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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Take a data.frame x and convert all columns of class character that appear to be numeric into numeric
charnum2num <- function(x) {
# Purpose
# Take a data.frame x and convert all columns of class character that appear to be numeric into numeric
# x is a data.frame
# code taken from library(Hmisc) and included here to avoid the dependency <- function (x, what = c("test", "vector"), extras = c(".", "NA"))
what <- match.arg(what)
old <- options(warn = -1)
x <- sub("[[:space:]]+$", "", x)
x <- sub("^[[:space:]]+", "", x)
xs <- x[x %nin% c("", extras)]
isnum <- !any(
if (what == "test")
else if (isnum)
else x
varsnumeric <- sapply(x, function(X), extras=c(NA, ".", "NA")))
for (i in seq(varsnumeric)) {
if (varsnumeric[i]) {
x[,i] <- as.numeric(x[,i])
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