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Last active January 14, 2024 10:24
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<schedule xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<version>2024-01-14 00:15</version>
<title>37th Chaos Communication Congress</title>
<track color="#0084b0" name="Sustainability &amp; Climate Justice" slug="sustainability"/>
<track color="#44357e" name="Hardware &amp; Making" slug="hardware-making"/>
<track color="#f9b000" name="Art &amp; Beauty" slug="art-beauty"/>
<track color="#e40429" name="Ethics, Politics &amp; Society" slug="ethics-politics-society"/>
<track color="#ffa500" name="CCC" slug="ccc"/>
<track color="#4d4d4c" name="Entertainment" slug="entertainment"/>
<track color="#00a356" name="Science" slug="science"/>
<track color="#18386b" name="Security" slug="security"/>
<day date="2023-12-27" end="2023-12-28T06:00:00+01:00" index="1" start="2023-12-27T07:30:00+00:00">
<room guid="ba692ba3-421b-5371-8309-60acc34a3c05" name="Saal 1">
<event guid="fddf9aa7-4952-497e-b706-2e802deef3cc" id="12338">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>37C3: Feierliche Eröffnung</title>
<abstract>Achievement unlocked! Der 37C3 öffnet seine Pforten und heißt das Publikum herzlich willkommen. Von erfahrenen Zeremonienmeistern wird Euch hier der notwendige Schwung verpasst, geschmeidig durch den Congress zu gleiten und die Vorfreude zu atmen, die das gesamte Team seit Monaten auf die Veranstaltung im Herzen trägt.</abstract>
<person guid="a51ee48a-4185-58b4-a664-da02a3caa3ca">Mullana</person>
<person guid="115b12b8-7138-4150-87cc-5505a1ffb893">kattaschs</person>
<person guid="1bd471d8-7097-4f07-b121-c55b41af2171">derPUPE</person>
<event guid="56a39219-32bf-41c3-969b-cd158d43d7f1" id="12345">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Scholz greift durch: Die AfD wird verboten - Deepfakes auch!</title>
<subtitle>Das Zentrum für politische Schönheit und der Flyerservice Hahn nehmen euch mit hinter die Kulissen der aktuellen Aktion.</subtitle>
<track>Ethics, Politics &amp; Society</track>
<abstract>Endlich wieder zuhause - endlich wieder in CCH! Wenn das ZPS so etwas wie ein Zuhause hat, dann ist es auf jeden Fall der CCC-Kongress. Natürlich haben wir eine neue Aktion im Gepäck und laden Euch zu einem spannenden Blick hinter die Kulissen ein.</abstract>
<description>Eine der Hauptrollen spielt diesmal niemand geringeres als unser Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz, der jetzt ernsthaft den einzigen Kunden des Flyerservice Hahn verbieten will.
Nur eins findet er noch schlimmer als die AfD: &quot;Deepfakes&quot;!!!!einseins.
Hier und heute erfahrt ihr von uns alles zur besten Rede, die Olaf Scholz nie gehalten hat.
Und es kommt noch dicker: Ihr seht den von der Bundesrepublik Deutschland verbotenen &quot;Director's Cut.&quot; mit dem sich bald Gerichte beschäftigen.
Taucht mit uns tief in die schmutzigen, rechtsextremen Geheimnisse ein, die uns AfD-Anhänger höchstpersönlich übermittelt haben.
Trigger-Warnung: Das könnte Lustig werden!</description>
<person guid="062a3282-7689-5ff8-81f7-8282457f960c">Philipp Ruch</person>
<person guid="2b041199-4864-54d1-9777-fecfe039c507">Stefan Pelzer</person>
<event guid="a06319d5-f4a6-4efa-8255-dff6317e9632" id="12074">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Apple's iPhone 15: Under the C</title>
<subtitle>Hardware hacking tooling for the new iPhone generation</subtitle>
<abstract>Hardware hacking tooling for the new iPhone generation
If you've followed the iPhone hacking scene you probably heard about cables such as the Kanzi Cable, Kong Cable, Bonobo Cable, and so on: Special cables that allow access to hardware debugging features on Lightning-based iPhones such as UART and JTAG. However with the iPhone 15, all of those tools became basically useless: USB-C is here, and with that we need new hardware and software tooling.
This talk gives you a brief history of iPhone hardware hacking through the Lightning port, and then looks at the new iPhone 15, and how - using vendor defined messages, modifying existing tooling like the Central Scrutinizer, and a bit of hardware hacking - we managed to get access to the (unfortunately locked on production devices) JTAG interface exposed on the USB-C port on the new iPhone 15.
And how you can do it using open-source tooling too.</abstract>
<description>The iPhone's Lightning connector was a proprietary beast with a lot of hidden features: By sending custom SDQ commands there, it was possible to get it to expose hardware debugging features such as JTAG and UART. For a long time, this was only easily possible using either gray and black-market cables such as the Kanzi-Cable, or proprietary tools such as the Bonobo Cable. Last year, we released an open-source tool to get access to the iPhone debugging features called the Tamarin Cable - finally allowing anyone to get JTAG and UART on the iPhone for just a couple of $ in parts.
But then the iPhone 15 came along, and with that USB-C: All previous hardware and software tooling basically became useless, but that did not stop us from trying: We knew from the Apple Silicon macs and the work of t8012-team and the AsahiLinux project that Apple uses USB-C's VDM feature - Vendor Defined Messages - to allow access to features such as the UART console, and so chances were high that we could use something similar to get access to the hardware debugging features on the iPhone 15.
So we pre-ordered the iPhone 15, a couple of PCBs, a case of Club Mate and got started: And less than 48 hours after the launch we got JTAG working on the iPhone 15.
In this talk we will start by looking at the history of iPhone and Lightning hardware hacking, and then look at how USB-C is used for debugging on Apple Silicon devices, and what we had to do to get JTAG on the iPhone 15.
We will also use this talk to release the new version of the open-source Tamarin Cable firmware: Tamarin-C. A fully integrated, open-source debugging probe for the iPhone 15 and other Apple Silicon devices. Tamarin-C is also able to give access to a DFU mode that you can't access without sending VDMs.
Note: This talk will not contain any 0days or previously unknown vulnerabilities. Production iPhones are locked, and so while we get access to some of the device's busses we can't for example access the CPU core.
This talk is about building tooling for future work.</description>
<person guid="bab5293f-69e4-5f76-9b01-8e00d58ea4b7">stacksmashing</person>
<link href="">Video: Getting JTAG on the iPhone 15</link>
<link href="">Tamarin Firmware (For Lightning-based iPhones)</link>
<link href="">The Hitchhacker’s Guide to iPhone Lightning and JTAG Hacking</link>
<link href="">Central Scrutinizer</link>
<link href="">Asahi Linux USB-PD</link>
<event guid="689e3b8e-da4f-40b7-8ed8-ecea17c3cfd1" id="11870">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Hacking the Climate</title>
<subtitle>Mit Climate Engineering raus aus der Klimakrise?</subtitle>
<abstract>Die Klimakrise eskaliert, 2023 wird voraussichtlich das wärmste Jahr seit Aufzeichnung gewesen sein, und es brennt und brennt und brennt. Während das verbleibende CO2-Budget zur Einhaltung der 2°C-Grenze schneller als je zuvor schrumpft, wird der Ruf nach einfachen, technologischen Lösungen laut. Eine globale Abkühlung des Klimas durch Climate Engineering wird von der Politik gerne als Universallösung angepriesen. Aber können wir das CO2, das wir ausstoßen, so einfach aus der Luft saugen und mit „negativen Emissionen“ das Klima retten? Dr. Maria-Elena Vorrath forscht an der Universität Hamburg an Gesteinsverwitterung und Pflanzenkohle, zwei Methoden, die CO2 aus der Atmosphäre entziehen, und klärt in ihrem Vortrag über negative Emissionen, ihr globales Potential und den aktuellen Forschungsstand auf. Und es gibt Memes.</abstract>
<description>Climate Engineering ist das menschliche Eingreifen mittels großskaliger Technologien, um das globale Klimasystem zu beeinflussen. Dank Hollywoodfilmen und gefährlichem Halbwissen kennen wir diverse Untergangsszenarien zu dem Thema, wissen aber kaum wie Fotosynthese und Gesteinsverwitterung uns Menschen zum Erreichen unserer Klimaziele weiterhelfen können. Dass Steine CO2 aus der Luft holen und Jahrmillionen speichern können, ist für die allermeisten Menschen neu. In meinem Vortrag möchte ich aufklären, warum CO2 Entnahme aus der Atmosphäre (Negative Emissionen) ein wichtiger Baustein der Netto-Null Klimastrategie sind und in welchen Formen diese umgesetzt werden kann. Neben der biologischen und geochemischen CO2-Entnahme durch Fotosynthese und Gesteinsverwitterung, gibt es noch elektrochemische Methoden, um CO2 direkt aus der Luft oder indirekt über das Meer zu entnehmen. Ich berichte außerdem aus meiner aktuellen Forschung in der ich Gesteinsmehl und Pflanzenkohle als Bodenverbesserer und zur CO2-Entnahme in der Landwirtschaft erforsche.</description>
<person guid="69eaf97b-36cc-58a5-9d62-7c84f0b69dbe">Maria-Elena Vorrath</person>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/420/original/Hacking_the_climate_4_PDF.pdf?1703685077">Hacking the Climate</attachment>
<event guid="1e0deaac-3c87-4eb1-9a6b-75ce321fede0" id="12004">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Please Identify Yourself!</title>
<subtitle>Digital Identity Systems in the EU &amp; around the world</subtitle>
<track>Ethics, Politics &amp; Society</track>
<abstract>Digital Identity Systems proliferate worldwide without any regard for their human rights impact or privacy concerns. Driven by governments and the crony capitalist solutionism peddled by the private sector, official statistics estimate that 80 % of the world’s population is condemned to use them by the end of this decade. These identification systems are a frontal attack on anonymity in the online world, might lead to completely new forms of tracking and discrimination and they are a gift to Google and other companies which are monitoring the behaviour of people on a large scale. In this talk we focus on how the recent EU reform played out, how the UN is becoming a central player in promoting their hasty adoption and which strategies civil society and hackers can deploy to fight back.</abstract>
<description>After over two years of intense negotiations, the EU recently agreed to their Digital Identity Reform (eIDAS). In this talk we analyse the result, what safeguards we can realistically expect and how our online and offline interactions might change because of this new European Digital Identity Wallet.
Other regions in the world are much further ahead in this issue and we will also try to learn from the experiences from India and Kenya. Both countries had unique strategies from civil society to fight back against the introduction of digital identity systems, focusing on interrogating their design, raising awareness, strategic litigation and civil disobedience post deployment .
Lastly, this issue pops up in many countries and is actively promoted as &quot;Digital Public Infrastructure&quot; by global organisations like UNDP and the World Bank - often with little to know credence to privacy or local realities. This global trend is very worrying due to the shiny veneer hiding their dark reality of exploitation by local and foreign actors. We will showcase strategies how local actors have resisted and shaped the introduction of these systems with a combination of technical, advocacy, and interdisciplinary ally building. Our goal is to provide knowledge about how exactly these systems work, who benefits from them and what strategies could be deployed against them.</description>
<person guid="9d459d7b-8f3a-4ff6-bccd-2305d4e7f275">socialhack (he/him)</person>
<person guid="2b457928-ce5f-5d27-9d06-cdb03ba90c6f">Udbhav Tiwari</person>
<link href="">EU Digital Identity Reform: The Good, Bad &amp; Ugly in the eIDAS Regulation</link>
<link href="">What could an “Open” ID system look like?: Recommendations and Guardrails for National Biometric ID Projects </link>
<event guid="a91c6e01-49cf-4227-baae-aece190e9de5" id="11859">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Operation Triangulation: What You Get When Attack iPhones of Researchers</title>
<abstract>Imagine discovering a zero-click attack targeting Apple mobile devices of your colleagues and managing to capture all the stages of the attack. That’s exactly what happened to us! This led to the fixing of four zero-day vulnerabilities and discovering of a previously unknown and highly sophisticated spyware that had been around for years without anyone noticing. We call it Operation Triangulation. We've been teasing this story for almost six months, while thoroughly analyzing every stage of the attack. Now, for the first time, we're ready to tell you all about it. This is the story of the most sophisticated attack chain and spyware ever discovered by Kaspersky.</abstract>
<description>In this presentation, we will share:
* How we managed to discover and capture all stages of a zero-click attack on iOS, despite the attackers’ efforts to hide and protect it,
* a comprehensive analysis of the entire attack chain, which exploited five vulnerabilities, including four zero-days
* the capabilities of the malware that transforms your phone into the ultimate surveillance tool,
* and the links to previously known malware we were able to find.
<person guid="218fa11f-5e21-5078-88dc-ce88921954f0">oct0xor</person>
<person guid="ce0c1ff7-f0db-5f00-a361-d7f791ee6a16">kucher1n</person>
<person guid="39bf8657-1de1-535f-a068-a19abe02323a">bzvr_</person>
<event guid="f7375255-379f-4423-a47f-2920246a0916" id="12326">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<track>Art &amp; Beauty</track>
<abstract>How the history of military and government PSYOPS involving mind-control, UFOs, magic, and remote-control zombies, explains the future of AI and generative media. Along the way, talk attendees will be given an enrollment code to join a specialized CTF/ARG game called CYCLOPS that explores these themes and that will run the duration of Congress. </abstract>
<description>As AI-generated content, social-media influence operations, micro-targeted advertising, and ubiquitous surveillance have become the norm on the Internet and in the market in general, we have entered an era of PSYOP Capitalism. This is an era of hallucinations designed to transform each of us into a “targeted individual” through the manipulation of perception. This talk explores a secret history of reality-altering military and intelligence programs that serve as antecedents to a phantasmagoric present.
At the talk, attendees will be given a registration code to play “CYCLOPS,” a CTF/ARG game that will run the duration of Congress. CYCLOPS explores the themes of the mind-control and PSYOPS through an interactive parafictional narrative taking place in the context of an obscure CIA cognitive warfare program from the early days of the Cold War.
<person guid="69a3169d-0be7-4020-8c57-853407c6f525">Paglen (he/him)</person>
<link href="">PSYOPS and CYCLOPS</link>
<event guid="ff7f8d87-9319-41e4-857f-42c5c7124f4b" id="11761">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>All cops are broadcasting</title>
<subtitle>TETRA unlocked after decades in the shadows</subtitle>
<abstract>This talk will present details of the TETRA:BURST vulnerablities - the result of the first public in-depth security analysis of TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio): a European standard for trunked radio globally used by government agencies, police, military, and critical infrastructure relying on secret cryptographic algorithms which we reverse-engineered and published in August 2023. Adding to our initial disclosure, this talk will present new details on our deanonymization attack and provide additional insights into background and new developments.</abstract>
<description>In August 2023, we published the TETRA:BURST vulnerablities - the result of the first public in-depth security analysis of TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio): a European standard for trunked radio globally used by government agencies, police, military, and critical infrastructure. Authentication and encryption within TETRA are handled by proprietary cryptographic cipher-suites, which had remained secret for over two decades through restrictive NDAs until our reverse-engineering and publication.
TETRA:BURST consists of five vulnerabilities, two of which are critical, including the backdoored TEA1 cipher (crackable in minutes on commodity hardware by a passive adversary), a keystream recovery attack (which works regardless of the cipher employed), and a deanonymization attack with counter-intelligence implications.
In this talk, we will discuss and demonstrate the TETRA:BURST vulnerabilities themselves and will - for the first time - disclose the details of the TA61 identity anonymization primitive and our Meet-in-the-Middle deanonymization attack against it. In addition, we will provide more background on how the TEA1 backdoor proliferated throughout Europe and provide attendees with an update on new developments since our initial disclosure, the future of TETRA, and the vast amount of TETRA hardening work that still needs to be done in critical infrastructure.</description>
<person guid="c713a197-726d-5058-a1ce-cde37a88d448">Jos Wetzels</person>
<person guid="d899c276-405f-5f1d-8832-3189958af2fe">Carlo Meijer</person>
<person guid="904ea075-8908-56ae-85d1-be268e947ee3">Wouter Bokslag</person>
<link href="">TETRA:BURST website</link>
<attachment href="/attachments/original/missing.png">All cops are broadcasting: TETRA under scrutiny - Research paper</attachment>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/419/original/2023-12-28_37C3_All-Cops-Are-Broadcasting_-_jos.pdf?1703682846">All cops are broadcasting: TETRA unlocked after decades in the shadows - Presentation slides</attachment>
<event guid="b22ac244-6163-4f0e-9559-d01772a3a337" id="12333">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Der Fall Julian Assange: um was es jetzt geht</title>
<subtitle>Ein Vortrag über die aktuelle rechtliche Lage, die politischen Hintergründe und die fehlende Solidarität vieler Medien </subtitle>
<track>Ethics, Politics &amp; Society</track>
<abstract>In diesem Talk wird Holger Stark einen Überblick geben, was juristisch der Stand der Dinge im Fall Assange ist und warum dieser Fall einem Vernichtungsfeldzug gleicht. Er wird anhand bislang unbekannter Aufnahmen einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der US-Regierung werfen – und erklären, warum sich viele Medien mit Solidarität so schwer tun.</abstract>
<description>Stark hat Ende November 2022 einen offenen Brief der Wikileaks-Partnermedien initiiert. Darin fordern die New York Times, der Guardian, der Spiegel, Le Monde und El País die US-Regierung auf, die Verfolgung Assanges aufzugeben. Die Anklage durch die USA stelle einen gefährlichen Präzedenzfall für die Meinungs- und Pressefreiheit dar, schreiben die Chefredakteure und Herausgeber: „Journalismus“ sei „kein Verbrechen“. 2010 hat Stark für den SPIEGEL die Wikileaks-Enthüllungen koordiniert, 2013 mit Edward Snowdens NSA-Dokumenten gearbeitet. Er hat Assange mehrmals in London, Ellingham Hall und in der ecuadorianischen Botschaft besucht und mit Assanges Anwälten, aber auch mit Chelsea Manning über den Fall diskutiert.</description>
<person guid="921dafa0-1382-5c50-a5aa-cf139f2c2779">Holger Stark</person>
<event guid="afbccf41-b658-4ab6-826d-73abc5e5a578" id="12139">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Klimafreundliche Digitalisierung: Koalitionsvertrag vs. Wirklichkeit</title>
<subtitle>Von Rechenzentren bis Software – wo muss und wie kann die Bundes-IT nachhaltiger werden?</subtitle>
<track>Sustainability &amp; Climate Justice</track>
<abstract>Wie der Bund seine IT einkauft und betreibt, hat eine erhebliche Auswirkung auf das Klima.
GroKo und Ampel-Regierung waren und sind daher groß im Ankündigen grüner IT: in digitalpolitischer Umweltagenda, Koalitionsvertrag, Digitalstrategie und Gigabitstrategie. Wie weit Anspruch und Wirklichkeit auseinanderklaffen, erfrage ich als Bundestagsabgeordnete regelmäßig mit Kleinen Anfragen und schriftlichen Fragen. Ich verspreche kleine Hoffnungsschimmer, aber auch Frustration, denn meine neueste Anfrage vom November 2023 deckt schonungslos auf, wie intransparent und wie wenig nachhaltig die IT des Bundes immer noch ist und wie die Ampel sich die Latte immer tiefer hängt und trotzdem nicht drüber kommt.
Das Potenzial des Bundes als Großverbraucher (z. B. mit über 180 Rechenzentren), als Finanzierer (z. B. von über 400 KI-Projekten) und als Regulierer (z. B. beim Energieeffizienzgesetz oder beim Überbau von Glasfaser) ist aber riesig, auch das werde ich vermitteln und die Stellschrauben beschreiben, an denen man drehen könnte, um IT weniger klimaschädlich zu machen – auch außerhalb des Bundes. </abstract>
<description>Der Bund kauft jährlich für 260 Mrd. € ein, auch für mehr als 1 Mrd. IT, er betreibt über 180 Rechenzentren, förderte in 2023 über 400 KI-Projekte, setzt selbst über 100 Mal KI-Systeme ein und hat noch aus vielen weiteren Gründen mit seiner IT eine erhebliche Klimawirkung. Wie die GroKo hat sich auch die Ampel auf die Fahnen geschrieben, die Digitalisierung klimafreundlicher zu machen, ganz allgemein – durch Regulierung für alle (z. B. im Energieeffizienzgesetz), aber auch in eigener Verantwortung, bei den eigenen Rechenzentren, Software oder IT-Dienstleistungen. Die Ankündigungen dazu sind wohltönend, z. B. im Koalitionsvertrag und in der Digitalstrategie. Bundesbehörden und Rechenzentren sollen klimafreundlich(er) werden, es soll mehr Transparenz geben, z. B. über ein Energieeffizienzregister für Rechenzentren, es wurde versprochen, dass Vergabeprozesse die Nachhaltigkeit berücksichtigen sollen, auch beim Einkauf von IT und IT-Dienstleistungen, z. B. durch standardmäßigen Einkauf von IT mit Blauem Engel – auch bei Software. Selbst der Ausbau der Gigabitinfrastruktur sollte nachhaltiger werden. Aber passiert das alles auch?
Ich nutze meine parlamentarischen Rechte als Bundestagsabgeordnete der Opposition (DIE LINKE), um über schriftliche Fragen und Kleine Anfragen Fakten dazu öffentlich zu machen und die große Kluft zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit zu zeigen. Dabei geht es einerseits um das Vorhandensein von Daten (you get what you measure!) – tatsächlich also um einen Mangel an Transparenz zur Baseline – und andererseits um die Daten selbst, also wie gut oder schlecht die Nachhaltigkeit jeweils ist.
Einen Schwerpunkt lege ich dabei auf die Klimafreundlichkeit von Rechenzentren, aber auch zu anderen Themen gibt’s für Euch Fakten: zur Wiederverwendung von Hardware, zum Recht auf Reparatur und der (versprochenen!) Förderung von Reparatur-Initiativen, zur Berücksichtigung von Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten bei der Vergabe von Hunderten Millionen Euro Fördergelder für KI-Projekte, zu Websites, Software und mehr. Da ich seit mehreren Jahren zur Nachhaltigkeit der Bundes-IT Kleine Anfragen stelle und die Digitalpolitik der Bundesregierung aus dem Maschinenraum des Bundestages verfolge, kann ich auch die Entwicklung beschreiben und werde Euch zeigen, wie die Ampel-Regierung sich einfach die Latte immer niedriger hängt und vermutlich trotzdem kaum eines ihrer Nachhaltigkeitsziele erreichen wird. Beim 37C3 werde ich erstmalig die Ergebnisse meiner jüngsten Anfrage vom November 2023 öffentlich vorstellen.
Bei aller Frustration über den Status Quo zeigt mein Vortrag aber auch, welche riesigen Potenziale noch gehoben werden könnten, um tatsächlich eine nachhaltigere Digitalisierung zu erreichen – und dafür ist es nie zu spät! </description>
<person guid="ef3b5469-61f8-5650-98a7-07afb2468443">Anke Domscheit-Berg</person>
<link href="">Bericht zur letzten (2022) und vorletzten (2021) Kleinen Anfrage: Wie grün ist die IT des Bundes?</link>
<event guid="df5ca65a-e3d6-42ae-9805-9bc02821ada4" id="11784">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Lass mal das Innere eines Neuronalen Netzes ansehen!</title>
<abstract>Nachdem in den letzten Jahren dauernd der Weltuntergang durch KI heraufbeschworen wurde, ist es an der Zeit nachzuschauen, was diese ominösen Neuronalen Netze (NN) eigentlich sind. Wir beginnen mit einer anschaulichen Erklärung, wie ein NN funktioniert und warum es keine wirkliche Ähnlichkeit mit deinem Gehirn hat. Anschließend schrauben wir die Black Box, wie es so schön heißt, einfach einmal auf: Wie können NN erklärbar gemacht werden? Warum trifft ein Neuronales Netz diese oder jene Entscheidung? Was an der politischen Forderung nach erklärbarer KI ist tatsächlich umsetzbar? Außerdem werden wir sehen, wie NN manchmal schummeln, um eine Vorhersage zu treffen. Im Gegenzug tricksen wir sie auch gezielt aus.</abstract>
<description>Brauchen wir wirklich einen weiteren Vortrag über Künstliche Intelligenz? In den letzten Jahren war das Thema omnipräsent, Bilder werden jetzt generiert, Texte nicht mehr selbst geschrieben und ob ich kreditwürdig bin, prüft auch so eine KI. Und wer weiß, neulich klang der Chat Bot richtig menschlich, vielleicht hat er ja doch ein Bewusstsein.
In diesem Vortrag geht es nicht um tolle Errungenschaften von KI-Systemen oder um „30 Prompts, mit denen du noch effektiver bist!“. Dieser Vortrag legt den Grundstein für ein Verständnis von maschinellem Lernen mit dem Ziel, dass du am Ende selbst die aktuellen Entwicklungen einschätzen kannst: Übertrumpfen Neuronale Netze irgendwann wirklich den Menschen? Oder können sie im Grunde gar nichts und sind massiv fehleranfällig? Und die Frage aller Fragen: Hat künstliche Intelligenz ein Bewusstsein oder steht kurz davor, eines zu entwickeln? Über all das kannst du dir nach dem Vortrag eine eigene fundiertere Meinung bilden. </description>
<person guid="cff4490e-dd66-5052-869a-342c07693579">Annika Rüll</person>
<event guid="ff19d6f0-3f7b-4c4a-a33f-f53b061a2216" id="12056">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Ist die Demokratie noch zu retten? </title>
<subtitle>Politikwissenschaftliche Demokratieforschung in der Krise</subtitle>
<abstract>Demokratie ist eine gute Idee, funktioniert aber nicht in der Praxis. So die Meinung vieler Menschen, die vor dem Hintergrund von Klimakrise, Infrastrukturerosion und Regierungsversagen an der Zukunftsfähigkeit der Demokratie zweifeln. Wie reagiert die Politikwissenschaft darauf und kann die Demokratietheorie Lösungswege aufzeigen?</abstract>
<description>Der Vortrag ist eine allgemeinverständliche Einführung in die Demokratietheorie in Krisenzeiten. Er stellt zuerst die wichtigsten Demokratietheorien aus der Politikwissenschaft vor: Was ist Demokratie? Und wie sieht eine gut funktionierende Demokratie in der Praxis aus? Anschließend werden die Problemdiagnostik und die Ursachenforschung behandelt: Was stimmt aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht nicht mit der Demokratie? Ist sie in der Krise oder liegen die Probleme woanders? Zum Schluss stehen Lösungswege und Reaktionsmöglichkeiten zur Diskussion: Bieten Politikwissenschaft und Demokratietheorie praktikable Lösungsansätze? Oder sind sie selbst in einer Krise, weil sie keine Lösungswege aufzeigen können?</description>
<person guid="a23f801d-6dd6-57d7-bc21-5c059cb26e36">Veith Selk</person>
<link href="">Website Veith Selk</link>
<event guid="68160267-a6a5-4a41-8a51-d8735c8aa338" id="12142">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Breaking &quot;DRM&quot; in Polish trains</title>
<subtitle>Reverse engineering a train to analyze a suspicious malfunction</subtitle>
<track>Hardware &amp; Making</track>
<abstract>We've all been there: the trains you're servicing for a customer suddenly brick themselves and the manufacturer claims that's because you've interfered with a security system.
This talk will tell the story of a series of Polish EMUs (Electric Multiple Unit) that all refused to move a few days after arriving at an “unauthorized” service company. We'll go over how a train control system actually works, how we reverse-engineered one and what sort of magical “security” systems we actually found inside of it.
Reality sometimes is stranger than the wildest CTF task. Reality sometimes is running `` on a dozen trains.</abstract>
<description>The talk will be a mix of technical and non-technical aspects of analysis which should be understandable for anyone with a technical background. We’ll briefly explain how modern EMUs look like inside, how the Train Control &amp; Monitoring System works, and how to analyze TriCore machine code.</description>
<person guid="53bfe81f-6415-4ade-9c7b-0cc5616310e4">Redford</person>
<person guid="0e8b22b2-6c87-5137-8954-4cb96e55bb48">q3k</person>
<person guid="896a597a-5dbd-5ce0-8d12-0d0068105042">MrTick</person>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/431/original/Train_DRM_-_37C3-1.pdf?1703704923">Slides (PDF)</attachment>
<event guid="68bd0b6e-5344-4ad0-94ae-5b1cc5d8ff0b" id="11789">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Kein(!) Hacker Jeopardy</title>
<subtitle>HACK ZUCK – mal sehen was wir hinbekommen</subtitle>
<abstract>Dies ist kein Fnord. Es wird dieses Jahr kein Hacker Jeopardy geben. Sorry. :(
Wir versuchen, etwas Anderes zu improvisieren. Das Event wird auf Deutsch sein und die Revolution wird nicht im Fernsehen übertragen, nicht gestreamt oder aufgezeichnet.
Freut auch auf HACK ZUCK. Mal sehen, ob das lustig wird, wahrscheinlich jedenfalls wird es einmalig.</abstract>
<description>Statt den Slot ganz ausfallen zu lassen, haben wir uns entschieden etwas neues, noch nie Dagewesenes zu probieren: HACK ZUCK.
Die Älteren könnten es noch kennen, ähnlich wie in RUCK ZUCK (sucht es in der Du-Tube) treten Teams gegeneinander an und müssen Begriffe beschreiben. Bei uns natürlich eher… speziellere.
Sucht euch gerne schon mal Teams zusammen – 5 Leute braucht es. Wir werden wie üblich im Publikum aufrufen, aber wer sich vorab als &quot;eingespieltes&quot; Team bewirbt, hat evtl. bessere Chancen. Schickt uns gerne also vorab Infos zu eurem geplanten Team an – im Betreff am Besten was mit &quot;HackZuck Team&quot; – und dann sehen wir mal, was das wird.</description>
<person guid="92efa899-819c-595e-b966-8f55935d7dab">Ray</person>
<room guid="7202df07-050c-552f-8318-992f94e40ef0" name="Saal Granville">
<event guid="ae3261f2-240c-4699-b6d7-b82fb81fb924" id="12008">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Unsere Worte sind unsere Waffen </title>
<subtitle>Wie wir Chatbots allein mit kreativer Wortfindung so manipulieren können, dass sie uns dienen (ja, social engineering funktioniert bei großen Sprachmodellen!)</subtitle>
<track>Ethics, Politics &amp; Society</track>
<abstract>Chatbots lassen sich durch Sprache manipulieren. Und Sprache, das ist etwas, das wir Menschen gut können! Das ist eine gute Nachricht. In diesem Talk soll es darum gehen, unsere Ohnmacht zu lindern und zu verstehen, dass wir ziemlich vieles gut können, was uns hilft, große Sprachmodelle für unsere Zwecke zu nutzen (und möglicherweise anders, als sie gedacht sind). Social Engineering und – quatschen.</abstract>
<description>Es ist vieles gesagt und geschrieben worden über große Sprachmodelle und die Gefahren, die mit ihnen einhergehen, die Biases, die Verstärkung von Ausbeutung, die Zementierung von Machtverhältnissen und neue Möglichkeiten von Angriffen. Das alles gilt weiterhin. Doch umso mehr sollten wir uns anschauen, wie wir die Technologie mit ihren eigenen Waffen schlagen können. Denn all diese Chatbots haben sich in einem Bereich eingenistet, in dem wir Menschen besonders gut sind: Sprache. Quatschen wir sie in ihr Verderben!
In dem Talk erkläre ich anhand von Beispielen aus meinen jüngsten Recherchen, wie wir große Sprachmodelle anders nutzen können, als sie möglicherweise gedacht sind – und wie wir damit Gutes tun können. Beispielsweise habe ich Chatbots per social engineering dazu gebracht, ihre dunklen Geheimnisse – wie manipulierende Initial Prompts – zu verraten, und damit dahinterstehende Firmen und deren verwerfliche Machenschaften entblößt. Oder mir bei investigativen Recherchen zu helfen, die besten Google Dorks zu erklären, Verstecktes in Bildern zu erkennen und Dinge zu verraten, die sie eigentlich nicht preisgeben sollen – wie Julian Reichelts private E-Mail-Adresse oder gesammelte E-Mail-Adressen aller Gesundheitsämter in Rheinland-Pfalz.
Es wird unterhaltsam. Und es gibt viel mitzunehmen: Zuhörer:innen lernen dabei nicht nur sinnvolle Tricks für ihre eigenen Recherchen, sondern ganz nebenbei auch, wie sie ihre eigenen Daten besser schützen können.</description>
<person guid="65ca594f-cd7a-51bb-8e00-35ceb33fc6e2">Eva Wolfangel</person>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/451/original/2312_37c3_1c1.pdf?1703843278">Unsere Worte - 80 Slides Extended Version </attachment>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/452/original/2312_37c3_1c_kurz_ohne_text.pdf?1703843278">Unsere Worte - Slides as presented</attachment>
<event guid="c5882624-ff94-4dc3-aadd-f18ce4af5294" id="11935">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Unlocking the Road Ahead: Automotive Digital Forensics</title>
<subtitle>A deep dive into an underrepresented research area</subtitle>
<abstract>The importance and relevance of vehicles in investigations are increasing. Their digital capabilities are rapidly growing due to the introduction of additional services and features in vehicles and their ecosystem.
In this talk on automotive digital forensics, you will embark on a journey through the cutting-edge world of automotive technology and the critical role digital forensics plays in this domain. We will explore the state-of-the-art methods and tools to investigate modern vehicles, shedding light on forensic experts' significant challenges.
This presentation delves into the latest research areas and trends, providing insights into how technology rapidly evolves in the automotive industry, creating opportunities and challenges for digital forensics specialists. We will also peer into the future, discussing the directions in which automotive digital forensics is heading and the implications for our increasingly connected and autonomous vehicle landscape.
Through case studies, you will gain a firsthand look at different investigations conducted on modern vehicles, showcasing the real-world applications of digital forensics in this field--explicitly focusing on privacy issues and security pitfalls in modern vehicles. Whether you're a seasoned expert or a curious enthusiast, this talk will give you a deeper understanding of the complex intersection of automotive technology and digital investigations.</abstract>
<description>This talk will be a deep dive into automotive digital forensics! We will explore the dynamic landscape of automotive technology and its intricate relationship with digital forensics. Our journey will traverse classical in-vehicle protocols, proprietary communication methods, and external interfaces, revealing these technologies' crucial role in modern vehicles.
The current toolkit, used in automotive digital forensics investigations, includes the Berla iVe for infotainment analyses and specialized Airbag controller tools like Bosch CDR. For both, there is a limited understanding of its functionality and reliability, and for Airbag controllers, even contrary research results are available. We'll discover how these tools empower forensic experts to dissect the digital traces left within vehicles and the ecosystem, uncovering invaluable insights.
As we embark on this journey, we'll confront significant challenges faced by automotive digital forensics practitioners. These obstacles include limited accessibility to vehicle systems, the integration of proprietary technologies, a shortage of knowledge and expertise in this domain, concerns over safety implications, and the absence of standardized storage systems.
Keeping pace with the latest research trends, we'll delve into process development, the introduction of additional tools, in-depth analytical methods, and innovative investigation techniques shaping this field's future.
But the road ahead is not without twists and turns, and we'll navigate through privacy and security issues that are paramount in the automotive digital forensics landscape. We'll shed light on privacy concerns, referencing investigations like the one conducted by the Mozilla Foundation and explore security topics through real-world examples such as attacks showcased at the Pwn2Own conference and those disclosed by KeenLabs Security. We will also focus on investigations we conducted on Tesla vehicles in the area of digital forensics.
Throughout this talk, you'll gain insights into the automotive ecosystem's vast capabilities for digital forensics investigations. We'll also tackle the challenges head-on, highlighting the intricate balance between privacy and security in this ever-evolving domain. Whether you're an expert in the field or intrigued by the intersection of technology and automotive investigations, this talk promises to leave you with a profound understanding of the road ahead in automotive digital forensics.</description>
<person guid="3be5465e-687b-5803-bb6b-fa1c77c5e9f0">Kevin Gomez</person>
<link href="">Personal website</link>
<link href="">ORCID</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/424/original/gomez-slides.pdf?1703692932">Presentation slides</attachment>
<event guid="c51b416f-e656-4f43-a9dd-b9b3bedf3056" id="12144">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Back in the Driver's Seat: Recovering Critical Data from Tesla Autopilot Using Voltage Glitching</title>
<abstract>Tesla's driving assistant has been subject to public scrutiny for good and bad: As accidents with its &quot;full self-driving&quot; (FSD) technology keep making headlines, the code and data behind the onboard Autopilot system are well-protected by the car manufacturer. In this talk, we demonstrate our voltage-glitching attack on Tesla Autopilot, enabling us root privileges on the system.
<description>Apart from building electric vehicles, Tesla has gained a reputation for their integrated computer platform comprising a feature-rich infotainment system, remote services through Tesla's Cloud and mobile app, and, most notably, an automated driving assistant. Enabled by a dedicated arm64-based system called Autopilot, Tesla offers different levels of &quot;self-driving&quot;. The &quot;full self-driving&quot; (FSD) is provided to specific customers via in-car purchases and has been subject to public discourse.
