",
"value" : "${fields}"
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"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.structureChangeAllowed",
"value" : true
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"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.appendListValues",
"value" : false
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"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.maintainOriginalPaths",
"value" : false
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"name" : "stageOnRecordError",
"value" : "TO_ERROR"
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"name" : "stageRequiredFields",
"value" : [ ]
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"name" : "stageRecordPreconditions",
"value" : [ ]
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"uiInfo" : {
"yPos" : 50,
"stageType" : "PROCESSOR",
"icon" : "iconfinder_thefreeforty_map_1243687.png",
"description" : "",
"label" : "Change vlan_map to Map",
"xPos" : 500
"inputLanes" : [ "FieldMapper_01OutputLane15889586435950" ],
"outputLanes" : [ "FieldMapper_02OutputLane15889587787500" ],
"eventLanes" : [ ],
"services" : [ ]
}, {
"instanceName" : "FieldMapper_04",
"library" : "streamsets-datacollector-basic-lib",
"stageName" : "com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_processor_mapper_FieldMapperDProcessor",
"stageVersion" : "1",
"configuration" : [ {
"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.operateOn",
"value" : "FIELD_NAMES"
}, {
"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.conditionalExpression",
"value" : "${f:name() == 'vlan'}"
}, {
"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.mappingExpression",
"value" : "${str:concat(f:name(), 'id')}"
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"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.aggregationExpression",
"value" : "${fields}"
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"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.structureChangeAllowed",
"value" : true
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"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.appendListValues",
"value" : false
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"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.maintainOriginalPaths",
"value" : false
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"name" : "stageOnRecordError",
"value" : "TO_ERROR"
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"name" : "stageRequiredFields",
"value" : [ ]
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"name" : "stageRecordPreconditions",
"value" : [ ]
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"uiInfo" : {
"yPos" : 50,
"stageType" : "PROCESSOR",
"icon" : "iconfinder_thefreeforty_map_1243687.png",
"description" : "",
"label" : "Suffix id",
"xPos" : 720
"inputLanes" : [ "FieldMapper_02OutputLane15889587787500" ],
"outputLanes" : [ "FieldMapper_04OutputLane15889601175990" ],
"eventLanes" : [ ],
"services" : [ ]
}, {
"instanceName" : "FieldMapper_03",
"library" : "streamsets-datacollector-basic-lib",
"stageName" : "com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_processor_mapper_FieldMapperDProcessor",
"stageVersion" : "1",
"configuration" : [ {
"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.operateOn",
"value" : "FIELD_PATHS"
}, {
"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.conditionalExpression",
"value" : "${str:startsWith(f:name(), 'vlan')}"
}, {
"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.mappingExpression",
"value" : "${str:replace(f:path(), '/vlan', '/new_vlan_map/')}"
}, {
"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.aggregationExpression",
"value" : ""
}, {
"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.structureChangeAllowed",
"value" : true
}, {
"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.appendListValues",
"value" : false
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"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.maintainOriginalPaths",
"value" : false
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"name" : "stageOnRecordError",
"value" : "TO_ERROR"
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"name" : "stageRequiredFields",
"value" : [ ]
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"name" : "stageRecordPreconditions",
"value" : [ ]
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"uiInfo" : {
"yPos" : 50,
"stageType" : "PROCESSOR",
"icon" : "iconfinder_thefreeforty_map_1243687.png",
"description" : "",
"label" : "Move vlan fields into vlan_map",
"xPos" : 940
"inputLanes" : [ "FieldMapper_04OutputLane15889601175990" ],
"outputLanes" : [ "FieldMapper_03OutputLane15889588568720" ],
"eventLanes" : [ ],
"services" : [ ]
}, {
"instanceName" : "FieldMapper_05",
"library" : "streamsets-datacollector-basic-lib",
"stageName" : "com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_processor_mapper_FieldMapperDProcessor",
"stageVersion" : "1",
"configuration" : [ {
"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.operateOn",
"value" : "FIELD_NAMES"
}, {
"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.conditionalExpression",
"value" : "${f:name() == 'new_vlan_map'}"
}, {
"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.mappingExpression",
"value" : "vlan"
}, {
"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.aggregationExpression",
"value" : "${fields}"
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"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.structureChangeAllowed",
"value" : true
}, {
"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.appendListValues",
"value" : false
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"name" : "fieldMapperConfig.maintainOriginalPaths",
"value" : false
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"name" : "stageOnRecordError",
"value" : "TO_ERROR"
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"name" : "stageRequiredFields",
"value" : [ ]
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"name" : "stageRecordPreconditions",
"value" : [ ]
