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Created March 27, 2015 20:10
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gulpfile for laravel angular bower build
var elixir = require('laravel-elixir');
var paths = {
'bower': './vendor/bower_components/'
var paths = {
'fonts': 'resources/assets/fonts/',
'img': 'resources/assets/img/',
'svg': 'resources/assets/svg',
'sass': 'resources/assets/sass/',
'js': 'resources/assets/js/',
'angular_assets': 'resources/assets/js/angular/',
'bootstrap': paths.bower + 'bootstrap-sass-official/assets/',
'angular': paths.bower + "angular/",
'angular_resource': paths.bower + "angular-resource/",
'angular_route': paths.bower + "angular-route/",
'angular_animate': paths.bower + "angular-animate/",
'angular_touch': paths.bower + "angular-touch/",
'angular_sanitize': paths.bower + "angular-sanitize/",
'angular_cookies': paths.bower + "angular-cookies/",
'dist': 'public/',
'dist_fonts': 'public/fonts/',
'dist_img': 'public/img/',
'dist_svg': 'public/svg/',
'dist_css': 'public/css/',
'dist_js': 'public/js/'
| Elixir Asset Management
| Elixir provides a clean, fluent API for defining some basic Gulp tasks
| for your Laravel application. By default, we are compiling the Less
| file for our application, as well as publishing vendor resources.
| A note on Bootstrap: source files via bower copy to assets/sass/bootstrap
| keep an updated manifest file sass/app.scss which calls the resources
| from the assets/sass/bootstrap folder (not the bower one). Sprinkle
| in custom scss files and variable over rides within any order of
| the manifest.
elixir(function (mix) {
// Styles
// App + Bootstrap
// Scripts
// App
.scriptsIn(paths.angular_assets, paths.dist_js + "appng.js")
// Third-party
paths.angular + "angular.min.js",
paths.angular_resource + "angular-resource.min.js",
paths.angular_route + "angular-route.min.js"
//paths.angular_animate + "angular-animate.min.js",
//paths.angular_touch + "angular-touch.min.js",
//paths.angular_sanitize + "angular-sanitize.min.js",
//paths.angular_cookies + "angular-cookies.min.js"
], paths.dist_js + "vendor.js", "./");
// Copy
.copy(paths.bootstrap + 'stylesheets/bootstrap/', paths.sass + 'bootstrap/')
.copy(paths.bootstrap + 'fonts/bootstrap/', paths.dist_fonts)
.copy(paths.fonts, paths.dist_fonts)
.copy(paths.img, paths.dist_img);
// Versioning
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