Despite using multiple cameras and Autopilot's machine learning (ML) models, accidents persist and shape FSD reporting. While the platform security of Autopilot's hardware protects the code and ML models from competitors, it also hinders third parties from accessing critical user data, e.g., onboard camera recordings and other sensor data, that could help facilitate crash investigations.
This presentation shows how we rooted Tesla Autopilot using voltage glitching. The attack enables us to extract arbitrary code and user data from the system. Among other cryptographic keys, we extract a hardware-unique key used to authenticate Autopilot towards Tesla's &quot;mothership&quot;. Overall, our talk will shed light on Autopilot's security architecture and gaps.
Before delving into Autopilot, we successfully executed a Tesla Jailbreak of the AMD-based infotainment platform and presented our attack at BlackHat USA 2023. This achievement empowered custom modifications to the root file system and temporarily facilitated the activation of paid car features.</description>
<person guid="1dd011c2-0620-5625-a6f3-38b2caa7f0a8">Niclas Kühnapfel</person>
<person guid="2176075a-bf9f-5724-8c53-d9d142608af1">Christian Werling</person>
<person guid="f673fe6b-a1e8-50f0-815f-136094f5f8c1">Hans Niklas Jacob - hnj</person>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/422/original/37C3-Autopilot.pdf?1703692839">Slides</attachment>
<attachment href="/attachments/original/missing.png">file</attachment>
<event guid="b3163149-505e-497e-9c75-7cb233b59fcd" id="11993">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Toniebox Reverse Engineering</title>
<subtitle>Eine Musikbox für Kinder, Maker und Hacker</subtitle>
<track>Hardware &amp; Making</track>
<abstract>Ein Vortrag über den erfolgreichen Kinder-Audioplayer „Toniebox“ mit Content-Hosting in der Cloud, der nicht nur Einblicke in die (un-)heimliche Datensammlungspraxis bietet, sondern auch gleich passende Lösungen dazu. Custom-Firmware, selfhosted Cloud-Ersatz und Tools zum Erzeugen von Inhalten ohne Herstellercloud.</abstract>
<description>In unserem Vortrag über die Toniebox konzentrieren wir uns zunächst auf das Innenleben und die Funktionsweise dieses beliebten Audiogerätes für Kinder. Wir beginnen mit einer detaillierten Einführung in das Prinzip der Toniebox aus technischer Sicht und geben einen kurzen Überblick über die Hardwarekomponenten, insbesondere die verschiedenen Prozessorvarianten wie CC3200, CC3235 und ESP32.
Der Übergang zu den Limitationen des Systems ist fließend: Wir diskutieren die künstlichen Beschränkungen durch den Hersteller, den Zwang zur Verwendung von Originalfiguren, die Inkompatibilität mit NFC-Tags von Drittanbietern und die hohen Kosten für bespielbare Figuren. Besonders kritisch sehen wir die vollständige Abhängigkeit von einer Hersteller-Cloud, die bei einem Ausfall des Anbieters das Gerät obsolet macht. Ein weiterer Fokus liegt auf dem ausgeprägten Datenhunger des Herstellers, der fast schon obsessiv das Nutzungsverhalten unserer Kinder aufzeichnet.
Im Kern des Vortrags stellen wir die von uns entwickelten Open-Source-Alternativen vor. Mit der TeddyBench stellen wir einen Offline-Editor vor, mit dem Audiodaten für eigene NFC-Tags erstellt und verwaltet werden können. Die TeddyCloud bietet als selbstgehostete Lösung volle Kontrolle über die eigenen Daten, eine persönliche Audio-Bibliothek und die Möglichkeit, Nutzungsdaten über MQTT in den Home Assistant einzuspeisen, ohne die Funktionalität der Box einzuschränken. Außerdem stellen wir Custom Firmwares für CC3200 und ESP32 vor, die neue Einsatzmöglichkeiten eröffnen, und berichten über unsere Hardware-Modifikationen, die unter anderem Bluetooth-Audio ermöglichen und die Toniebox barrierefreier machen.</description>
<person guid="894af5f8-0d9c-5976-9b3b-7c185c978bae">g3gg0</person>
<person guid="0efe8f22-7f6c-5556-ad57-64d08890465d">0xbadbee</person>
<person guid="da8b89ac-8c96-5395-9014-6246e9173bd6">Moritz</person>
<person guid="c01f1d88-901d-5212-b592-54f5ddfc0d33">Gambrius</person>
<link href="">TeddyBench</link>
<link href="">TeddyCloud</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/427/original/37C3_-_TRE_-_novideo.pdf?1703696565">Slides</attachment>
<event guid="59a1c108-e367-4d71-bc50-7073cb8025e6" id="11781">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Adventures in Reverse Engineering Broadcom NIC Firmware</title>
<subtitle>Unlocking a system with 100% open source firmware</subtitle>
<track>Hardware &amp; Making</track>
<abstract>In an era where vendors increasingly seek to use proprietary software in the devices around us to exert control over their users, the desire for open source software has expanded to the firmware that allows our machines to function, and platforms which individuals can trust and control have never been more important. However, changes to hardware platforms in recent years such as the Intel ME, vendor-supplied binary blobs and vendor-signed firmware images have repeatedly set back efforts to create open source firmware for the computers we use. The release of Power servers with 99% open source firmware excited many who had been searching for a computer they could trust, but one proprietary firmware blob remained: that of the Ethernet controller. This is the story of how that blob was reverse engineered and replaced with an open source replacement, delivering the first machine with desktop-class performance and 100% open source firmware in many years.</abstract>
<description>This talk is about how I reverse engineered the final remaining firmware blob on the Talos II/Blackbird POWER9 systems, enabling it to be replaced with an open source replacement, in an intensive reverse engineering effort that spanned several years.
The talk will begin by introducing the open source firmware movement and its practical and ethical motivations, and note the obstacles to delivering fully open source firmware for contemporary x86 and other platforms and explaining the motive behind the project, before moving onto a more technical discussion of the adventure of firmware reverse engineering and the obstacles encountered.
Subjects I intend to cover include: how the original proprietary firmware was reverse engineered from scratch with only limited knowledge of device internals; the long history of Broadcom NIC architecture and its evolution over time; the tools that had to be developed to enable the device probing, testing and reversing process; the story of a horrifying but necessary detour into reversing x86 real mode code and the novel methodology used to aid reversing; how modern NICs allow BMCs in servers to share network ports with the host, and the security hazards this creates; and how fully open source firmware was created legally using a clean room process.
This talk will be accessible to audiences unfamiliar with POWER9 or the open source firmware community, but is also intended to cover some new ground and be of interest to those familiar with the project. The talk will mainly be of interest to those interested in open source firmware and issues such as owner control and the security and auditability issues caused by proprietary firmware, and to those interested in reverse engineering.
<person guid="66a8efb7-d133-4af8-a054-e43f35e7d78d">hlandau</person>
<link href="">Talk information and related links</link>
<link href="">Slides (handout version)</link>
<event guid="13794e21-cb3a-422a-91a8-32366acee6ee" id="12327">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>How to Hack Your Way to Space</title>
<subtitle>Bringing the Hacker Mindset to the Space Ecosphere - The story behind the Libre Space Foundation (LSF)</subtitle>
<track>Hardware &amp; Making</track>
<abstract>Embark on Libre Space Foundation's journey into the world of open-source space exploration, where a passionate community of hackers and makers is challenging the traditional defense-driven approach to spacefaring. Discover how we are democratizing space by embracing open-source technologies, community collaboration, and a commitment to sustainability.</abstract>
<description>The current state of the space ecosystem is characterized by its reliance on defense-oriented policies and outdated systems, hindering the true potential of space exploration. Despite the promise of Space 4.0, the reality is that space remains largely inaccessible to the public at large.
Against this backdrop, a group of hackers and makers is revolutionizing the space industry. By promoting the hacker ethos of innovation, resourcefulness, and open-source principles, they are challenging the status quo and delivering creativity and accessibility into the space sector.
Driven by the hackerspace movement and the broader community, we, Libre Space Foundation, are actively building our own satellites, space technologies, sharing knowledge and resources, and pushing the boundaries of space exploration. Our mission is to democratize space, making it available to everyone, regardless of background or resources.
This emerging movement faces unique challenges, including working within a small, underfunded ecosystem, developing software and hardware, mapping out processes amidst complex space law and global politics, and ensuring long-term sustainability without relying on external funding.
To overcome these challenges and harness the full potential of this movement, we propose a manifesto with four pillars:
Open Source: All technologies developed for outer space shall be published and licensed using open source licenses.
Open Data: All data related to and produced in outer space shall be freely accessed, used and built upon by anyone, anywhere, and shall be shared and managed according to the principles above.
Open Development: All technologies for outer space shall be developed in a transparent, legible, documented, testable, modular, and efficient way.
Open Governance: All technologies for outer space shall be governed in a participatory, collaborative, direct, and distributed way.
By embracing these pillars, we can create a more open, inclusive, and sustainable space ecosystem that empowers individuals and communities to participate in the exploration of the cosmos.</description>
<person guid="ac6aa763-dd39-58b5-991b-02b2b96acad9">Manthos Papamatthaiou</person>
<person guid="43168d53-7519-48a1-b516-3e87dd897644">fredy</person>
<link href="">Libre Space Foundation</link>
<link href="">Libre Space Manifesto</link>
<event guid="e9c56ad8-612e-4d2e-ab2b-2c5196b49196" id="11903">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Unlocked! Recovering files taken hostage by ransomware</title>
<subtitle>Decrypting files hijacked by the &quot;second most used ransomware in Germany&quot;</subtitle>
<abstract>We present an analysis and recovery method for files encrypted by Black Basta, the &quot;second most used ransomware in Germany&quot;.
We analysed the behaviour of a ransomware encryptor and found that the malware uses their keystream wrongly, rendering the encryption vulnerable to a known-plaintext attack which allows for recovering affected files. We confirmed the finding by implementing tools for recovering encrypted files.
We have made our tools for decrypting files without access to the actual key available to victims directly, through BSI, and to incident responders, as well as German and international law enforcement. Now, we are actively publishing these tools, along with the knowledge shared in our talk, empowering affected organizations to recover some of their files without succumbing to paying the criminals.</abstract>
<description>We present an analysis of the Black Basta ransomware and tools for recovering encrypted files without access to the official decryptor or key. Black Basta is &quot;the second most used ransomware in Germany&quot;, encrypting Windows computers and ESXi hosts running virtual machine workloads.
Our decryptor-tool exploits a weakness in the cryptographic code in the Black Basta malware. This weakness allows to (partially) recover encrypted files without access to the decryptor and without needing the cryptographic keys used by the ransomware.
We dive into the details of the cryptographic operations used by Black Basta and explain how the malware fails to use the cryptographic primitives properly. In particular, the Black Basta ransomware encrypts victim files using a stream cipher. Files smaller than 5000 bytes are fully encrypted. Larger files are only partially encrypted for efficiency reasons. We found that for larger files, the ransomware re-uses the same cryptographic keystream for encrypting different parts of the same file, thereby breaking the security of the used stream cipher. If the plaintext of any encrypted file part is known, the keystream can be recovered and used to decrypt (large parts of) the target file without the underlying cryptographic key.
Affected organisations can check whether the variant of the Black Basta malware found in their network is susceptible to this attack by purposefully letting the ransomware encrypt a large file (512 MB) containing only zero bytes. If the encrypted parts of the file are identical when analysing the encrypted file (e.g. in a hex editor), recovery is likely possible using the tools presented here.
Depending on the encrypted file, parts of the plaintext may be known. For instance, VM disk images are likely to contain stretches of zero bytes. As part of the tooling we have developed, we have implemented a heuristic to detect encrypted zero blocks in encrypted files. If found, (large parts of) the encrypted file can then be recovered. For other types of files, individual plaintext blocks may be recoverable via other means (e.g. using backups or specialised tools), also enabling data recovery.
The decryption tools can be found here:</description>
<person guid="b4443289-3ad0-473e-b8e6-3ade3291d22a">muelli</person>
<event guid="e9ecf88b-5dde-4801-b9ce-3b62ac06b899" id="11948">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Bifröst: Apple's Rainbow Bridge for Satellite Communication</title>
<abstract>Apple's cutting-edge emergency SOS and location sharing services provide crucial communication alternatives when no cellular network is available. This talk will shed light on how these satellite services work, how they are integrated into existing fall and crash detection, present the security measures employed to safeguard resource access and privacy, and explore how this communication is embedded within the operating system.</abstract>
<description>With the release of the iPhone 14, users can reach out to emergency services by sending an SOS message via a satellite link directly from their phone. This use of the GlobalStar network facilitates two-way communication with emergency responders through the Messages app. Users can easily send text messages and respond to queries. This communication channel, due to its sensitive nature, demands robust security and authentication. It is imperative for Apple to ensure that the system is foolproof, negating the possibility of dispatching emergency responders to incorrect locations or individuals. Equally significant is the protection of the privacy of those in need, including their location and the nature of their emergency.
In our talk, we demonstrate how a rooted iPhone without satellite capabilities can be tricked into thinking that it can communicate with the satellite network. This technique allows us to trigger various emergency situations without actually contacting emergency services. On the rooted iPhone, we can then inspect the transport security and key derivation while these features are being used. We will present various insights into the proprietary satellite communication protocol based on this analysis.
Moreover, Apple's satellite features allow users to share their location in Find My with up to ten friends via a satellite link. This capability serves as a convenient tool for staying connected with friends and family while venturing off the beaten path. We’ll take a look into how this new Find My extension is implemented.</description>
<person guid="51dad350-72e0-5b60-bb64-da6700007b21">jiska</person>
<person guid="bea982b5-fd36-56c6-adba-e0dbdfc57e73">Alexander Heinrich</person>
<event guid="a9f690f3-e01a-4644-aa15-4276da6879ff" id="12182">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Euclid – das neue Weltraumteleskop</title>
<subtitle>Mit Milliarden leuchtenden Galaxien den dunklen Teil des Kosmos verstehen</subtitle>
<abstract>„Euclid&quot; ist ein neues Weltraumteleskop der Europäischen Weltraumbehörde mit Beteiligungen eines Wissenschaftskonsortiums aus vierzehn europäischen Ländern, den USA, Kanada und Japan. Euclid wurde am 1. Juli 2023 gestartet und beginnt bis Ende des Jahres seine auf 6 Jahre geplante wissenschaftliche Himmelsdurchmusterung. Euclid wird mit seinem Spiegel von 1,20 m Durchmesser und seinen zwei Kameras Bilder und Spektren von einem Drittel des gesamten Himmels aufnehmen. Das Ziel: mit der genauen Vermessung von insgesamt zwei Milliarden Galaxien der Natur von „Dunkler Materie&quot; und „Dunkler Energie&quot; im Universum auf den Grund zu gehen – die zwar zusammen 95 % der Gesamtenergie ausmachen, von denen wir aber nicht wissen, was sie sind und woraus sie bestehen. Euclid hat im November erste spektakuläre Bilder veröffentlicht. Ich werde die Mission vorstellen, die wissenschaftlichen Ziele, die Methoden und darauf eingehen, was in den 25 Jahren von Idee über Teleskop zu wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis so alles zu erledigen war und ist.</abstract>
<description>Die Astronomie weiß aktuell von 95 % der Energie und Masse im Universum nicht, woraus sie bestehen. Neben 5 % „normaler“ Materie (Sterne, Gas, die Erde, CCC-Kongressteilnehmer\*innen, …) gibt es mindestens fünfmal so viel so genannte dunkle Materie und darüberhinaus sind die restlichen 70 % das, was dunkle Energie genannt wird. Bei beidem wissen wir bislang nicht, woraus sie bestehen – wir kennen nur deren Wirkung! Galaxien rotieren anders, als sie es nur mit normaler Materie tun würden. Und das Universum expandiert – seit dem Urknall – aber die Expansionsgeschwindigkeit nimmt zu und nicht ab, wie von anziehender Materie zu erwarten wäre. Irgendwas drückt den Raum an sich auseinander.
Euclid ist ein Teleskop, eine Mission und ein Konsortium aus mehreren tausend Menschen, von denen viele seit ca. 2008 an den Ideen zu dieser Mission arbeiten, viele hundert an der Planung und dem Bau zweier hoch empfindlicher Kameras mit insgesamt knapp 700 Millionen Pixel und jetzt ein- bis zweitausend Interessierten, welche die bald erwarteten wissenschaftlichen Bilder auswerten wollen.
Ich möchte die Ziele erläutern, wie man aus der Vermessung der Form von Galaxien unsichtbare dunkle Materie im Vordergrund aufspürt („schwacher Gravitationslinseneffekt“) und warum es einen „kosmischen Längenmaßstab“ gibt, mit dem man die Ausdehnung des Universums über zehn Milliarden Jahre in der Vergangenheit vermessen kann.
Schließlich möchte ich die ersten fünf Bilder zeigen, die von Euclid aufgenommen und von der ESA im November veröffentlicht wurden – und warum in denen so viel mehr drinsteckt, als man auf einem Computermonitor so sieht.</description>
<person guid="f0aa6787-ec56-5764-8aa5-aa79705572f9">Knud Jahnke</person>
<link href="">Homepage des Euclid Consortiums</link>
<link href="">Homepage des Euclid-Projekts bei der Europäischen Weltraumbehörde</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/458/original/37C3_Jahnke_Euclid_150dpi.pdf?1703884717">Vortrags-Folien (16MB)</attachment>
<event guid="54e92649-de11-40d9-99b0-526fd4572107" id="12020">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>The Extremely Large Telescope (ELT)</title>
<subtitle>Building the biggest optical telescope on earth</subtitle>
<abstract>The Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) is currently under construction in the Atacama desert in northern Chile by the European Southern Observatory (ESO). With a primary mirror aperture of 39m, it will be the largest optical telescope on earth. We will briefly introduce the history and mission of ESO and explain how a modern optical telescope works.</abstract>
<description>The European Southern Observatory (ESO) is an intergovernmental organisation founded in 1962 and is based in Garching bei München. It develops, builds and operates ground-based telescopes to enable astronomical research in the southern hemisphere and to foster cooperation in the international astronomical community. In 2012 the ESO Council approved the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) programme and its construction is scheduled for completion in 2028. The 39m primary mirror will make the ELT the largest optical telescope at that time.
It will be located on the top of Cerro Armazones, a ~3000m high mountain in the Atacama desert in Chile. This site provides ideal optical conditions, but also comes with logistical and engineering challenges.
We will walk you through the telescope and along the optical path to the instruments and explain some of the technologies involved to push the boundaries of ground-based optical astronomy.</description>
<person guid="279d0ab7-7c2b-5f9f-b00a-623389dd2582">lk</person>
<person guid="7049e6d9-59f7-58fa-95be-9f6fc4a5c8bf">panic</person>
<link href="">ELT homepage</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/432/original/The_Extremely_Large_Telescope-final.pdf?1703715614">Slides (pdf)</attachment>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/433/original/presentation.tar.gz?1703720412">Slides (html)</attachment>
<event guid="c03e4258-ce88-40b2-b380-3d6b6d465abd" id="11943">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Sucking dust and cutting grass: reversing robots and bypassing security</title>
<abstract>For the past 5 years we have been presenting ways to hack and root vacuum robots at various events like the c3 or the DEFCON. In all these cases it covered vacuum robots by Roborock, Dreame, Xiaomi and some smaller companies.
However, did we ever take a look at other vendors and maybe some new interesting device classes? In this talk we do exactly that, and will take a deep dive into Ecovacs robots!</abstract>
<description>We will present the result of the research that started back in 2018. Explore with us the development on the last years. How did the security and privacy of &quot;Ecovacs&quot; change in contrast to other companies? What kind of cool hardware is out there? Can the devices be used to potentially spy on you?
Learn how reverse engineering works and how to get root access on the devices. Let us show you how you maintain persistence on the devices and run your own software.
Come with us on a journey of having fun hacking interesting devices while exploring bad oversights and real problems. You will be surprised what we found. Let's discuss together what impact this devices will have on our (social) life and what the future of vacuum robot hacking will bring.
<person guid="1a7076ed-0b43-5adb-ae5d-799923e9d0ef">Dennis Giese</person>
<person guid="461ffdb9-42e5-4587-b14d-68f447a86a7d">braelynnn</person>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/446/original/37c3-vacuuming-and-mowing.pdf?1703790592">Slides</attachment>
<room guid="62251a07-13e4-5a72-bb3c-8528416ee0f2" name="Saal Zuse">
<event guid="b56502da-90cb-4ae1-b055-2a1d3de52cb2" id="11820">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Place &amp; route on silicon</title>
<subtitle>A gentle introduction to place &amp; route algorithms for digital integrated circuits</subtitle>
<track>Hardware &amp; Making</track>
<abstract>After a brief introduction to digital circuits this talk will outline placement and routing algorithms used for creating digital integrated circuits.
<description>This talk introduces the algorithms used for placement and routing of digital integrated circuits.
The talk does \*not\* cover:
\* high-level circuit design (The art of creating meaningful circuits. Often done with languages like Verilog, VHDL, SpinalHDL, Chisel, Amaranth, etc )
\* logic synthesis (Converts the high-level description into a graph-like circuit description, called netlist)
Place-and-route refers to the transformation of a graph-like circuit description (netlist) into a geometrical representation of the circuit (layout).
The netlist is typically produced by logic synthesis. The netlist consists of many sub-circuits, so called &quot;standard-cells&quot; but also &quot;macro cells&quot;.
Standard-cells implement simple logic functions such as inverters, logical &quot;and&quot;, &quot;nand&quot;, &quot;xor&quot;, and storage elements.
The netlist may also import larger pre-compiled macro cells such as SRAM blocks.
For a physical implementation of the circuit, the sub-circuits need to be placed on the chip surface and need to be connected (routed) using metal wires.
Transforming the netlist into a layout typically requires the following input data:
\* A netlist of the circuit, of course.
\* A set of constraints: For example the desired clock frequency and area of the circuit.
\* Design rules: A set of constraints required for successful fabrication. This typically involves geometrical constraints such as minimum width and spacing of metal wires.
\* A standard-cell library: This is a set of building-blocks usually used to assemble the circuit. The library contains the geometrical layout of the standard-cells and also information about their timing behavior.
Then the following steps convert the input data into a layout:
\* IO-planning: Decide where to put the input and output pins of the circuit.
\* Floor-planning: Decide how to geometrically arrange various parts of a larger system.
\* Power distribution: Insert regular rows of metallic power-rails which supply the standard-cells with energy
\* Global placement: Decide where to roughly place the standard-cells such that the wiring will short and possible
\* Tie-cell insertion: Provide constant 0 and 1 signals, where needed.
\* Clock-tree synthesis: Storage elements typically need a clock-signal. Often the clock signal needs to be distributed to a large number of storage elements.
\* Detail placement: Do fine-tuning, such as snapping the standard-cells to a grid
the signal propagation delay from the clock source to the storage elements should be more-or-less equally distributed.
\* Optimizations to meet timing requirements: Some signals might be too slow or to fast. There's a variety of techniques to improve this, such as amplifying signals with buffers.
\* Routing: The placed cells need to be connected with metal wires.
\* Filler insertion: fill unused space for example with capacitors to stabilize the supply voltage
\* Verification: Make sure all constraints are met. Otherwise, try to fix the circuit and repeat above steps in order to converge to a valid solution.
This talk will focus on a widely used algorithm for global placement and introduces basic principles of routing algorithms.
<person guid="a171bd7c-b0f5-521a-87d8-22d794b2b532">Thomas</person>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/418/original/2023_37c3_place_and_route_on_silicon.pdf?1703681341">Slides</attachment>
<event guid="9ce8d3b9-abbc-47f6-9f4e-dd93c804b4fc" id="11777">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Open CPU / SoC design, all the way up to Debian</title>
<track>Hardware &amp; Making</track>
<abstract>This lecture will cover many aspect of designing a RISC-V CPU, out-of-order execution, multi-core, memory coherency, security and running linux and debian on a FPGA.</abstract>
<description>This will be based on the recently developped NaxRiscv core, a free and opensource RISC-V softcore. I will cover many interresting aspect of the project/flow to provide a overview of many technical aspect in such project :
- Hardware description languages
- CPU design
- Information leak (spectre)
- Memory coherency
- Linux / Debian requirements
- Debugging / Simulation</description>
<person guid="297a05c6-7880-5e36-8786-14c1d445eda1">Dolu1990</person>
<link href="">NaxRiscv git</link>
<link href="">NaxRiscv running debian on FPGA</link>
<event guid="b80ae06b-778b-41c7-b4be-cc87820339d2" id="11974">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Die Akte Xandr: Ein tiefer Blick in den Abgrund der Datenindustrie</title>
<track>Ethics, Politics &amp; Society</track>
<abstract>Dieses Jahr konnten wir erstmals im Detail nachvollziehen, wie invasiv und kleinteilig uns Werbefirmen und Datenhändler im Netz kategorisieren. Denn Microsofts Datenmarktplatz Xandr hat versehentlich ein riesiges Dokument veröffentlicht, das ungeahnte Einblicke hinter die Kulissen die Werbeindustrie erlaubt. In der Folge haben mehrere Datenschutzbehörden aus Deutschland und der EU mitgeteilt, die betroffenen Firmen und ihr Geschäft zu prüfen. Aller Cookie-Müdigkeit zum Trotz zeigt unsere Recherche: Aufgeben ist nicht. Es gibt Alternativen für das Geschäft mit unseren Daten, für die es sich zu kämpfen lohnt.</abstract>
<description>Was auch immer wir im Internet tun, es wird aufgezeichnet und ausgewertet, um uns zielgerichtet Werbung anzuzeigen. An diese triste Realität haben sich viel zu viele Menschen längst gewöhnt. Wo genau unsere Daten landen, wenn wir Websites aufrufen oder Apps nutzen, das können die wenigsten nachvollziehen. Bis jetzt.
Durch ein Dokument, das eigentlich nicht für die Öffentlichkeit bestimmt war, konnten wir dieses Jahr einen einmaligen Einblick gewinnen. Es ist die Angebotsliste von Xandr, einem der größten Datenmarktplätze der Werbewelt. Sie enthält mehr als 650.000 unterschiedliche Zielgruppenkategorien - also Schubladen für Menschen, um sie mit Targeted Advertising zu erreichen.
Bei einigen dieser Kategorien möchte man laut auflachen, bei anderen bleibt einem das Lachen im Halse stecken. Ob „fragile Senioren“ oder „leidenschaftliche Liebhaber“, ob shopping-versessene Mütter oder Menschen mit Essstörung, ob deutsche Soldat:innen oder „Geringverdiener ohne Orientierung“ – sie alle lassen sich durch die Werbeindustrie gezielt ins Visier nehmen.
„Diese Liste ist das gewaltigste Dokument über den globalen Datenhandel, das ich je gesehen habe“, sagt der Wiener Tracking-Forscher Wolfie Christl und spricht von einem Skandal. Florian Glatzner vom Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband spricht gar vom „Snowden-Moment der Online-Werbebranche&quot;. Denn dass Werbeindustrie und Datenhändler uns überwachen, wussten wir schon lange – jetzt haben wir schwarz auf weiß, wie invasiv und detailliert das passiert.
Wochenlang haben wir das Dokument ausgewertet, unter anderem mit Hilfe des Datenjournalisten Johannes Gille und unserer Kollegen von The Markup aus den USA. Wir decken Hunderte äußerst bedenkliche Segmente über die Schwächen und das Verhalten von Bürger:innen aus 15 EU-Ländern auf. Wir belegen erstmals, wie stark inzwischen auch deutsche Firmen am Geschäft mit unseren Daten mitverdienen. Und wir dokumentieren, auf welch tönernen Füßen dieses Business rechtlich steht.
In unserem Vortrag präsentieren wir die wichtigsten Ergebnisse unserer
[Artikel-Serie]( und die Methoden unserer Recherche. Mehrere internationale Medien haben die Recherche bereits aufgegriffen und Analysen für die USA, Australien, die Niederlande und die Schweiz veröffentlicht
Wir zeigen, wo genau Interessierte an die Recherche anknüpfen können – und wie Nutzer:innen selbst aktiv werden können. Nicht zuletzt machen wir klar: Das System kann weg, denn es gibt längst Alternativen zur Überwachungsindustrie.</description>
<person guid="e1d84ffd-5b4e-55fb-98b1-916d5c386611">Sebastian Meineck</person>
<person guid="f19f8817-e80d-5c5f-af0d-63d95f3626f4">Ingo Dachwitz</person>
<link href="">Die Xandr-Recherche</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/421/original/2023_37C3_die-akte-xandr.pdf?1703688214">2023_37C3_die-akte-xandr.pdf</attachment>
<event guid="93d72015-6763-4bd2-9c42-cf6c54b9dcd0" id="12337">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>&quot;Was sind eigentlich Audio Interventionen?&quot; - Von Sound Grafitti und Protest-Jingles</title>
<track>Art &amp; Beauty</track>
<abstract>Wir machen Sound Grafitti mit Echokammern, produzieren Protest-Jingles und Sprachwerkstätten. Mit diesem Beitrag möchten wir euch zwei Vorgehensweisen zu dieser Art von „Protest mit Sound als Audio Intervention&quot; vorstellen, sowie die künstlerischen, kreativ-technischen Prozesse näher bringen und euch einladen, diese kritisch zu beäugen und zu hören, sich unserer Ideen und Verfahren zu ermächtigen und die dargestellten Formen und Ansätze nach eurem Belieben weiterzuentwickeln und anderweitig zu verwenden. Wir glauben an die Wirksamkeit von Vielfalt von Protest und sehen diesen als wichtiges Element demokratischer Meinungsbildung und um für politische Rechte zu kämpfen und gegen Diskriminierung mobil zu machen</abstract>
<description>Wir machen Sound Grafitti mit Echokammern, produzieren Protest-Jingles und Sprachwerkstätten. Mit diesem Beitrag möchten wir euch zwei Vorgehensweisen zu dieser Art von „Protest mit Sound als Audio Intervention&quot; vorstellen, sowie die künstlerischen, kreativ-technischen Prozesse näher bringen und euch einladen, diese kritisch zu beäugen und zu hören, sich unserer Ideen und Verfahren zu ermächtigen und die dargestellten Formen und Ansätze nach eurem Belieben weiterzuentwickeln und anderweitig zu verwenden. Wir glauben an die Wirksamkeit von Vielfalt von Protest und sehen diesen als wichtiges Element demokratischer Meinungsbildung und um für politische Rechte zu kämpfen und gegen Diskriminierung mobil zu machen (sprich im kleinsten gemeinsamen Nenner: #fightnazis, #afdwegbassen und #saytheirnames).
„Sound Grafitti&quot; und „Protest-Jingles&quot; beherbergen disruptives Potenzial und können als Audio-Interventionen bestehende Diskurse in öffentlichen und digitalen Räumen aufbrechen / bereichen. Zum einen, indem überhaupt einmal bestimmte Meinungen / Äußerungen anderen außerhalb der eigenen „Bubbles&quot; und Räume zugänglich gemacht werden, zum anderen, um kollektiv verfasste Äußerungen in Konfrontation mit Menschen zu bringen, um auf Probleme zu verweisen, solidarische Anliegen vorzubringen und Handlungsvorschläge (für Protest-Vorhaben) anzubieten.
„Echokammern&quot; sind Open Source DIY-Lautsprecher für Audio-Interventionen, nutzbar für Sound-Graffiti im öffentlichen Raum. Als Basis nutzen wir Baustellenlampen, die wir zu mobilen Lautsprechern umfunktionieren. Durch einen Hack werden die allgegenwärtigen Baustellenlampen zu Mitteln der Kommunikation und Irritation im öffentlichen Raum. Ein Objekt, das uns aufmerksam macht und auf Gefahren hinweist, wird manipuliert und zur Echokammer gesellschaftlich relevanter Anliegen und Probleme. Ausgangspunkt für dieses Projekt war der rassistische Terroranschlag in Hanau im Jahr 2020, bei dem neun Menschen von einem rechtsradikalen Terroristen getötet wurden. In einer Zeit, in der es aufgrund der Pandemie und damit verbundener Regelungen nur eingeschränkt möglich war gemeinsam zu gedenken, zu protestieren und zu trauern, haben wir nach Möglichkeiten gesucht, die Forderung &quot;SAY THEIR NAMES&quot; auf die Straße zu bringen. So entstand ein Werkzeug, das seither für verschiedene politische Kämpfe und Themen genutzt wurde. So bespielten die Lautsprecher zuletzt in diesem Jahr die Straßen Berlins zum Protest gegen den Weiter-Bau der Autobahn A100.
Protest-Jingles sind Audio-Beiträge zu Protestvorhaben, die diese ankündigen, flankieren, erklären und in denen Themen und damit verbundene Anliegen verhandelt werden und zur Teilnahme aufgerufen wird. 2018 hat Reclaim Club Culture damit erstmals mit eigens dafür produzierten Jingles zu einem Groß-Protest gegen Nazis unter dem Motto #afdwegbassen aufgerufen, um mit diesen die Mobilisierung (z.B. abgespielt durch DJs in Clubs, zum Teilen über Social Media, zum Versenden an Redaktionen und Journalistinnen) zu dem Protest zu unterstützen sowie um während des Protestes den Aufruf als Meinungsäußerung von Lautsprecher-Wägen abzuspielen zu können.
Sprachwerkstätten als Variation dessen sind mit Protest-Jingles in der Hinsicht artverwandt, als dass sie Versuche darstellen, Meinungen von Menschen zu bestimmten Themen einzuholen und künstlerisch kuratiert als Audio-Collage darzustellen und anderen zugänglich zu machen. Sie machen ein Angebot zum Reflektieren und Partizipieren, welches keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit oder Wahrheit hat und immer nur eine Auswahl darstellt.
Die Ergebnisse der vergangenen fünf Jahre stehen für sich und werden in diesem Beitrag in einer Auswahl auch performt. </description>
<person guid="bc6e1235-4271-5d0c-bf66-a714d32ba98f">Philipp Breitenbach - echokammer</person>
<person guid="c5d0d48c-7ce9-453b-8517-3c3cf087c11a">Thomas_Liebkose</person>
<person guid="ace7e779-6222-5ae8-bf56-f199cac36a8a">Peter Breitenbach - echokammer</person>
<event guid="f5852d4a-58c0-4ff1-91dd-03df4a16e43e" id="12104">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Was Digitale Gewalt mit Restaurantkritik zu tun hat</title>
<subtitle>Neue Entwicklungen rund um das Thema Digitale Gewalt</subtitle>
<track>Ethics, Politics &amp; Society</track>
<abstract>Was hat sich in den letzten fünf Jahren seit dem letzten Talk über Digitale Gewalt in Deutschland getan? Das Thema stand im Ampel-Koalitionsvertrag, aber was es jetzt geben soll, ist ein Accountsperren-Gesetz, das eine Gefahr für die Anonymität im Netz sein könnte.
Das Justizministerium möchte Digitale Gewalt gegen Unternehmen bestrafen (&quot;Restaurantkritik&quot;), aber wer weiterhin im Regen steht: Betroffene und Beratungsstellen. Was hat sich geändert, was nicht und warum müssen wir immer noch unsere Privatadressen ins Impressum schreiben – darum geht es in diesem Talk.</abstract>
<description>Die Ampel hat in ihren Koalitionsvertrag geschrieben, dass es ein Digitale-Gewalt-Gesetz geben soll und das schien ein großer Schritt vorwärts. Als ich vor fünf Jahren beim 35C3 über Digitale Gewalt sprach, war das Thema kaum bekannt und seitdem hat sich viel getan.
Dieser Talk gibt einen Überblick zum Stand der Dinge: Was ist seitdem passiert, was wird unter dem Begriff verstanden und was wissen wir inzwischen über das Ausmaß, neue und alte Formen digitaler Gewalt und den Umgang damit.
Digitale Gewalt ist ein Sammelbegriff und meint ganz verschiedene Dinge:
\* Hate-Speech, also Beleidigungen, Verleumdungen und Bedrohungen im Netz
\* digitale Aspekte der sog. ‚häuslichen Gewalt' wie Stalker-Ware, heimliches oder erzwungenes Mitlesen von E-Mails und Messenger-Nachrichten, Video-Überwachung, Zugriff auf Lokationsfunktionen von Mobilgeräten
\* digitales Stalking mithilfe von AirTags oder GPS-Sendern, Doxing
\* heimliche Aufnahmen in Umkleiden, Duschen, Toiletten und ihr Upload auf Porno-Plattformen
\* Filmen von Vergewaltigungen und Erpressung mit der Drohung der Veröffentlichung
In den letzten Jahren hat es einige neue Gesetze gegeben und das Justizministerium arbeitet am Digitale-Gewalt-Gesetz. Auch die EU bereitet ein neues Gesetz vor. Was sich dadurch ändern wird und was nicht und was nötig wäre, um Betroffenen zu helfen, ist Thema dieses Talks.
