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Created August 16, 2016 20:03
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RDS manual snapshot and restore script
# set up some variables
NOW_DATE=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M')
TARGET_INSTANCE_ID=<target name>
VPC_ID=<vpc subnet id>
NEW_MASTER_PASS=<root password>
SECURITY_GROUP_ID=<target security group id>
SNS_TOPIC_ARN=<notification sns topic arn>
# do the stuff
echo "+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+"
echo "| RDS Snapshot and Restore to Temp Instance |"
echo "+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+"
echo ""
echo "Creating manual snapshot of ${RESTORE_FROM_INSTANCE_ID}"
SNAPSHOT_ID=$( aws rds create-db-snapshot --db-snapshot-identifier $RESTORE_FROM_INSTANCE_ID-manual-$NOW_DATE --db-instance-identifier $RESTORE_FROM_INSTANCE_ID --query 'DBSnapshot.[DBSnapshotIdentifier]' --output text )
aws rds wait db-snapshot-completed --db-snapshot-identifier $SNAPSHOT_ID
echo "Finished creating new snapshot ${SNAPSHOT_ID} from ${RESTORE_FROM_INSTANCE_ID}"
echo "Checking for an existing instance with the identifier ${TARGET_INSTANCE_ID}"
EXISTING_INSTANCE=$( aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier $TARGET_INSTANCE_ID --query 'DBInstances[0].[DBInstanceIdentifier]' --output text )
echo "Nice try jackass. Exiting."
exit 1;
echo "Deleting existing instance found with identifier ${TARGET_INSTANCE_ID}"
aws rds delete-db-instance --db-instance-identifier $TARGET_INSTANCE_ID --skip-final-snapshot
aws rds wait db-instance-deleted --db-instance-identifier $TARGET_INSTANCE_ID
echo "Finished deleting ${TARGET_INSTANCE_ID}"
# we have created a new manual snapshot above
#echo "Finding latest snapshot for ${SNAPSHOT_TARGET_INSTANCE_ID}"
#SNAPSHOT_ID=$( aws rds describe-db-snapshots --db-instance-identifier $RESTORE_FROM_INSTANCE_ID --query 'DBSnapshots[-1].[DBSnapshotIdentifier]' --output text )
#echo "Snapshot found: ${SNAPSHOT_ID}"
echo "Restoring snapshot ${SNAPSHOT_ID} to a new db instance ${TARGET_INSTANCE_ID}..."
aws rds restore-db-instance-from-db-snapshot \
--db-instance-identifier $TARGET_INSTANCE_ID \
--db-snapshot-identifier $SNAPSHOT_ID \
--db-instance-class $TARGET_INSTANCE_CLASS \
--db-subnet-group-name $VPC_ID \
--no-multi-az \
--publicly-accessible \
while [ "${exit_status}" != "0" ]
echo "Waiting for ${TARGET_INSTANCE_ID} to enter 'available' state..."
aws rds wait db-instance-available --db-instance-identifier $TARGET_INSTANCE_ID
INSTANCE_STATUS=$( aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier $TARGET_INSTANCE_ID --query 'DBInstances[0].[DBInstanceStatus]' --output text )
echo "${TARGET_INSTANCE_ID} instance state is: ${INSTANCE_STATUS}"
echo "Finished creating instance ${TARGET_INSTANCE_ID} from snapshot ${SNAPSHOT_ID}"
echo "Updating instance ${TARGET_INSTANCE_ID} backup retention period to 0"
aws rds modify-db-instance \
--db-instance-identifier $TARGET_INSTANCE_ID \
--master-user-password $NEW_MASTER_PASS \
--vpc-security-group-ids $SECURITY_GROUP_ID \
--backup-retention-period 0 \
aws rds wait db-instance-available --db-instance-identifier $TARGET_INSTANCE_ID
echo "Finished updating ${TARGET_INSTANCE_ID}"
echo "SUCCESS: Operation complete. Created instance ${TARGET_INSTANCE_ID} from snapshot ${SNAPSHOT_ID}"
aws sns publish --topic-arn $SNS_TOPIC_ARN \
--subject "RDS Snapshot and Restore" \
--message "Successfully created instance ${TARGET_INSTANCE_ID} from snapshot ${SNAPSHOT_ID}"
exit 0
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Just in case your DB is heavy and is taking too long to get ready and wait command fails on first attempt, then we can put it in a loop, and break whenever it is ready

while true
    echo "Going to run aws command to wait for instance"
    aws rds wait db-instance-available --db-instance-identifier $TARGET_INSTANCE_ID --region us-west-2
    if echo $? == 0; then
        echo "aws command was successful"

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vazhnov commented May 5, 2020

@jfriv, thank you!
Please rename variable VPC_ID to something like DBSubnetGroup.

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krtschmr commented Jul 8, 2021


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