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UICollectionViewFlowLayout with arbitrary sized Paging
#import "UICollectionViewFlowLayoutCenterItem.h"
@implementation UICollectionViewFlowLayoutCenterItem
- (CGPoint)targetContentOffsetForProposedContentOffset:(CGPoint)proposedContentOffset withScrollingVelocity:(CGPoint)velocity
CGSize collectionViewSize = self.collectionView.bounds.size;
CGFloat proposedContentOffsetCenterX = proposedContentOffset.x + self.collectionView.bounds.size.width * 0.5f;
CGRect proposedRect = self.collectionView.bounds;
// Comment out if you want the collectionview simply stop at the center of an item while scrolling freely
// proposedRect = CGRectMake(proposedContentOffset.x, 0.0, collectionViewSize.width, collectionViewSize.height);
UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes* candidateAttributes;
for (UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes* attributes in [self layoutAttributesForElementsInRect:proposedRect])
// == Skip comparison with non-cell items (headers and footers) == //
if (attributes.representedElementCategory != UICollectionElementCategoryCell)
// == First time in the loop == //
candidateAttributes = attributes;
if (fabsf( - proposedContentOffsetCenterX) < fabsf( - proposedContentOffsetCenterX))
candidateAttributes = attributes;
return CGPointMake( - self.collectionView.bounds.size.width * 0.5f, proposedContentOffset.y);
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