<person guid="a38f1463-0e67-5973-ace0-17387b850bd9">Anne Roth</person>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/485/original/37C3_Digitale_Gewalt_slides.pdf?1704158935">Slides: Was Digitale Gewalt mit Restaurantkritik zu tun hat</attachment>
<event guid="f60110ec-38e4-4730-b906-5363e3a90f84" id="12030">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>KIM: Kaos In der Medizinischen Telematikinfrastruktur (TI)</title>
<abstract>Elektronische Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigungen (eAU), Arztbriefe, medizinische Diagnosen, all diese sensiblen Daten werden heute mittels KIM – Kommunikation im Gesundheitswesen – über die Telematikinfrastruktur (TI) verschickt.
Aber ist der Dienst wirklich sicher? Wer kann die Nachrichten lesen, wo werden die E-Mails entschlüsselt und wie sicher ist die KIM-Software? Im Live-Setup einer Zahnarztpraxis haben wir Antworten auf diese Fragen gesucht.</abstract>
<description>Die sichere E-Mail-Infrastruktur für Ärzt\*innen, Apotheker\*innen, Krankenversicherungen und Kliniken in Deutschland, KIM – Kommunikation im Gesundheitswesen – ist mit über 200 Millionen E-Mails in den letzten zwei Jahren eine der am meisten genutzten Anwendungen in der Telematikinfrastruktur (TI). KIM verspricht sichere Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung zwischen Heilberufler\*innen in ganz Deutschland, wofür S/MIME-Zertifikate für alle medizinisch Beteiligten in Deutschland ausgegeben wurden.
Was aber passiert, wenn man die Schlüsselausgabe-Prozesse in der TI falsch designt? Was passiert, wenn man unsichere Software im Feld nicht patcht? Was passiert, wenn man zu viel Sicherheit vor den Nutzenden abstrahieren möchte?
Die Antwort: Man bekommt eine theoretisch kryptographisch sichere Lösung, die in der Praxis die gesteckten Ziele nicht erreicht.
Alle gefundenen Schwachstellen wurden den Betroffenen im Rahmen abgeschlossener Responsible Disclosure-Prozesse mitgeteilt.</description>
<person guid="25c2b6fb-76a0-5cfd-b105-e419dd518877">Sebastian Schinzel</person>
<person guid="6e5dce83-f438-522b-8ab0-09dcd1211021">Christoph Saatjohann</person>
<event guid="21a66662-54b7-443c-b037-9fac83fd5749" id="12169">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<subtitle>PART II: disrupting disruption</subtitle>
<track>Art &amp; Beauty</track>
<abstract>OPENCOIL and the fine art of appropriating micro-mobility services for fun and debate.</abstract>
<description>Since the dawn of deep mediatization (Hepp, 2020), the start-up scene posing as digital pioneers has been declaring a state of revolution, seeking nothing but disruption with the introductions of their products into society. A goal they definitely achieved with the introduction of micro-mobility services to our cityscapes / public space.
In 2020, Dennis de Bel and Anton Jehle therefore initiated the OPENCOIL research project to gain a better understanding of this latest venture capitalist phenomenon, share knowledge, establish a community, and develop tools to provoke a public debate. Later that year, they organized their first public intervention, the roaming speedshow, in Berlin and shared their insights with the community at rc3 (\_a\_roaming\_speedshow).
The ever changing landscape of micro-mobilty kept Speedy and Scooty invested and they are here at 37C3 to give an update on the OPENCOIL project! The term &quot;revolution&quot; has become a beloved buzzword for the platform economy. to take the world by storm: when in early 2018, thousands of electric kick scooters, or “trotinettes” as the french like to call them, flooded the city of Paris , the media sure was quick to coin this the &quot;micromobility revolution&quot; (Medium, 2018). As the french are somewhat experts in the field of revolutionizing, Paris is arguably the key to any successful uprising. The seemingly endless back and forth between regulation and cooperation, between sharing and exploiting, progress and regression of micromobility can be observed here like in no other European city. As of August 31st 2023, the trotinettes have been banned from the streets of Paris with almost 90 % of public votes supporting the decision. Today the Bastille square is completely freed from trottinettes: a revolution by the people.
With this years talk Scooty and Speedy will be problematising the rise (and fall) of shared mobility and its effects on the basis of Paris as well as related interventions and observations of the past three years.</description>
<person guid="1c2eabf6-e92b-5378-9cbc-cdaf8cd24e1e">Speedy</person>
<person guid="ee7cc51e-5438-5f95-a57f-db82aaff7970">Scooty</person>
<link href="">Opencoil Website</link>
<link href="">Opencoil Wiki</link>
<link href="">Opencoil 2020</link>
<link href="">rc3 Talk</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/368/original/parasites-02.jpg?1699730661">Scooter Parasite</attachment>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/409/original/revolution.jpg?1700047206">micromobility revolution</attachment>
<event guid="f618d3d7-d566-46f9-be2b-19c02bd33154" id="12183">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Handsfree assistive technology</title>
<subtitle>My technology portfolio to enable work, life, smart home and travel using a power wheelchair</subtitle>
<track>Hardware &amp; Making</track>
<abstract>I am paralysed from the chest down, have no hand functions and sit in a power wheelchair. I will share some insights on spinal cord injury and my experiences of how I work, live and travel using a power wheelchair. There are millions of people who cannot control a computer, tablet, or smartphone with their hands. Assistive technology supports the main functionalities which are needed: mouse movement and different kinds of clicks. My portfolio of hands-free assistive technology enables me every day to be active without using my hands or feet. I’m going to present solutions which make my everyday life more comfortable.</abstract>
<description>One moment changed my life. I had a swimming accident in 2017, a big wave took me and I broke my neck.
I am paralysed from the chest down, have no hand functions and sit in a power wheelchair. I cannot cough up independently and rely on 24/7 help to live an active life.
In the first few months, I was not able to breathe, eat, drink, speak, walk etc. by myself. In the meanwhile, I made some significant progress and began to work independently using my computer and assistive technology. Step-by-step I came back to a new kind of life. 
I love travelling and am fascinated by innovative technologies. I love my job in the IT industry and passionately work full-time for a startup company in Berlin.
I will share some insights on spinal cord injury and my experiences of how I work, live and travel using a power wheelchair. There are millions of people who cannot control a computer, tablet, or smartphone with their hands. Assistive technology supports the main functionalities which are needed: mouse movement and different kinds of clicking.
I'm really lucky to be part of the current generation. In the last couple of years, the major technology companies released significant updates in regards to voice recognition, universal design, accessibility and assistive technology.
My portfolio of hands-free assistive technology enables me every day to be active without using my hands or feet. I’m going to present Solutions which make my everyday life more comfortable
I will share my personal setup which includes software and hardware. You can assume that I tested all of these products, and I’m using them in my smart home.
Assistive technology is going to change the lives of many forever and is much more vital than ever before.
Here are a few examples which I'm going to present.
My remodelled VW Transporter which enabled me to be the co-driver
My Smart home setup for lights, doors, tables, couch, TV, curtains, temperature and kitchen with speech, voice control and apps
My power wheelchair and its individual configuration so I can drive using my chin or head
A robotic arm which allows to be a personal assistant to drink, smoke or scratch myself
My computer, smartphone and headphone setup includes a head movement mouse, voice and switch control for dictation and commanding as well as a Bluetooth module to control the smartphone with single button clicks
Last but not least, I love doing videos using my GoPro and I'm happy to share my perspective</description>
<person guid="f3fcd313-e6a7-515b-89bb-d9393b2cee1e">Jan Goslicki</person>
<link href="">My personal website about Quadriplegic Spinal Cord Injury, Work &amp; Life</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/417/original/Handsfree_Assistive_Technology.pdf?1703663625">Handsfree Assistive Technology</attachment>
<event guid="e12908b4-4f5a-4b8b-8628-206f25b0d7f5" id="11792">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>The Unfolding Space Glove</title>
<subtitle>A Wearable for the Visually Impaired Translating 3D Vision into Haptic Stimuli</subtitle>
<track>Hardware &amp; Making</track>
<abstract>The Unfolding Space Glove transmits the relative position and distance of nearby objects as vibratory stimuli to the back of the hand, enabling blind people to haptically explore the depth of their surroundings. The talk will give a brief overview of the design research project, from the first prototypes to an empirical study and its publication, and provide insights into the underlying hardware and software.</abstract>
<description>Being born blind or losing sight is a major challenge, as it impairs the ability to acquire information about surroundings, to manage everyday life independently and, consequently, to participate equally in social, public and economic life. Technical aids developed to assist VIPs with certain tasks work well in the laboratory but regularly fail in practice because they are bulky or user-unfriendly. As a result, the target group resorts to traditional tools or simply lives with the shortcomings. Given the rapid changes in technology and low cost of digital tools, I saw great potential in addressing this issue as an interaction design project.
The result is an open-source Sensory Substitution device – the Unfolding Space Glove: it transmits the relative position and distance of nearby objects, detected by an on-board 3D camera, to the back of the hand in the form of vibratory stimuli. This allows the user to haptically explore the depth of the surrounding space and assists with navigation tasks such as object recognition and wayfinding. The prototype requires no external hardware, is highly portable, works in all lighting conditions, and provides continuous and immediate feedback – all while being visually unobtrusive.
The basic premise of the proposed concept of Sensory Substitution is that the function of a missing or impaired human sensory modality can be replaced by stimulating another sensory modality using the missing information. This only works because the brain is plastic enough to learn to associate the new stimuli with the missing modality, as long as they share the same basic characteristics. There have been a number of projects looking at this, but so far very few practical implementations have been proposed, which in turn are used by a negligible number of people. While the technology used is sometimes highly sophisticated, design and usability often suffer.
Taking into account the problems of existing devices and specifically addressing usability and interaction design requirements, the Unfolding Space Glove was designed and developed in a four-year interaction design research project. In 2021, the prototype was tested in an empirical study with 14 sighted and blind subjects, the results of which were published in a scientific, peer-reviewed paper in 2022.
I would like to introduce you to the field of Sensory Substitution, share this project with you, show pitfalls, problems (for me coming from a non-IT background) and some technical details and ask for your feedback and input. I will have the device with me if you want to have a closer look at it after the talk. Testing would only be possible in smaller groups by appointment.</description>
<person guid="13e23d90-0709-52a0-8985-381bdab49b43">Jakob Kilian</person>
<link href="">Project Website</link>
<link href="">Github Repo</link>
<link href="">Research Paper</link>
<link href="">Study Videos</link>
<link href="">Building Instructions</link>
<link href="">Presentation Slides</link>
<event guid="99b87729-3aa6-442b-83d6-9b1eb06b7e81" id="12268">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Music on Mars? A Musical Adventure for Astronauts and the Space Cadets Who Love Them.</title>
<subtitle>27 December 2023 21:10CET - Simulating the Acoustics of Mars for a Concert of Martian Music by Scott Beibin (aka Ptelepathetique)</subtitle>
<track>Art &amp; Beauty</track>
<abstract>Date/Time: 27 December 2023 - Wednesday @ 21:10 CET +++ Simulating the Acoustics of Mars for a Concert of Martian Music by Scott Beibin (aka Ptelepathetique) +++
During Mission 286 in November 2023 at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS), Analog Astronaut and crew artist Scott Beibin performed several concerts of original live musical compositions during a two week immersive astronaut training. +++
The concerts were played through a custom audio filter based on data gathered by the NASA Mars Perseverance Rover and created to simulate the acoustic properties of Mars - designed by Beibin and master audio engineer, John Knott. +++
The live sets were performed in the MDRS Science Dome as well as during EVAs while navigating the desolate terrain in a simulation space suit - at sunset with the MDRS base and remote Mars-like Utah desert serving as a backdrop. +++
This event was the first time in the 20 year history of the training facility that a music concert has been performed. +++
The presentation at 37C3 will be the first time this talk is being presented publicly. ++
Additionally there will be a full Ptelepathetique concert featuring Music of Mars (Please keep checking the schedule / Fahrplan for the announcement of the performance)
<description>Using the SuperCam microphone mounted on the Mars Perseverance Rover, recordings were made of the sounds of the Ingenuity rotorcraft as well as the popping sounds of laser sparking on stone. These audio samples, in addition to recordings of wind from other missions served as as reference sources in order to characterize the acoustic processes Mars for the first time.
It was discovered that:
- The acoustic impedance of the martian atmosphere results in approximately 20 dB weaker sounds on Mars than on Earth (if produced by the same source.)
- The acoustic attenuation range on Mars was discovered to be roughly between 20Hz to 20kHz.
- On Mars low-pitched sounds travel at about 240 m/s (537 mph) while higher-pitched sounds move at 250 m/s (559 mph) due to the low atmospheric pressure 0.6 kPa (170 times lower than on Earth) and 97 percent CO2-dominated atmosphere (compared to 0.04 percent CO2 on Earth).
The results were published by NASA in Journal Nature as to these findings.  [] and on the Nasa website [
Referencing the paper published by NASA in Journal Nature as to these findings, analog astronaut and MDRS 286 crew artist Scott Beibin worked with master audio engineer John Knott to develop a software filter that could be used during Ptelepathetique concert performed during a two week immersive astronaut training in order to simulate the sounds of Mars.
During the talk at 37C3 Beibin will discuss and demonstrate the comparison between the acoustic properties of the atmospheres of Earth and Mars via a demonstration of the software as well as musical Ptelepathetique performance.
During the talk he will also present a short summary of the design patterns of the The Mars Desert Research Station which is used to train astronauts, researchers and students for offworld expeditions to the Red Planet. Additionally he will touch on the other aspects of his mission including 3D scanning of the surrounding geology as well as 3D printing of objects useful at the base using locally gathered and processed clay.
This should be an out-of-this-world treat for the Space Cadet hackers and others who like making astronauts out of themselves.
++ Ptelepathetique is a musical project of inventor, engineer and artist Scott Beibin that focuses on the creation of instrumental cinematic psychoacoustic soundscapes designed to stimulate focus and creativity. Concerts usually happen outdoors in natural settings while using off-grid generated power while consisting of a mix of original musical composition as well as improvisation. Ptelepathetique is also the soundtrack for Beibin's projects The Groucho Fractal Show, AncientScan and the Mandelbot Ecotech Roadshow.
++ The Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) is a Space analog facility in Utah that supports Earth-based research in pursuit of the technology, operations, and science required for human space exploration. The remotely isolated facility created by The Mars Society offers scientists, engineers and students rigorous training for human operations on Mars as is surrounded by a landscape that is an actual geologic Mars analog.
<person guid="8b2fcad7-5bcd-5d40-b2c9-3c91bd4aba61">Scott Beibin</person>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/395/original/IMG_5227.jpeg?1699742797">Scott Beibin aka Ptelepathetique performs his composition of “Music on Mars”</attachment>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/416/original/IMG_6295.jpeg?1702716917">Scott Beibin performs a Ptelepathetique simulating the acoustics of the martian atmosphere</attachment>
<event guid="1154a1e3-c7fd-404d-8cab-0d3a8a9b7fc2" id="11782">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>SMTP Smuggling – Spoofing E-Mails Worldwide</title>
<abstract>Introducing a novel technique for e-mail spoofing.</abstract>
<description>SMTP, the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, allows e-mailing since 1982. This easily makes it one of the oldest technologies amongst the Internet. However, even though it seems to have stood the test of time, there was still a trivial but novel exploitation technique just waiting to be discovered – SMTP smuggling!
In this talk, we’ll explore how SMTP smuggling breaks the interpretation of the SMTP protocol in vulnerable server constellations worldwide, allowing some more than unwanted behavior. Sending e-mails as to fortune 500 companies – while still passing SPF checks – will be the least of our problems!
From identifying this novel technique to exploiting it in one of the most used e-mail services on the Internet, we’ll dive into all the little details this attack has to offer. Therefore, in this talk, we’ll embark on an expedition beyond the known limits of SMTP, and venture into the uncharted territories of SMTP smuggling!</description>
<person guid="2766551d-bb63-5537-a74f-37e4d014e872">Timo Longin</person>
<event guid="d3155610-f0c8-4ee7-b397-e38f46264ce6" id="11796">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Energy Consumption of Datacenters </title>
<track>Sustainability &amp; Climate Justice</track>
<abstract>I look into the resource consumption of data centers and present my state of knowledge. I ask more questions than I give answers.</abstract>
<description>The increase has already been exponential for years. With the AI hype, this demand for energy, cooling and water has increased dramatically.
What is known, what is to be expected and how an upcoming crisis be avoided? Can we reuse the energy? At least partially? Are there other concepts of integrating data centers into buildings and cities? Do we have non technical patterns driving the resource exhaustion?
The AI hype has increased the demand dramatically. The existing GPU based computing paradigm cuts hard into the standard design of data centers and demands other ways of cooling. Does the approach of modeling neurons really need floating point numbers? Which alternatives could be found?
This is an update of Thomas' previous talks at the #cccamp23 Camp[1] and at the Bits und Bäume conference [2].
<person guid="dd7feeb2-e82a-4fd3-a78f-288e623cc8c4">thomas</person>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/480/original/ai-energy.pdf?1704041015">slides</attachment>
<room guid="10e6a40c-3b85-4df0-9731-af511d818fad" name="Saal E">
<event guid="be1272de-d17d-4283-bcba-5fc3a6c8436d" id="127217">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title>Greg Egan's „Orthogonal“: A universe without timelike dimensions</title>
<language>en, de</language>
<description>Just one sign switched and all of physics changes: Moving objects lose kinetic energy instead of gaining it and radiating objects get hotter instead of colder. Infinite velocity and infinite temperature are no longer impossible. Stars look like rainbow-colored lines instead of white dots and turning your arrow of time around into your own past is just as easy as turning from left to right. In this talk, we will explore the physics in a spacetime with signature (+,+,+,+) as presented by Greg Egan in the trilogy „Orthogonal“.
For everybody. No prior knowledge required. (Knowing metrics is helpful, but they will be explained.)
<event guid="8e9e35b2-399d-410e-8332-c04548e670d9" id="893523">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title>Build your own 37C3 Fahrplan app for Android</title>
<language>en, de</language>
<description>## About
In this session you learn how build the [37C3 Fahrplan app for Android]( yourself. You customize colors, change code and bring your own ideas.
## Language
- I will talk in English to reach most people. German is fine, too.
- Ich werde auf Englisch sprechen, um die Mehrzahl der Menschen zu erreichen. Ich kann bei Bedarf auf Deutsch kommunizieren.
## Requirements
- Some experience with Android, Kotlin, Git is helpful.
- Bring your own Android smartphone or tablet (minimum Android 5, Lollipop).
- Bring your own USB cable fitting with your Android device &amp; computer.
- Bring your own computer with [Android Studio (latest stable)]( installed.
- Have the project **already cloned** to your machine. Here is the [source code](
- Build the project at least once to download the Android SDK and libraries **before** you come. ⚠️ This will take some time!
## Your ideas
- I am looking forward to getting to know your ideas shared with everyone. Let them become reality!</description>
<event guid="6b2a1102-31f4-4306-966d-6a79082baea6" id="621102">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title>Let's hack together: My first kernel module in Rust!</title>
<description>Every month I tell myself that I should write a kernel module in Rust, but I never do it. Let's explore together what the current state of integration of Rust in the Linux kernel is.
This is not meant to be a workshop or talk, but more of a BoF style gathering for people playing around with things and helping each other.
If possible, come with a precompiled kernel and a minimal configuration and the possibility to boot the kernel with qemu.
If you do not have a setup yet:
$ git clone git://
copy .config from here to git repository:
$ make -j8
$ make LLVM=1 rustavailable
If Rust is not available on your system yet, check out the following instructions:
Furthermore, in the best case, try booting into your system with qemu.</description>
<event guid="7b9b93ba-bd2b-4d43-88ca-009f6d1d625f" id="799324">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title>CDC: Introduction to Critical Decentralization</title>
<description>In this session, we introduce the Critical Decentralization Cluster and its 9 Assemblies. We will present to you the content and the workshop program of our Cluster. The aim of this session is to bring you closer to the content and the people behind the Assemblies.</description>
<event guid="9083b5cc-1e13-425d-b240-4202c3266df3" id="908351">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title>📑 Lesezeichen zum Scrapen, Pimpen und Hosten von Webseiten 🌐</title>
<description>Only save favorites? Bookmarklets with JS and HTML offer more 🤖</description>
<event guid="e9fc5cf4-9a94-40ec-8cfb-be4ad8818cda" id="954994">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title> (HSO) Yearly Meetup</title>
<description>Created in 2008, the []( website was a vital part of the growth of the hackerspace movement. It keeps being a great resource for creatures &amp; communities wanting to start, operate, or just find information on hackspaces. Primarily a [wiki](
, it allows anyone, anywhere in the world, to add their hackspace. The pages attract curious search traffic, open days visitors, and new members. They are also the backbone of regional and international hackspace interaction, including a [world map](, [mailing list](, [chatroom](, and [hacker residences]( for travelling hackers.
The yearly CCC meetings help us keep the lights up, and to think of how to update &amp; improve the site, keeping it relevant for the years to come.
Let's get together, brainstorm, and discuss how to do this.</description>
<event guid="62f22fb4-64fa-4630-a271-bafcd7a2187d" id="622246">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title>Elektronische Patientenakte - Opt-Out - wie soll das gehen?</title>
<description>Sources used (all in German), and contact to activists are below
In December 2023, German Parliament passed two acts concerning health data administration. From 2025, for patients insured by the compulsory health insurance scheme (85 % of population), their visits at doctors shall be registered in an Electronic Health Record (EHR) provided by their health insurance. Content data will be available e.g. for research purposes. Insured persons shall be entitled to object to the establishment of such health insurer's EHR, in which case they will not get one.
We inform about these plans in a little more in detail, as there will be some more options available. And we will discuss about a platform suporting patient's decisions about this &quot;opt-out&quot;.
Speakers: jockel, Flysch, novider
presentation used:
Generator for GDPR requests and model for an opt-out generator:
Statement of umbrella organization of German medical self-help groups concerning German health system digitization and opt-out regulation:
Topical critical groups of German health service providers concerning digitization of health services:
Many further groups are here, but this page has not been updated regularly:
Contact to organizers:</description>
<event guid="fc73e727-4723-4ea2-9bf6-414c2ded15bb" id="737274">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title>Cosmic Connectivity - Starlink, Satellite Swarms and the Hackers' Final Frontier</title>
<description>We will give a short introduction into new Low Earth Orbit satellite based communications networks like Starlink, OneWeb and Amazon Kuiper.
What is going on in space? How do you build a satellite constellation? How does all this work? What performance can a user expect?
We will also have an open discussion on where the development of infrastructure and services is headed and what risks and attack vectors could be observed so far.</description>
<room guid="e58b284a-d3e6-42cc-be2b-7e02c791bf95" name="Stage Y">
<event guid="1942fe9e-1a1f-43b9-a53e-8b7d48b739e4" id="194291">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>QR-Codes ohne Computer lesen</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<event guid="5962abff-2869-47e1-b856-29fe020d9976" id="596228">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>Warum der Windows Kernel garnicht so scheiße ist</title>
<description>In diesem Talk werde ich erst einen groben Überblick über Kernelprogrammierung allgemein geben und dann den Windows und den Linux Kernel bezüglich verschiedener Aspekte vergleichen.
Sowohl allgemeine Architektur als auch I/O Konzepte und Treiber Modell werden eine Rolle spielen.
Die letzten 30 Minuten sind für fragen und Diskussion eingeplant.🧮</description>
<event guid="60da5078-e07e-401e-9e53-d631592a6ab7" id="605078">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>Wondrous mathematics: Three bizarre logico-philosophical tales about the axiom of choice</title>
<description>The axiom of choice might be the most contested axiom in the list of foundational principles of mathematics, with advocates and opponents engaging in fierce philosophical debates.
Some regard it as obviously true while others cannot be convinced by any argument whatsoever because they know counterexamples.
How can there be so much discussion about—in mathematics, which is supposed to be neutral and objective, where every question should be settled by a computation or proof?
In the talk we will:
- Learn what the axiom of choice asserts.
- Understand why it is useful.
- Embrace the danger of adopting the axiom of choice.
- Enjoy how the axiom of choice can be safely simulated in a universe called &quot;Gödel's sandbox&quot;.
- Touch on axioms which are less-contested but actually more severe.
[Here is a list of more sessions by our group.]( **There also the slides will be published.**
<event guid="ac8f8501-a576-49e6-b5e6-6c99d32de7d8" id="885015">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>Social Rejection Games [90 min duration, 30 min of it at Stage of Y]</title>
<description>In the world of code, errors are fixable, but what about in human interactions? Our Social Rejection Games workshop is your chance to update your social firmware. We’ll tackle the outdated, tribal fear of rejection that hinders potential in our modern, liberal social systems.
From making calls to asking for a favor or that coveted phone number, we'll follow a hands-on protocol to challenge and reprogram your social instincts.
[Disclaimer: I scheduled the event with a duration of '30 min' due to not reserve Stage Y for more time than needed as we'll go outside. The event will take ~90 min]
Please bring your jacket, we'll go outside</description>
<event guid="0d244f88-0206-4515-89b2-24359961e155" id="24488">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>Conversation Practice: Hypothetical Life Scenarios</title>
<description>In this session, I invite the participants to have 1-on-1 conversations about hypothetical life scenarios.
We will follow an outline of the practice presented in The Conversation Book published by our independent, non-for-profit Circadian Press. In this book, we propose a practice and questions that help explore life scenarios that have not happened yet. We invite the participants to find a random partner among those who are present, and to pose the questions to each other, listen to the responses, and, hopefully, find out more about themselves and the others around.
At the end of the session we aim to have had a great time, meet new people, and — if you prefer — also have some actionable strategies to bring whatever it is that we imaged into the real.
The exact location is TBC after we get the map of the space. In the meanwhile, if you have any questions, please, reach out on Telegram @noduslabs
More info: [](</description>
<event guid="d2a1ca63-4ac7-4215-ad76-32252e1fb5da" id="216347">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>Erfahrungsaustausch: IT-Sicherheitstrainings für Aktivist*innen</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>Following the lively interest in the exchange of experiences at this year's camp and the formation of a networking group, we would like to try this again at the Congress and perhaps also give the networking group some life.
The world is not getting any brighter, house raids are becoming more frequent and climate activism is equated with terrorism. As a scene, we certainly have a lot to contribute, which is also urgently needed. So if you have ever given IT security training for politically active people or would like to start doing so, please come along!
There isn't really a program planned, this is more intended as a relaxed and spontaneous exchange and get-together.
Matrix Room Link:!;;
Room will be closed after 37C3 again.
Other Links follow.</description>
<event guid="8851d6d1-e518-45a4-b102-07faa60457e2" id="885161">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>Trainingssession noHackerjeopardy (closed session)</title>
<description>Trainingssession noHackerjeopardy (closed session)</description>
<room guid="53f436a0-705b-40eb-974f-2bfce8857b1b" name="Stage H">
<event guid="6f8bbeaa-c75c-4583-a30d-61eabc7440aa" id="687545">
<room>Stage H</room>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>What is Polychat? How does it work? How far are we in development? ... If you want: what is it like as a PTF-funded project?</description>
<event guid="27c830d8-9491-4677-bd8f-b086d14f005e" id="278308">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>Digital in der Landwirtschaft</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>Format: Open discussion group in which there should be space for networking and connecting with your own projects.
Agriculture needs more options and integrations in digital processes. The diversity and complexity of the area and activities are a challenge for digitalization. Understanding between the domains of IT and agriculture is only possible with interdisciplinary collaboration, because deeper knowledge in both domains is practically impossible to find in personal union.
We discuss which digital options are already available to interested farmers and what obstacles exist despite the variety of offers. This results in aspects of how digitalization should be designed in order to be able to provide added value.
I will give a short keynote speech to introduce the area and the topics we work on.</description>
<event guid="0e5ca549-827d-4a6f-831d-5ce3b59ef0ed" id="55498">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>chatmail: self-hosting email servers, optimized for chatting with Delta Chat</title>
<language>en, de</language>
<description>This session shows how to use [chatmail]( to run a simple mail server setup, optimized for using it for chatting with the email messenger Delta Chat. It has never been this easy to self-host your own decentralized chat server.
This session is not recorded.</description>
<event guid="5925402c-98ff-43f7-b421-ef20f5fe0e8c" id="592540">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>Rationality / Lesswrong / ACX Group Meetup</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>We aim to connect people involved or interested in &quot;rationality&quot; (having accurate beliefs and acting in a way to achieve owns values). Feel free to talk to us if you already are a reader of Lesswrong or Astral Codex Ten, for example. We want to provide a platform for people to get to know the other engaged community members and provide a low barrier to entry for soon-to-be-members. We have a [Telegram group]( and an IRC channel (#LW@37c3 on Libera).</description>
<event guid="0a74f25b-9da3-4e8d-bf8a-29983216f095" id="74259">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>Middlewear and Browser Extensions Meetup</title>
<description>A space to share about middlewear and browser extensions.
Both academic use and interest (like the project that the convener proposes) and use for making web pages more customizable.
Example topics we could chat about:
- Projects in the space
- Legal aspects
- what's possible on apps
- the beeper story/iMessage reverse-engineering
- ...</description>
<room guid="8f182db3-241a-4809-8633-b85b9054ceb7" name="Saal D">
<event guid="d018a790-c0b3-4d0e-9444-2c187c5dbbc1" id="18790">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title>Foundation workshop: Hands-on, how does the Internet work?</title>
<description>This workshop is for all who only have a vague idea or might not know at all what an “IP address” is. We’ll learn how the Internet works by making Internet traffic visible. This is a beginner’s workshop. If you toyed with Wireshark before, you will be bored to hell in this workshop.
Invisible to the casual user, lots of computers communicate and work together to deliver the kitten videos you’re craving. In this workshop, we use the tool Wireshark (available for all operating systems) to make this communication visible. In lots of life demos, we’ll learn that the domain names we’re familiar with, like or, are a thin layer around IP addresses, which are the real addresses computers use to identify themselves. We’ll uncover which hidden information your browser sends along each request, and we’ll see how easy it is to intercept traffic.
This workshop is for everybody who is interested in knowing how the Internet works, in which form computers talk to each other. Absolutely no prerequisites are required. People who are familiar with network stacks will be bored to hell.
Note to the infrastructure team: In the final part of the talk, we’ll perform a standard ARP spoofing attack to intercept traffic from a volunteer and display their website login password on the projector. Of course we won’t use the congress network for this. I’ll use an hotspot of my own.
[Here is a list of more sessions by our group.]( (also including references for this session)
<event guid="49f0cbc5-dd1e-44c3-bb06-21c6e4ddebe3" id="490514">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title>KinkyGeeks Beginner bondage workshop 1 (Ticket required!)</title>
<description>Instructor Pez (@DoodleMe) and team will take you through some of the most basic concepts of Japanese rope bondage (Shibari). You'll learn some theory, and a few beginner friendly knots that you can use at home and that lay the foundations to more advanced ties.
This peer based workshop is aimed at complete beginners. Singles, pairs and groups are welcome. Up to X people, space is limited. No dress code, but it's suggested you avoid loose clothing as this makes it harder to tie. Please bring your own (non-stretchy) rope if you have it. Workshop will be taught in English.
To enter the workshop, please click a ticket at</description>
<event guid="d486545d-fbdb-404d-94fb-23ec0bbcf6d1" id="486545">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title>Meet the Funders: Sovereign Tech Fund, NLNet, Prototype Fund</title>
<description>Are you looking for funding for your project? Unsure if your new idea would be likely to get support? Interested in applying for a grant, in getting to know who ensures funds run smoothly or simply curious? Come say hi! We're here to answer all your questions about our funds.
At this meetup you will have the opportunity to meet team members from the following funds:
- The Prototype Fund supports software developers, designers and other creatives in transforming their ideas from a concept into a software prototype. Whether data security, mobility, education or democracy – together we explore and test new ways for technical and social innovations as open source software from society and for society.
- NLnet foundation (after its historical contribution to the early internet in Europe) has been financially supporting organizations and people that contribute to an open information society since 1997. It funds those with ideas to fix the internet. The procedure is fast, competitive and open to anyone.
- The Sovereign Tech Fund supports the development, improvement and maintenance of open digital infrastructure. Our goal is to sustainably strengthen the open source ecosystem. We focus on security, resilience, technological diversity, and the people behind the code.</description>
<event guid="1946d2cf-3f83-4eb9-9bd2-edae6ccd6bd5" id="194623">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title>p4p meetup</title>
<description>A p4p meetup, we are going to discuss technologies such as SSB, p2panda, earthstar, cabal, willow, ppppp, dat etc. We want to talk about how to make decentralized tech more popular, update each other on the current state of the community and so on. Expect a lot of anarchy.
We probably want to structure this as a short intro + free form loosely structured discussion around the topics we pick at the start of the meeting. The exact form is dependent on how many people will come.</description>
<event guid="5d1b5e05-dc9f-4a3e-91a1-fb93079d8aac" id="515059">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title>Junghacker:innen-Tag: Lötengel-Einführung</title>
<description>Wir erzählen euch was ein Lötengel tut und worauf er/sie achten muss. Außerdem stellen wir euch die Bausätze vor die wir bauen werden.
Hier gibt es die Folien des Vortrags:</description>
<event guid="2c855bf8-f6ea-4433-a050-062123bd1530" id="285586">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title>WTF Genossenschaft Meetup</title>
<description>The members' meetup of the WTF Co-operative, aka Hackers' Co-operative &gt;</description>
<event guid="d853823a-be87-4160-a51c-3161aaeec728" id="853823">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title>Wondrous mathematics: How does artificial intelligence accomplish the feat of learning?</title>
<description>*How a mathematical breakthrough made at the end of the 17th century is the workhorse of the artificial neural networks of today*
Conventional computer algorithms are superior to the human intellect in many regards: for instance at multiplying large numbers or winning at chess by analyzing huge numbers of moves. But there are also many tasks which come naturally to us yet exceed the capabilities of algorithms by vast amounts: Rigid algorithms can't decipher human handwriting or drive cars.
The recent breakthroughs in artificial intelligence circumvent these barriers by employing quite a different approach: They use artificial neural networks, which are inspired by the partially-understood way the human brain works.
The unique feature of artificial neural nets is that they aren't rigid, but can learn. Human programmers specify their rough structure and supply training data, but don't write a single line of code governing their behavior.
**In the spirit of a good Unix command-line tool, this talk aspires to explain one thing and explain it well: How do artificial neural nets accomplish the feat of learning?**
We'll learn that the answer is related to a mathematical breakthrough made at the end of the 17th century and discuss why deep learning only surged in the last few years, even though the basics of artificial neural nets were already understood in the 1980s. We'll also touch upon some of the greatest problems of neural nets, which emerge directly from the way neural nets learn.
The talk doesn't require any advanced knowledge of mathematics. If you're already familiar with [Michael Nielsen's book](, then don't expect to learn anything new and come to this talk only if you want to contribute interesting remarks. The talk has the goal of making the other neural network talks more accessible.
[Here is a list of more sessions by us.]( (including the slides for this session)
<event guid="73464211-4395-4d11-96b1-289d1bff0569" id="734642">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title>Wondrous mathematics: A gentle introduction to P vs. NP, the greatest open question in computer science</title>
<description>Very roughly, P is the class of efficiently solvable problems and NP is the class of non-efficiently solvable problems. A basic fact of life is P ≠ NP. However, for the last fifty years, this observation has stubbornly resisted every attempt of a proof. The talk will carefully explain:
▸ what the precise statement of the conjecture P ≠ NP is
▸ how the world would look like if P = NP
▸ whether it might be that it's provable that the conjecture is unprovable (that the conjecture exceeds the boundaries of logic)
▸ what's known about hypothetical proofs of P ≠ NP
This talk requires no mathematical prerequisites. Indeed, people who took classes on computability theory in university will be bored to hell and should only attend if they plan to support the session by offering interesting remarks. :-)
To enjoy and follow the talk, you should know that we use algorithms to solve computational problems and that some are more efficient than others. You'll be extra prepared if at some point in your life you've implemented some algorithms. That said, you will only enjoy the talk if you enjoy mathematical thinking and a certain amount of mathematical precision. This is not a light-and-fun talk, to the small extent that it's fun it's only thanks to the interesting theoretical relationships discussed in the talk.
[Here is a list of more sessions by our group.]( (including the slides of this session)
<event guid="b376baf0-eeac-442c-9cad-dcfca0cb59d0" id="376044">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title>LinuxBoot, u-root + cpu hands-on workshop</title>
<language>en, de</language>
<description>Participants will learn about the [LinuxBoot project]( and [u-root](, and if time permits, try out `cpu`, a handy concept and command ported to Linux from the ideas in the Plan 9 research OS.
We have prepared two repositories for a quick start:
- &lt;;
- &lt;;
In summary, this gets
- a small Linux userland
- bootloaders
- networked OS</description>
<room guid="84b99bf3-1727-44e3-811e-8b130153a30d" name="Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space">
<event guid="2e3e2aae-4969-4836-bef5-b0d88425ef18" id="232496">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space</room>
<title>DearMEP: EU Lobbying FOSS Tool</title>
<description>DearMEP is a tool to empower citizens to reach out – easy, directly and free of charge – to their elected representatives in the European Parliament. Our goal is to make the voices of average people heard in the political process!