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"uiInfo" : {
"yPos" : 50,
"stageType" : "PROCESSOR",
"icon" : "iconfinder_thefreeforty_map_1243687.png",
"description" : "",
"label" : "Rename back to vlan",
"xPos" : 1160
"inputLanes" : [ "FieldMapper_03OutputLane15889588568720" ],
"outputLanes" : [ "FieldMapper_05OutputLane15889601773700" ],
"eventLanes" : [ ],
"services" : [ ]
}, {
"instanceName" : "Trash_01",
"library" : "streamsets-datacollector-basic-lib",
"stageName" : "com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_destination_devnull_NullDTarget",
"stageVersion" : "1",
"configuration" : [ ],
"uiInfo" : {
"yPos" : 50,
"stageType" : "TARGET",
"icon" : "trash.png",
"description" : "",
"label" : "Trash",
"xPos" : 1380
"inputLanes" : [ "FieldMapper_05OutputLane15889601773700" ],
"outputLanes" : [ ],
"eventLanes" : [ ],
"services" : [ ]
} ],
"errorStage" : {
"instanceName" : "Discard_ErrorStage",
"library" : "streamsets-datacollector-basic-lib",
"stageName" : "com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_destination_devnull_ToErrorNullDTarget",
"stageVersion" : "1",
"configuration" : [ ],
"uiInfo" : {
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"icon" : "",
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"outputLanes" : [ ],
"eventLanes" : [ ],
"services" : [ ]
"info" : {
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"title" : "Field Restructuring",
"description" : "",
"created" : 1588958611231,
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"creator" : "admin",
"lastModifier" : "admin",
"lastRev" : "0",
"uuid" : "23890b10-6da9-4de1-b7e0-a8c32bd3e679",
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"metadata" : {
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"name" : "FieldRestructuring5b840130-fc26-4363-8e1d-b075a6db10a2",
"sdcVersion" : "3.13.0",
"sdcId" : "92c115fc-9150-11ea-86cc-1d4da6ab472f"
"metadata" : {
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"library" : "streamsets-datacollector-basic-lib",
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"stageVersion" : "1",
"configuration" : [ ],
"uiInfo" : {
"stageType" : "TARGET",
"label" : "Stats Aggregator -Write Directly to Control Hub - statistics are not aggregated across Data Collectors"
"inputLanes" : [ ],
"outputLanes" : [ ],
"eventLanes" : [ ],
"services" : [ ]
"startEventStages" : [ {
"instanceName" : "Discard_StartEventStage",
"library" : "streamsets-datacollector-basic-lib",
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"stageVersion" : "1",
"configuration" : [ ],
"uiInfo" : {
"yPos" : 50,
"stageType" : "TARGET",
"icon" : "",
"description" : "",
"label" : "Start Event - Discard",
"xPos" : 280
"inputLanes" : [ ],
"outputLanes" : [ ],
"eventLanes" : [ ],
"services" : [ ]
} ],
"stopEventStages" : [ {
"instanceName" : "Discard_StopEventStage",
"library" : "streamsets-datacollector-basic-lib",
"stageName" : "com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_destination_devnull_ToErrorNullDTarget",
"stageVersion" : "1",
"configuration" : [ ],
"uiInfo" : {
"yPos" : 50,
"stageType" : "TARGET",
"icon" : "",
"description" : "",
"label" : "Stop Event - Discard",
"xPos" : 280
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"outputLanes" : [ ],
"eventLanes" : [ ],
"services" : [ ]
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"stageName" : "com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_devtest_rawdata_RawDataDSource",
"stageVersion" : "3",
"configuration" : [ {
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"value" : "{\n \"f1\": \"abc\",\n \"f2\": \"xyz\",\n \"f3\": \"lmn\"\n}"
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"value" : false
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"name" : "eventData",
"value" : null
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"name" : "stageOnRecordError",
"value" : "TO_ERROR"
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"uiInfo" : {
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"label" : "Test Origin - Dev Raw Data Source"
"inputLanes" : [ ],
"outputLanes" : [ "com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_devtest_rawdata_RawDataDSource_TestOriginStageOutputLane1" ],
"eventLanes" : [ ],
"services" : [ {
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"pipelineRules" : {
"schemaVersion" : 3,
"version" : 2,
"metricsRuleDefinitions" : [ {
"id" : "badRecordsAlertID",
"alertText" : "High incidence of Error Records",
"metricId" : "pipeline.batchErrorRecords.counter",
"metricType" : "COUNTER",
"metricElement" : "COUNTER_COUNT",
"condition" : "${value() > 100}",
"sendEmail" : false,
"enabled" : false,
"timestamp" : 1588958611278,
"valid" : true
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"id" : "stageErrorAlertID",
"alertText" : "High incidence of Stage Errors",
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"metricType" : "COUNTER",
"metricElement" : "COUNTER_COUNT",
"condition" : "${value() > 100}",
"sendEmail" : false,
"enabled" : false,
"timestamp" : 1588958611278,
"valid" : true
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"id" : "idleGaugeID",
"alertText" : "Pipeline is Idle",
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"metricType" : "GAUGE",
"condition" : "${time:now() - value() > 120000}",
"sendEmail" : false,
"enabled" : false,
"timestamp" : 1588958611278,
"valid" : true
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"id" : "batchTimeAlertID",
"alertText" : "Batch taking more time to process",
"metricId" : "RuntimeStatsGauge.gauge",
"metricType" : "GAUGE",
"metricElement" : "CURRENT_BATCH_AGE",
"condition" : "${value() > 200}",
"sendEmail" : false,
"enabled" : false,
"timestamp" : 1588958611278,
"valid" : true
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"uuid" : "71aafe13-1763-42ee-9753-1edf48008dc9",
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"value" : [ ]
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"name" : "webhookConfigs",
"value" : [ ]
} ],
"ruleIssues" : [ ],
"configIssues" : [ ]
"libraryDefinitions" : null
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