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Created May 14, 2013 19:00
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var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
db = mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/test');
var blogSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
group: String,
writing: [{
post: String,
name : Number
var Blog = mongoose.model('Blog', blogSchema);
var blogData = {
group: "Design Writing",
writing: [{
post: "A very very very short post." + Math.random(),
name: 10
}, {
_id: new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),
post: "An early morning post about everything.",
name: 11
var postObject = blogData.writing[0],
postObjectWithId = blogData.writing[1];
Blog.create(blogData, function(err){
console.log(err ? err : 'Blog saved successfully!');
// Example #1 Works!
.exec(function(err, res){ onBlogResult("Ex#1", err, res) });
// Example #2 Works!
.exec(function(err, res){ onBlogResult("Ex#2", err, res) });
// Example #3 Works - its the same as example #2!
Blog.find({'writing': { $in: [ postObjectWithId ]}})
.exec(function(err, res){ onBlogResult("Ex#3", err, res) });
// Example #4 Fails because of missing _id on postObject!
Blog.find({'writing': { $in: [ postObject ]}})
.exec(function(err, res){ onBlogResult("Ex#4", err, res) });
function onBlogResult(ex, err, result){
if(err || result.length == 0)
return console.log(ex, " - No matching document or Error");
console.log(ex, " - Found blog: ", result);
Blog saved successfully!
Ex#1 - Found blog: [ { group: 'Design Writing',
_id: 519288e1ceba8bc97e000003,
__v: 0,
[ { post: 'A very very very short post.0.8866961947642267',
name: 10,
_id: 519288e1ceba8bc97e000004 },
{ _id: 519288e1ceba8bc97e000002,
post: 'An early morning post about everything.',
name: 11 } ] } ]
Ex#2 - Found blog: [ { group: 'Design Writing',
_id: 519288e1ceba8bc97e000003,
__v: 0,
[ { post: 'A very very very short post.0.8866961947642267',
name: 10,
_id: 519288e1ceba8bc97e000004 },
{ _id: 519288e1ceba8bc97e000002,
post: 'An early morning post about everything.',
name: 11 } ] } ]
Ex#3 - Found blog: [ { group: 'Design Writing',
_id: 519288e1ceba8bc97e000003,
__v: 0,
[ { post: 'A very very very short post.0.8866961947642267',
name: 10,
_id: 519288e1ceba8bc97e000004 },
{ _id: 519288e1ceba8bc97e000002,
post: 'An early morning post about everything.',
name: 11 } ] } ]
Ex#4 - No matching document or Error
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