Many important decisions are taken in Europe. Yet, Brussels and Strasbourg often seem further away than national politics. DearMEP is a tool that brings EU politicians much closer to home and to the people they should be accountable to. NGOs can use this free software tool to empower their constituency to counter the power of paid lobbyists. Users don’t need to learn how the EU works, which politician to call under which number. They only need to care about the issue and spend time – not money – to make a difference.
In this session the team behind showcases the near final tool, talks about FOSS release, listens to the community. Particularly, if you come from the climate, migration or LGBTQI* movement, we hope our tool can help your community be heard. Come by! is a project of Their assembly is an alternative contact point, but the people working on the project might not be there when you stop by. More info on</description>
<event guid="b0dba46d-417a-41c0-a061-aebc0358ad21" id="46417">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space</room>
<title>Freifunk Stuttgart Meetup</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>Freifunk Stuttgarts network consists of over 1300 access points with over 5000 users in peak. In this session, we'd like to report on the activites in Freifunk Stuttgart and surrounding communities and provide interested individuals the chance to exchange their experiences. If you plan a Freifunk setup in the region of Stuttgart and need help with that, feel free to drop by. We can also help with flashing your compatible router.
This meetup is mainly interesting for people from the Stuttgart region, but of course everyone is welcome.</description>
<event guid="0d8e7e43-0fb5-4bdd-9c59-de599b9b7b1c" id="87430">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space</room>
<title>REUSE Workshop</title>
<abstract>Da Software in den letzten Jahren immer komplexer geworden ist, ist es noch wichtiger geworden, Lizenzinformationen anzugeben.</abstract>
<description>Host: Tobias Diekershoff
Die REUSE-Initiative der FSFE trägt zu dem Ziel bei, rechtliche Informationen in Freie Software-Projekten klar darzustellen, indem sie in jede Datei des Repositorys eingebettet werden. Jedes Projekt, das den REUSE-Empfehlungen folgt, macht Copyright- und Lizenzinformationen sowohl für Menschen als auch für Maschinen lesbar. Wir stellen sicher, dass Einzelpersonen, Organisationen und Unternehmen, die Code wiederverwenden, die vom ursprünglichen Autor gewählten Lizenzbedingungen kennen und respektieren, und machen so das Leben für alle Beteiligten in der Software-Lieferkette einfacher.
REUSE fügt sich nahtlos in Entwicklungsprozesse und andere bewährte Verfahren zur Angabe von Lizenzen für freie Software ein. Darüber hinaus gibt es Werkzeuge und Dokumentation, die Ihnen den Einstieg erleichtern. In diesem Vortrag werden wir über die Erfahrungen großer Projekte berichten, die REUSE-konform geworden sind (z.B. curl oder GNUHealth), und die neuesten Funktionen unseres REUSE-Hilfsmittels vorstellen, mit dem die Angabe von Lizenzinformationen zu einem schnellen und unterhaltsamen Unterfangen wird.</description>
<event guid="09594590-5d19-4fee-ab22-7cb55cca6b6c" id="95945">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space</room>
<title>Nothing´s ever easy: Katastrophenhilfe zwischen Theorie und Praxis</title>
<abstract>Cadus befindet sich kurz vor dem Abschluss unserer Klassifikation als Emergency Medical Team nach den Richtlinien der WHO.</abstract>
<description>Host: Sebastian Jünemann
Eine Menge Planung, eine Menge Bürokratie, ein riesiger Aufwand, um auf dem Papier den Status eines „classified team“ zu bekommen. Aber zwischen Theorie und Praxis klafft eine riesige Lücke. Um zu zeigen was das heißt geben wir in diesem Workshop eine kurze Einführung darin, wie ein Hilfseinsatz technisch und logistisch on ground geplant werden muss…und gehen dann direkt in die Anwendung und organisieren anhand von konkreten Fallbeispielen Einsätze in der Praxis. Seid wie wir wenig überrascht davon wie schlecht sich die reine Theorie in der Praxis umsetzen lässt und wieviel Kreativität und Flexibilität benötigt wird, damit Hilfe wirklich geleistet werden kann und ankommt.</description>
<event guid="9adc6e6e-32c5-4c13-b8d0-c138f50170aa" id="966325">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space</room>
<title>I pack my ICT-bag for Gaza and I take with me…</title>
<abstract>In this session, we will talk about the challenges of preparing a humanitarian response to a conflict zone, as well as give an overview and update on the situation of communication networks in Gaza.</abstract>
<description>Host: Corinna
CADUS is preparing to deploy a team for medical evacuations (MEDEVAC) in the context of the Gaza humanitarian crisis. For emergency response teams it is crucial to be able to receive constant up-to-date-information and be in touch with their base or headquarters, as well as communicate with each other on the ground. But in an active war zone like Gaza, the options to bring and use devices of information and communication technologies (ICT) are highly restricted.</description>
<room guid="ae1d2469-2639-46dc-b21b-809ab14badae" name="Lounge">
<event guid="f48cf79b-d317-441f-be3b-1802af8c7f92" id="487931">
<title>Hackin the Disco</title>
<abstract>This workshop is about interactive and algorithmic light and sound design, depending on the code and the movements and positions of the people in the room.</abstract>
<description>This workshop is about interactive and algorithmic light and sound design, depending on the code and the movements and positions of the people in the room. The input data is a LiDAR laser 2D tracking system and self-built motion suites. As output we use the show technology of the lounge, i.e. moving heads and other lamps and the music system. The input data is provided via OSC, the output data is sent via ArtNet to the lighting console and analog to the sound console. We mainly work with Touchdesigner, but any other programming environment that can speak OSC and ArtNet or generate sounds is welcome. At the beginning there will be a short introduction to the technology so that you can then work independently on projects. The workshop takes place daily. The tracking system works with the &quot;Pharus&quot; software from the Ars Electronica Future Lab and the motion suites were created as part of a fellowship at the Academy for Theater and Digitality.
Project link:
Interface readme for the workshop:</description>
<event guid="359c2de1-b61e-469d-a431-1162c3b766f4" id="359216">
<title>Jazzclub 37c3 - hex328</title>
<abstract>Jazz DJ hex328 aus Mudbyte</abstract>
<event guid="cccb3e8f-844a-4aef-8b76-311f7c4aad1e" id="388444">
<title>Live-Performance eines DIY-Instruments: Die Laserharfe</title>
<abstract>Die Gelegenheit, sich „Instrumentenbauer“ in seinen Lebenslauf schreiben zu können, sollte sich kein Nerd, der was auf sich hält, entgehen lassen. Wenn dieses Instrument dann auch noch von einem studierten Organisten bedient wird, kommt Hackertum und Kunst ganz eng zusammen. Aber wie erfindet man ein Instrument?</abstract>
<description>Eine überraschende Funktionalität der WiiMote-Controller ist die schnelle Lichtpunkte-Erkennung in deren vorwärtszeigenden Kamera … Kombiniert mit acht handelsüblichen Lasern, einem MIDI-Controller und ein bisschen Klebstoff kann daraus ein richtiges Instrument werden.
Wie sich das ganze dann von einem Profi bedient anhört, könnt ihr hier bestaunen und die Harfe aus der Nähe beschnuppern.
Der Künstler mit dem Instrument im robusteren Ausbau</description>
<event guid="dd6bc9e0-5dd8-4c4b-b504-463776d4e143" id="690584">
<abstract>dance is corporal expression of music. i do want to encourage to dance, hit the ground and fly high.</abstract>
<event guid="fbbec165-3d66-4e9d-9265-6e635ae83bc5" id="165366">
<title>Lena Brumby &amp; HKS97</title>
<abstract>Durch schönsten Zufall geborenes Projekt für Tanzmusik, Schaumwein &amp; Freundschaft</abstract>
<event guid="acbdd2f1-f438-490a-8359-6f7eb2fbcb6a" id="214384">
<abstract>Facilitating sonic journeys into the inner space..
<event guid="909970d0-eac8-4b10-80ee-91687466b51b" id="909970">
<title>Maayan Nidam</title>
<abstract>Maayan Nidam, an artist in flux, continues to change, evolve and challenge boundaries both in her Berlin studio and on stage.</abstract>
<description>Maayan Nidam, an artist in flux, continues to change, evolve and challenge boundaries both in her Berlin studio and on stage.
She has built a reputation as a fine DJ and producer who favours a subtle approach towards mesmeric moments.
Her DJ sets, predominantly based in stripped-back, deep sounds, utilise an intriguing vinyl collection, using obscure interludes
for re-contextualisation. This approach makes for some magical moments on the dance-floor, where a night’s highlight may
come from the most unlikely of tracks.
As a musician obsessed about sound and the technology behind its creation, her workflow places a strong focus on the studio
environment. Triggering chain reactions between guitar pedals, drum machines, modular synths and acoustic instruments,
generating sounds in unpredictable, exciting ways.
Inspired by her 2014 performances as The Waves with an accompanying band, Maayan has developed a solo live set that allows
her to further her studio experiments and take them on the road. With a flexibly evolving range of hardware, she re-creates the
spontaneous frame of her productions, delving deep into the possibilities of live dubbing and improvisation, keeping the
performance exciting for both the crowd and Maayan herself.</description>
<event guid="eafd423d-2806-474f-bb05-2dcb82a7a5f2" id="423280">
<title>Loui Beton</title>
<room guid="85a6ba5d-11d9-4efe-8d28-c5f7165a19ce" name="Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)">
<event guid="059222de-e570-40b4-b9f4-a51c8c6a0f53" id="59222">
<room>Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)</room>
<title>Deutschlandfunk live: Forschung Aktuell .</title>
<abstract>Wir berichten täglich live vom 37C3 aus dem Sendezentrum Stage</abstract>
<description>Mit Carsten Besser, Daniel Evers, Manfred Kloiber, Peter Welchering und Marie Zinkann</description>
<event guid="21eeb42a-8b8a-41bc-bdc4-c4337c3f08f3" id="214288">
<room>Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)</room>
<title>Deutschlandfunk live: Wirtschaft und Gellschaft</title>
<abstract>Wir berichten heute in &quot;Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft&quot; vom 37C3 in Hamburg. im Mittelpunkt stehen die Diskussion und Talks zur Digitalisierung des Gesundheitswesens.
Reporter: Peter Welchering</abstract>
<event guid="7adbad5e-4790-41d8-a01e-f488bececa2b" id="754790">
<room>Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)</room>
<title>Deutschlandfunk: Offener Studiotalk Computer und Kommunikation .</title>
<abstract>Das Team von Computer und Kommunikation freut sich auf ein Gespräch mit Dir! Über Radiomachen, über Podcastmachen oder über ein anderes Thema Deiner Wahl ...</abstract>
<description>Mit Manfred Kloiber, Peter Welchering und Marie Zinkann</description>
<event guid="173c943e-11fc-5de3-a1ce-a3435b04e7e1" id="57955">
<room>Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)</room>
<title>The Diner Podcast live: Frauen in der Technik</title>
<type>Podcasting table (90 minutes)</type>
<abstract>Judith und Klaudia sprechen mit einer Gästin darüber, wie Frauen in technische Berufe und auch in das CCC-Umfeld kommen, was sie dort erleben und wie wir es Frauen vielleicht noch leichter machen können, sich mit den Nerds wohlzufühlen.</abstract>
<person guid="e247ce34-12ba-57cc-a268-7fcf44ab9f70">teekse</person>
<person guid="65ca594f-cd7a-51bb-8e00-35ceb33fc6e2">Eva Wolfangel</person>
<person guid="8c60d1c0-4c9d-415a-ba1a-b36da93a8b7d">jinxx</person>
<event guid="1ea3c37f-562a-5139-a0ed-5a109e3e7e0e" id="57956">
<room>Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)</room>
<title>Dicke Bretter: Die Congress Edition</title>
<type>Live podcast stage (45 minutes)</type>
<abstract>Seit einem knappen Jahr machen wir zusammen Dicke Bretter, den Podcast, der die Orte vorstellt, wo Netzpolitik gemacht wird, und einen Ausblick auf aktuelle Debatten gibt. Elina und Elisa werfen in der Congress-Edition einen Blick aufs letzte und aufs nächste Jahr: Welche Policy-Bretter müssen wir bohren, auf welchen sollten wir tanzen?
Wir nehmen speziell die Gesetzgebung im Bund unter die Lupe und haben dafür einen Special Guest: Faxorzistin Bianca Kastl!</abstract>
<person guid="8c885f00-d555-5192-999f-3ed0247fd6b1">eliza</person>
<person guid="6ffd6316-c9a4-59ee-8ccb-e0bbf7be8af9">khaleesi</person>
<event guid="bc8616bf-36d2-585d-b64f-b8cd210c7559" id="57966">
<room>Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)</room>
<title>Who Killed The Internet? And a promising alternative for Public Communication and Social Media: the Fediverse!</title>
<type>Live podcast stage (45 minutes)</type>
<abstract>Has the Internet and by extension social media become solely a theater of misinformation and non-linear amusement, fed to us by puppeteer algorithms? Another social media outreach is possible! Can the Fediverse make official communication of Public Administrations more accessible, more democratic, more unbiased and therefor trustworthy? Is it the public broadcasting of social media outreach — boring but necessary? Or will it it be a circus show rivalling the Xitter drama? Aiming the reach of Youtube and co?
From juggling moderation, over server performances, to affordances for organising alternatives to the current Circus Maximus, these and more intersecting topics of governance and self-hosting will be discussed. Guests include digital activists, developers for ActivityPub, and the showmasters related to EU Voice and Video — a pioneering pilot project showing open source alternatives for social media outreach to EU institutions.
Tune in to learn about political, social, and technical strategies that we can all use to promote the adoption of the Fediverse by national, local, and regional governments, as well as public and civil society institutions. Or in short: How to win over the clowns!</abstract>
<person guid="98fcf2f6-2f1c-44e4-abe8-9b70dcfbc12b">ZZEPPOSS (ZZEPPOSS)</person>
<event guid="72737c97-5751-53f6-b36f-05ea193ad4bc" id="57926">
<room>Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)</room>
<title>Offene Hör Muscheln (OHM #019)</title>
<type>Live podcast stage (45 minutes)</type>
<abstract>Erdgeist &amp; Monoxyd denken laut. Aufgrund des großen Erfolgs soll das jetzt auch beim Congress versucht werden. Themen? Ja! Wahrscheinlich irgendwas mit so... Dingen, die gerade passiert sind und zu denen mal was gesagt werden muss. Besser wir als Lanz &amp; Precht!</abstract>
<person guid="c63cad0c-ae75-5e7b-a5ef-b3726ab36e0e">monoxyd</person>
<event guid="d5d7ebed-928c-5f1d-8f56-ff2fd352f0b0" id="57954">
<room>Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)</room>
<title>Vom Kinderkanzler Kurz zum Volkskanzler Kickl - Politik in Österreich</title>
<type>Live podcast stage (90 minutes)</type>
<abstract>Österreichische Politik kann mit Humor sehr gut ertragen werden. Ob Videos von spanischen Inseln, Chats oder Spesenaffären - all das hätte sich ein Drehbuchautor nicht besser ausdenken können. Wir erklären, was in den letzten Jahren bei uns passiert ist und zeigen auf, wie ein weiterer Rechtsruck verhindert werden kann.</abstract>
<person guid="d293e34f-2cbc-53fe-98dc-afee40e11023">unsö</person>
<person guid="e227d009-6afd-55cd-afef-2fea3b630066">Alexander Muigg</person>
<event guid="9aa7f206-14ce-5485-a1d1-c6f4555699a0" id="57997">
<room>Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)</room>
<title>Och Menno - Neue K(r)ampfhubschrauber für die Bundeswehr</title>
<type>Live podcast stage (45 minutes)</type>
<abstract>Wir gucken mal über einige Ideen der Drehflügler in der Geschichte der Heeresflieger. Warum es der Tiger nicht im Tank hat, warum jetzt ADAC Hubschrauber Grün angemahlt wurden, und warum Helikopterfliegen ja leichter ist als Motorradfahren. Eine kleine Episode an Merkwürdigkeiten aus der Bundeswehr.</abstract>
<person guid="0ce6bf66-a4bb-58b3-a2fa-54682eb3a1dc">Sven Uckermann</person>
<room guid="5dc69a77-16d0-4a94-8f18-7c563ecf13db" name="Chillout Lounge">
<event guid="bd599714-689f-48ea-a148-852a4b46047a" id="599714">
<room>Chillout Lounge</room>
<title>Jeanette Trèsbien</title>
<event guid="8e535016-ee3b-4512-bef2-28a6c87ef4fe" id="853501">
<room>Chillout Lounge</room>
<title>Heiko Gogolin</title>
<event guid="8e953dfd-f09d-4939-a202-99810b1958a3" id="895309">
<room>Chillout Lounge</room>
<title>Hye-Eun Kim</title>
<event guid="8fa7b1bc-4a03-4e82-a723-de04577ee09e" id="871403">
<room>Chillout Lounge</room>
<title>fiona &amp; martin</title>
<description>Between ambient and soundscapes, from dreamy to gloomy, to fall in and feel out: An eclectic mix of electronic, cheesy pop, slow burns, and other captivating sounds.
Vinyl-only DJ Duo from Hamburg, also 2/3 of the Radio-Show „Der verlängerte Atem&quot;</description>
<event guid="fbde3f5f-9af6-4c65-9fdf-da541f3e5a7f" id="359646">
<room>Chillout Lounge</room>
<title>secret act</title>
<description>It's all about all.
everything is everything and at the same time it's only one.
If you feel love there is maybe fear and doubt, maybe security and maybe pain. maybe there is the smell of cookie dough or the smell of wood.
no matter what - all these things become one feeling. one expression. it's the collection of all your experiences. of all your violations.
ALL of them have their place and their task and want to be seen and want to be taken seriously.
love all of them - even if in this love - with whom you love them - you find them again. &lt;3</description>
<event guid="feb246f1-9179-48fc-9cc7-8599a5025fa0" id="246191">
<room>Chillout Lounge</room>
<title>Martha van Straaten</title>
<event guid="e6dfa9b4-585d-4064-a433-ef26a1511da4" id="694585">
<room>Chillout Lounge</room>
<event guid="2f844a7b-faab-4815-a3f2-69a85b9029f4" id="284474">
<room>Chillout Lounge</room>
<title>Wando Waiato</title>
<description>I love to hear music. And I love to hear what it sounds like when two tracks start singing together, when they like each other. It's their way of making babies. Immediately after a first kiss between their parents, these children come to life on a cosy dance floor, surrounded by a warm and friendly twilight.</description>
<room guid="a27fcab0-d25f-466a-968d-0e86df84aa79" name="House">
<event guid="83842be7-bf86-454b-8e44-0bb7b9f4363f" id="838427">
<title>Welcome to the House of Tea! Make it Flow! &lt;3</title>
<abstract>Join us for a cozy, un-ceremonial opening of the House of Tea! Come and chill, learn how to help yourself with the tea and share it, and/or ask any questions about the project, helping, and how you already are part of it! :)</abstract>
<description>Join us for a cozy, un-ceremonial opening of the House of Tea! Come and chill, learn how to help yourself with the tea and share it, and/or ask any questions about the project, helping, and how you already are part of it! :)</description>
<room guid="f354f5c6-6a24-41e6-b403-9366eeab120f" name="Sendezentrum Assembly">
<event guid="9626633a-c8fc-4479-a6bd-d05b885ba084" id="962663">
<room>Sendezentrum Assembly</room>
<title>Sendezentrum Assembly Eröffnung</title>
<abstract>Eröffnung der Sendezentrum Assembly</abstract>
<description>On day 1 at 11:45 AM is the opening of the Sendezentrum assembly. All remote participants can dial in via our campfire jitsi: (experiment!). We discuss the location and the program and explain where helping hands are still needed.</description>
<room guid="23103aa8-854e-4ecd-8126-35c323a310c4" name="Pseudoroom">
<event guid="8e5e0c08-56ed-4196-aff4-8c15ac34e1ee" id="850085">
<title>Subversive Kommunikation im öffentlichen Raum (Kommunikationsguerilla)</title>
<abstract>Wer nicht Chefredakteur einer großen Zeitung ist, kann auf andere Art die öffentliche Debatte vorantreiben: Kommunikationsguerilla im öffentlichen Raum schafft Erregungskorridore, an denen die öffentliche Debatte aufgehängt werden kann. Wir haben den Hergang verschiedener vergangener Projekte, kleinere wie größere, rekonstruiert und geben Tipps zu Theorie und Praxis.</abstract>
<description>Besonderes Augenmerk wird liegen auf:
- Adbusting: Werbung im öffentlichen Raum (Außenwerbung) verfremden, überkleben oder auf andere Weise umgestalten
- Offiziell wirkende Rundschreiben
- Kommunikationsguerilla im digitalen Raum
*Die Session findet statt in der freien Fläche vor Raum F (nicht in Raum F).*
<event guid="3a96e5bc-47a7-44d6-b116-512a55cb90eb" id="396547">
<title>Tischspielrunde - Bring your own game</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>This session is for everyone who enjoys playing table and card games. We will split up in small groups depending on your likings and the appropiate number of players for each game and play your games together.
Your games? Yes! Bring your own games you want to play with other hackers.
<event guid="ae2ec557-cdc0-4c9a-8cb3-e1f215de80ef" id="255704">
<title>A tale of sinister thought experiments about simulated consciousness (feat. Greg Egan's Dust Theory)</title>
<language>en, de</language>
<description>What if it was possible to simulate consciousness? What would be logical to happen? This talk will go over some sinister thought experiments including Greg Egan's Dust Theory from his novel „Permutation City“.
For everybody. No prior knowledge required. (Conceptual spoilers for „Permutation City“.)
**We meet at the Assembly of the OpenLab Augsburg. Hall 3, south edge.**
<room guid="bccb6a5b-b26b-4f17-90b9-b5966f5e34d8" name="Chaoswelle">
<event guid="964d08e0-2ce6-485a-8823-e0ce8e350513" id="964080">
<title>POTA – Parks on the Air [Day 1]</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<abstract>Einführung in Parks On The Air (POTA) mit DC1TC und DK4HAA</abstract>
<description>At the Chaoswelle assembly we will give a short introduction to the amateur radio activity program &quot;Parks On The Air&quot; (POTA for short) and portable operation (duration approx. 30 minutes). Afterwards, we will start a joint park activation with you on shortwave in the &quot;Planten un Bloomen&quot; park in the immediate vicinity of the CCH (duration approx. 120 minutes).
No previous experience is necessary; the necessary equipment is provided. Those interested in radio are also explicitly invited and can practice practical radio operations with our training call sign.
Weatherproof clothing is absolutely necessary for radio operations in the park, as we will definitely be going out (exception: freezing rain or thunderstorms).
The event takes place on all four days.</description>
<event guid="00b17968-343d-4686-805e-3380fb5a1a44" id="1796">
<title>Amateurfunk - Kommunikation ohne Grenzen und Provider</title>
<abstract>Wir wecken die Faszination, die hinter dem Amateurfunk steckt, um weltweit und darüber hinaus ohne Grenzen und Provider zu kommunizieren und zeigen den Weg dahin in Deutschland.</abstract>
<description>Amateurfunk ist ein vielfältiges Hobby. In einem kurzen Abriss zeigen wir verschiedene Aktivitäten, die alle mit Amateurfunk zusammenhängen. Außerdem gibt es einen kurzen Abriss darüber, wie man in Deutschland Funkamateur wird.</description>
<event guid="4abeb43a-8d2a-4c45-bc62-908e12de4422" id="443824">
<title>Amateurfunk als Hilfe in Not- und Katastrophenfällen</title>
<abstract>Die digitale Kommunikation aus unserem Alltag wegzudenken, fällt noch schwerer als für viele das Mobiltelefon aus der Hand zu legen. Und trotzdem beschäftigen sich Funkamateure auch mit dem Thema, wie man kommunizieren kann, wenn die konventionellen Kommunikationswege ausgefallen sind.
Speaker: DL7TNY</abstract>
<description>Ever since the storm surge in Hamburg in 1962, it has been known that radio amateurs can provide communication support. Not only among themselves, but also in the neighborhood or in cooperation with emergency services. However, this help has changed over the years, as our everyday communication has also changed. In this brief presentation, I would therefore like to show what consequences it has for us if communication is no longer possible and what thoughts we radio amateurs have about this and what activities we try to put into practice, but also where there are problems and where non-radio amateurs can also contribute their knowledge and commitment.</description>
<room guid="b44cdf40-93b6-4581-92b5-7e8a543f8f62" name="Kidspace - Workshopraum in Saal B">
<event guid="f7f56c75-7b72-403a-9fdc-c4ef5df318e8" id="756757">
<room>Kidspace - Workshopraum in Saal B</room>
<title>Unlock Minecraft: Beginner Workshop - Tag 1</title>
<abstract>### Eine pädagogische Einführung in das beliebte Computerspiel mit Minecraft Education.
Wolltest du schon immer einmal wissen, was es mit Minecraft auf sich hat und würdest gerne herausfinden, ob du dich in dieser digitalen Sandkiste wohlfühlst?
Unser 2-stündiger Workshop bietet AnfängerInnen jeden Alters das passende Umfeld, um das beliebte Spiel in Ruhe kennenzulernen.</abstract>
<description>&gt; The workshop will be held in German. However, we are also able to communicate in English and are happy to help you in this language.
### Contents
1. **Basics:** Introduction to controls and game mechanics.
2. **Creative mode:** Unlimited building and creative design.
3. **Survival mode:** Basic skills for resource management and survival.
4. **Collaborative projects:** Teamwork on building projects
### Participation requirements:
- **Target group:** Beginners in Minecraft
- **Age:** Children from 6+ years, as well as interested parents and grown-ups
- **Technical requirements:**
- **No license required**, we provide user accounts
- Own internet-enabled device + charger
- Pre-installed Minecraft Education App [download from the manufacturer's website](
### Registration
- Please register with **Ghenny** in **Kidspace** or via **DECT-2636**
- You will then receive a participation pass
- Max seats: 8
### Workshop full?
No problem! If the interest in this workshop is greater than the available places, we will repeat the workshop. So let us know if you are interested in our workshop and watch out for announcements in the Kidspace.
#### **Wondering?**
Are you curious about Minecraft? Wondering if Minecraft is a suitable game for your child? Do you have questions about safety, game mechanics and the educational aspects of the game? Feel free to contact us! We look forward to the exchange.</description>
<event guid="70dc0471-5c95-49af-a83d-1848e9cc43bb" id="700471">
<room>Kidspace - Workshopraum in Saal B</room>
<title>Bau deine eigene LED-Lampe</title>
<description>We are making an LED lamp that almost every age group can take part in (with parents if necessary). Young children can glue the bags and a parent can help with soldering. There is ready-made software so that it can start flashing immediately. If you like, bring a laptop and program it yourself.
The lamp consists of 8 compartments, each with 2 LEDs that can be programmed individually. After about 1 hour you will have something pretty that can light up and invites you to continue programming at home.</description>
<event guid="eca8efce-8341-4527-ac91-c4ccdca59542" id="883414">
<room>Kidspace - Workshopraum in Saal B</room>
<title>Geschichten erzählen - The Storytellers Den (LARP) - Tag 1</title>
<description>You like roleplaying games? You enjoy LARP, TTRPG, Improv, story telling or simulation games? You have no idea what this is about and want to try out stuff? This is a meetup for cooperative improvised story telling. Children and adults are welcome. If you do game design, creative writing, education or therapy, please come by.</description>
<event guid="5ccb4500-a8a0-4989-bd29-e3d202cd30d9" id="545008">
<room>Kidspace - Workshopraum in Saal B</room>
<title>GuteN8Geschichten - Tag 1</title>
<description>Every day from 18:30 to 19:00 at the 37c3 Kidspace, we're hosting a bedtime story reading session. Perfect for everyone looking to unwind after an exciting day at the Congress. Among others, we'll read from works like 'Ada and Zangemann: A Fairy Tale about Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream' – just one example of the many captivating stories that await you.</description>
<room guid="321c70d7-8bad-47f6-b8f2-fbfb3425d1d7" name="Stonewall IO">
<event guid="fcda7eb8-8731-5101-8dfc-a897aece4ae5" id="57891">
<room>Stonewall IO</room>
<title>QR-Codes lesen ohne Computer</title>
<abstract>Wusstet Ihr, dass es möglich ist, QR-Codes ohne Computer zu lesen? Wir geben einen Einblick in die Funktiosweise von QR-Codes und zeigen Eselsbrücken und Hilfsmittel zum Entschlüsseln ohne Computer oder Smartphone.</abstract>
<description>Wir bringen Euch eine Technik bei, mit der Ihr die Inhalte von QR-Codes lesen könnt, ohne sie mit einem Gerät zu scannen. Dafür schauen wir uns den Aufbau von QR-Codes genau an und sprechen über die verschiedenen Codierungen, die dabei eine Rolle spielen. Wir möchten alle Teilnehmenden in die Lage versetzen, diese Codes selbst zu lesen und werden dafür auch Übungsbeispiele liefern.
Und so ist es in Zukunft für Euch kein Problem, wenn Ihr an einem QR-Code vorbeikommt und Euer Smartphone-Akku leer ist...</description>
<person guid="d8caa43a-0470-5c2c-a2a8-21dc2a4b9998">Piko</person>
<person guid="644a1532-e1c2-5dce-86d6-0dfe661ca0d2">blinry</person>
<event guid="386fba70-b83a-57bb-96ea-1378efb85a77" id="57881">
<room>Stonewall IO</room>
<title>Konsens und soziale Skripte</title>
<abstract>Ihn den Workshop soll es darum gehen, wie wir Konsens leben, wie verinnerlichte soziale Skripte in unsere Konsensfindung hineinspielen, und wie sich das auf unsere Begegnungen mit anderen Menschen auswirkt.</abstract>
<description>Soziale Skripte beeinflussen unser ganzes Leben, ohne dass wir es mitbekommen. Ganz allgemein sind soziale Skripte kulturell geformte Leitfäden, die bestimmen, wie man sich in bestimmten Situationen verhalten soll. In dem Workshop wollen wir uns anschauen, welche sozialen Skripte uns bei der Interaktion mit anderen Menschen begleiten und wie sich das auf einen Konsensfindungsprozess in zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen und Sexualität auswirkt.</description>
<person guid="a4358f84-129e-581b-a597-6f604812ac12">Smettbo</person>
<event guid="c157e19d-a557-5467-971e-74061e77d4a0" id="57943">
<room>Stonewall IO</room>
<title>Trans Austauschrunde</title>
<abstract>Nicht cis Personen only.
Austauschrunde über Freud und Leid der Transition und allem drumherum</abstract>
<description>Nicht cis Personen only
Der Weg der Transition ist für jeden sehr individuell und trotzdem gibt es viele Überschneidungen. Mensch bemerkt die ersten Veränderungen und kann diese nicht einordnen oder bekommt eine Ablehnung oder Zusage von der Krankenkasse, Erzähl von deinen Erfahrungen, denn hier findest du Leute, die ähnliche Erlebnisse oder Erfahrungen gemacht haben. Eventuell standen diese vor einem Ähnlichen Problem und wissen wie es weiter gehen kann oder du willst einfach deine aktuelle Freude teilen. Lass uns austauschen, denn gemeinsam sind wir stärker.</description>
<person guid="e69d14e9-80f3-5462-a0e9-f6524dc5d963">captain-maramo</person>
<event guid="f84eb24b-622b-5d38-a46d-dc81ed16d82c" id="57987">
<room>Stonewall IO</room>
<title>Merch und Lieblingskleidung flicken | Stricken für Anfänger*innen || 2 Workshops parallel</title>
<abstract>Achtung: In diesem Slot finden zwei Workshops nebeneinander statt, die ihr besuchen könnt!
**1 || Merch- und Lieblingskleidung flicken | #VisibleMending** bei naerrin und neon_mate
Bei diesem kleinen Workshop geht es darum auf kreative Weise seine Kleidung von Hand zu flicken, ohne eine Nähmaschine. Vor allem wenn es sich um das Congress T-shirt von vor 8 Jahren, die absolute Lieblingsjeans oder selbstgemachte Stricksocken handelt, möchte man sich vielleicht noch nicht davon trennen. So eine geflickte Stelle muss aber auch nicht unsichtbar sein, so ein Loch erzählt ja manchmal auch eine Geschichte und bietet auch Raum für kleine Kunstwerke oder lustige Patches, und ein fehlender Knopf kann auch durch einen andersfarbigen Knopf ersetzt werden.
**2 || Knitting for beginners and everyone else | Stricken für Anfänger\*innen und alle, die Lust haben, auf dem 37c3 zu stricken** bei Sarah
**EN:** I would like to offer a knitting workshop / gathering for beginners and everyone else interested in knitting a few stitches at 37c3. I think knitting it is a wonderful skill best to be learned by doing and face to face. Beginners could learn some basics straight away, or talk about project ideas. And there are a lot of resources to share in the web we could talk about.
**GER:** Ich möchte einen Strickworkshop / ein Stricktreffen für Anfänger und alle, die ein paar Maschen beim 37c3 stricken wollen, anbieten. Stricken ist eine tolle Fertigkeit, die Du Dir am besten &quot;learning by doing&quot; mit anderen zusammen aneignen kannst. Anfänger*innen könnten sofort einige Grundlagen lernen oder über Projektideen sprechen. Und es gibt einige Ressourcen im Internet, über die wir uns austauschen könnten.</abstract>
<description>**Mehr Infos zu #1 Merch- und Lieblingskleidung flicken | VisibleMending:**
Es werden keine Vorkenntnisse gebraucht, was jedoch benötigt wird, ist ein Kleidungsstück, welches ihr flicken wollt. Dies dann bitte einpacken und zum Workshop mitbringen.
Solltet ihr bereits Stoffreste für Flicken oder Stickgarne haben, bringt die auch gerne mit, aber das ist optional. Wir werden auch einiges zur Auswahl da haben für euch.
Es geht in dem Workshop eher um kleinere Reparaturen wie Löcher, offene Nähte, fehlende Knöpfe. Inspiriert sind die sichtbaren Reparaturen u.a. vom japanischen Sashiko, wo mit feinem Garn ganze Flächen mit einfachen oder aufwendigen oft geometrischen Mustern verziert werden, um Stoffe zu reparieren.
**Mehr Infos und Link auf die Schablone**:
* [](
**Mehr Infos zu 2 || Knitting for beginners and everyone else | Stricken für Anfänger\*innen und alle, die Lust haben, auf dem 37c3 zu stricken:**
Für den Strick-Workshop werden keine Vorkenntnisse benötigt. Falls Ihr schon Wolle oder Projektideen habt, bringt alles mit, ich werde aber auch Material für erste Strickversuche dabei haben.
Der Workshop soll eine kleine Einführungs ins Stricken bieten und richtet sich nach Euren Interessen. Wir können gemeinsam üben, Maschen aufzunehmen, rechte und linke Maschen zu Stricken und einige grundlegende Dinge über verschiedene Techniken zu besprechen. Falls Ihr nach ersten Projekten schaut können wir gemeinsam überlegen, was sinnvolle erste Projekte sein können. Wir werden auch über Online-Ressourcen sprechen, die Ihr nutzen könnt.
Wer möchte, kann ein kleines Projekt im Workshop beginnen. Während der Kongress läuft können wir in Kontakt bleiben und uns zum weiterstricken treffen oder Probleme beheben.
No previous knowledge is required for the knitting workshop. If you already have wool or project ideas, bring everything with you, but I will also have material for your first knitting attempts.
The workshop will be a short introduction to knitting and will be based on your interests. We can practice picking up stitches together, knitting purl and knit stitches and discuss some basic things about different techniques. If you are thinking about starting a knitting project, we can think about projects, which make sense and don't demotivate you. We will also talk about online resources on knitting.
If you like, you can start a little project during the workshop. We can keep in touch during the congress, meet again for a knit-along, or solve issues you have with your project.
**Weitere Infos / further information here**</description>
<person guid="6da637e1-6360-571a-b1a5-c3fdfe14a93d">neon_mate</person>
<person guid="82580717-7075-54ce-b7cd-2d97cf974387">Sarah</person>
<person guid="806c02b8-f32d-4cf7-8317-3e8fabb616c5">naerrin</person>
<event guid="49212450-7208-507f-99b5-0c8e14a92273" id="57949">
<room>Stonewall IO</room>
<title>&quot;This is more of a comment than a question&quot; 🙃</title>
<abstract>Have you ever been in a Q&amp;A session where someone begins with, &quot;This is more of a comment than a question”, or just starts voicing an opinion without actually asking anything? This simple phrase can dramatically shift the dynamics of group discussions. In this session, we'll explore the underlying implications of such comments and how they transform our conversations, sharing, and collective learning. We'll also exchange success stories and strategies to prevent these 'more-of-a-comment' monologues and effectively respond when they do occur. Likewise, we will try to think of alternative ways to encourage sharing potentially interesting information that is not question-shaped. Join us to make Q&amp;A sessions more productive, inclusive, and engaging!
