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Created December 29, 2023 01:05
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using MelonLoader;
using UnityEngine;
using HarmonyLib;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using UnityEngine.Analytics;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using Il2CppConcertXR;
namespace TestMod{
[HarmonyPatch("LoadScene", new Type[] { typeof(string) })]
class PatchSceneManagerLoadScene
static void Prefix(string sceneName)
Debug.Log($"Loading scene: {sceneName}");
[HarmonyPatch("CustomEvent", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(object) })]
class PatchAnalyticsCustomEvent
static void Prefix(string eventName, object eventData)
Debug.Log($"Analytics event: {eventName}, Data: {eventData}");
[HarmonyPatch("GetKeyDown", new Type[] { typeof(KeyCode) })]
public class InputGetKeyDownPatch
static void Prefix(KeyCode key)
MelonLogger.Msg($"Key Down Detected: {key}");
/* [HarmonyPatch(typeof(System.Net.Dns))]
public class DnsGetHostAddressesPatch
static void Prefix(string hostNameOrAddress)
MelonLogger.Msg($"Resolving domain name to IP addresses: {hostNameOrAddress}");
[HarmonyPatch("Send", new Type[] { typeof(byte[]), typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags) })]
public class SocketSendPatch
static void Prefix(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size, System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags socketFlags)
// Convert the first few bytes of the buffer to a readable format (e.g., for logging)
string dataPreview = BitConverter.ToString(buffer, offset, Math.Min(size, 16));
MelonLogger.Msg($"Socket sending data (first 16 bytes): {dataPreview} with flags {socketFlags}");
public class HttpWebRequestGetResponsePatch
static void Prefix(System.Net.HttpWebRequest __instance)
// Log the request URL and method
MelonLogger.Msg($"Getting response for HTTP request to {__instance.RequestUri} with method {__instance.Method}");
public class JsonPatches
// Patching the non-generic wrapper of FromJson<T>
[HarmonyPatch("FromJson", new[] { typeof(string), typeof(System.Type) })]
public static bool FromJsonPrefix(string json, System.Type type)
MelonLogger.Msg($"Deserializing JSON to {type.Name}: {json}");
// Return true to continue with the original method
return true;
// Patching the ToJson method
[HarmonyPatch("ToJson", new[] { typeof(object), typeof(bool) })]
public static bool ToJsonPrefix(object obj, bool prettyPrint)
string jsonRepresentation = JsonUtility.ToJson(obj, prettyPrint);
MelonLogger.Msg($"Serializing object of type {obj.GetType().Name} to JSON: {jsonRepresentation}");
// Return true to continue with the original method
return true;
public class AppLauncherPatches
[HarmonyPatch("Start"), HarmonyPostfix]
public static void StartPostfix()
MelonLogger.Msg("Start method called in AppLauncher");
[HarmonyPatch("StopShowingSlidingScreen"), HarmonyPostfix]
public static void StopShowingSlidingScreenPostfix()
MelonLogger.Msg("StopShowingSlidingScreen method called in AppLauncher");
public class DownloadHandlerReceiveDataPatch
static void Prefix(DownloadHandler __instance)
// Log the data received (be mindful of logging sensitive data)
byte[] data =;
MelonLogger.Msg("Received data of length: " + data.Length);
[HarmonyPatch("get_text")] // Assuming get_text is used immediately after the WWW object is created
public class WWWGetTextPatch
static void Prefix(WWW __instance)
// Log the URL and other data at the point of use
MelonLogger.Msg($"WWW request to {__instance.url}");
// Add more logging as needed
[HarmonyPatch("SendWebRequest")] // Target the SendWebRequest method of UnityWebRequest
public class UnityWebRequestPatch
static void Prefix(UnityWebRequest __instance)
// This is a prefix patch, which means it runs before the method it's patching.
// Log the request details
MelonLogger.Msg($"Sending request to {__instance.url}");
if (__instance.uploadHandler != null)
MelonLogger.Msg($"Data being sent: {}");
// Add more logging or manipulation as needed
/* [HarmonyPatch(typeof(System.Net.ServicePointManager))]
public class ServicePointManagerPatch
static void Postfix(ref System.Net.Security.RemoteCertificateValidationCallback __result)
// Store the original validation callback
var originalCallback = __result;
// Define a new callback that wraps the original one
System.Net.Security.RemoteCertificateValidationCallback newCallback =
(sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) =>
MelonLogger.Msg("Inspecting SSL/TLS certificate");
// Add your inspection logic here
// Call the original callback
return originalCallback(sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors);
// Replace the callback with the new one
__result = newCallback;
public static class BuildInfo
public const string Name = "TestMod"; // Name of the Mod. (MUST BE SET)
public const string Description = "Mod for Testing"; // Description for the Mod. (Set as null if none)
public const string Author = "TestAuthor"; // Author of the Mod. (MUST BE SET)
public const string Company = null; // Company that made the Mod. (Set as null if none)
public const string Version = "1.0.0"; // Version of the Mod. (MUST BE SET)
public const string DownloadLink = null; // Download Link for the Mod. (Set as null if none)
public class TestMod : MelonMod
public override void OnInitializeMelon()
var harmony = new HarmonyLib.Harmony("com.yourname.modname");
harmony.PatchAll(); // This applies all [HarmonyPatch] attributed classes/methods
MelonLogger.Msg("Patches applied!");
public override void OnLateInitializeMelon() // Runs after OnApplicationStart.
public override void OnSceneWasLoaded(int buildindex, string sceneName) // Runs when a Scene has Loaded and is passed the Scene's Build Index and Name.
MelonLogger.Msg("OnSceneWasLoaded: " + buildindex.ToString() + " | " + sceneName);
public override void OnSceneWasInitialized(int buildindex, string sceneName) // Runs when a Scene has Initialized and is passed the Scene's Build Index and Name.
MelonLogger.Msg("OnSceneWasInitialized: " + buildindex.ToString() + " | " + sceneName);
public override void OnSceneWasUnloaded(int buildIndex, string sceneName)
MelonLogger.Msg("OnSceneWasUnloaded: " + buildIndex.ToString() + " | " + sceneName);
public override void OnApplicationQuit() // Runs when the Game is told to Close.
public override void OnPreferencesSaved() // Runs when Melon Preferences get saved.
public override void OnPreferencesLoaded() // Runs when Melon Preferences get loaded.
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