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Joe Sepi joesepi

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IBM Quicklabs @ Node + JS Interactive 2019 SETUP

Laptop needs admin access and needs a password. If there is admin access and no password, create a new user with a password and admin privileges. It's also best to add the password to the screensaver.

  1. Install Homebrew - /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Create .profile: touch ~/.profile
  3. Install nvm - curl -o- | bash
  4. Source new .profile - source .profile
joesepi /
Last active November 10, 2019 23:56
Create REST APIs in minutes with LoopBack 4

LoopBack is a Node.js API framework that enables you to create APIs quickly that interact with backend resources like databases and services.

LoopBack 4, the next generation of LoopBack, includes:

  • A brand new core rewritten in TypeScript that makes this framework simpler to use and easier to extend than ever
  • Support for OpenAPI for comprehensive bottom-up and top-down REST API experience
  • Enablement of instant GraphQL endpoints from REST APIs

In this lab, you will create a todo-list application that tracks to-do items using an in-memory database. You will experience how you can create REST APIs with just 5 steps:

joesepi /
Last active December 11, 2019 01:06
IBM Quicklabs @ Node + JS Interactive 2019

IBM Quicklabs @ Node + JS Interactive 2019

Welcome to the IBM Booth at Node + JS Interactive 2019!

Get cloud-native with Kabanero and Appsody

Infused with cloud native capabilities from the moment you start, Kabanero and Appsody provide everything you need to iteratively develop applications, ready for deployment to Kubernetes environments and empowered with sharable technology stacks, configurable and controllable through a central hub.

Kabanero and Appsody Quicklab

Create REST APIs in minutes with LoopBack 4

module.exports = {
config: {
// customizations
scrollback: 40000,
// default font size in pixels for all tabs
fontSize: 12,
// font family with optional fallbacks
// fontFamily: '"Plex Mono", Menlo, "DejaVu Sans Mono", Consolas, "Lucida Console", monospace',
joesepi /
Created January 8, 2018 23:06
NYC/DEV Serverless event - January 8

NYC/DEV Serverless event - January 8

Let's work through what Serverless is, why you would want to use it, how it works and how to get started. We'll spend some time with a few example use cases to flesh out some implementations so you can feel confident building out your own serverless applications.

Sign up for Free IBM Cloud account, tied to this event:

Download Cloud CLI and Cloud Functions plugin

joesepi /
Last active January 8, 2018 23:56
My Daily Ephemeral ToDo List

eh, forget it.

joesepi / Converting m4a to
Last active April 27, 2018 08:12
Ways to convert m4a to mp3 on Mac/Unix

Add this to your .profile (or whatever)

# convert files in directory from m4a to mp3
function m4a() {
  find . -iname '*.m4a' -exec bash -c 'ffmpeg -i "$1" "${1/m4a/mp3}"' -- {} \;

To setup a Service (contextual menu), create an Automator 'Workflow'

joesepi /
Last active June 6, 2017 21:08
Building Serverless Applications on the Apache OpenWhisk Platform

Building Serverless Applications on the Apache OpenWhisk Platform


Apache OpenWhisk on IBM Bluemix provides a powerful and flexible environment for deploying cloud-native applications driven by data, message, and API call events. Learn why serverless architectures are attractive for many emerging cloud workloads and when you should consider OpenWhisk for your next project. Then get started on Bluemix with three sample applications covering how the OpenWhisk programming model enables you both to implement REST APIs and process non-HTTP events at scale.

Speaker Bio:

Joe Sepi, Lead Developer Evangelist, IBM Strongloop, is passionate about advancing the web forward through open source technologies and open communities. He has held engineering leadership positions at companies such as The New York Times, Adobe, Credit Suisse and Sears but he enjoys interacting with people as much as code and is now the Lead Developer Evangelist for the StrongLoop Team at IBM.

joesepi /
Last active May 8, 2017 18:26
Instructions on contributing content to a Jekyll based Github Pages hosted blog

Instructions on contributing content to a Jekyll based Github Pages hosted blog

How to get setup

If you don't already have Jekyll, run: gem install jekyll

If you don't already have Bundler, run: gem install bundler

If you don't already have the site locally, fork and clone.