Wart ihr schon mal bei einer Fragerunde, wo jemand mit &quot;Das ist eher ein Kommentar als eine Frage&quot; anfängt oder einfach drauflos redet, weil er unbedingt seine Meinung teilen möchte? Dieser scheinbar harmlose Satz kann die Dynamik in Gruppengesprächen erheblich verändern. In unserer Session wollen wir uns damit auseinandersetzen, was hinter solchen Kommentaren steckt und wie sie unsere Diskussionen und das gemeinsame Lernen beeinflussen. Wir teilen Erfahrungen und Strategien, wie wir solche Kommentar-Monologe verhindern und effektiv darauf reagieren können. Außerdem versuchen wir, uns Alternativen einfallen zu lassen, wie man interessante Infos teilen könnte, die keine Fragen sind. Für Fragerunden, die produktiver, inklusiver und spannender sind!</abstract>
<description>This session welcomes all who appreciate receiving _genuine questions_ following their presentations.</description>
<person guid="e16cbaa2-c6f2-5f44-b6bb-cd9ad55d2af1">sumpfhexe</person>
<event guid="9e8e149b-50e1-5187-8461-25d7f7271475" id="57977">
<room>Stonewall IO</room>
<title>Offene Workshop-Sessions Tag 1 | Open workshop sessions day 1</title>
Während dieser Session ist der Workshopraum für alle offen, die sich hier treffen möchten. In der Haecksen Assembly wird eine Liste aushängen, in der ihr den Raum so spontan wie möglich &quot;buchen&quot; könnt, um Dingen Platz zu geben, die vielleicht auch erst während des #37C3 entstehen.
Ihr seid eine Gruppe, die eine ruhige Ecke braucht? Kommt vorbei. Oder einen Tisch, an dem ihr etwas bauen, basteln, werkeln könnt? Wir haben Tische. Ihr wollt ein paar Spiele spielen? Macht auch gerne das.
Kleine Gruppen würden wir bitten, sich zusammen einen Slot zu teilen, sofern die Art der Tätigkeit das zulässt, damit wir den Raum möglichst gut ausnutzen und vielen Menschen die Gelegenheit bieten, sich auszutauschen, zu vernetzen und Projekte voran zu bringen.
In dieser unmoderierten Session könnt ihr den Workshopraum gemeinsam nutzen und vielleicht auch gucken, was die anderen gerade so interessantes machen. Gesellt euch dazu, so lange Platz ist und die Anwesenden den Raum gemeinsam nutzen können, ohne sich dabei zu stören.
<event guid="eeb3eaa6-44b8-5d05-ae6d-65d542277ba0" id="57942">
<room>Stonewall IO</room>
<title>Gemeinsame Aufarbeitung und Diskussion zum aktuellen Stand des Selbstbestimmungsgesetzes</title>
<abstract>- Abfrage des Wissensstandes
- Kurze Einführung ins Thema und was bisher geschah
- kurzer Einblick zu aktuellen Veränderungen
- Fragen zu aktuellem Stand und Unklarheiten
- Diskussion mit Anekdoten aus eigenen Erfahrungen und dummen Aussagen?
CN; Transfeindlichkeit, Pathologisierung, Sexualisierte Gewalt, Psychische Gewalt, Institutionalisierte Gewalt</abstract>
<description>Das SBGG ist aktuell breit diskutiert. Wir wollen einmal den Aktuellen Stand durchgehen, mit dem TSG vergleichen und mit den Erfahrungen anderer trans Personen und deren Umfeld abgleichen. Hierbei soll auch die Diskussion und im besonderen die Absurditäten in der Debatte erörtert werden.</description>
<person guid="e69d14e9-80f3-5462-a0e9-f6524dc5d963">captain-maramo</person>
<person guid="95efd855-46c7-4b1a-97fa-7b00835d99bd">Deanna</person>
<room guid="001ee443-5ef1-4bd4-9813-d20e4fc1ce81" name="cyber4EDU Assembly">
<event guid="00653d53-d59b-4bc3-9fc9-8f88300d090d" id="6535">
<room>cyber4EDU Assembly</room>
<title>cyber4EDU (Zu-)Hörstunde - Fokus Grundschule</title>
<abstract>Wir hören euch zum Thema “Bildung richtig digital” zu</abstract>
<description>This is an open for all discussion about digital offerings in German schools.</description>
<room guid="613f9c5e-1908-4e7f-934b-639a5262df94" name="Bits &amp; Bäume Community Space">
<event guid="4c06c54e-c730-4e75-87ca-c4841cd096e5" id="406547">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Community Space</room>
<title>Bits &amp; Bäume Community Treffen Tag 1</title>
<abstract>Tägliche Meetups zum Netzwerken, gegenseitiges Kennenlernen, Tipps geben.</abstract>
<room guid="00c8f3bc-af5b-4cd8-a781-956834f4044c" name="Round Table [CDC Saal 3]">
<event guid="7d911543-2ad0-41de-8761-1ba392101961" id="791154">
<room>Round Table [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Mastering Specter DIY Bitcoin Hardware wallet.</title>
<abstract>Join us for a hands-on Specter DIY workshop, where Cypherpunks craft their Bitcoin Hardware Wallets. Dive into the world of this DIY hardware wallet, exploring its QR code communication, security model, and design trade-offs. We'll navigate Bitcoin testnet transactions, harness the simulator, and delve into key security features like anti-phishing, PIN, and SC integrations. By the session's end, grasp the robustness of DIY wallets and the nuances of secure self-custody.</abstract>
<event guid="fd0cecb0-ecdb-4f05-a86d-2f6e5e67b993" id="4058">
<room>Round Table [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Mobile phone privacy with (Workshop)</title>
<abstract>ZeroKYC Anonymous eSIM service: security and privacy implications for mobile users. Use cases. Advantages and limitations.
Questions and answers.
Hands-on experience.</abstract>
<description>- Discussion
- Paper Data eSIM giveaway</description>
<event guid="7ddc2112-dc5f-4ae7-ae66-2405c319946b" id="721125">
<room>Round Table [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Tea Degustation: Enjoy a cup of tea and chat with the FOSSASIA community</title>
<room guid="e7d701c4-c43a-416d-afc5-a3bcbc5801e9" name="FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]">
<event guid="1fe7c352-316f-46f8-8a62-acfb36dbb7c1" id="173523">
<room>FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Hack Meetup: LED Badges and Holographic LED Fans</title>
<abstract>Join this hacking session dedicated to enhancing the Android app for our open-source LED badge! We dive into a collaborative bug-fixing spree. Iron out glitches, and contribute to improve user experience. Test devices are available, bring your laptop along.</abstract>
<event guid="a5ea0dac-7f60-4a9c-bb41-fecb43be7d2a" id="507604">
<room>FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Getting started with Pocket Science Lab (Alex Bessman, Marco A. Gutierrez)</title>
<abstract>The goal of this workshop is to introduce participants to the PSLab and to enable them to conduct experiments using sensors as well as to control small servos of mini robots. PSLab website:</abstract>
<room guid="a88bed8d-f38b-4ea2-b11d-99ba14027cc9" name="SCC-Assembly">
<event guid="7694c131-4f36-434a-812b-9ef69c786141" id="769413">
<title>SCC Assembly Eröffnung</title>
<room guid="722e1feb-6d34-4423-b07a-6f0f50e5d2a3" name="CTBK-Workshoparea">
<event guid="906e8bc9-eeec-4822-a22d-0465199976db" id="906894">
<title>Spleiß-Workshop Tag 1</title>
<abstract>Glasfaser-Spleißworkshop unterstützt von Selfnet e.V., Bitte Details beachten - Anmeldung erforderlich!</abstract>
<description>Here you can splice fiber optics yourself. Learn what is important when splicing and try it out yourself. Per slot max. 4 attendees. Registration required:</description>
<room guid="b55047fa-505a-42da-8699-ab5ee803e58c" name="Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)">
<event guid="bad8d25d-e669-5aa9-a9d9-c2100c63d544" id="57938">
<room>Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)</room>
<title>No Politics - After Dark</title>
<type>Podcasting table (45 minutes)</type>
<abstract>Wir reden definitiv nicht über Politik, sondern diesmal über Kink, gender und Selbstausdruck</abstract>
<person guid="5eec998e-7635-4a75-9894-ebb5dfb2002b">Advi (er/he)</person>
<event guid="5794e4d3-5c45-59aa-a8e1-a9882d8b40ba" id="57933">
<room>Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)</room>
<title>Click! Clack! Hack!</title>
<type>Podcasting table (90 minutes)</type>
<abstract>Die Click! Clack! Hack! Late Night auf dem Congress</abstract>
<person guid="7a7a456a-c7dd-53fa-bc8a-9f700132b88a">0x17</person>
<event guid="2e03e09d-a816-5ac4-97d8-fbe3ed37a3c9" id="57996">
<room>Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)</room>
<type>Podcasting table (45 minutes)</type>
<abstract>Hochqualitativer Content mit Zusammenhängen ohne Zusammenhang.
Phako und Bert lesen Dinge vor (divers)
Freut euch auf Dialekte, Intonationen deluxe, erkältete Stimmen, erotische Betonungen und i.d.R. vollkommen unvorbereitete, spontane Aufnahmen ohne besonderen Anlass &lt;3
Das Team von freut sich auf die Weihnachtssonderfolge! Der akustische Christmas Jumper!</abstract>
<description>Unsere Silvestergala. Mit hilfreichen Tipps für euer Silvestermenü. Haltet Zettel und Stift bereit!</description>
<person guid="3beefd2d-bc03-59ab-bd50-7202a80c732c">bert</person>
<person guid="8acfacda-45d2-54d5-ba96-a561a1f2b1e8">Phako</person>
<room guid="1fbd67f1-46a2-4162-bbcc-2cf0e2dce944" name="Fireshonks">
<event guid="72393c92-35ad-5d23-a252-d68fa773d84e" id="57908">
<title>RIAN: Responsive to Individual Accessibility Needs</title>
<type>Talk 90 Minuten +15m Q&amp;A</type>
<abstract>Responsives Webdesign stand lange Zeit nur für die Technik, Webseiten an verschiedene Bildschirmgrößen anpassen zu können.
Dabei gibt es viel mehr Möglichkeiten, Webseiten nicht nur für Geräte anzupassen, sondern auch an die individuellen Bedürfnisse der Nutzer:innen.
Radikal gedacht, einfach gemacht.
Annika Brinkmann stellt ihren neuen Ansatz erstmals vor.</abstract>
<description>Digitale Barrierefreiheit wird in der EU 2025 endlich zur Pflicht. Zumindest für Einige.
Viele informieren sich bereits, wie sie Webseiten barrierefreier machen können und hangeln sich an den Prüfschritten von WCAG, BITV und EN 301 549 entlang.
Andere bauen darauf, ab dem Stichtag einfach ein Overlay-Tool zu installieren, was das mit der Barrierefreiheit dann schon richten soll.
Aber so einfach ist es nicht. Nie war es wichtiger, sauberen HTML-Code mit innovativem CSS zu kombinieren, um das hinzubekommen, das ich &quot;RIAN&quot; getauft habe: Responsive to Individual Accessibility Needs.
Was genau das ist und welche Bedürfnisse hinsichtlich der Barrierefreiheit bereits mit dem Ansatz befriedigt werden können und wo noch die richtigen Mechanismen fehlen, wird Inhalt dieses Talks.</description>
<person guid="eb7926d6-9615-5bb4-a030-5505c8f2adfd">Annika Brinkmann</person>
<event guid="41b799de-c5e9-54e1-9dc1-de9563fca9ba" id="57892">
<title>Tabellenkalkulation mit COBOL</title>
<type>Talk 30 min + 10 min Q&amp;A</type>
<abstract>Gezeigt wird ein experimentelles Tabellenkalkulationsprogramm geschrieben in COBOL, welches eine textbasiere Benutzeroberfläche definiert in der COBOL-Screen-Section verwendet.</abstract>
<description>Die Common Business Oriented Language kurz COBOL ist eine Ende der 1950-er Jahre und seitdem weiter entwickelte Programmiersprache, deren Syntax an die natürliche Sprache angelehnt ist. Eine der Weiterentwicklunge ermöglicht das Definieren von Benutzeroberflächen in COBOL in der sogenannten Screensection. Im Talk wird ein in COBOL geschriebenes experimentelles Tabellenkalkulationsprogramm gezeigt und die Funktionsweise erklärt.</description>
<person guid="83a2d3f6-981e-52ff-bcf9-cfef468f6795">Hogü-456</person>
<event guid="cc4a305e-a1c2-546d-862b-4ddf2263d6d3" id="57851">
<title>Chat Control: Mass Screenings, Massive Dangers</title>
<type>Talk 30 min + 10 min Q&amp;A</type>
<abstract>As technological changes including digitalization and AI increase infrastructural capacities to deliver services, new mass screenings for low-prevalence problems (MaSLoPPs) appear to improve on old ways of advancing public interests. Their high accuracy and low false positive rates – probabilities – can sound dazzling. But translating the identical statistical information into frequency formats – body counts – shows they tend to backfire. The common (false positives) overwhelms the rare (true positives) – with serious possible consequences. Ignoring this fact is known as the base rate fallacy - a common cognitive bias. Due to pervasive cognitive biases such as this, as well as perverse structural incentives, society needs a regulatory framework governing programs that share this dangerous structure. This framework must work at the system rather than individual level. It should include better mechanisms for evidence-based policymaking that holds interventions to basic scientific evidentiary standards, and a right to deliberate ignorance where relevant. These solutions may help combat perverse incentives and cognitive biases, mitigating the damage from these dangerous programs. But we should expect ongoing sociopolitical struggle to articulate and address the problem of likely net damage from this type of program under common conditions.</abstract>
<description>New technology seems to herald progress toward improving public safety in relation to old threats, from heinous crimes like child sexual abuse and terrorism, to illnesses like cancer and heart disease. Enter &quot;Chat Control,&quot; a mass scanning program designed to flag potential child sexual abuse material in digital communications. While the goal of protecting children from exploitation is laudable, the statistical and social implications of such a mass screening program are scary. An empirical demonstration of Bayes’ rule in this context shows that, under relevant conditions of rarity, persistent inferential uncertainty, and substantial secondary screening harms, Chat Control and programs like it backfire, net degrading the very safety they’re intended to advance.
Highlighting the inescapable accuracy-error dilemma in probability theory, we'll journey through the nuances of the base rate fallacy, highlighting how mass screening programs’ real-world efficacy is often not what it seems. When screenings involve entire populations, high &quot;accuracy&quot; translates into huge numbers of false positives. Additionally, proponents of such screenings have perverse incentives to inflate accuracy — and real-world validation to mitigate such inflation is often impossible. Dedicated attackers can also game the system, inflating false negatives. Meanwhile, secondary screening harms accrue to the very people we’re trying to protect. So, under certain common conditions, net harm can result from well-intentioned mass screenings.
These problems extend well beyond this particular program. The structure and challenges faced by Chat Control parallel those faced by other programs that share the same mathematical structure across diverse domains, from healthcare screenings for numerous diseases, to educational screenings for plagiarism and LLM use, and digital platform screenings for misinformation. Numerous additional case studies are discussed in brief. But the pattern is the point. The laws of statistics don’t change. Maybe policy-level understanding of their implications, can.
Solutions to the complex, system-level problem of mass screenings for low-prevalence problems (MaSLoPPs) must themselves work at the level of the system. This focus looks different from individual-level solutions often proposed, particularly in the health context in terms of risk communication and informed consent. Across contexts, we need evidence-based policy that holds interventions to basic scientific evidentiary standards. The burden of proof that new programs do more good than harm must rest on proponents. Independent reviewers should evaluate evidence to that standard. Transparency is a prerequisite of such independent review.
In addition enhancing policymaker and public understanding of these statistical realities, and adopting widely accepted scientific evidentiary standards, society has to grapple with another set of perverse incentives: Politicians and policymakers may benefit from being seen as taking visible action on emotionally powerful issues — even if that action is likely to have bad consequences. This implicates the ancient tension between democratic participation and expertise that Plato satirized in “Gorgias.” Just as children might rather have their illnesses treated by pastry chefs than doctors, so too majorities in democratic publics might rather have their politicians “just do something” against horrible problems like child abuse, terror, and cancer — than not. Even if those efforts net harm people in exactly the feared contexts (e.g., degrading security and health). But if we care about outcomes, then critically evaluating interventions by explaining their statistical implications, and actually measuring outcomes of interest empirically, seems like a good start to improve evidence-based policymaking, and also presents one way to perhaps mitigate the problem of short-term perverse political incentives.
Due to such perverse incentives and cognitive biases, we should expect political institutions to continue to struggle to formulate and implement a regulatory structure governing MaSLoPPs. One other facet of such a structure might stipulate deliberate ignorance as an opt-in/opt-out patient right. This way, medical information that is overwhelmingly likely to lead to needless anxiety and hassle at best — and unnecessary and harmful intervention at worst — such as incidental growth findings on imaging, doesn’t have to filter down to patients whom immediate healthcare providers may have financial incentives to overdiagnose.
Together we can clean up MaSLoPP!</description>
<person guid="c860b778-0d1a-5fa7-b398-bea38bf339c9">Vera Wilde</person>
<event guid="e2839a0b-2f19-5a56-b262-f34df842cbd3" id="57895">
<title>aaaaaaaaaaa! - Mein regulärer Ausdruck ist böse</title>
<type>Talk 30 min + 10 min Q&amp;A</type>
<abstract>Kurze Einführung in reguläre Ausdrücke, Konzept und Verwendung - bis zum Ausnutzen bestimmter Kombinationen von regulären Ausdrücken und Payload für einen Regular Expression Denial of Service (reDoS)-Angriff</abstract>
<description>Reguläre Ausdrücke wie /^([a-zA-Z0-9])(([\-.]|[_]+)?([a-zA-Z0-9]+))*(@){1}[a-z0-9]+[.]{1}(([a-z]{2,3})|([a-z]{2,3}[.]{1}[a-z]{2,3}))$/ oder einfacher ([a-zA-Z]+)* verwirren dich? Keine Sorge, je nach zu validierendem Input verwirrt es deinen Computer auch!
Dieser Talk befasst sich mit regulären Ausdrücken: Wir steigen ein mit einem kurzen Ausflug in die theoretische Informatik und endliche Automaten, befassen uns allgemein mit regulären Ausdrücken und warum diese nützlich sind, bis wir herausfinden, was es mit bösen regulären Ausdrücken auf sich hat - und wie diese mit dem entsprechenden Payload für Denial of Service-Angriffe genutzt werden können.
Um von diesem Talk etwas mitnehmen zu können, reicht es, schon mal was von regulären Ausdrücken gehört und ggf. sehr einfache Versionen selbst schon einmal angewandt zu haben. Du musst kein Regular Expression Pub Quiz gewonnen haben, um etwas zu verstehen, ganz im Gegenteil. Wahrscheinlich ist es für dich sogar etwas langweilig, wenn du RegEx-Pro bist.</description>
<person guid="95ebe35c-afcd-49ff-a52b-9f19f6ffdd7a">LeaRain</person>
<event guid="3d7e6cb1-c544-579d-9826-afbb701fefd2" id="57785">
<title>Gemeinsam gegen Cybermobbing</title>
<type>Talk 90 Minuten +15m Q&amp;A</type>
<abstract>Cybermobbing kann uns alle treffen. Es ist wichtig, darauf vorbereitet zu sein, ehe Ihr mitten drin steckt, ob als Opfer, Bystander oder Upstander. Dabei will Euch dieser Talk helfen.</abstract>
<description>Ich erzähle Euch meine Geschichte als seit knapp zwei Jahren Opfer von Cybermobbing mit Update zum Fort- und Weitergang seit der ersten Version dieses Talks auf der GPN 2023,
erkläre Euch, wie es zu Cybermobbing kommen kann,
werde Skills für Opfer und Mitbekommende vorstellen.
Jetzt kann ich Euch auch noch mehr zu meiner Geschichte und den Hintergründen erzählen.
Dieses Mal kommt auch Jura nicht zu kurz.
In einem Exkurs ins Strafrecht erkläre ich Euch, warum es manchmal trotz menschlich-moralischer Überzeugung von der Täter:inschaft von Personen nicht für strafrechtliche Konsequenzen reicht, wie sich Opfer gegen schnelle Einstellungen wehren können und warum auch das oft nicht erfolgreich ist.
Weiter geht's ins Zivilrecht, denn auch da gibt es Möglichkeiten, wie sich Opfer gegen Täter:innen wehren können, ganz unabhängig von den strafrechtlichen Entscheidungen.
Und wir sprechen darüber, was Ihr machen könnt, wenn Ihr Cybermobbing mitbekommt, wie Ihr vermeidet, Bystander zu sein und wie Ihr Upstander sein könnt. Auch da werde ich aus eigenen Erfahrungen erzählen, denn nur wenn wir Opfer reden werden die Gefahren von Cybermobbing greifbarer und die Auswirkungen nachvollziehbar.
Nur wenn wir uns gemeinsam gegen Cybermobbing stellen können wir Cybermobbing beenden.</description>
<person guid="a63b4b13-df49-587c-9613-312e25fc45ec">Wawuschel</person>
<event guid="d82cdefb-3e09-5135-9e1f-e2f2f8838651" id="57789">
<title>The Unsung Heroes of Imaging</title>
<type>Talk 90 Minuten +15m Q&amp;A</type>
<abstract>This talk will introduce luma-chroma colour spaces: what they are, their reason for existence, why they are useful, and real world examples.</abstract>
<description>Hidden, like a hero whose tale is lost to time, there is a common thread weaving through analog television, video, and modern digital imaging. That thread is called luma-chroma colour spaces, and powers how humans are able to see, process, and transmit colours across a variety of media and purposes.
This talk is intended to lift the veil about these color spaces; we will cover their origins, what they are intended for, and showcase samples covering the past 60 years of imaging technologies. Examples include (but are not limited) to: NTSC, PAL, the Okta color spaces, YCbCr, XYB...</description>
<person guid="c21ddd6e-c8c1-560f-89c7-b2423f916271">Amyspark</person>
<event guid="a1d05911-f9a3-5ea9-8e09-b02aec5ba501" id="57911">
<title>Wie funktionieren Zug-Fahrkarten ins Ausland?</title>
<type>Talk 90 Minuten +15m Q&amp;A</type>
<abstract>Zug fahren ist toll. Mit dem Zug weit weg fahren umso mehr. Leider ist es oftmals kompliziert, eine Fahrkarte ins Ausland zu kaufen - und in den letzten Jahren wird das auch noch immer komplizierter. JeDi hat sich mal angeschaut, wo eigentlich die Probleme liegen - und wie Lösungen aussehen können.</abstract>
<description>Die älteren unter uns werden sich erinnern. Früher konnte man in halbwegs großen Bahnhöfen Fahrkarten nach halb Europa kaufen. Im schlimmsten Fall wurden kompliziertere Sachen mal per Fax beim nächsten großen Bahnhof bestellt, im Wesentlichen konnten die Personen am Schalter aber die Fahrpreise und Fahrpläne durch das Wälzen von Kursbüchern und Tariftabellen ermitteln.
Das müsste heute doch besser gehen? So mit Computern, ohne Fax und mit Algorithmen? Im Prinzip schon - aber... Und das ganze dann noch aufs Handy oder zum Selbstausdrucken nach Hause zu bringen, ist dann das nächste Thema. Also doch zum Schalter? Viele wurden in den letzten Jahren geschlossen, und auch dort wurden die Möglichkeiten beschnitten. Eine Reservierung nach Paris? Geht nur über Frankfurt, nicht über Köln. Ab Paris weiter? Nur vor Ort. JeDi kennt sich mit Fahrkarten aus, und versucht das Problem aufzuarbeiten und zu bewerten.</description>
<person guid="ddce8d88-8673-5651-9a26-2897b2f28e63">JeDi</person>
<day date="2023-12-28" end="2023-12-29T06:00:00+01:00" index="2" start="2023-12-28T06:00:00+01:00">
<room guid="ba692ba3-421b-5371-8309-60acc34a3c05" name="Saal 1">
<event guid="643ecf8f-de45-4155-91d2-3195430dbd4b" id="12059">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Hacking Neural Networks</title>
<subtitle>Eine Einführung in das Hacking von Neuronalen Netzen</subtitle>
<abstract>Ich will den Zuhörerinnen einen Überblick über die aktuellen Möglichkeiten geben, wie Neuronale Netze angegriffen und manipuliert werden können. Das Ziel des Vortrags ist es, verschiedene Angriffe zu erklären und anhand von Beispielen zu veranschaulichen. Dies dient auch dazu, die Funktionsweise neuronaler Netze besser zu verstehen und ihre Limitierungen aufzuzeigen. Abschließend zeige ich, welche Maßnahmen ergriffen werden können, um diese Angriffe zu erkennen oder zu verhindern.</abstract>
<description>Der Vortrag beginnt mit einer knappen Einführung in die Funktionsweise Neuronaler Netze, um ein allgemeines Verständnis zu schaffen. Anschließend werden verschiedene Angriffe auf Neuronale Netze dargestellt. Die dargestellten Angriffe sind zum größten Teil technisch und ich werde Angriffe wie Prompt Injection nur kurz behandeln. Im Vortrag werden neben Prompt Injection Angriffe wie LastLayer Attack, Back-Dooring, Extracting Information, Brute Forcing, Neural Overflow, Malware Injection, Neural Obfuscation und Model Stealing theoretisch vorgestellt. Um den theoretischen Vortrag aufzulockern, werde ich einige dieser Angriffe anhand von Live-Beispielen veranschaulichen und erklären, wie sie die Funktionsweise Neuronaler Netze ausnutzen bzw. an welchen Stellen diese manipuliert werden können. Während der Erläuterung der Angriffe werde ich auch darauf eingehen, welche Informationen für den Angriff benötigt werden und welche Informationen besonders schützenswert sind. Abschließend werde ich mögliche Verteidigungsstrategien erläutern, auch wenn diese nur einen teilweisen Schutz ermöglichen. Der Vortrag wird einen guten Überblick über Angriffe auf Neuronale Netze geben, wie sie in der aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Literatur bekannt sind. </description>
<person guid="7021daef-1c36-5f60-b97b-4bcab4a08817">jate</person>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/493/original/CCC_Congress_2023-1.pdf?1704471949">Slides</attachment>
<event guid="e91534ec-d9e8-46ba-a93e-bc5f2023d158" id="11717">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Why Railway Is Safe But Not Secure</title>
<subtitle>Security Of Railway Communication Protocols</subtitle>
<abstract>The railway communication network looks different from your standard corporate IT. Its hardware, software and protocols have many peculiarities since it is an old, distributed, fragmented and highly standardised system. This creates problems when trying to introduce state-of-the-art IT security, and then there is the mindset: &quot;But we always have done it this way!&quot;</abstract>
<description>Although railways are one of the safest means of travel, they are not the most secure. What are railway engineers and IT experts fighting about? We will elaborate on the terms: Sicherheit, safety, security, and funktionale Sicherheit; and their implications.
The first railways were closed systems where employees had visual contact with the equipment. With the increasing amount of software and network growth, IT security is becoming a major concern. On the other hand, railway systems are made from various components with real-time and dependability requirements, and proprietary protocols, resulting in some security via obscurity. The main difference from other systems is the high degree of standardisation necessary for obtaining a permit. Consequently, changes take time and effort, resulting in the longevity of protocols.
This talk explains railway-specific protocols, such as GSM-R, RaSTA, and ETCS/ERMTS, their security model and known attacks. Nothing of this is new, but still, it is widely unknown.
So, join the talk, have fun, and learn how to stop a train - which is much simpler than starting one.</description>
<person guid="fcfe27b2-08c2-53f7-8d8b-144e290cf35e">Katja Assaf</person>
<event guid="4a20deed-7434-4565-9e33-2cbc53734bab" id="12168">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Predator Files: How European spyware threatens civil society around the world</title>
<abstract>Ever evolving mercenary spyware continues to threaten the safety of activists, journalist and human rights defenders around the world. Following the exposure of the Pegasus spyware scandal, this talk will be a technical deep dive into the tactics and techniques sold by the European-based spyware alliance Intellexa, which is used by governments to infect the devices and infrastructure we all depend on.</abstract>
<description>As part of the Predator Files investigation, Amnesty International, in partnership with European Investigative Collaborations, uncovered and documented for the first time how the Intellexa Alliance, a European-based surveillance vendor, has supplied advance spyware and surveillance technology to governments around the world, and where it has then been used to target journalists, leading politicians, and European institutions.
Technical specifications and marketing material from surveillance vendors is often kept secret. The resulting information asymmetry prevents defenders in the cybersecurity industry and at-risk civil society groups from understanding the full scope of the threats that they face. This talk will draw on leaked internal documents and technical material, obtained by the Predator Files consortium, which shed light on the evolving technical tactics used by surveillance actors to subvert network infrastructure and deliver digital attacks to targeted individuals.
This talk will conclude with recommendations on possible mitigations and detections which can help protect civil society targets and the wider internet ecosystem from some of the attack vectors offered by this company.</description>
<person guid="fbe2becf-1c87-561d-b547-d30fec56ca50">Donncha Ó Cearbhaill</person>
<link href="">Predator Files: Technical deep-dive into Intellexa Alliance’s surveillance products</link>
<link href="">Global: ‘Predator Files’ spyware scandal reveals brazen targeting of civil society, politicians and officials  </link>
<link href="">Predator Files: How European companies supplied dictators cyber-surveillance tools for more than a decade.</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/475/original/Slides_-_Predator_Files_-_How_European_spyware_threatens_civil_society_around_the_world.pdf?1703968355">Presentation slides</attachment>
<event guid="847c9f2d-8e3d-4c68-8c82-3435fae34dd0" id="12102">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Fuzz Everything, Everywhere, All at Once</title>
<subtitle>Advanced QEMU-based fuzzing</subtitle>
<abstract>The maintainers of the AFLplusplus open-source project show crazy new ways to (ab)use QEMU to explore difficult, binary-only targets through fuzzing.
We present a proof of concept using LibAFL\_qemu to find command and SQL-injections, going beyond the classic fuzzing for memory corruption.
We also showcase how to build a custom fuzzer to test Android libraries without using a phone.</abstract>
<description>In this talk, the maintainers of the AFLplusplus organization present the QEMU-based instrumentation engines developed as part of AFL++ and LibAFL to fuzz advanced binary-only targets. We discuss our extensions to QEMU, the well-known emulator, to allow high-performance, cross-architecture fuzzing and target instrumentation.
We present LibAFL QEMU, a library that offers convenient APIs to hook the target using Rust.
Unlike other public fuzzers, tools built with LibAFL can scale over cores and machines to find vulnerabilities faster and at a large scale. We showcase how we built a custom fuzzer for a binary-only Android library using this new emulator API for fuzzing that scales to 80+ cores almost linearly, reaching a whopping number of executions per second!
Finally, we demo a proof of concept using LibAFL to find injection vulnerabilities in the binaries, going beyond the typical fuzzing for memory corruptions.
<person guid="7520147f-5029-5e32-852f-665764facc6b">Dongjia Zhang</person>
<person guid="9886a24e-56c0-5376-be3a-d23221a85878">andreafioraldi</person>
<person guid="c31dbc3a-ac58-5b60-bc1a-8384d7cdbb31">Addison Crump</person>
<person guid="953dac36-6f96-50ed-9795-9b081b09257b">domenukk</person>
<person guid="7cdd2a39-a7ae-58fb-b351-833637d5687f">van Hauser</person>
<link href="">LibAFL</link>
<link href="">AFL++</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/435/original/aflplusplus-ccc-libafl_emu_%282%29.pdf?1703765991">Fuzz Everything, Everywhere, All at Once Slides</attachment>
<event guid="ad162bc8-bf6b-407d-85f6-d2254637889d" id="11989">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Der sehende Stein der Polizeibehörden </title>
<subtitle>Der Einsatz von Palantir Gotham aus technischer und rechtlicher Sicht</subtitle>
<track>Ethics, Politics &amp; Society</track>
<abstract>Der Markt von Palantir ist der öffentliche Sektor, längst in Europa und auch in Deutschland. Der umstrittene US-Softwareanbieter verarbeitet strukturierte und unstrukturierte Informationen aus Polizeidaten oder Patientendaten und versucht, sich unverzichtbar zu machen für die Behörden, mit denen er Verträge hat. In Deutschland steht Palantir allerdings eine Entscheidung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts im Weg, das erstmals über den Einsatz von heute gern als KI gehypter Software für Polizeidaten entschieden hat.</abstract>
<description>Der Vortrag behandelt vier Schwerpunkte:
1.: In welchen Bundesländern und zu welchem Zweck wird die Palantir-Software Gotham eingesetzt oder soll in Zukunft eingesetzt werden?
2.: Wie funktioniert die Software und welche Risiken bringt ihr Einsatz mit sich?
3.: Welche rechtlichen Einschränkungen gelten und wie könnten sie technisch umgesetzt werden?
4.: Hessen hat sein Gesetz aufgrund der Entscheidung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts angepasst. Stellt die Neuregelung für die Gotham-Software unter dem Namen „Hessendata“ wirklich eine Verbesserung dar?
Über mit dem Einsatz der Software verbundene Risiken – darunter Diskriminierung, Stigmatisierung, Datenschutz, IT-Sicherheit, Kontrollierbarkeit – sprechen Constanze Kurz (CCC), Simone Ruf und Jürgen Bering (beide Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte, GFF). Beide Organisationen waren am Verfahren vor dem BVerfG beteiligt: Die GFF hatte das Verfahren initiiert und der CCC wirkte als Sachverständiger mit.</description>
<person guid="c628754f-db69-5973-a535-52e518c4e542">Jürgen Bering</person>
<person guid="618c6b58-1a12-5383-972e-8bef9d7b099a">Simone Ruf</person>
<person guid="5339635c-40f8-53be-80d1-86242db40345">Constanze Kurz</person>
<event guid="2a328f4e-6442-4e3c-811e-e63b3c425bd4" id="12134">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Hirne hacken: Hackback Edition</title>
<subtitle>Wir verhandeln mit Erpressern, damit Ihr es nicht müsst.</subtitle>
<track>Ethics, Politics &amp; Society</track>
<abstract>Du musst mit ein paar Erpressern um mehrere Millionen verhandeln.
Das kann sogar Spaß machen, wenn es nicht dein Geld ist.</abstract>
<description>Seit gut sieben Jahren ist Ransomware ein florierendes und stetig wachsendes Geschäftsmodell für durchschnittlich und unterdurchschnittlich begabte Hacker. Wie man sich davor schützen kann, ist kein Geheimnis. Trotzdem tun es offenbar immer noch zu wenige. Weil das ärgerlich ist, erklären wir es noch einmal.
Über die Vorgehensweisen der Gangs ranken sich allerlei Mythen, die verhindern, dass Organisationen sich sinnvoll schützen. Wir berichten aus unserer Erfahrung mit unzähligen Fällen, welche Schutzmaßnahmen wirklich sinnvoll sind.
Doch auch über die Verhandlungen mit den Gangstern gibt es allerlei falsche Vorstellungen, angeheizt von selbsternannten &quot;Cyber-Profilern&quot; und &quot;Lösungsgeld-Verhandlern&quot;, die natürlich kein Interesse haben, ihre „Tricks&quot; zu verraten. Deswegen machen wir das: Wir ergründen die spieltheoretische Mechanik der Verhandlungssituation an mehreren echten Beispielen und schauen uns die Organisation der Ransomware-Gangs an.
Kai Biermann ist Investigativ-Journalist und hat unter anderem Mitglieder der Ransomware-Gang Conti aufgedeckt. Linus Neumann hat als IT-Security-Consultant viele Incidents gemanaget und dabei das zweifelhafte Vergnügen gehabt, mit unterschiedlichen Ransomware-Gangs zu verhandeln.
Der Vortrag ist eine Weiterführung von „Hirne Hacken&quot; (36C3) und „Disclosure, Hack und Back&quot; (Chaos Communication Camp '23).</description>
<person guid="476fcf39-91ec-58b1-8b48-4a5cdf683fb1">Kai Biermann</person>
<person guid="007105e0-7ac6-5aaa-b416-9bb595caa389">Linus Neumann</person>
<event guid="f3ed5e42-6b9c-4fe8-b06a-95869edbbb19" id="12167">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Synthetic Sentience</title>
<subtitle>Can Artificial Intelligence become conscious?</subtitle>
<abstract>Despite the rapid progress of AI capabilities, the core question of Artificial Intelligence seems to be still unanswered: What does it take to create a mind? Let us explore the boundaries of AI: sentience, self awareness, and the possibility of machine consciousness.
