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Last active June 11, 2020 14:55
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NoMissingVariants rule
module NoMissingVariants exposing (rule)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Elm.Syntax.Declaration as Declaration exposing (Declaration)
import Elm.Syntax.Expression as Expression exposing (Expression)
import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node)
import Elm.Syntax.Type exposing (Type)
import Elm.Syntax.TypeAnnotation as TypeAnnotation exposing (TypeAnnotation)
import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Error, Rule)
import Set exposing (Set)
rule : Rule
rule =
Rule.newModuleRuleSchema "NoMissingVariants" initialContext
|> Rule.withDeclarationListVisitor declarationListVisitor
|> Rule.withDeclarationVisitor declarationVisitor
|> Rule.fromModuleRuleSchema
type alias Context =
{ customTypes : Dict String (Set String)
initialContext : Context
initialContext =
{ customTypes = Dict.empty
declarationListVisitor : List (Node Declaration) -> Context -> ( List nothing, Context )
declarationListVisitor declarations context =
-- Here we wish to find the custom types that were defined in the module, and store them in the context.
( []
, { context
| customTypes =
|> List.filterMap getCustomType
|> (\type_ -> ( Node.value, typeConstructors type_ ))
|> Dict.fromList
typeConstructors : Type -> Set String
typeConstructors type_ =
|> (Node.value >> .name >> Node.value)
|> Set.fromList
getCustomType : Node Declaration -> Maybe Type
getCustomType node =
case Node.value node of
Declaration.CustomTypeDeclaration type_ ->
Just type_
_ ->
declarationVisitor : Node Declaration -> Rule.Direction -> Context -> ( List (Error {}), Context )
declarationVisitor declaration direction context =
{- Here, we are interested in the declarations of the form
allXyz : List Xyz
allXyz = [ ... ]
case ( direction, Node.value declaration ) of
( Rule.OnEnter, Declaration.FunctionDeclaration function ) ->
functionName : Node String
functionName =
getFunctionName function
if String.startsWith "all" (Node.value functionName) then
case getTypeAnnotation function |> Maybe.andThen getListOfTypeAnnotation of
Just typeName ->
-- At this point, we established we are in the definition
-- of a definition like the one mentioned above.
case Dict.get typeName context.customTypes of
Just constructors ->
usedConstructors : Set String
usedConstructors =
|> Node.value
|> .expression
|> availableConstructors
missingConstructors : Set String
missingConstructors =
Set.diff constructors usedConstructors
if Set.isEmpty missingConstructors then
( []
, context
( [ Rule.error
{ message = "`" ++ Node.value functionName ++ "` does not contain all the type constructors for `" ++ typeName ++ "`"
, details =
[ "We expect `" ++ Node.value functionName ++ "` to contain all the type constructors for `" ++ typeName ++ "`."
, """In this case, you are missing the following constructors:
- """
++ (missingConstructors |> Set.toList |> String.join "\n - ")
(Node.range functionName)
, context
Nothing ->
( []
, context
Nothing ->
( [], context )
( [], context )
_ ->
( [], context )
availableConstructors : Node Expression -> Set String
availableConstructors expr =
case Node.value expr of
Expression.ListExpr list ->
|> List.filterMap constructorName
|> Set.fromList
_ ->
constructorName : Node Expression -> Maybe String
constructorName expr =
case Node.value expr of
Expression.FunctionOrValue [] name ->
Just name
_ ->
getFunctionName : Expression.Function -> Node String
getFunctionName function =
|> Node.value
|> .name
getTypeAnnotation : Expression.Function -> Maybe TypeAnnotation
getTypeAnnotation function =
|> (Node.value >> .typeAnnotation >> Node.value)
getListOfTypeAnnotation : TypeAnnotation -> Maybe String
getListOfTypeAnnotation typeAnnotation =
case typeAnnotation of
TypeAnnotation.Typed typeNode (parameterNode :: []) ->
case ( Node.value typeNode, Node.value parameterNode ) of
( ( [], "List" ), TypeAnnotation.Typed parameter _ ) ->
case Node.value parameter of
( [], typeName ) ->
Just typeName
_ ->
_ ->
_ ->
module NoMissingVariantsTest exposing (all)
import NoMissingVariants exposing (rule)
import Review.Test
import Test exposing (..)
all : Test
all =
describe "NoMissingVariants"
[ test "should report when a declaration named `all...` that is of type `List <CustomTypeName>` does not have all the type constructors in its value (1)" <|
\_ ->
"""module A exposing (..)
type Thing = A | B | C | D | E
allThings : List Thing
allThings = [ A, C, B ]
|> rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "`allThings` does not contain all the type constructors for `Thing`"
, details =
[ "We expect `allThings` to contain all the type constructors for `Thing`."
, """In this case, you are missing the following constructors:
- D
- E"""
, under = "allThings"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 4, column = 1 }, end = { row = 4, column = 10 } }
, test "should report when a declaration named `all...` that is of type `List <CustomTypeName>` does not have all the type constructors in its value (2)" <|
\_ ->
"""module A exposing (..)
type Shenanigan = FirstThing | SecondThing | ThirdThing
allShenanigans : List Shenanigan
allShenanigans = [ FirstThing, ThirdThing ]
|> rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "`allShenanigans` does not contain all the type constructors for `Shenanigan`"
, details =
[ "We expect `allShenanigans` to contain all the type constructors for `Shenanigan`."
, """In this case, you are missing the following constructors:
- SecondThing"""
, under = "allShenanigans"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 4, column = 1 }, end = { row = 4, column = 15 } }
, test "should report when a declaration named `all...` that is of type `List <CustomTypeName>` has all the type constructors in its value" <|
\_ ->
"""module A exposing (..)
type Thing = A | B | C | D | E
allThings : List Thing
allThings = [ A, C, B, D, E ]
|> rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report when a declaration named `all...` is a list of an unknown custom type" <|
\_ ->
"""module A exposing (..)
type Thing = A | B | C | D | E
allThings : List OtherThing
allThings = [ A, C, B ]
|> rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report when a declaration is not named `all...`" <|
\_ ->
"""module A exposing (..)
type Thing = A | B | C | D | E
someOfTheThings : List Thing
someOfTheThings = [ A, C, B ]
|> rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
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