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Created May 20, 2011 09:48
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Save joelambert/982648 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
flux.transitions.tiles3d = function(fluxslider, opts) {
return new flux.transition(fluxslider, $.extend({
requires3d: true,
tileWidth: 180,
perspective: 600,
setup: function() {
var blockCountX = Math.floor(this.slider.image1.width() / this.options.tileWidth) + 1;
var blockCountY = Math.floor(this.slider.image1.height() / this.options.tileWidth) + 1;
// Adjust the tileWidth so that we can fit inside the available space
this.options.tileWidth = Math.floor(this.slider.image1.width() / blockCountX);
// Work out how much space remains with the adjusted tileWidth
var remainderX = this.slider.image1.width() - (blockCountX * this.options.tileWidth),
addPerLoopX = Math.ceil(remainderX / blockCountX),
remainderY = this.slider.image1.height() - (blockCountY * this.options.tileWidth),
addPerLoopY = Math.ceil(remainderY / blockCountY);
var delayBetweenBarsX = 200,
delayBetweenBarsY = 150;
var height = this.slider.image1.height();
var totalLeft = 0;
var docFrag = $('<div></div>');
for(var i=0; i<blockCountX; i++) {
var totalTop = 0;
var thisTileWidth = this.options.tileWidth;
if(remainderX > 0)
var addX = remainderX >= addPerLoopX ? addPerLoopX : remainderX;
thisTileWidth += addX;
remainderX -= addX;
for(var j=0; j<blockCountY; j++)
var thisTileHeight = this.options.tileWidth;
var remainderY2 = remainderY;
if(remainderY2 > 0)
var addY = remainderY2 >= addPerLoopY ? addPerLoopY : remainderY2;
thisTileHeight += addY;
remainderY2 -= addY;
var tile = $('<div class="tile tile-'+i+'-'+j+'"></div>').css({
width: thisTileWidth+'px',
height: thisTileHeight+'px',
position: 'absolute',
top: '0px',
left: '0px',
'z-index': 200,
'background-image': this.slider.image1.css('background-image'),
'background-position': '-'+totalLeft+'px -'+totalTop+'px',
'background-repeat': 'no-repeat'
'backface-visibility': 'hidden'
var tile2 = $(tile.get(0).cloneNode(false)).css({
'background-image': this.slider.image2.css('background-image'),
'z-index': 190
'transform': flux.browser.rotateY(180)
var tileContainer = $('<div class="tilecontainer"></div>').css({
width: thisTileWidth+'px',
height: thisTileHeight+'px',
position: 'absolute',
top: totalTop+'px',
left: totalLeft+'px',
'z-index': (i > blockCountX/2 ? 500-i : 500) + (j > blockCountY/2 ? 500-j : 500) // Fix for Chrome to ensure that the z-index layering is correct!
'transition-duration': '800ms',
'transition-timing-function': 'ease-out',
'transition-property': 'all',
'transition-delay': (i*delayBetweenBarsX+j*delayBetweenBarsY)+'ms',
'transform-style': 'preserve-3d'
totalTop += thisTileHeight;
totalLeft += thisTileWidth;
'perspective': this.options.perspective,
'perspective-origin': '50% 50%'
execute: function() {
var _this = this;
var tiles = this.slider.image1.find('div.tilecontainer');
// Get notified when the last transition has completed
'transform': flux.browser.rotateY(180)
}, opts));
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