<description>After many attempts to build AI models that are smarter than human beings, we find ourselves confronted with a family of surprisingly successful systems that match many of our abilities through text prediction and text/image correlation. The limits of these approaches are presently unclear, and while they work in very different ways than our minds, they pose the question whether consciousness, embodiment and motivation are necessary for achieving general intelligence. What are the differences between human (and animal) minds and the current generation of AI models? When we compare perspectives on mind and consciousness that have been developed in neuroscience, philosophy of mind, theoretical and therapeutic psychology, and numerous cultural traditions, and translate them into the metaphysics and conceptual frameworks of artificial intelligence, we may gain insights into this question.</description>
<person guid="e013dd2a-9ef7-5678-ad39-0da520154312">Joscha</person>
<event guid="da6bd3cb-8d10-4e5e-a59f-5cc0a03dcb08" id="11825">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Science Slam</title>
<subtitle>Weltrettung braucht Wissenschaft</subtitle>
<abstract>Im Science Slam-Stil spekulieren Forschende, wie die Welt aussähe, wenn irgendjemand auf ihr Fachgebiet hören würde. Die Erkenntnisse reichen von Energiewende und Biodiversität bis zu Neurowissenschaften und geschlechtergerechter Medizin. Nach dem Chaos Communication Camp jetzt auch in Hamburg.</abstract>
<description>Wie sähe die Welt aus, wenn wir auf Wissenschaft hören würden? Wo doch bekanntermaßen jeder Katastrophenfilm so beginnt, dass sie ignoriert wird – kurz bevor der Meteorit einschlägt, die Flut flutet und der weiße Hai alle Badenden auffrisst. Auch die akuten Krisen verdanken wir u.a. einer Politik, die Wissenschaft viel zu oft ignoriert. Die hat uns immerhin nicht nur vor Atemwegsinfektionen gewarnt, sondern auch vor zunehmenden Flutereignissen. Wer weiß, was in ihren Artikeln noch alles drinsteht? In unserem Science Slam präsentieren drei bis vier Forschende ihre Antwort darauf. Der Ausgangspunkt ist ein gemeinsames WissKomm-Buchprojekt namens „Weltrettung braucht Wissenschaft&quot;, in dem sich zwölf junge Wissenschaftler\*innen und Science Slammys der Frage stellen, was ihr Fachgebiet der Menschheit rät. Woraus bauen Plastikforscher die Welt? Und wie landet ihr Baustoff auf unserem Teller? Ist künstliche Intelligenz wirklich rassistisch und Medizin überwiegend für Männer? Haben Klimatologinnen eigentlich noch Hoffnung, oder weiß der Historiker da mehr? Auf dem Weg entsteht aber auch Zukunftsmusik: Verkehrsmittel, von denen Ingenieurinnen träumen, und Städte, in denen sich Füchse tummeln; auf Gentechnik basierte Medikamente und biologisch abbaubares Verpackungsmaterial. Oder, noch revolutionärer: Wege, wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse einzusetzen, bevor es brennt. </description>
<person guid="f71463e0-8425-5c4a-a05b-98977dbe35f8">FrancaParianen</person>
<person guid="69eaf97b-36cc-58a5-9d62-7c84f0b69dbe">Maria-Elena Vorrath</person>
<link href="">Link zum Chaos Camp Slam</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/286/original/Gruppenbild.jpg?1698866923">Science Slammy Gruppenfoto</attachment>
<event guid="3794b61d-8f56-4e0c-8895-8c674c1d6570" id="11846">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Demoscene now and then</title>
<subtitle>The demoscene is an underground computer art culture.</subtitle>
<track>Art &amp; Beauty</track>
<abstract>The demoscene is an underground computer art culture. The Speaker is a member of the Demoscene since the 1980ies and gives insights how it is now and how it was back in the days and how you can participate!</abstract>
<description>The demoscene is an underground computer art culture. The term demoscene comes from the word demo, short for demonstration. In the context of the demoscene the word demo means a realtime audiovisual application which is demonstrating the capabilities of the machine it runs on.
Demosceners (&quot;sceners&quot;) are what we call the folks with too much free time that abuse their computer skills to create releases under the demoscene.
Demosceners often use nicknames (&quot;nicks&quot; or &quot;handles&quot;) to identify themselves. They also tend to hang out in so-called demogroups. Some demosceners are active members of multiple demogroups, with or without using the same nickname.
Let's get one thing clear: the demoscene has no commercial purpose. The only thing you'll get out of the demoscene, and this only comes after investing a significant amount of your free time into it, is a few useful soft skills and a large community of computer nerd friends.
Demoscene releases are meant to show the limits of the machines, the technical skills and artistic sensibility of the makers. There are no rules to what kind of release you can make on the demoscene. Some demos are made as technical benchmarks, others as conceptual art, most are done just for fun. It is entirely up to you to explore what you like doing and share it with other demosceners.
Demoscene releases can be divided into certain categories:
Track, an audio piece, can be in an executable format, in a tracker module format or in a pre-rendered wav/mp3 format
Graphics entry, drawn or rendered images with fixed resolutions and/or a restricted color palette
Demo, an audiovisual real-time executable demonstration for a certain platform
Intro, typically a demo with file size limitation all packed into a single executable file that includes all the assets (popular size formats are 256bytes, 512bytes, 1kb, 4kb, 8kb, 64kb)
Animation, rendered graphics videos
Demopack, a collection of demos in a single disk
Musicdisk, a collection of demoscene tracks with an executable player interface
Diskmag, a collection of texts about the demoscene with an executable graphics interface
Wild entry, everything else (including live performances, videos of demos on uncommon platforms, videos about demomaking, etc)
Releases typically occur at demoparties, gathering events for demosceners.
<person guid="b19d7a29-8ecd-5ab2-a490-1dbc985afc1a">LordSpreadpointAmiga</person>
<link href="">Teach yourself Demoscene in 14 Days</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/301/original/Amiga_Demo_%EF%BC%9A_X-Large_%E2%A7%B8_Spreadpoint_%281989%29.mp4?1699006604">Demo by Demogroup Spreadpoint on Commodore Amiga Computer</attachment>
<event guid="ebbb938f-c1f7-4aad-a37d-ba1aea84eac0" id="11904">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>A NEW HOPE [de]</title>
<subtitle>Ein Pep Talk für alle, die gerade verzweifeln </subtitle>
<abstract>Hinter der Stadt brennt der Wald und der Kanzler hetzt gegen Flüchtende wie eine auf Reddit trainierte KI, der Freundeskreis zerbricht am Nahostkonflikt, außerdem wurde das Backup vergessen und das Kilo Tomaten ist auch schon wieder einen Euro teurer. Gründe zum Verzweifeln gibt es genug. Wir sprechen deshalb mit Aktivist\*innen, die sich den multiplen Krisen entgegenstellen, darüber, was sie eigentlich noch hoffen lässt. </abstract>
<description>Die Klimakrise und der Nahostkonflikt eskalieren, die Ampel bläst zur Abschiebeoffensive, die AfD ist bei über 20 % und die CDU will vorsorglich schon mal Autobahnen bauen. Derweil machen KI &amp; Kommerz das Internet kaputt und Elon Musk Twitter. Demnächst verschwindet dann auch noch das letzte Katzenvideo hinter irgendeiner Paywall, so dass man sich nicht mal mehr vernünftig ablenken kann – es ist zum Verzweifeln in diesen Zeiten.
Wie soll man da noch Hoffnung schöpfen? Wenn auch ihr euch diese Frage stellt, wenn ihr mit dem Gefühl der Resignation bereits vertraut seid, dann seid ihr hier genau richtig:
Wir haben Aktivist\*innen zusammengebracht, die sich auf die Straße kleben, Menschen pflegen oder Daten schützen, die an unterschiedlichen Krisenherden täglich kämpfen und scheitern: Gewerkschafter\*innen, Antifaschist\*innen, humanitäre Helfer\*innen – wir haben sie gefragt, warum und worauf sie überhaupt noch hoffen, und wir haben sie auf die CCC-Bühne eingeladen, damit wir uns darüber austauschen und gemeinsam neue Hoffnung schöpfen können – denn noch gibt es sie: Strategien, die funktionieren, starke Bündnisse und zumindest Teilerfolge: Hier &amp; da können wir uns also gegenseitig Mut machen. </description>
<person guid="9d459d7b-8f3a-4ff6-bccd-2305d4e7f275">socialhack (he/him)</person>
<person guid="283b7e1a-f83b-52b1-b401-acba7f7c0a80">Johannes Bayer</person>
<person guid="34806dc2-faa8-5103-a6cc-01acb863f361">Ela</person>
<person guid="83e7eee3-78ca-5d82-b152-4d46b87ee60b">Kirsten Rautenstrauch</person>
<person guid="79502193-8099-5a01-8b78-0707c8aebcee">Carla Reemtsma</person>
<person guid="23abf9d4-67f0-5c8f-8f21-95107beebb8d">Sebastian Jünemann</person>
<person guid="ab61f99a-af1d-58c0-b814-5504b312e2d8">Pia Klemp</person>
<person guid="f11a1ad8-eb62-5f76-9936-bca2c366cc1f">Tareq Alaows</person>
<person guid="3b3a4cb5-437f-5754-aa06-72c197187f14">Lara Eckstein</person>
<person guid="983d6e45-4113-4437-8574-5213d1c034c3">arnese</person>
<person guid="8ae205f6-f51c-54ce-8183-58d0fd9a1604">Helena Steinhaus</person>
<person guid="85b05f4d-8b7c-50ee-bac3-cf5a1ba42bd6">Ruben Neugebauer</person>
<person guid="007105e0-7ac6-5aaa-b416-9bb595caa389">Linus Neumann</person>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/436/original/Ablauf_A_new_hope_-_Google_Docs.pdf?1703768160">moderations Notizen für den Talk</attachment>
<attachment href="/attachments/original/missing.png">file</attachment>
<event guid="0eced221-299d-4dba-ad51-6063978b2b41" id="11810">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Decentralized energy production: green future or cybersecurity nightmare?</title>
<subtitle>The cybersecurity dark side of solar energy when clouds are involved</subtitle>
<abstract>In this talk we will have a look at some cybersecurity challenges raised by the trend of decentralizing our energy production.
Our energy infrastructure is now changing from a centralized system based on big power plants to a more decentralized system based on renewable energy produced by smaller power plants (maybe yours). In Germany alone, [300.000 so called balcony power plants were in operation by August 2023]( Most of these smaller power plants are / will be somehow connected to some cloud services.
To show that security hasn't been the biggest priority, we will examine the cybersecurity controls of different solar inverters. To put it mildly: there is room for improvement.
We will also discuss the need for better regulations and enforcement of cybersecurity for smaller connected power plants: altogether they probably produce more power than the bigger ones - and this trend is accelerating.
Protecting our infrastructure shall have - today more than ever before - a high priority.
<description>Context: cybersecurity for future energy production systems
Cybersecurity for smaller solar power plants is a critical challenge: strong separation between operational, safety relevant network and internet is not present. Moreover, manufacturers do not invest enough in security; reason being high competition in terms of time to market, price pressure and lack of security knowledge.
These power plant systems need more or less an internet connection in order to fetch power &amp; energy data from the plant with an app, perform firmware updates, and carry out maintenance remotely.
The central device, which is connected to the internet, is the inverter. Many companies provide inverters for solar power plants and include cloud connectivity. An inverter converts the energy from the solar panels to grid compatible energy. Since it handles high currents &amp; voltages, the physical consequences of cybersecurity risks are arguably higher than for standard smart home devices.
Research results related to connected solar inverters (technical part)
Out of curiosity, I tested different inverters from different manufacturers, including cloud connectivity. All devices have a license to be operated in Germany and are very popular. They are used in solar power plants of different sizes, from balcony size to bigger plants.
In this section some research results will be presented, we will especially focus on one system.
**Positive note: critical vulnerabilities have been patched by now.**
* *Insecure Direct Object Reference* (IDOR) or similar vulnerabilities have been found, allowing an attacker with a simple account to execute commands on connected inverters remotely. This was an enabler for many further attacks.
* An attacker could trigger a firmware update process on connected inverters.
* The firmware update process was not properly secured: update images did not include a cryptographic signature.
* Most of the devices did not use the TLS protocol for cloud communication or did not use it correctly.
* Secure boot and secure debugging were not implemented.
* On the server side, there were insufficient sanity checks.
* Sensitive data (e.g. serial number) was easy to extract.
* Commands could be executed on any connected devices (e.g. switch ON, switch OFF, change parameters).
* The power electronics and relays of devices could be manipulated remotely with a malicious firmware update.
* By manipulating many devices synchronously the stability of the grid could be endangered.
A proof of concept with a full (unlocked) exploit chain will be presented.
Conclusion and Discussion
Removing bureaucratic hurdles is an important step in order to democratize our energy production - and renewable energies are the future! On the other hand, if it comes at the cost of poorly-secured devices, this may be jeopardized.
In Germany, we have the Kritis Verordnung (decree) to protect for example the electricity infrastructure. It states that every power [plant with more than 104 MW capacity is required to have specific protections]( Individually, the small solar power plants are not in this category. However, summing up all devices connected to one cloud, we probably reach these numbers by now - and if not, tomorrow. Current projections point in that direction.
During this research, I realized how easy it is to take control of energy production devices and it scared me. The cloud connectivity and the related &quot;remote control / remote maintenance&quot; and &quot;firmware update&quot; processes are truly critical and attacks may scale. Even if vulnerabilities are patched by now, an attacker who finds a way into the cloud servers can control all connected inverters.
On the other hand, it seems that there are no security related regulations regarding these systems as of today in the European Union. The [EU Cyber Resilience Act](, which will apply to these devices is still in discussion and is likely to be effective soon. However, manufacturers will probably have a grace period of 36 months to comply: by then, many insecure devices will already be installed. Knowing how many bad guys are out there, the risk is there and growing rapidly.
<person guid="807a7e45-4994-5c67-b355-0512c552c572">Sebastien</person>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/478/original/ccc_solar.pdf?1704026036">ccc_solar.pdf</attachment>
<event guid="39caae28-4957-4187-8d95-13b068c99b13" id="12052">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>What I Learned from Loab: AI as a creative adversary</title>
<subtitle>The artist behind the viral cryptid &quot;Loab&quot; reflects on her critical relationship to AI art tools</subtitle>
<track>Art &amp; Beauty</track>
<abstract>In this talk, artist/writer Steph Maj Swanson will use the story of how her AI-generated character &quot;Loab&quot; arose (and went viral) as a jumping off point to present creative work and strategies that emerged from attempts to crack AI black boxes open. Aligned with the hacker ethos of exploration, experimentation and creative misuse, this talk presents adversarial artmaking practices for AI systems. It will also explore what it means to engage in cultural production today, as new forms of automation and centralization loom over the arts and entertainment industries. In the words of Nam June Paik: &quot;I use technology in order to hate it more properly.&quot;</abstract>
<description>Steph Maj Swanson, a.k.a. Supercomposite, is a multimedia artist and writer best known for her story about the AI-generated woman Loab, which The Atlantic dubbed “a form of expression that has never existed before.&quot; Loab is an emergent character that arises in certain AI image synthesis models, accessible via negatively weighted prompts, often appearing alongside macabre imagery such as dismembered women and children.
Swanson views her relationship to AI as adversarial, both in her creative process and as a commentator. This non-technical, but conceptual talk offers up art alongside possible strategies. It will be of interest for hackers intrigued by the creative potential of these tools, but who may have ethical concerns or doubts about the way these tools are assembled, built, and deployed.
Galleries West described Swanson’s body of AI-generated visual work as “the merging of repulsive with beautiful,” and The Washington Post called her satirical AI writing “disturbing”. At DefCon this year she debuted her short film SUICIDE III, which uses deepfakes of Joe Biden and Sam Altman to explore where an out-of-control AI hype cycle might take us. </description>
<person guid="2b97b9a8-cb0b-5c8c-914e-172b3c2102cd">Steph Maj Swanson</person>
<link href="">Suicide III (short film)</link>
<event guid="89c3e9fd-bc64-42c6-a494-36404874ef0f" id="11970">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Die netzpolitische Neujahrsansprache</title>
<subtitle>Digitalisierung - Ja, wir schaffen das!</subtitle>
<abstract>Ein halb satirischer, halb ernster Rück- und Ausblick auf die Baustellen der digitalen Welt.</abstract>
<description>Liebe Hacker:innen von Neuland, was für ein Jahr liegt hinter uns! Ein Jahr, das einige Veränderungen mit sich gebracht hat. Und das gezeigt hat: Wir dürfen nicht müde werden, für eine lebenswerte digitale und analoge Welt zu kämpfen. Tun wir miteinander alles – aber auch wirklich alles – dafür, dass wir diejenigen, die unser schönes Neuland zu einem Ort der Autoritäten und Konzerne machen wollen, im neuen Jahr endlich besiegen können.</description>
<person guid="6ffd6316-c9a4-59ee-8ccb-e0bbf7be8af9">khaleesi</person>
<person guid="1bf69109-efa8-5af2-9b1b-97a9cdc672dc">Anna Biselli</person>
<person guid="52d341b7-8417-5093-959e-496c9f529196">Markus Reuter</person>
<event guid="f05ac86f-96bd-4888-908b-11742b381074" id="11933">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<subtitle>20 Jahre Fnord-Jahresrückblick!</subtitle>
<abstract>In einer sich zunehmend bizarr anfühlenden Welt bringt der Fnord-Rückblick Struktur, verteilt renommierte Awards und sucht nach den leichteren Momenten in der allgemeinen Flut aus schlechten Nachrichten.
Wir feiern dieses Jahr unser 20. Jubiläum, daher werden wir etwas weiter zurückblicken.</abstract>
<person guid="5f0597bc-861b-53a7-b175-6e348331a9ab">Fefe</person>
<person guid="a0a13e2f-44e9-5515-ae0e-e29757c45310">frank</person>
<room guid="7202df07-050c-552f-8318-992f94e40ef0" name="Saal Granville">
<event guid="e1a4a5df-9ef8-4364-b5c8-e8707ee83b8f" id="11983">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Von Zebrastreifen, offenen Daten und verschlossenen Verwaltungen</title>
<subtitle>Luxemburgs kreative Route zur Amtstransparenz</subtitle>
<track>Ethics, Politics &amp; Society</track>
<abstract>Kein Zebrastreifen ist illegal. Oder doch? Die scheinbar einfache Frage nach der Gesetzeskonformität von Zebrastreifen verursachte mysteriöses Schweigen in der öffentlichen Verwaltung der Stadt Luxemburg. Als Reaktion auf die Datenverweigerung schufen die Aktivist:innen des Zentrums für Urbane Gerechtigkeit eine Mischung aus Google Maps und Tinder, um die benötigten Daten selbst zu generieren. Dieser Vortrag beleuchtet das spannende Zusammenspiel von intransparenten Verwaltungen, der Eigeninitiative im Erstellen von Geodaten und dem juristischen Kampf um die Offenlegung von Informationen. Zudem wird aufgezeigt, welche Ressourcen ein solches Unterfangen erfordert, und wie es als lehrreiches Beispiel für zivilen Aktivismus und behördliche Transparenz dient.</abstract>
<description>Die Geschichte begann mit einer einfachen Anfrage auf Twitter über die Gesetzeskonformität von Zebrastreifen in Luxemburg, die jedoch bei der Stadtverwaltung auf eine Mauer des Schweigens stieß. Als Reaktion darauf gründeten Aktivist:innen des Zentrums für Urbane Gerechtigkeit (ZUG) das Projekt &quot;Safe Crossing&quot;, um die Einhaltung der Regularien für Zebrastreifen in Luxemburg-Stadt zu überprüfen. Mit einer Mischung aus Google Maps und Tinder entwickelten sie eine App, durch die die Nutzer:innen Luftbilder der Zebrastreifen analysieren und problematische Bereiche identifizieren konnten​​.
Ihre Ergebnisse waren alarmierend: Etwa ein Drittel der insgesamt 1.787 analysierten Zebrastreifen entsprachen nicht den gesetzlichen Vorgaben, da Parkplätze die Sicht auf die Zebrastreifen blockierten und somit die Sicherheit der Fußgänger:innen gefährdeten​​. Trotz der Publikation ihrer Ergebnisse und der Diskussionen im Stadtrat bestritt die Stadtverwaltung die Ergebnisse und blieb bei ihrer eigenen, wesentlich niedrigeren Schätzung von nur 37 nicht regelkonformen Zebrastreifen​.
Die nachfolgenden Geschehnisse zeichneten ein Bild von intransparenten Verwaltungen und dem Kampf um die Offenlegung von Informationen. Trotz mehrerer offizieller Anfragen und einer Entscheidung der „Commission d’accès aux documents“ (CAD) zugunsten von ZUG weigerte sich die Stadt Luxemburg, die angeforderten Dokumente zu veröffentlichen. Der Fall eskalierte bis vor das Verwaltungsgericht, und ZUG lancierte eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne, um die anfallenden Rechtskosten zu decken​.
Der Vortrag wird die Herausforderungen und Erfolge des Projekts detailliert beleuchten, das Engagement für offene Daten und bürgerlichen Aktivismus hervorheben und auf die Bedeutung von Transparenz und Rechenschaftspflicht in der öffentlichen Verwaltung eingehen. Die Zuhörer:innen werden nicht nur Einblicke in die technischen und juristischen Aspekte des Projekts erhalten, sondern auch inspiriert werden, wie individuelle und kollektive Aktionen positive Veränderungen herbeiführen können, selbst wenn sie gegen bürokratische Mauern stoßen.</description>
<link href="">Projektwebseite</link>
<link href="">Projektverlauf</link>
<link href="">Presseartikel</link>
<event guid="5807147b-2374-4ae0-b53c-a4cea848240c" id="12047">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Software Licensing For A Circular Economy</title>
<subtitle>What's FOSS Got To Do With It</subtitle>
<track>Sustainability &amp; Climate Justice</track>
<abstract>In this talk I provide an overview of the environmental harm driven by software and how FOSS is well-positioned to address the issues. I will link the inherent values that come with a Free &amp; Open Source Software license to sustainable software design, and I will present the various ways that Free Software aligns with the Blue Angel ecolabel. Finally, I will provide an overview of the current sustainability goal of KDE and the work of the KDE Eco initiative. This includes publishing the KDE Eco handbook, setting up a measurement lab for FOSS developers (KEcoLab), squashing hundreds of efficiency bugs, among others.</abstract>
<description>Digital technology is a major contributor to environmental harm, from the 'tsunami' of e-waste filling landfills to the CO2 emissions on a par with aviation industry. Often overlooked is that software -- and software licenses -- play a crucial role.
Software and hardware are inextricably linked. A Free &amp; Open Source Software license can disrupt the produce-use-dispose linear model of hardware consumption and enable the shift to a reduce-reuse-recycle circular model. Moving to a circular economy could reduce greenhouse gas emissions globally by up to 70%!
In this talk I provide an overview of the environmental harm driven by software and how FOSS is well-positioned to address the issues. I will link the inherent values that come with a Free &amp; Open Source Software license to sustainable software design, and I will present the various ways that Free Software aligns with the Blue Angel ecolabel. Finally, I will provide an overview of the current sustainability goal of KDE and the work of the KDE Eco initiative. This includes publishing the KDE Eco handbook, setting up a measurement lab for FOSS developers (KEcoLab), squashing hundreds of efficiency bugs, among others.</description>
<person guid="ebf38052-a3b4-4527-880b-116e1f1896c2">joseph</person>
<event guid="5360db94-5bf0-421f-b442-231f2f69b6c7" id="12034">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>The impact of quantum computers in cybersecurity</title>
<subtitle>Estimating the costs of algorithms for attacks and defense applications</subtitle>
<abstract>In in this talk we explore the potential ramifications of quantum computing in the field of cybersecurity We'll delve into two critical aspects: the application of quantum machine learning algorithms for defence and the impact of quantum attacks on cryptography and post-quantum cryptography for offence. We'll present insights on the theoretical advantages of quantum algorithms, improvements in factoring large numbers, and the impacts of post-quantum crypto attacks. While the hype around quantum technologies is growing, the estimates in the resources needed to run a quantum algorithm and the current number of qubits pose caution in the enthusiasm. The limitations in terms of available qubits, error rates, and scalability are critical factors that need to be considered when assessing the real-world applicability of quantum computing.</abstract>
<description>We will start with a fundamental introduction to quantum computing to ensure that the audience has a solid grasp of this model of computation, but without discussing the technicalities of quantum physics. Taking a &quot;software development&quot; perspective, we introduce the problem of estimating the resources needed to perform a quantum computation. Then, we will shift our focus to the two facets of our investigation: applications for offence and defence.
Quantum machine learning for defence:
We will explore the application of quantum machine learning algorithms in network intrusion detection. Quantum machine learning holds the potential for improving cybersecurity defences by leveraging quantum algorithms - exponentially faster than classical algorithm on their asymptotic complexity. We will introduce a framework for estimating the advantages of quantum algorithms in terms of query complexity, and report the findings of our experiments. Our findings will be based on practical experiments using benchmark datasets in cybersecurity, offering insights into the potential effectiveness of quantum approaches in this domain.
Quantum attacks on cryptography for offence:
Shifting our attention to the offensive side, we will investigate the potential impact of quantum attacks on cryptography. We will report some advancements in the number of qubits required to break RSA2048 cryptography and attacks on ECC256. Furthermore, we will delve into the complexities of post-quantum cryptography attacks. Our ongoing research at CQT (Centre for Quantum Technologies of Singapore) involves measuring the depth and size of quantum circuits, including the number of Toffoli gates and Toffoli-depth. We will also account for the qubit number and size of the QRAM query (quantum random access memory), providing a comprehensive assessment of the quantum attack landscape.
Ultimately, we will draw conclusions based on our research and analysis. While there is limited evidence suggesting that quantum computing will have a drastic impact on cybersecurity through machine learning or attacks on post-quantum cryptography, there are substantial reasons to believe that quantum computers, once they reach sufficient scale and capacity, will pose a significant threat to RSA2048 and ECC256. Join us for an insightful exploration of the evolving intersection of quantum computing and cybersecurity.</description>
<person guid="12929f9f-e8ce-5d2a-a614-3a066ef32001">Alessandro Luongo</person>
<event guid="4fc20f2f-c3a8-4823-9c81-374bd66b29f2" id="11836">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Tractors, Rockets and the Internet in Belarus</title>
<subtitle>How belarusian authoritarian regime is using technologies to repress it's population</subtitle>
<track>Ethics, Politics &amp; Society</track>
<abstract>With dropping costs of surveillance smaller authoritarian regimes are gaining easier access to different &quot;out of the box&quot; security solutions used mainly to further oppress people. On example of Belarus we will see the future that awaits people in many different parts of the world if things don't change fast.</abstract>
<description>Republic of Belarus is ruled for last 29 years by authoritarian president Alexander Lukashenko. From the deputy chief of collective farm in USSR to the longest president in Europe, he continues to navigate complicated political scene between Russia/EU/US for his own advantage.
Not even close to any technological sector through help of many Lukashenko turned Belarus into IT country with a lot western countries using developers from the dictatorship for their own project.
This presentation is about how the soviet modelled dictatorship managed to transform into technological authoritarian regime, where people are monitored and controlled of their loyalty to the regime, while also continuing a massive wave of repressions started from uprising against Alexander Lukashenko in 2020.
The presentation is made by a member of ABC-Belarus - a political solidarity organization from Belarus, working on supporting prisoners and developing security culture among street activists.</description>
<link href="">website</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/290/original/police-tractor-belarus-1974727229.jpeg?1698927538">Police tractor in Minsk</attachment>
<event guid="bdeddf79-e7f0-46d3-b3ee-c427026c1523" id="11736">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Nintendo hacking 2023: 2008</title>
<subtitle>Finishing off the Nintendo DSi</subtitle>
<abstract>Over the years, many talks about console jailbreaks have been presented at CCC. However, one console has been left overlooked: the Nintendo DSi. It didn't see any serious hacks in its active lifetime, the ones that eventually appeared aren't completely satisfactory, and several components (such as its boot ROMs) were left untouched. In this presentation, we rectify the situation, explain how to extract the boot ROMs, and demonstrate new jailbreaks that can take over the console at an even deeper level. As a bonus, this work makes it possible to revive consoles with worn-out eMMC NAND chips.</abstract>
<description>This presentation will start with an introduction to the hardware of the Nintendo DSi and the history of earlier hacking attempts. This is followed by an explanation on how to extract, analyze, and exploit the boot ROMs of the console, leading to a complete defeat of the security of the system.
This presentation will not shy away from technical explanations involving software exploitation, fault injection, cryptography, and hardware design. We will however try to make it understandable and enjoyable to less technically-inclined audiences.</description>
<person guid="7b644aeb-2dc9-40f3-a513-b737d0f180a6">PoroCYon</person>
<link href="">Modchip firmware, exploit payload, DIY guide</link>
<link href="">Glitching setup (PoroCYon)</link>
<link href="">Glitching setup (stuckpixel &amp; Normmatt)</link>
<link href="">slides</link>
<event guid="ef9e6a6d-8084-4c2a-9cfa-15fc66a6867d" id="11696">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Lightning Talks Day 2</title>
<abstract>Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may give! Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! Discuss a program, system or technique! Pitch your projects and ideas or try to rally a crew of people to your party or assembly! Whatever you bring, make it quick!</abstract>
<description>To get involved and learn more about what is happening please see the Links for this event. The second session will take place in another Hall and is not on the Fahrplan. See the Schedule link.</description>
<person guid="60134d7e-eae6-4462-824f-79acad1cf047">gedsic</person>
<person guid="84537663-d6d0-5289-a1b6-c7dd591029ac">bigalex</person>
<link href="">Infos, News and Lightning Talk Submission</link>
<link href="">Mastodon</link>
<event guid="611fb5d7-cd0d-436e-8713-ccee10ea375b" id="12157">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Rettet uns die KI?</title>
<subtitle>Über die Zukunft der digitalen Inklusion</subtitle>
<track>Ethics, Politics &amp; Society</track>
<abstract>Spätestens seit Ende 2022 sind generative KI-Systeme wie ChatGPT und Midjourney in aller Munde, und sie werden dabei nicht selten auch als Game-Changer für die digitale Barrierefreiheit postuliert. Doch wo stehen wir eigentlich gerade wirklich, was können diese Systeme bereits jetzt für uns tun, und was bringt uns die Zukunft? Es ist höchste Zeit für einen unverfälschten „Reality Check“ und einen authentischen Blick in den Alltag von Menschen mit Behinderung.</abstract>
<description>Es wird immer wieder behauptet, die Einführung generativer KI-Systeme wie ChatGPT und Midjourney habe eine neue Ära der Möglichkeiten eröffnet, insbesondere im Bereich der digitalen Barrierefreiheit. Diese Technologien und Unternehmen versprechen, den Alltag von Menschen mit Behinderungen durch innovative Lösungen zu erleichtern. Beispielsweise ermöglichen neue, multi-modale Large Language Models die Generierung von Alternativtexten, die visuelle Inhalte für sehbehinderte Nutzer\*innen zugänglicher machen könnten. Auch die Erstellung von Texten in Leichter Sprache kann durch diese Modelle vereinfacht werden, wodurch Informationen für Menschen mit Lernbehinderungen oder Nicht-Muttersprachler\*innen leichter verständlich werden können.
Doch die Integration von KI in unseren Alltag als behinderte Menschen bringt nicht nur Vorteile. Trotz der neuen Fähigkeiten von KI-Systemen kommen einige neue Herausforderungen hinzu. Dazu gehören unter anderem reproduzierter Ableismus, neue für uns unsichtbare Barrieren und der zunehmende gesellschaftliche Unwille, Barrierefreiheit und somit echte Inklusion zu schaffen, wenn Hilfsmittel immer besser werden. Unter Umständen werden Menschen mit Behinderung in einem gesellschaftlichen Kontext noch unsichtbarer, als sie es sowieso sind.
Bei meiner Arbeit als Beraterin für digitale Barrierefreiheit und als sehbehinderte Person spreche ich mittlerweile täglich über generative KI. Neben den vielen Möglichkeiten, die mir diese Systeme persönlich eröffnen, sehe ich aber auch viele Herausforderungen, denen wir in naher Zukunft entgegentreten müssen. Es ist daher unerlässlich, dass wir die Entwicklung von KI-Tools kritisch begleiten, um eine inklusive digitale Zukunft zu gestalten, in der technologischer Fortschritt Hand in Hand mit menschlicher Vielfalt geht. Im Vortrag werfe ich einen detaillierten Blick auf alle diese Punkte, ordne ein und diskutiere, was dafür notwendig ist.</description>
<person guid="559626d8-fc6f-517f-a8b6-d17c2d2f572d">Casey Kreer</person>
<link href=""> - GPT-4: Das nächste große Ding für digitale Zugänglichkeit?</link>
<event guid="010fec93-42dd-4039-a5aa-ac313d6a9541" id="11929">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Turning Chromebooks into regular laptops</title>
<subtitle>With the power of open source!</subtitle>
<track>Hardware &amp; Making</track>
<abstract>Deep dive into (ex)ChromeOS hardware from developer's perspective.</abstract>
<description>In this talk you will learn how ChromeOS hardware designed by Google and it's board partners differ from regular laptops/desktops.
We'll go over Coreboot development (+guide of porting it to other x86 motherboards!), EDK2 (UEFI payload we use in our firmware builds) and what it takes to make mainline Linux run on these machines.
This talk will involve ACPI tables, I2C and SPI interfaces, DSP firmware and maintenance of audio stack that differs from (almost) all x86 machines in the market.
We'll present challenges we've faced during the development cycle, tips on how to avoid pitfalls, and our plans for the future :)</description>
<person guid="722c3f77-06fb-5320-bbc0-205be864d028">sdomi</person>
<person guid="2c269072-47d4-56e6-b0e1-472a8e69adc8">elly</person>
<link href="">Our GitHub</link>
<link href="">Forums</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/445/original/turning-chromebooks-into-regular-laptops.pdf?1703789849">turning-chromebooks-into-regular-laptops.pdf</attachment>
<event guid="f68ec6e2-72ce-4f8a-bc14-af174fdae140" id="12254">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>ARMore: Pushing Love Back Into Binaries</title>
<subtitle>Aarch64 binary rewriting adventures but mostly pains</subtitle>
<abstract>A talk on the first heuristic-free static binary rewriter for aarch64.
Why is it the first? Because everyone else already knew how much of a bad idea this would have been.</abstract>
<description>There's a bunch of closed-source arm64 binaries out there that we can't really fuzz efficiently due to slow dynamic instrumentation.
Static binary rewriting has been around since decades, but was mostly focused on x86.
Porting it to arm64 should be a straightforward task, right?
This is the story of how a simple &quot;4-week port of an existing x86 rewriter&quot; took 2+ years instead.
Maybe the real treasure is the CVEs we made along the way?
Warning: the talk might contain sensitive imagery of ARM Assembly. Viewers have been warned.
<person guid="9ef179da-dc86-5b02-a231-353fe964e2e9">@cyanpencil (Luca Di Bartolomeo)</person>
<link href="">ARMORE paper</link>
<event guid="ce4743cc-50ad-4597-bcc8-58e1a7e53c20" id="11937">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>KI – Macht – Ungleichheit.</title>
<subtitle>Was ist die soziale Dimension von Nachhaltigkeit und warum ist sie durch KI gefährdet?</subtitle>
<track>Sustainability &amp; Climate Justice</track>
<abstract>KI beruht auf der weltweiten Ausbeutung nicht nur natürlicher, sondern auch sozialer Ressourcen. Um KI nachhaltig zu gestalten, müssen wir algorithmischer Diskriminierung und sozialer Selektion, der Ausbeutung und Prekarisierung digitaler Arbeit und der Tendenz eines neuen, digitalen Kolonialismus entgegentreten. </abstract>
<description>In Debatten zu KI und Nachhaltigkeit steht zurecht der enorme Ressourcenverbrauch von KI am Pranger. Aber wir dürfen nicht vergessen, dass es bei Nachhaltigkeit um noch viel mehr geht. Mindestens 7 der 17 Nachhaltigkeitsziele der UN verweisen auf soziale Dimensionen: Gleichheit, Anti-Diskriminierung, Zugang zu Bildung, Abbau von ökonomischer Ungleichheit und Ausbeutung. Der Vortrag diskutiert, dass künstliche Intelligenz, wenn sie nicht besser reguliert wird, diesen Zielen entgegensteht. Das liegt nicht nur daran, dass KI-Systeme Biases haben und sich diskriminierend auswirken. Sondern noch fundamentaler beruhen die meisten kommerziellen KI-Systeme auf sozialer und wirtschaftlicher Ausbeutung. Global wie lokal werden Nutzer:innen als Datenlieferant:innen und Gig-Arbeiter:innen als günstige Arbeitskräfte eingespannt. Unser Denken, Fühlen und Handeln wird in allen Lebensbereichen datafiziert; ökonomische Machtgradienten zwischen Globalem Norden und Süden werden für die Aufbereitung von Daten ausgebeutet. Viele KI-Systeme erzeugen ihre Intelligenzleistung nicht im Rechenzentrum, sondern durch das Auslesen menschlicher kognitiver Leistungen an den digitalen Interfaces, die wir täglich nutzen – Beispiele reichen von der Google-Suche über Gesichtserkennung bis ChatGPT. KI-Unternehmen machen von den niedrigen Arbeitsschutzstandards und Lohnniveaus in anderen Ländern Gebrauch und produzieren Krankheit und Prekarität bei den betroffenen Arbeiter:innen. Um gute Regulierung zu erreichen, müssen wir KI-Systeme als soziotechnische Systeme betrachten. Das ermöglicht ein reichhaltigeres Verständnis der sozialen Dimension von Nachhaltigkeit, um global steigender Ungleichheit und Ausbeutung durch KI-Systeme etwas entgegenzusetzen. </description>
<person guid="0acfcce8-4b3a-531a-9868-33fd2dfb0585">Rainer Mühlhoff</person>
<event guid="f795f0e3-6aa9-4166-ae24-9183c701810a" id="12342">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>BLUFFS: Bluetooth Forward and Future Secrecy Attacks and Defenses</title>
<subtitle>Breaking and fixing the Bluetooth standard. One More Time.</subtitle>
<abstract>Ciao! We present the BLUFFS attacks (CVE-2023-24023), six novel attacks breaking Bluetooth's forward and future secrecy. Our attacks enable device impersonation and machine-in-the-middle across sessions by compromising and re-using one session key. We discuss the four vulnerabilities in the Bluetooth specification enabling the attacks, two of which are new and related to unilateral and repeatable session key derivation. We describe the toolkit we developed and open-sourced to test our attacks via firmware binary patching, our experiments where we exploited 18 heterogeneous Bluetooth devices, and the practical and backward-compliant session key derivation protocol we built to fix the attacks by design. We also cover related work like KNOB, BIAS, and BLUR, and educational Bluetooth security tips and tricks.</abstract>
<description>Bluetooth is a pervasive technology for wireless communication.
