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Last active October 13, 2015 05:57
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First attempt at Conway's Game of Life in CoffeeScript.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-GB">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<title>Conway's Game of Life - CoffeeScript</title>
body { margin:0; padding:0; background:#EEE; }
canvas { background:#FFF; }
#stats { position:absolute; top:1%; left:0.5%; border:1px dashed #CCC; padding:1em; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); }
<canvas id="game"></canvas>
<div id="stats">
<div>Generation: <span id="generation">0</span></div>
<div>Living cells: <span id="living">0</span></div>
<script type="text/coffeescript">
class GameOfLife
__cells: []
__context = null
__cell_size = 0
__rows: 0
__columns: 0
__generation: 1
constructor: (@__cells, @__context, @__cell_size) ->
@__rows = @__cells.length
@__columns = @__cells[0].length
# Get the number of living cells.
# @visibility public
# @return integer
getLiving: ->
total = 0
total += (cell for cell in column when cell).length for column in @__cells
return total
# @visibility public
# @return integer
getGeneration: ->
return @__generation
# Update cells.
# @visibility public
update: ->
@__cells = (@__updateRow row, x for row, x in @__cells)
# Update each cell in the given row.
# @visibility private
__updateRow: (row, x) ->
(@__updateCell cell, x, y for cell, y in row)
# @visibility private
# @return boolean
__updateCell: (cell, x, y) ->
neighbours = []
neighbours.push @__cells[x - 1]?[y - 1]? and @__cells[x - 1][y - 1]
neighbours.push @__cells[x][y - 1]? and @__cells[x][y - 1]
neighbours.push @__cells[x + 1]?[y - 1]? and @__cells[x + 1][y - 1]
neighbours.push @__cells[x - 1]?[y] and @__cells[x - 1][y]
neighbours.push @__cells[x + 1]?[y] and @__cells[x + 1][y]
neighbours.push @__cells[x - 1]?[y + 1]? and @__cells[x - 1][y + 1]
neighbours.push @__cells[x][y + 1]? and @__cells[x][y + 1]
neighbours.push @__cells[x + 1]?[y + 1]? and @__cells[x + 1][y + 1]
#neighbours2 = ((cell for cell, j in row when y - 2 < j < y + 2) for row, i in @__cells when x - 2 < i < x + 2)
#console.log neighbours2
alive_neighbours = (neighbour for neighbour in neighbours when neighbour)
#console.log alive_neighbours
(not cell and alive_neighbours.length is 3) or (cell and 1 < alive_neighbours.length < 4)
# Clear all cells and draw living cells
# @visibility public
draw: ->
@__context.clearRect 0, 0, @__rows * @__cell_size, @__columns * @__cell_size
@__drawRow row, y for row, y in @__cells
# @visibility private
__drawRow: (row, y) ->
@__drawCell x, y for cell, x in @__cells when @__cells[x][y]
# Draw a cell to the canvas context at the given position.
# @visibility private
__drawCell: (x, y) ->
#x = x * cell_size
#y = y * cell_size
#@__context.fillRect x, y, @__cell_size, @__cell_size
@__context.fillRect x * cell_size, y * cell_size, @__cell_size, @__cell_size
# Game settings
cell_size = 20
columns = 50
#columns = Math.floor document.documentElement.clientWidth / cell_size
rows = 30
#rows = Math.floor document.documentElement.clientHeight / cell_size
# Populate cells array
cells = ((Math.random() > 0.8 for i in [1..rows]) for i in [1..columns])
#console.log cells
canvas = document.getElementById "game"
canvas.width = columns * cell_size
canvas.height = rows * cell_size
context = canvas.getContext "2d"
generation = document.getElementById "generation"
living = document.getElementById "living"
game = new GameOfLife cells, context, cell_size
generation.textContent = game.getGeneration()
living.textContent = game.getLiving()
# Run the game
int = @setInterval () ->
# Draw some stats
generation.textContent = game.getGeneration()
living.textContent = game.getLiving()
, 500
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
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