Billions of devices use it in sensitive applications and to exchange
private data. The security of Bluetooth depends on the Bluetooth
standard and its two security mechanisms: pairing and session establishment. No prior work, including the standard itself, analyzed the future and forward secrecy guarantees of these mechanisms, e.g., if Bluetooth pairing and session establishment defend past
and future sessions when the adversary compromises the current.
To address this gap, we present six novel attacks, defined as the
BLUFFS attacks, breaking Bluetooth sessions’ forward and future
secrecy. Our attacks enable device impersonation and machine-in-the-middle across sessions by only compromising one session key. The attacks exploit two novel vulnerabilities that we uncover in the Bluetooth standard related to unilateral and repeatable session key derivation. As the attacks affect Bluetooth at the architectural level, they are effective regardless of the victim’s hardware and software details (e.g., chip, stack, version, and security mode).
We also release BLUFFS, a low-cost toolkit to perform and automatically check the effectiveness of our attacks. The toolkit employs seven original patches to manipulate and monitor Bluetooth session key derivation by dynamically patching a closed-source Bluetooth firmware that we reverse-engineered. We show that our attacks have a critical and large-scale impact on the Bluetooth ecosystem, by evaluating them on seventeen diverse Bluetooth chips (eighteen devices) from popular hardware and software vendors and supporting the most popular Bluetooth versions. Motivated by our empirical findings, we develop and successfully test an enhanced key derivation function for Bluetooth that stops by-design our six attacks and their four root causes. We show how to effectively integrate our fix into the Bluetooth standard and discuss alternative implementation-level mitigations. We responsibly disclosed our contributions to the Bluetooth SIG.</description>
<person guid="8796ca4f-2e16-5ccb-8fb6-ab3c157891e1">Daniele Antonioli</person>
<link href="">BLUFFS resources</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/439/original/bluffs_long.pdf?1703776751">Slides in pdf</attachment>
<event guid="28d952ff-1cae-4fe9-a31e-67c431c3da69" id="11835">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Sonic Alchemy</title>
<subtitle>Mehr als nur Lärm: Ein Sprint vom kleinen Audio-Einmaleins bis zum Phasealignment mit FFT-Analyzer</subtitle>
<track>Hardware &amp; Making</track>
<abstract>Mehr als nur Lärm: Ein Sprint vom kleinen Audio-Einmaleins bis zum Phasealignment mit FFT-Analyzer
Von “Disco Dieter” bis zur ausgewachsenen Stadioninstallation - gegen physikalische Grundprinzipien kann man wenig tun. Manchmal kann man Sie für sich nutzen, meistens geht man Kompromisse ein. Oft lässt sich mit einfachen Mitteln Sound verbessern.</abstract>
<description>Was ist zu tun gegen störendes Brummen? Wie versteht man Sensitivity und Gainstruktur? Was bedeutet eigentlich 'Phase'? Und wie positioniert man Subwoofer optimal? In diesem Vortrag möchte ich solche und weitere häufig auftretende Probleme bei der Verwendung von Tontechnik und Lautsprechern beleuchten. Ziel ist es, praxisnahe Lösungen und Tipps zu präsentieren, um das Beste aus deinem nächsten Projekt herauszuholen und gängige Herausforderungen erfolgreich zu meistern.</description>
<person guid="81929040-7013-4cfb-bb80-e9e100a71fa4">vbartels</person>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/426/original/SonicAlchemy_frab.pdf?1703696424">Slides</attachment>
<room guid="62251a07-13e4-5a72-bb3c-8528416ee0f2" name="Saal Zuse">
<event guid="32189fea-f720-4c7d-b32b-f599954d94a8" id="12068">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Infrastructure of a migratory bird</title>
<subtitle>Technology and autonomy in more-than-human networks</subtitle>
<track>Art &amp; Beauty</track>
<abstract>What does it take to create a &quot;wild animal&quot;? While one might think &quot;wildness&quot; implies the absence of humans, in the age of the anthropocene and rapid climate change, the opposite is the case. It requires the development of an extensive, more-than-human-infrastructure. Our talk is based on artistic research into the ongoing rewilding project of the Northern bald ibis (Waldrapp), a large migratory bird, that has become extinct north of the alps in 1621 and are being released into the wild since 2013. The output of this research was rendered into a website which serves as a departure point of our talk. </abstract>
<description>We outline the heterogeneous elements that make up the infrastructure of the rewilding project and what kind of situations are being produced therein. The graph of &quot;the infrastructure of a migratoy bird&quot; shows relationships between social, technological, informational, and ecological elements which make up the anthropogenic ecosystem in which the bird is becoming wild again. The objective was to visualise and comprehend the intricate network of data, energy resources, and dependencies deeply enmeshed within the project's framework.
We will also focus on the types of data being produced and to what extent &quot;acting&quot; within this framework is informed to observation of movement data. One can trace the flow of information, observe how data is generated, processed and ultimately mediated. As a migratory bird that travels between 1600 and 4600km per year (from summer to winter habitats and back) this project could not be realized without intensive use of technology. This falls into two categories: assisted migration and location/movement tracking. As a social species, the birds have an instinct to migrate, but the concrete migration routes and destinations are socially learned. With the extinction, this social knowledge became extinct as well. This is a challenge and an opportunity for the project. On the one hand, the birds need to be trained the unnatural behaviour of following a light airplane, on the other hand, humans can guide them to specific areas where socio-environmental conditions are suitable for habitation. Currently, close to 85% of the more than 200 surviving rewilded birds are wearing a GPS/GSM tracker that enables near real-time monitoring of locations and movements. This data is used for monitoring the birds for signs of distress (injury, problems along the route, death etc), and for feeding an app (Animaltracker) that allows the interested public to track the birds and, to a limited degree, for behavioural research.
From this, a different notion of wilderness emerges. Here it denotes not the separation from human culture, but a degree of freedom and autonomy in making decisions. Technology, the real-time tracking and social media coverage, serves as a way to increase the autonomy of the bird, supporting them to survive outside captivity, yet within densely populated, deeply cultured environments. Technology's main purpose here is not surveillance but care, both directly by enabling biologists to help struggling animals in the wild, but also indirectly, by supporting a deeper, affective relationship of the population towards wild animals which are no longer anonymous, but known by name, each with its distinct history and personal character. </description>
<person guid="66509dfb-a39c-5f68-8a34-d822bb9bc66b">Gordan Savičić</person>
<person guid="0a31acda-00e2-4954-ad57-a21c9b9bb694">festal</person>
<link href="">Infrastructure of a migratory bird map</link>
<link href="">Felix Stalder</link>
<link href="">Gordan Savicic</link>
<event guid="7cde08a9-def1-4788-8e3e-b799e7b42556" id="12309">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>A year of surveillance in France: a short satirical tale by La Quadrature du Net</title>
<subtitle>From the so-called Country of human rights to a surveillance State</subtitle>
<track>Ethics, Politics &amp; Society</track>
<abstract>Fighting against surveillance has never been easy. But in the past year it has been specially tough in France. This talk is about shedding light on the many situations where the French State used surveillance to increase repression, mainly against activists, during the last months. Not to despair of this, but willing to provide a sincere overview to the rest of the world, La Quadrature du Net proposes to depict this situation as a satirical tale, with its own characters, plots and suspense. We want to show the political tension going on right now in France and how the checks and balances are lacking to stop this headlong rush to a surveillance state.</abstract>
<description>Looking back to France in 2023, what do we see? Implementation of new technologies such as drones, DNA marking or new generation of spywares. Also, an intensification of political surveillance, either by law enforcement deploying disproportionate means of investigations towards environmental activists or intelligence services using cameras or GPS beacons to spy on places or people that they find too radical. It was also the year of the “8 December” case, a judicial case where among other things, encrypted communications of the prosecuted persons were considered as signs of &quot;clandestinity&quot; that reveal criminal intentions.
On top of this, we also had to deal with the legalization of biometric surveillance for the Olympics and massive censorship of social networks when riots erupted in suburbs against police violence.
This talk is about showing the reality of the situation at stake right now in France, and how it could influence the rest of Europe. At the end, we hope to raise awareness in the international community and start thinking about how, together, we can put pressure on a country who uses its old reputation to pretend to be respectful of human rights.</description>
<person guid="a2a3b790-b1f1-518f-9175-f67662ea7109">Noémie, Marne and Nono</person>
<link href="">The 8 December Case and criminalization of encryption</link>
<attachment href="/attachments/original/missing.png">file</attachment>
<event guid="b7942ebe-62cd-408b-8ded-72a60cca1d49" id="11951">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Das Recht auf Selbstverteidigung im modernen Völkerrecht</title>
<subtitle>DIe Ausnahme vom Gewaltverbot: Wann darf ein Staat sich mit Waffengewalt verteidigen? </subtitle>
<track>Ethics, Politics &amp; Society</track>
<abstract>Der Vortrag gibt eine Einführung in das völkerrechtliche Recht auf Selbstverteidigung. Das moderne Völkerrecht verbietet die Drohung oder den Einsatz militärischer Gewalt. Eine Ausnahme davon ist das Recht auf Selbstverteidigung im Falle eines bewaffneten Angriffes. </abstract>
<description>Das völkerrechtliche Selbstverteidigungsrecht ist momentan in aller Munde. Ob im Südkaukasus, der Ukraine oder im Nahen Osten, eine Zunahme militärischer Gewalt führt immer wieder dazu, dass Staaten ihr Recht auf Selbstverteidigung wahrnehmen. Der Vortrag erläutert die Ursprünge des völkerrechtlichen Gewaltverbotes und das Verhältnis zum Selbstverteidigungsrecht. Außerdem wird der Zusammenhang zum humanitären Völkerrecht erklärt (ius ad bellum/ius in bello), weil es hier in der öffentlichen Debatte immer wieder zu Vermischungen kommt.
Im Kern werden folgende Fragen beantwortet:
Wann hat ein Staat ein Recht auf Selbstverteidigung?
Wie und wie lange kann das Selbstverteidigungsrecht ausgeübt werden?
Gegen wen richtet sich das Recht auf Selbstverteidigung?
Die Ergebnisse werden dann auf aktuelle Fälle angewandt (bspw.: Russlands Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine, Terrorangriff der Hamas auf Israel).
<person guid="35b1e2d8-e6ff-5d38-a072-3473ea24c37d">Dustin Hoffmann</person>
<event guid="05cb0d5b-ae52-48a6-a68a-8503dfc06f95" id="12016">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Hurra, diese Welt geht unter!?</title>
<subtitle>Welche kollektiven Erzählungen brauchen wir, um in der Klimakrise handlungsfähig zu sein? </subtitle>
<track>Sustainability &amp; Climate Justice</track>
<abstract>Es war einmal ein Planet voller Affen, die sich Geschichten über sich, das Universum, die Technik und den ganzen Rest erzählten. Sie erzählten sich vor allem Storys vom unendlichen Wachstum und von der technologischen Überwindung der Sterblichkeit. Spätestens im Jahr 2023 passten diese sehr mächtigen Erzählungen nicht mehr. Die Ökosysteme brachen zusammen, planetare Grenzen und Artensterben wurden unignorierbar und so standen nicht nur das Klima, sondern auch die alten Narrative an einen Kipppunkt…
Welche Geschichte(n) von individueller und kollektiver Sterblichkeit müssen wir uns heute erzählen, um handlungsfähige Mehrheiten für eine nachhaltige, egalitäre und emanzipative digitale Zukunft zu mobilisieren?
Im Talk zeigen wir den engen Zusammenhang von (Un-)Sterblichkeits-Erzählungen, menschlichem Selbstbild und Zukunftsvorstellungen – vor allem aber deren Wirkmacht auf unsre Handlungsfähigkeit.
Dazu laden wir zwei Gäste ein, uns ihre Narrative zu zeigen: ein\*e Aktivisti der Letzten Generation und Daniel Domscheit-Berg, der über Solarpunk sprechen wird. Anschließend basteln wir es zusammen: zwischen „I want you to panic” und „DON’T PANIC!” – welche Narrative brauchen wir jetzt und hier, um uns zwischen Trauer um diese Welt und der Lust am (Über)leben zu organisieren?</abstract>
<description>Die sich beschleunigt entfaltende Klimakatastrophe stellt die vordringlichste kollektive Herausforderung der Menschheit dar. Sie ist riesig, unübersehbar, wirkt irgendwie langsam im Gegensatz zu akuten Krisen wie Krieg oder Pandemien. Sie lädt deshalb ein zur destruktiven Prokrastination. Paralysiert verharrt ein Großteil von uns in Ignoranz oder überwältigender Ohnmacht. Warum das denn? Das Wissen um die Notwendigkeit des Handelns und die zu treffenden Maßnahmen ist da. Was für die Umsetzung ins konsequente Handeln fehlt – das ist die These des Talks – sind überzeugende kollektive Narrative. Gesucht wird eine Erzählung der Endlichkeit, die zur Gestaltung einer transformierten nachhaltigen und egalitären Zukunft motiviert. Dass es dringend sinnstiftende, universalistische Erzählungen braucht, zeigen auch der Trend von Verschwörungsmythen, die wachsende Prepper-Szene, das Comeback religiöser Heilsversprechungen und Fantasien, den individuellen oder kollektiven Tod mittels Technologisierung (#mindupload, #Dadbot, #Transhumanismus, #SpaceX) ganz abzuschaffen.
Aktuelle zivilgesellschaftliche Bewegungen zur Verhinderung der Klimakatastrophe verbreiten mit ihren Aktivitäten unterschiedliche Erzählungen, die zum Teil medial gegeneinander ausgespielt werden. Der Talk gibt einen Rahmen, in dem die verbindenden Elemente sichtbar werden. Wir laden zwei Aktivist:innen unterschiedlicher Bewegungen (Letzte Generation und „Solarpunk&quot;) ein, ihr Engagement im Kontext dieser erzählerischen Komponenten vorzustellen: Welches menschliche Selbstbild, welcher Technikbegriff, welcher Körperbegriff steckt darin und wie wird mit Endlichkeit, Verletzlichkeit und Transformation umgegangen? Wie wird bei Aktionen die eigene Körperlichkeit eingesetzt? Was ist die Rolle von Technologien, z.B. KI, in dieser Erzählung?
Der Talk versteht sich als Teil der Weiterentwicklung von unterschiedlichen aktivistischen Ansätzen – divers wie die Ökosysteme selbst – und deren Verbindung zu einer gesellschaftlich wirkmächtigen Bewegung im Kampf gegen die Klimakrise.</description>
<person guid="94b0aaab-5b9e-57d0-9919-77cbe9ce7b93">mischko</person>
<person guid="7acab9ae-4493-5c57-9ab9-a1fdef14fdaf">daniel domscheit-berg</person>
<person guid="7800efb8-cbe1-5bf0-918e-db662c1a7aa9">Becci</person>
<person guid="837d845f-e5c1-59ca-ad1c-55b2fb1b4c88">Elenos</person>
<event guid="a3d8166c-e841-4071-ac0c-ddadaeeaef22" id="12061">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>AlphaFold – how machine learning changed structural biology forever (or not?)</title>
<subtitle>Getting first-hand insights into the impact of machine learning on life science</subtitle>
<abstract>In 2020, the scientific community was shaken when the results of a special contest for protein prediction, known as the Critical Assessment of Protein Structure Prediction (CASP), were revealed. A relatively new competitor emerged as the champion, surpassing all other teams that had been participating in the game for decades. This new competitor was Google and their predictor was a neuronal network called &quot;AlphaFold&quot;. Their new approach caused significant waves in the field of structural biology, even capturing the attention of the mainstream media. Several news channels featured reports on AlphaFold, with one German magazine, &quot;Der Spiegel,&quot; declaring that &quot;The year 2020 will be known [...] as the year when machines began to outstrip us in research.&quot;
Join me as we explore the background behind this transformative development and assess the magnitude of machine learning's impact on science, with a particular focus on structural biology.
<description>In 2021, Google published the methodology and source code for AlphaFold and within days, scientists adapted the code to allow virtually everyone to predict their own protein structures without prior knowledge.
Now, two years after its public release, AlphaFold has established itself as an essential tool in structural biology. Yet, with time, we've also gained a deeper insight into its limitations.
In this talk, I would like to delve into AlphaFold and similar machine learning techniques and explore their impact on science and structural biology. To truly appreciate their significance, we will first need to understand the role of protein structures and how they shape our daily lives. Additionally, we’ll have to examine how protein structures were traditionally solved prior to the advent of AlphaFold. We’ll then touch upon the concepts of protein evolution to better understand the biological basis behind this breakthrough, before we’ll look at the intricacies of the neural network itself and discuss the training data necessary to achieve its remarkable capabilities. Drawing from my experience as a practicing structural biologist, I will illustrate these points with real-life examples, showcasing instances where AlphaFold has succeeded and where it has encountered challenges. Lastly, we will peer into the future and speculate on the potential trajectory of this scientific journey and its potential to transform science and our approaches towards it.
<person guid="63529ea2-9122-5a96-ab76-63b205fed350">Jan Gebauer</person>
<link href="">Homepage of Jan Gebauer</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/438/original/37c3_-_v1.0.7_-_How_has_alphafold_changed_structural_biology.pdf?1703768667">37c3 - AlphaFold – how machine learning changed structural biology forever (or not?)</attachment>
<event guid="a9ac49b1-4d67-4bb2-a320-5a3ea515d09d" id="11718">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Weil „be excellent to each other” nicht reicht</title>
<subtitle>Über die Strukturen im Hintergrund: Awareness-Team und Schiedsstelle</subtitle>
<abstract>„Be excellent to each other“ steht seit Jahrzehnten für das Selbstverständnis der Chaos-Community, was rücksichtsvolles Miteinander angeht.
Dennoch gibt es regelmäßig Fälle, in denen das Verhalten einzelner Personen ganz und gar nicht *excellent* ist.
Ziel dieses Vortrags ist, die zum Umgang mit solchen Fällen im CCC vorhandenen Strukturen greifbar zu machen und die verschiedenen Perspektiven auf ihre Arbeitsweise miteinander abzugleichen.
Eine Q&amp;A-Session und ein Workshop im Anschluss an den Vortrag bieten Möglichkeiten für Feedback.</abstract>
<description>„Be excellent to each other“ steht seit Jahrzehnten für das Selbstverständnis der Chaos-Community, was rücksichtsvolles Miteinander angeht.
Dennoch gibt es regelmäßig Fälle, in denen das Verhalten einzelner Personen ganz und gar nicht *excellent* ist. Dies kann sich beispielsweise in diskriminierendem oder belästigendem Verhalten äußern und umfasst auch schwerwiegende Konflikte, die die Sicherheit oder Freiheit Einzelner bedrohen können. Zum Umgang mit derartigen Situationen auf Camp und Congress gibt es Strukturen wie das Awareness-Team, die Schiedsstelle und weitere auf genannte Anlaufstellen.
In diesem Vortrag möchten wir – Mitglieder der Schiedsstelle, des Awareness-Teams und des Vorstands – einen Blick hinter die Kulissen von Awareness-Team und Schiedsstelle bieten und Impulse zur Weiterentwicklung der Schiedsstelle sammeln.
Das heißt zunächst: Wie arbeiten Awareness-Team und Schiedsstelle, wie hängen sie zusammen und mit welcher Art von Fällen beschäftigen sie sich in der Praxis?
Dabei werden wir auch Beispiele betrachten, bei deren Behandlung wir derzeit Schwierigkeiten oder Grenzen ebendieser Strukturen sehen.
Aufbauend darauf möchten wir in einer Q&amp;A-Session und einem an den Vortrag anschließenden Workshop Feedback zum Umgang mit den genannten Beispielfällen und zu den Strukturen allgemein einholen.
Unser Ziel ist, die Arbeit und Arbeitsweise von Schiedsstelle und Awareness-Team greifbar zu machen und unsere eigene Perspektive als Teil dieser Strukturen mit der Perspektive aus der Community abzugleichen.
Wir haben vor, mit den dabei gewonnenen Erkenntnissen die bestehenden Strukturen weiterzuentwickeln. Dazu gehört auch, Unklarheiten im Umgang der Community mit den Strukturen sowie Lücken im Umgang mit einzelnen Fällen zu identifizieren und zu reduzieren.</description>
<person guid="0213102e-0eb5-57b0-92cf-fd84669fe020">Schiedsstelle / Awareness Team / Vorstand</person>
<person guid="225b417f-e5ce-433b-94dd-ae5d6f7435b7">gnom (es/ihr they/them)</person>
<person guid="5eb0d877-806a-54b6-9b58-294f23f5e6f5">derf</person>
<link href=""></link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/447/original/be-excellent.pdf?1703790707">Folien</attachment>
<event guid="6123fb8c-75dd-48fa-810f-f7dc3cdb73a4" id="11684">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Rust Binary Analysis, Feature by Feature</title>
<abstract>A walkthrough of the assembly code idioms the Rust compiler uses to implement the language’s core features (as they appear in Klabnik’s and Nichols’ “The Rust Programming Language”) - starting with simple match expressions and all the way to monomorphized functions and iterator chains.</abstract>
<description>You attempt to analyze a binary file compiled in the Rust programming language. You open the file in your favorite disassembler. Twenty minutes later you wish you had never been born. You’ve trained yourself to think like g++ and msvc: Here’s a loop, there’s a vtable, that’s a global variable, a library function, an exception. Now you need to think like the Rust compiler. Maybe you’ve heard about “sum types” and “generics” and “iterators”, maybe you haven’t, and in both cases you are going to have an exceptionally bad time.
This talk will get you familiar with the assembly code idioms the Rust compiler uses to implement the language’s core features (as they appear in Klabnik’s and Nichols’ “The Rust Programming Language”), and more generally, the frame of mind required for reverse-engineering such programs. How is an Option&lt;T&gt; represented using the same amount of memory as a plain T? How do monomorphized generic functions complicate RE work? What's the right approach to untangle many-layered, unintuitive iterator chains? We will tackle these questions and many more.
Includes a publicly available lab setup with several sample programs that showcase core Rust features as compiled to assembly.</description>
<person guid="e41082b0-d458-55aa-a2cd-73dfab782b9a">Ben H</person>
<event guid="cd4e64e0-2b07-49d1-912e-79a00ec30f03" id="11955">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Image Making Fatigue</title>
<track>Art &amp; Beauty</track>
<abstract>Exploring the transfer of Seidel's experimental films into physical spaces reveals challenges that are intensifying with advances in machine learning, dissolving the lines between original and imitation. In this more or less silent restructuring of society, artists become templates for a digitally assembled future, challenging traditional hierarchies as history collapses into the present.</abstract>
<description>The transfer of Seidel's experimental films into physical space has been explored in many ways in recent years. Sculpture, architecture and even natural projection surfaces have been temporarily 'overpainted' with projections, lights or lasers. But with new advances in machine learning, there may be a kind of oversaturation, or even rigor mortis, when the moving image becomes fully part of the technical tool chain. In tech companies, universities and artists' studios, machines are working through and learning the history of humanity.
Copyright dissolves; the distinction between original, imitation or inferior reproduction erodes. No origin, no responsibility, no clear direction - just a primordial soup that can be shaped into any form without challenging knowledge systems and hierarchies. In this silent but radical restructuring of entire industries, the artist becomes the template of a future digitally assembled from a multitude of fragments of the past. This artist talk addresses some of the implications of this singularity, in which history collapses to a single point in the present, and in which easy access to an infinite reworking of iconography may override the desire for a phenomenological experience...</description>
<person guid="52684e9a-f138-595a-818b-628a805d6b68">Robert Seidel</person>
<link href="">Homepage Robert Seidel</link>
<link href="">Experimentalfilm HYSTERESIS blending Performance, Drawing and AI</link>
<event guid="b805f8c3-b43d-42b9-9037-4ccab656e04a" id="12077">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Lützerath Lebt! Einblicke in den Widerstand</title>
<subtitle>Für globale Klimagerechtigkeit kämpfen</subtitle>
<track>Sustainability &amp; Climate Justice</track>
<abstract>Mobilisierung von Menschen nach Lützerath, Bauvorkehrungen zur Verteidigung treffen, die Räumungsvorbereitungen von RWE und Polizei stören, Infrastruktur-Ausbau trotz abgeschalteten Stroms, auf Presse-Anfragen aus der ganzen Welt reagieren, WLAN für alle, Live-Berichterstattung üben, Kommunikationswege absichern, Wetten dass?! gewinnen, dem kalten Wetter trotzen, sich mit andern Kämpfen solidarisieren und heimlich einen Tunnel graben.
Vor einem Jahr liefen die Vorbereitungen gegen die Räumung Lützeraths am größten Drecksloch Europas, Kohletagebau Garzweiler II, auf Hochtouren. Wir wollen Einblicke in diese und andere Themen geben.</abstract>
<description>You can't evict a movement! Der Energiekonzern RWE wird noch Jahre brauchen, die Kohle unter Lützi abzubaggern: Der Kampf gegen die Kohle und für Klimagerechtigkeit geht weiter!
<person guid="6f528e2a-9c30-557e-b32b-c904df7c6790">Castroya</person>
<person guid="37aa385a-21b2-5aab-976d-f51b446f22f2">Luca</person>
<person guid="8dd56816-4090-51fc-b9fd-7fd1f99c4983">Franka</person>
<person guid="a95ea1a7-6a37-53d7-ad20-bef2fd468815">Timber</person>
<person guid="2d2991cc-d66d-5e03-a273-482e01c91c18">Nunya</person>
<link href="">Lützerath Lebt </link>
<event guid="feb8a130-e621-4bbc-8ea4-441a4b2131dd" id="11702">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Das Diskmags-Projekt</title>
<subtitle>Frühes digitales Kulturerbe aufbereiten für Forschung und Communities</subtitle>
<track>Art &amp; Beauty</track>
<abstract>Diskettenmagazine waren frühe elektronische Multimedia-Journale der 1980er und 1990er Jahre, die auf Diskette verbreitet wurden und nur auf den jeweils passenden Geräten benutzbar waren. Bibliotheken und Archive haben diese sogenannten „Diskmags&quot; damals nicht berücksichtigt, mittlerweile stellen die ca. 2.500 Magazine aber eine wertvolle Quelle für die Forschung und die Diskmags-Communities dar. Das vorgestellte Projekt baut einen Katalog auf und macht Texte durchsuchbar.</abstract>
<description>Ein kleines Forschungsprojekt hat sich der großen Aufgabe gewidmet, einen internationalen und systemübergreifenden Katalog zu Diskettenmagazinen der 1980er und 1990er Jahre zu erarbeiten und außerdem eine zunächst deutschsprachige Textsammlung ihrer Inhalte zu erstellen. Es liefert damit eine Grundlage für die Erforschung der frühen digitalen Zine-Kultur und ermöglicht den verschiedenen Szenekreisen, ein Stück weit in ihre eigenen Geschichten einzutauchen. Der Katalog wuchs weit schneller als zunächst angenommen und umfasst inzwischen Nachweise zu 2.500 Magazinen und mehr als 20.000 Einzelausgaben. Bei der Textsammlung gilt es, unter anderem Kompressionsverfahren zu identifizieren und Character-Mappings herzustellen, um Unicode-kompatible Texte erzeugen zu können. Aber auch die Communities helfen mit. Wie lassen sich dabei die verschiedenen rechtlichen Fragen lösen, die Urheberschaft, Leistungsschutz und Persönlichkeitsschutz betreffen? Und wie kann die Langlebigkeit des Katalogs und der Textsammlung sichergestellt werden?</description>
<person guid="d239daa2-337b-5fd8-acd9-9cf6033bf198">Torsten Roeder</person>
<link href="">Diskmags Catalog</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/258/original/diskmags-poster.png?1697624441">Diskmags-Poster (Preview)</attachment>
<event guid="18487db3-1b55-4f91-8f93-2de44137abec" id="11817">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<subtitle>Wave Terrain Synthesis - Contains Noise and Flashy Images</subtitle>
<track>Art &amp; Beauty</track>
<abstract>Eine audiovisuelle Performance, basierend auf Bild-zu-Ton-Umwandlung. Dynamisch wechselnde Bilder dienen als Realtime-Audiobuffer. Licht wird Sound.
Beinhaltet stroboskopische Bilder und Hörinhalte in breiten Spektren.</abstract>
<description>VRA ist eine audiovisuelle Performance (Projektion + Sound), die mithilfe eines eigens entwickelten Software-Instruments (in Max/MSP), das auf Bild-zu-Ton-Umwandlung basiert, aufgeführt wird. Auf der Projektion sind monochrome Texturen zu sehen, die aus teilweise simplen Formen wie Streifen oder Kreisen, aber auch aus komplexeren Strukturen wie Rauschen bestehen. Diese Bilder werden in Echtzeit in Sound umgewandelt, indem die Helligkeitswerte einer ausgewählten Pixelreihe als Audiobuffer dienen und eine Waveform beschreiben. </description>
<person guid="212e6475-60da-53a0-9446-ac82b0ce6501">STURMHERTA</person>
<link href="">VRA at Ars Electronica Festival</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/284/original/Flucc_032023_3.mp4?1698852096">VRA @Flucc 3</attachment>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/285/original/Flucc_032023_2.mp4?1698852096">VRA @Flucc 2</attachment>
<event guid="f4f03a06-76b1-40cf-b58f-cd902e93a688" id="12040">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Tor censorship attempts in Russia, Iran, Turkmenistan</title>
<track>Ethics, Politics &amp; Society</track>
<abstract>In December 2021, months before the world watched Russia invade Ukraine, Russia rolled out comprehensive censorship of the Tor network and related Tor protocols. Then in October 2022, the latest wave of protests in Iran saw a huge spike in Tor usage followed by a swift crackdown of the most successful techniques. Meanwhile in 2023, Turkmenistan has blocked popular CDNs like Cloudflare and Akamai, most hosting providers like Hetzner and OVH, and much more.</abstract>
<description>On the depressing side, the global censorship trend continues to gain momentum, with some European countries alarmingly eager to get in on it. But resignation is boring: here we are, a tiny community of activists and relay/bridge operators around the world continuing to provide safe and private internet reachability for hundreds of thousands of people who are trying to be human beings under authoritarian regimes.
We will walk through \*how\* each of these countries deployed their Tor blocks, and what changes we made to let citizens continue to reach the Tor network. Looking at each case study through a Tor lens will let us compare/contrast the censorship attempts from each country, discuss future ideas for how to make sure the bytes can keep flowing, and talk through the political impacts.</description>
<person guid="554fc099-bfa4-57ef-8711-ba2c4a7eea5c">Roger Dingledine</person>
<link href="">More details on the 2021-2023 Russia censorship</link>
<link href="">The Snowflake pluggable transport for Tor</link>
<link href="">Call for residential obfs4 bridges for Turkmenistan</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/461/original/slides-37c3.pdf?1703889165">Slides</attachment>
<event guid="9fc55a79-d2a8-4fee-a445-082b68c4a9c2" id="12346">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Streaming: Die netzpolitische Neujahrsansprache</title>
<subtitle>Digitalisierung - Ja, wir schaffen das!</subtitle>
<abstract>(Live-Stream aus Saal 1)
Ein halb satirischer, halb ernster Rück- und Ausblick auf die Baustellen der digitalen Welt.</abstract>
<description>Liebe Hacker:innen von Neuland, was für ein Jahr liegt hinter uns! Ein Jahr, das einige Veränderungen mit sich gebracht hat. Und das gezeigt hat: Wir dürfen nicht müde werden, für eine lebenswerte digitale und analoge Welt zu kämpfen. Tun wir miteinander alles – aber auch wirklich alles – dafür, dass wir diejenigen, die unser schönes Neuland zu einem Ort der Autoritäten und Konzerne machen wollen, im neuen Jahr endlich besiegen können.</description>
<event guid="a531cf54-c265-44f1-bb11-d8df400d157f" id="12347">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Streaming: Fnord-Jahresrückblick-Rückblick</title>
<abstract>(Live-Stream aus Saal 1)
In einer sich zunehmend bizarr anfühlenden Welt bringt der Fnord-Rückblick Struktur, verteilt renommierte Awards und sucht nach den leichteren Momenten in der allgemeinen Flut aus schlechten Nachrichten.
Wir feiern dieses Jahr unser 20. Jubiläum, daher werden wir etwas weiter zurückblicken.</abstract>
<room guid="10e6a40c-3b85-4df0-9731-af511d818fad" name="Saal E">
<event guid="fe07acbf-011e-49ef-a2b9-6e660d462373" id="70114">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title>The Origin of Most Problems</title>
<language>en, de</language>
<description>We live in a society with a very bad incentive that pushes people to create problems and we argue that this bad incentive is trade. You can get food, access a social network, or anything else, ONLY, and ONLY if you give something back in return. Trade. Be it a currency like money, your data, or attention (watch ads). That's the backbone of our global society.
That being said we think that it is necessary to move away from this outdated society and remove this bad incentive. Our approach is to do the opposite: to create trade-free goods and services. To provide, without asking anything in return.
We not only provide trade-free goods &amp; services ourselves, but also created the trade-free directory (part of the website) where we list many trade-free goods and services from around the world. And anyone can help us add more to the list – we made it super easy for anyone to do so.
In the end it is about being good human beings, to help each other, in order to create a saner and safer world.
I will first present the idea of trade as a problem to then switch to solutions and also how the trade-free directory ( itself could be improved.</description>
<event guid="438186e0-2025-4713-9a59-e9a64fd8728b" id="438186">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title>Selbsthilfegruppe für verwaltungsnahe Menschen mit IT-Background (&quot;Faxgeräteclub&quot;)</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>After we were somewhat overrun at the camp and therefore unfortunately slipped into a question-and-answer dialog, we now want to make the administrative self-help group at 37c3 a little more open. Come along, we'll provide space and time for you to network and exchange ideas! We might spontaneously throw a few funny or exciting things at the projector together. However, we deliberately refrain from a frontal lecture.
What is the Faxgetäteclub and why are we doing this?
When we talk about government IT, we often talk about the need to build up knowledge and internalize IT skills in public administration. But anyone who actually decides to take a job in the administration or wants to have a positive impact on the administration from within civil society needs a lot of persuasive talent and often perseverance. But we can also achieve a lot of positive things.
What are the practical failures, where are the structural problems and which actions do we need from from politics?
In the fax machine club, we talk about our experiences in everyday life in and with public authorities, about what is still going wrong in the administration and how we can change things together. Come along and let's discuss and make plans together in a relaxed atmosphere. If you are interested in IT in public administration and/or would like to share your ideas or questions, we'd like to hear from you!</description>
<event guid="de07e61a-0d3c-4e92-8b93-93c5ec14184a" id="76103">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title>Demokratische Schule - wahrs. Deutschlands radikalste Schule</title>
<description>Ist es eigentlich zielführend Kinder auf die Demokratie vorzubereiten in dem man sie 12 Jahre in ein Schulsystem steckt in dem sie keinerlei Mitbestimmung oder Wahlentscheidungen kennen lernen?
Nein, sagen 26 Schulen in Deutschland. Die sog. Demokratischen Schulen sind kleine Schulen von 40 bis 180 Kindern im Alter von 6 bis 18 Jahren, die sich komplett basisdemokratische organisieren. Jeder (egal ob Lehrerin oder Schüler) hat eine Stimme. Natürlich gibt es keine Schulleitung. Die Schulversammlung ist das höchste Entscheidungsgremium.
Dazu kommt dass die Schüler komplett frei entscheiden was sie wann wo wie mit wem lernen. Wer keine Lust auf Kurse hat, kann auch spielen gehen. Trotz dieser Freiheiten (oder gerade wegen?) funktioniert es. Die SuS sind überdurchschnittlich erfolgreich in ihren Abschlüssen und laut Studien erfolgreicher in ihrem Sozialleben.
60min Vortrag mit Videos und anschaulicher Präsi - danach Diskussion</description>
<event guid="425e9a81-eda4-421d-95f4-ffd06950a33d" id="425981">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title>Prototype Fund &amp; Friends Meetup</title>
<language>en, de</language>
<description>We're here to meet our community! Whether you have been funded by Prototype Fund, have questions about how to apply or want to talk about FOSS funding in general, come say hi.
This session is intended as an informal meetup for past and future projects of the Prototype Fund and everyone who wants to discuss various aspects of Free and Open Source Software funding.
If you consider applying or don't know how to get funding for your software project, come and ask us any questions you may have! This is also a great opportunity to meet people we have funded in the past and learn from their experience.
We also love to talk about anything around the topic of funding. How do we build a strong funding ecosystem? Which funding models have shown that they work? What is currently missing?
Of course we're also happy to answer any questions you have about Prototype Fund in general.
About us: The Prototype Fund is a funding program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) that is managed and evaluated by the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany.
Individuals and small teams (of freelance coders, hackers, UX designers and more) can receive funding in order to test their ideas and develop open source applications in the areas of Civic Tech, Data Literacy, IT Security and Software Infrastructure. We aim to keep innovation processes as well as infrastructures open and accessible.</description>
<event guid="13afcdb5-be18-41c5-9349-8494bba3e626" id="135184">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title>Warum ist Skat so faszinierend?</title>
<description>Skat is a card game that has been played for over 200 years, especially in Germany, and is played by a large number of players. In this session, I will talk about the game, its history and its fascination. I will also discuss the differences between &quot;Pub Skat&quot; and the organization of Skat tournaments according to the International Skat Rules and Skat Competition Rules.
This session is a good preparation for the [1st Congress Skat Tournament]( that will take place afterwards, but is not a prerequisite for participation in the tournament.
Everyone who wants to know something about Skat is invited.</description>
<event guid="f7ef62ef-b52b-4bc9-8832-56ed1ca0536b" id="762524">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title>Don't Contribute Anything Relevant in Web Forums Like Reddit, HN, facebook, ...</title>
<language>en, de</language>
<description>If you're helping somebody solving an interesting issue, summarize your experiences with something or write anything that might be cool to be around in a couple of years as well, you do provide potential high-value content. The message in this talk to all those authors is: don't use web-based forums.
Unfortunately, all content of closed, centralized services will be lost in the long run. This talk will give examples from the past where human kind lost many important contributions.
Therefore, it is necessary to choose the platform you contribute to wisely now instead of learning through more large data loss events later-on. The talk summarizes the dangers and provides positive examples how loss of knowledge can be minimized in future.
Speaker: Karl Voit
45min of talk, Q&amp;A + discussion afterwards
You can find a blog article, a talk recording (linking the talk page with the slides) and more links on the same topic on</description>
<event guid="f1be6bf5-4965-482d-9cc8-55ce662d716c" id="165496">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title>European Health Data Space - A Cash Cow</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>The European Health Data Space (EHDS) will come 2024.
After putting an opt-out-option in this proposal of the European Commission in the last minute, it is in the trilogue now.
We want to point out what it means practically including the diverse use forms, also regarding data use by force.
The massive excess of authority of the EU-Commission becomes so far backed by the EU-Parliarment, though the regulation of health political context is due to the national states.
We furthermore want to show institutional ways available to the individual being ready if this form of robber baronry becames law.
Speakers: novider, Flysch, jockel
presentation shown in self organized session:
EHDS commission draft:
position EU council on EHDS:
amendments EU parliament to EHDS:
consolidated text with changes EU parliament:
Expert opinion Prof. Schröder on limits of possible anonymization of medical
data (German):
Expert opinion Prof J.M. Veenbrink, Prof. J.W. van de Gronden, Mr. dr. L.R. Glas
about legal responsibility of EU (Dutch) :
contact to organizers:</description>
<event guid="8ff12da2-90bd-49b5-b1ed-abdd490b29ec" id="812290">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title>Non Viol3nt Communication Workshop</title>
<description>Your code might be working, but what about your conversations? Perfect your ‘human protocol’ with our NVC workshop. In my opinion, this kind of communication is not just for ‘the emotional ones’, but central for upgrading human communication – maybe also for Ya. Sync up with emotions, interpret intent, and handshake with clarity. Go beyond syntax. Speak soul.</description>
<event guid="3ba8c047-4680-440c-853f-e0b7e815f7ea" id="380474">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title>Schreibtreff - Zusammen Kurzgeschichten schreiben</title>
<description>Wir werden zusammen schreiben und über unsere Texte sprechen in folgendem Format:
1. Wir ziehen einen Zufallsbegriff aus dem Glas (virtuell)
2. Über/zu diesem Begriff schreibt dann jede/r einen kurzen Text, 10 Minuten, egal welches Genre oder Format
3. Dann kann jede/r der mag den Text vorlesen und wir reden darüber / geben Feedback. (Der Teil nimmt normal am meisten Platz ein und führt auch oft zu guten Gesprächen/Abschweifungen über Literatur und andere ähnliche Texte)
Die 10 Minuten zeitlimit sind auch dafür gedacht den inneren Kritiker auszuschalten, wenn man eh nur 10 Minuten hat kann und muss es nicht perfekt sein :)
<room guid="e58b284a-d3e6-42cc-be2b-7e02c791bf95" name="Stage Y">
<event guid="8f58922b-289b-4441-9143-bb7040a6d04e" id="858922">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>Can you imagine a world beyond capitalism? Exploring economic history with David Graeber's Debt</title>
<description>It's easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the end of capitalism. In this workshop, we will take the rich history and diversity of human economic relations as a starting point to think of alternative ways to organize our society.
Our discussion will be centered on key insights from the book &quot;Debt: The First 5000 Years&quot; by anthropologist and absolute icon David Graeber. Join us for an exercise in imagination ^_^</description>
<event guid="2e40c25d-088b-4885-b58a-13a23f10a1b7" id="240250">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>(Looking at) Functional Programming in Assembly</title>
<description>While Functional Programming usually happens quite far away from Assembly programming, in order to get functional programs performant, quite some tricks are used that have effects that reach down into the dark abyss of Assembly.
In this talk I want to focus on the optimizing strategy &quot;Tail Call Elimination&quot;, a compiler optimization of particular importance for recursive function calls. Every functional programmer will tell you that writing your code using tail recursion (it doesn't matter whether you know what that is, you'll see then!) or using Haskell's &quot;foldl&quot; is &quot;generally faster than foldr (Terms and Conditions apply)&quot;. But even seasoned developers often struggle explaining why and quickly resort to pointing to benchmarks or giving some vague answers around &quot;you need less stack&quot;.
In this talk I want to introduce you to what recursion is, some of the reasons why it's computationally expensive, what tail recursion is and why it's better, and why tail call elimination makes it even more awesome. We will go through some example programs implemented in Assembly (for those who ask: I'll use x86 and maybe aarch64 examples) where we, step-by-step, transform our function from head recursive to tail recursive and then will go further by eliminating the recursive call altogether.</description>
<event guid="dbf4c430-a878-41b2-864a-790ce6e2a6b9" id="443087">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>Workshop für Hobby Schriftsteller - Schriftstellerei und Softwareentwicklung sind garnicht so verschieden</title>
<description>In diesem Workshop möchten wir (mit vielen Beispielen) ein paar Grundkonzepte erklären wie man gute (Kurz-)Geschichten schreibt.
Nach meinem Allgemeinen Teil in der ersten hälfte erzählt venny euch dann im 2. Teil noch einiges über Worldbuilding für Fantasy und Science Fiction Romane.
Neben der Theorie gibt es auch viele Praxistips und Erfahrungsberichte aus der (Hobby) Tätigkeit als Schriftsteller.🧮
Auf Anfrage: Link zur Word &amp; Shield e.V. Website: (hat auch link zu unserem Community Discord)</description>
<event guid="c18da8da-c05d-42af-a443-57aed0fc4b8b" id="188054">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>Netzpolitisches Anno Domini spielen</title>
<description>In the well-known card game Anno Domini, the aim is to put historical events in chronological order, being temporarily unaware of the specific year. If there is any doubt about the correctness of the sequence, the years are checked and either the person who has doubts or the last person to place a card is punished.
We, the @all-collective, have designed a internet-political Anno Domini with this game principle, in which we have collected important internet-political data, but also important data on digitization into an Anno Domini game. The game is still in the estimated version 0.8 - so it still needs feedback, possible improvements and your expertise. It is quite entertaining and fun to play. That's what we want to do with you. So far we only have the cards in German.</description>
<event guid="aa6875bd-4d03-4e16-97bf-6f456cc61f9e" id="687540">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>Arch Linux user meetup</title>
<description>Arch Linux is a community-driven Linux distribution for the &quot;do-it-yourself&quot; user.
A couple of Arch Linux maintainers and contributors will give you a status update of what has been happening since the last congress. We'll also allocate time for a Q&amp;A session.
Location: TBA</description>
<event guid="69e58442-b24a-43dd-a0e7-7bc7da312d55" id="695844">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>Greg Egan's „Dichronauts“: A universe with two timelike dimensions</title>
<language>en, de</language>
<description>Just one sign switched and all of physics changes: Objects can now roll uphill and are stretched towards infinity when rotated. Planets are no longer spherical but hyperbolic and stars have a dark cone where none of their light shines into. In this talk, we will explore the weird physics in a spacetime with signature (-,-,+,+) as presented by Greg Egan in the novel „Dichronauts“.
For everybody. No prior knowledge required. (Knowing metrics is helpful, but they will be explained.)
<event guid="1561d9bf-4b01-486c-a453-a3498e12adde" id="156194">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>EightOS: Embodied Hacking Practice [8 OS Physical Movement Session]</title>
<description>In this physical practice session, we will present EightOS — a practice of hacking your own and somebody else's body using a combination of martial art techniques and various body practices.
The participating hackers are guaranteed to be refreshed afterward and have a nice body sensation after a mild interactive physical practice. You'll also meet others through words and code, their touch, and — if you prefer — their punch.
We will explore notions such as resilience, vulnerability, adaptation, and infiltration — but in relation to the body. How can you &quot;infiltrate&quot; a body? What is a body that is &quot;resilient&quot;? All this becomes very tangible and practical as soon as you start practicing those concepts and not only talking about them.
We hope that you will get not only activated physically but also inspired intellectually seeing how you can apply these ideas outside of the physical context and in your hacking practice as well.
The exact location is TBC after we get the map of the space. In the meanwhile, if you have any questions, please, reach out on Telegram @noduslabs
Hosted by @aerodynamika (Dmitry Paranyushkin) and @kirikoo_des (Koo Des / NSDOS)
More info: [](</description>
<event guid="fd52083a-44fa-4a52-9bb0-dcb831076ba2" id="520834">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>AD(H)S-Meetup (de)</title>
<description>Update 1:
Das angekündigte Pad mit und für Infos:
Update 2:
Es wurden zwei öffentliche Chat-Gruppen zur weiteren Vernetzung eingerichtet:
(Hinweis: Bei Signal sind Telefonnummern für die anderen Menschen in der Gruppe sichtbar.)
Update 3:
Es gab ein weiteres Meetup an Tag 3 von 17 - 18 Uhr in Saal 8, um sich in Kleingruppen zu spezifischen Themen auszutauschen:
We want to get to know each other and talk about the everyday madness in a neurotypical world.
All people who find themselves on the neurodiverse spectrum with a focus on ADHD are invited. No official diagnosis is necessary. Anyone who doesn't have one or is still unsure is just as welcome. :-)
This session is organised by Deanna (she/her), chai-tee (he/him) and aster.
Location: SOS-Stage in hall Y
Please note:
This session will be in German only.
Feel free to organize a similar meetup for the English speaking ADHD-community!</description>
<event guid="07bff468-47e1-4a18-839e-9a1c11a38b57" id="74684">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>Datenschutz-Sprechstunde mit der Aufsichtsbehörde</title>
<description>In lockerer Runde beantworten Alvar Freude, Leiter der Abteilung für technisch-organisatorischen Datenschutz und Internet-Recht beim Landesbeauftragten für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit Baden-Württemberg (LfDI), und Thuy Nga Trinh, Referentin zum Thema Internet-Recht beim LfDI, Eure Fragen rund um Datenschutz und mehr. Eine offene Beratungs-Sprechstunde für alle Eure Fragen rund um Datenschutz und die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DS-GVO).
Es findet keine Aufzeichnung statt, sodass Ihr Eure Fragen frei stellen könnt!</description>
<event guid="e794513b-0bff-44cd-8531-fe19dbf48082" id="794513">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>Movie/Filmvorführung: Von Menschen, die auf Bäume steigen / People who climb on trees</title>
<description>For over 18 months, a professional film team accompanied the Ravensburg climate justice movement around the climate camp in the Altdorf Forest, which is threatened with deforestation. “The film tells the story of the climate activists in an informative, empathetic and insightful way. [...] An atmosphere of participation, sympathy, thoughtfulness [...] fills the room,” acknowledges the region's newspaper.
A homage to the largest forest in Upper Swabia and the people who want to preserve it. A film about activist climbing, self-empowerment and maximum impact.
Followed by a film discussion with some of the protagonists. The film will be in German with English subtitles.
[Trailer on YewTube]( • [Review on YewTube](
[Here is a list of more sessions by our group.](
<room guid="53f436a0-705b-40eb-974f-2bfce8857b1b" name="Stage H">
<event guid="88195142-b8cb-4e45-bcd8-e0a1706b814d" id="881951">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>Handys/Smartphones - eine Austauschrunde über Kritik und Alternativen</title>
<description>Wir wollen uns darüber austauschen, was doof daran ist, dass Smartphones so normal sind, und darüber reden, wie man weniger abhängig davon sein kann.
Manche von uns leben komplett ohne Handy, manche nicht, manche benutzen hin und wieder Kollektivhandys. Und ihr?
Manche von uns kritisieren nur Smartphones, manche auch Sim-Karten und Handys generell. Und ihr?
Kritik an der Kritik ist auch gern gesehen.
Wir sammeln unsere Erkenntnisse hier:</description>
<event guid="9dedb789-8051-4a74-84a8-faa8d7f32d60" id="978980">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>Human learning with Anki</title>
<description>You can learn more efficiently.
Reviewing too often waste time. Reviewing rarely causes forgetting. Spaced repetition software finds the optimal material to review for the sake of long term memorization.
In this workshop, you'll learn how to use the spaced repetition software called Anki. Anki is a free open source software on computer and android (and closed source on iOS), used by millions over the world, to learn vocabulary, medical school curriculum, math, music, programming, poem, geography and so much more. It comes with housands and thousands of free decks of learing materials, and you can create your own content to learn.
Come with anki on your device so you can start praticing.
Please be sure to download rge software from and not one of the knock-offs.
This workshop is followed by a discussion session for anki users to meet and exchange tips and good practice.
The presenter,, has been using anki since 2017 and started contributing to code in 2019.</description>
<event guid="7c781bd4-f0b5-4cab-a546-5649e05dc649" id="778140">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>Anki meet-up, let's help each other and exchange tips</title>
<description>Let's improve our usage of anki by sharing tips and best practice.
Come with your questions and potentially one trick that improved your user experience. This can be about add-ons, template, ankihub, shared decks, etc.
This discussion is about anki desktop , ankidroid on android and ankimobile on iOS. It is not about AnkiApp.
The host,, has been using anki since 2017 and started contributing to code in 2019.</description>
<event guid="0f09ca31-37f2-403b-9b74-645492bd823d" id="9313">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>Bitcoin Wallet Seed Security</title>
<description>Not every type of Bitcoin wallet stores the seed in the same way, there are big differences in terms of security. The difference between hot wallets and hardware wallets is probably well known. This presentation provides a deeper insight into these and other differences.</description>
<event guid="f3bfee46-c963-483c-a5a4-065f1a9d602d" id="346963">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>InfraNodus: Reveal Non-Obvious and Find the Gaps with Networks and LLMs</title>
<description>In this session, I will demonstrate an approach used in InfraNodus, a text network analysis tool I developed, to reveal non-obvious latent topics, informational gateways, and structural gaps in any text. I will then use how we can feed this insight to LLMs to generate new ideas and help them think outside of the box, bringing a little bit more creativity into their standard logic of trying to find the most likely scenario.
Take your computers with you, so you can try this out on your own ideas or texts!
I hope that during this session, we can also think together about how a similar approach could be used in your own practices: studying any text-based data but maybe also something completely outside of the text-related realm.
So if you're curious about networks and AI, I will be happy to meet you and have this discussion after the demo.
The location is to be confirmed after we get the map of the site, otherwise, you can contact me on Telegram via @noduslabs
For more info about the tool: [](</description>
<event guid="36f29b35-61c0-4e0d-b8b5-e7b0cebae9ed" id="362935">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>Esperanto Schnupperkurs / Esperanto Lightning course</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>A short sneak peek course to the International language Esperanto.
We are people who for many years have been speaking Esperanto in our every day life. Its the language of our global circle of friends. As there are quite some parallelisms between the worldwide Esperanto community and the worldwide hacker scene, usually there are some Esperanto speakers attending the big Chaos events.
Of course we cannot give a comprehensive course about Esperanto, but a few insights to the language and its community first hand.</description>
<event guid="90d0e8c9-1678-4154-abf9-9d6b8fdeb731" id="900891">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>Socratic Seminar: Bitcoin 2023 Year-in-Review</title>
<language>en, de</language>
<description>This special edition of the Berlin Bitcoin Socratic Seminar summarizes notable technical and academic developments in Bitcoin during all of 2023.
The Bitcoin Socratic Seminar is a regular monthly event that usually takes place at c-base in Berlin.
The technical level of this seminar is usually quite high. However, we would like to invite everyone to join and participate in our discussion. We are not interested in: price, speculation, markets, and politics.</description>
<event guid="3966325b-3c38-48db-82c2-411147845e45" id="396632">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>Triff die Digitalcourage-Ortsgruppen!</title>
<description>Duration: 30 mins
(followed by a discussion initiated by Digitalcourage local group Braunschweig)
The Digitalcourage local groups care for data protection and participation in a growing number of towns in Germany in a world, that constantly becomes more digitized but somtimes excludes people and leaves them behind. As local groups we try to fix that on a regional and nationwide level.
It doesn't matter if you are an old Digitalcourage member or are just curious - all people that want to engage on a local level are coridially invited.
Cookies will be served.</description>
<event guid="458d3157-dd08-4465-b9e0-9d44fdf31a0c" id="458315">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>Diskussion: Pur-Abos – Deine Grundrechte gegen Geld?</title>
<description>**Discussion (35 mins) with input lecture** (25 mins)
**Location:** Community Stage, Hall H, Level 0
**Prepared by:** Digitalcourage Local Groups
&quot;Away or Okay&quot;: Selling your fundamental rights for money? Data protection authorities are yet strikingly shy regarding the topic and seem to approve it silently.
What can be said against it from a societal view or from a view of fundamental rights? Is here revealed how capitalism is capturing/overturning the rule of law? What consequences does that have for our freedom(s)?
How could a defense geared against deals of that sort and based on privacy rights or fundamental rights look like? Shall we invent a Data Protection TÜV? Abolish the inform consent in the GDPR? Take over toxic capitalistic digital infrastructures?</description>
<event guid="e538fb90-520e-4a9a-81f2-62ef291fc22f" id="538905">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>oreboot introduction</title>
<language>en, de</language>
<description>An introduction to the [oreboot project](; firmware written in Rust, a downstream fork of [coreboot](</description>
<event guid="859b3eed-f4ae-481d-90c4-a6b4f4c47eb6" id="859344">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>Artificial Museum</title>
<language>en, de</language>
<description>Augmented reality art in public spaces: the Artificial Museum transforms streets, squares and the moon into exhibition spaces for art that are accessible to everyone 24/7. We also like cats. UwU.</description>
<event guid="c0a653e0-3c1f-44ce-8712-b0071bfedbc8" id="65303">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>Pornography feels better without tech-giants!</title>
<description>Online pornography seems to be caught between two problematic extremes: on one hand there are overpowered tech-giants dominating the market, and on the other hand ultra-reactionary groups trying to abolish this entire sector. **There must be a better way!**
In 2023 a coalition of sex workers, gender-based violence survivors, digital rights advocates and sex-tech builders have joined forces in a campaign addressed to the European Commission leveraging the new EU regulation called Digital Services Act (DSA). In the meantime, an international strategic litigation in Cyprus and Italy is challenging in court the very core business model of a notorious porn-giant for its blatant violation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
In this session we will present the achievements of our campaign to reshape the sector of online pornography and why this is so important for a better digital world for all. Our goal is to shad a new light onto this vast and complex ecosystem and envision together new ways to share the cyberlove :)
- about the DSA advocacy campaign: [](
- about the GDPR strategic litigation: [;mbid=social_twitter&amp;utm_social-type=owned&amp;utm_medium=social&amp;utm_brand=wired](;mbid=social_twitter&amp;utm_social-type=owned&amp;utm_medium=social&amp;utm_brand=wired)</description>
<person guid="a4aeeff5-669a-4c6a-8db2-7c059bdf72aa">Irma</person>
<event guid="ec6876f2-4c5a-4d27-99c4-0528acebcfbc" id="687624">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>🙈 🙉 🙊 Nerd Game Show 😸 😹 😻</title>
<description>🙈 🙉 🙊 You Know Stuff ☐ ☒ ☑ Answer nerdy questions on your notebook / smartphone and win a (small) price 😸 😹 😻</description>
<event guid="1ad1f1c5-d83f-4ce4-b05f-a667d1159dfb" id="111583">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>🏀 Timberwolves:Mavericks</title>
<description>Basketball Operations Center presents an opportunity to not stream the game together</description>
<room guid="8f182db3-241a-4809-8633-b85b9054ceb7" name="Saal D">
<event guid="a0e02a5b-d323-40c7-b3c8-fe7f73cc3f3d" id="2532">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title>Meet the CDC Critical Decentralization Cluster (Public Event)</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>Recording of the presentations from the assemblies of &quot;Critical Decentralization Cluster&quot;. Details at
We record talks, and are happy to meet people interested in our topics!
* Replicant
* Namecoin
* Silent.Link</description>
<event guid="ea54433d-7e65-4c05-8676-889543eb6bb7" id="544337">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title>Arbeitsklima in der IT</title>
<description>Ajuvo und Piko sprechen über besseres Arbeitsklima.</description>
<event guid="1f0c65e3-225d-407e-b505-976bb0d3a94f" id="106532">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title>DIY HRT Meetup 🏳️‍⚧️🏴‍☠️</title>
<description>Many trans people obtain their hormone therapy autonomously, for example to bypass long waiting times or to avoid pathologization and gatekeeping. We therefore want to meet and share our experiences with DIY HRT. At the beginning there will be a short introductory talk (approx. 10 minutes), after which we will exchange thoughts in small groups.
all creatures welcome ( no matter if cis, trans or questioning)</description>
<event guid="ac0fc57d-547f-4dd6-9367-e9de9aa59528" id="57547">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title>Netzpolitik in der Schweiz Treffen</title>
<description>Alle am netzpolitischen Geschehen in der Schweiz Interessierten treffen sich zu einem lockeren Austausch. Es werden Personen aus den verschiedenen Organisationen anwesend sein.</description>
<event guid="2373a3ab-4a89-4f01-aa2e-162c7b4e4933" id="237334">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title>Workshop - Weil be excellent to eachother nicht reicht</title>
<description>Workshop zum Vortrag &quot;Weil be excellent to each other nicht reicht -&gt;</description>
<event guid="f659c80f-b5d4-43bc-adf3-794e57e85cbe" id="659805">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title>1. Congress Skatturnier auf dem 37c3</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>This year the 1st Congress Skat Tournament will be held for all friends of Skat and those who want to become one.
Non-binding registration at [Nuudel]( powered by DigitalCourage. The first 40 players on the list are guaranteed a place. If more than 40 players register, they will be placed on the waiting list (see registration page) or additional tables will be opened according to availability.
You must know the basic Skat rules to ensure a fair competition for everyone. However, the level of playing experience is irrelevant. The winner and last place will receive a small prize. The other places may receive prizes, depending on availability.
The best thing to do is to look for the hashtag [#37c3Skat]( on your Mastodon client or in the web. This is where the latest developments regarding tournament preparation will be published. Unfortunately, there is not enough capacity for further communication channels.
More information can be found at the [web page of the tournament](</description>
<event guid="89c60cc3-b88d-4a04-99d1-3e86a527c0d3" id="896038">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title>Synthesizer meet up</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>Bring your favorite synthesizer (whether hardware or software)!
Let's talk about these wonderful devices and also maybe hold a jam session.
For the jam session, it would be best if you bring headphones and a small mixing console with two output channels, so that we are as flexible as possible in interaction and do not disturb anyone. I will try to get a room. Maybe we can also use the PA in a lecture hall after the end of the talks. But I still have to arrange that.
If you want to Jam, it would be good if you wired your setup so far in advance and maybe appear a little earlier so that we don't lose too much time.</description>
<room guid="84b99bf3-1727-44e3-811e-8b130153a30d" name="Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space">
<event guid="c7dab2f3-c656-4481-98d6-70dcc3b29599" id="723656">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space</room>
<title>Bildungsarbeit der mit OER und Workshops</title>
<description>This talk will be in german</description>
<event guid="4d3aa947-3552-4af3-b3ce-446ddf1450d5" id="439473">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space</room>
<title>Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung e. V. (FIfF) - Vernetzungstreffen</title>
<description>Du interessierst dich für einen kritischen und selbstbestimmte Umgang mit Informationstechnik? Für Faire Computer, Datenschutz, Frieden, oder IT in der Arbeitswelt? Dann komm vorbei und lerne gleichgesinnte kennen. Egal ob langjährige FIfF Mitlieder, oder einfach nur neugierig, alle Menschen sind herzlich zu unserem Vernetzungstreffen eingeladen!</description>
<event guid="e7b0695f-06a7-46c7-b0a8-19418c788cb6" id="706950">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space</room>
<title>Ada &amp; Zangemann - Ein Märchen über Software, Skateboards und Himbeereis</title>
<abstract>Lesung am Junghacker*innentag</abstract>
<description>Host: Bonnie
Du willst gerne mal etwas mehr über Freie Software erfahren? Dann ist die Geschichte von Ada genau das richtige für dich. Bonnie nimmt dich mit dem Buch 'Ada &amp; Zangemann' auf eine Reise durch die Welt von Freier Software. Komm mit und besuche gemeinsam mit Bonnie Ada und ihre Freund*innen.</description>
<event guid="e6e25aee-ee6c-4c0e-9d13-89b98895f381" id="625640">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space</room>
<title>Das (gute) digitale Leben - eine Zukunftsreise</title>
<abstract>Wir wollen mit euch - ganz losgelöst vom Alltag, schlechten Nachrichten, Stress und so weiter - ins Visionieren kommen.</abstract>
<description>Host: Anja Hoefner
Wir laden euch ein auf eine Reise in die Zukunft - zum Träumen, Visionieren, Entspannen und Mut fassen. Wie sieht sie aus, die (digitale) Technik der Zukunft? Was kann sie und wie ist sie gestaltet? Wieviel Technik brauchen wir für ein gutes Leben für alle? Diesen Fragen widmen wir uns im Workshop. Anschließend stellen wir die politischen Forderungen von Bits &amp; Bäume vor und wollen mit euch herausfinden, wie unsere Vorstellungen eines guten (digitalen) Lebens für alle mit den Forderungen zusammengehen. Wir freuen uns auf den Austausch mit euch!</description>
<event guid="a6d6ad67-1c89-47f8-9374-9d1d0d8ac37c" id="666718">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space</room>
<title>Open Hardware in der zirkulären Praxis: Learnings und Best Practices</title>
<abstract>Open Hardware ist ein elementarer Bestandteil einer nachhaltigen, zirkulären Gesellschaft. Aber wie kommen wir dahin?</abstract>
<description>Host: Maximilian Voigt
Welche Learnings gibt es bereits? Welches Wissen, welche Kompetenzen und welche Handlungsempfehlungen für Hardwareentwickler*innen gibt es bereits für die erfolgreiche Realisierung von Open Source Hardware Projekten? Was fehlt noch, wo gibt es immer wieder Probleme? Nach einer Vorstellung der Learnings aus der ersten Runde des Prototype Fund Hardware sammeln wir gemeinsam.</description>
<event guid="f3f52c39-5525-4f7b-88ba-cf82a4470f66" id="352395">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space</room>
<title>CiviCRM als open source CRM (Erfahrungsaustausch)</title>
<abstract>Interesse an 'nem lockeren CiviCRM-Austausch? Hier geht's um den Open Source Gedanken, Technik, Tipps und Tricks des Open Source CRM Systems. Offen für alle die gerne mit Technikkram gemeinnützig handelnde Organisationen oder Vereine unterstützen oder den Gedanken dahinter gut finden.
<description>Host: chaosjoe</description>
<event guid="fe616df7-863d-4c1d-b544-48ef86d67fa6" id="616786">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space</room>
<title>Lego - Challenge: Baue eine Freiheitskämpferin oder einen Freiheitskämpfer</title>
<abstract>Wir haben eine kleine Lego - Challenge für alle Kinder oder andere Interessierte.</abstract>
<description>Host: Eileen Leistner
Als Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte setzen wir uns für starke Grundrechte ein. Doch wie sähen wir als Lego - Figur aus? Baue uns deshalb eine Freiheitskämpferin oder einen Freiheitskämpfer, der sich für Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit einsetzt. Alle Lego - Kunstwerke können später bei uns am Stand noch bewundert werden.</description>
<event guid="ee511563-0ed7-462f-a68c-b5109ffaeac6" id="511563">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space</room>
<title>Frodo aus dem AuAland – Risk Analysis and Mitigation für eine humanitäre Intervention vor den Toren Mordors</title>
<abstract>Humanitäre Katastrophenhilfe birgt an sich schon viele Einsatzrisiken.</abstract>
<description>Host: Sebastian Jünemann
Humanitäre Katastrophenhilfe birgt an sich schon viele Einsatzrisiken. Das potenziert sich natürlich noch, wenn es sich nicht um einen Einsatz nach einer Naturkatastrophe in einem vorher „stabilen“ Land/Umfeld handelt, sondern um Einsätze in Bezug auf Krieg oder kriegerische Auseinandersetzungen.
Wie kann sich so einer Einsatzlage angenähert werden? Wie die verschiedenen Risiken durchdacht und bewertet werden? Wie können Planungen erfolgen, um den Risiken etwas entgegenzusetzen?
Im Workshop „Frodo aus dem AuAland“ machen wir mit Paper und Pen eine Risk Analysis und Mitigation-Planung anhand eines fiktiven humanitären Einsatzes vor den Toren Mordors.</description>
<event guid="2a415d6a-1d29-445a-b9c7-0a4e7244c58c" id="241561">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space</room>
<title>Lützerath lebt! Extended Q&amp;A</title>
<abstract>Stellt eure Fragen und diskutiert mit den Vortragenden!</abstract>
<description>Nach dem Talk könnt ihr hier eure Fragen persönlich loswerden</description>
<room guid="ae1d2469-2639-46dc-b21b-809ab14badae" name="Lounge">
<event guid="de01d247-7f08-42fe-975c-0c48a388b7ac" id="12477">
<title>Hackin the Disco Day 2</title>
<abstract>This workshop is about interactive and algorithmic light and sound design, depending on the code and the movements and positions of the people in the room.</abstract>
<description>This workshop is about interactive and algorithmic light and sound design, depending on the code and the movements and positions of the people in the room. The input data is a LiDAR laser 2D tracking system and self-built motion suites. As output we use the show technology of the lounge, i.e. moving heads and other lamps and the music system. The input data is provided via OSC, the output data is sent via ArtNet to the lighting console and analog to the sound console. We mainly work with Touchdesigner, but any other programming environment that can speak OSC and ArtNet or generate sounds is welcome. At the beginning there will be a short introduction to the technology so that you can then work independently on projects. The workshop takes place daily. The tracking system works with the &quot;Pharus&quot; software from the Ars Electronica Future Lab and the motion suites were created as part of a fellowship at the Academy for Theater and Digitality.
Project link:
Interface readme for the workshop:</description>
<event guid="91091f95-a3be-4f66-aa7f-0f57a209a83b" id="910919">
<title>dj workshop vinyl</title>
<abstract>wer schon immer mal rausfinden wollte, wie das mit diesen runden Plastescheiben und dieser endlosen Musikschleife geht, die sogenannte schallplattenalleinunterhalter*innen zusammenbasteln, ist hier genau richtig. Turntables, DJ Mixer und co werden kurz erklärt und &quot;the art of djing&quot; beispielhaft getestet. Die Minimalexkursion &quot;Djing&quot; wird begleitet von resom, DJ und Musikfetischistin.</abstract>
<description>wer schon immer mal rausfinden wollte, wie das mit diesen runden Plastescheiben und dieser endlosen Musikschleife geht, die sogenannte schallplattenalleinunterhalter*innen zusammenbasteln, ist hier genau richtig. Turntables, DJ Mixer und co werden kurz erklärt und &quot;the art of djing&quot; beispielhaft getestet. Die Minimalexkursion &quot;Djing&quot; wird begleitet von resom, DJ und Musikfetischistin.</description>
<event guid="47850ae2-3d41-4b88-8984-cc2bf2070ea7" id="478502">
<abstract>Im Sommer starteten wir die Kampagne #clubsAREculture – Rettet die Clubs!</abstract>
<description>Es ist Ende 2023: seit der initialen Gründung von #clubsAREculture sind über 1.000 Tage vergangen, die Pandemie ist offiziell längst vorbei, der Chaos Communication Congress findet endlich wieder statt und seit Mai 2021 sind Clubs vom Deutschen Bundestag als Kulturstätten anerkannt. Das klingt gut und als würde alles bestens laufen, aber die Realität sieht leider anders aus: nach wie vor schließen bundesweit Clubs. Mieten werden teurer, die Energiekosten steigen und die Inflation hat sich wie eine dicke Staubschicht über alles gelegt. Und wie geht es nun weiter mit der Clubkultur?
Was wir bisher erreichen konnten, was wir noch alles vorhaben und warum ein Club baurechtlich immer noch nicht wie eine Oper behandelt wird – all das erfahrt ihr bei unserem Panel auf dem 37C3. Wir freuen uns auf Euch!
Iris Hinze (Clubverstärker Bremen)
Stefan Hangl (Vorstand Motorschiff Stubnitz e. V.)
Thore Debor (LiveKomm AG Kulturraumschutz)
Moderation: jadzia (CCC)</description>
<event guid="0edeea95-c377-4ad3-9417-0848d5005b37" id="95377">
<abstract>hört doch einfach zu.</abstract>
<event guid="b7923131-8ea8-4881-8946-6c609c73b924" id="792313">
<abstract>Luzie was born in Frankfurt in 1995 and fell in love with Offenbach in 2017. She's been DJing since she was 18, but only officially ventured into the clubs in 2020.
She has more or less dedicated herself to minimal and house music.</abstract>
<event guid="1954c9f7-c8d1-486a-a952-68a56ac0c535" id="195497">
<title>Mindsight - live</title>
<abstract>Mindsight ist ein experimentelles elektronisches Musikprojekt von Josh Neumann aus München.</abstract>
<description>Mindsight is an experimental electronic music project by Josh Neumann from Munich. Josh's music ranges from atmospheric textures and joyful soundscapes to energetic deconstructed beats - effortlessly combining different inspirations that are not bound to any genre. Beyond music, Josh is active in various collectives and alliances such as Freiräumen or Common Ground.
Fotocredit: Yunus Hutterer
<event guid="0c546fac-0987-4e03-bfb6-0d76e229d84b" id="54609">
<abstract>The resident duo of Hamburg’s PAL club</abstract>
<description>The resident duo of Hamburg’s PAL club shared both their first rave and first gig. Expect hallucinogenic night drive trance and driving 90s techno fused with percussive gems from the old and new school as well as progressive dreams and acid-infused euphoria to get you in the zone.
Each time they get together to meld their long-grown libraries of music and their imaginative ways of mixing makes for a contagious energy that catches you anywhere: cut off from the world with your in-ears on the train, cuffing with your fav person at home or pumping on the system at your sweet spot on the dance floor.</description>
<event guid="8b19aa10-38af-42da-89ad-dabc98d752fa" id="819103">
<abstract>Golden Pudel
Twisting Knobs
<description>Acidfinky (she/they) is a
German/Algerian DJ and
producer based in Berlin.
She is a Golden Pudel
(Hamburg) and THF Radio
resident, member of the
feminist collective BLVSH
and founder of Twisting
Knobs Records.
She usually plays “crispy
sounds”, an umbrella term
she uses to define heavy
basslines combined with
sharp drums and ear candy.</description>
<event guid="a4a0dc55-8d89-4470-b82c-b902d9c616fa" id="405588">
<title>steffen bennemann</title>
<room guid="85a6ba5d-11d9-4efe-8d28-c5f7165a19ce" name="Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)">
<event guid="dc12f12d-7693-460f-af48-2699041c6fb9" id="121276">
<room>Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)</room>
<title>Deutschlandfunk live: MARKTPLATZ - Mein digitaler Sekretär KI: Künstliche Intelligenz für den Hausgebrauch</title>
<abstract>Live-Sendung &quot;MARKTPLATZ&quot;
Thema: &quot;Mein digitaler Sekretär KI: Künstliche Intelligenz für den Hausgebrauch&quot;
Gäste: Martin Gobbin (Stiftung Warentest), Tobias Koch (KI-Bundesverband), Frank Rieger (CCC) und Peter Welchering (IT-Journalist)
Moderation: Manfred Kloiber</abstract>
<description>In etlichen Haushalten hat die KI schon vor einiger Zeit Einzug gehalten: Sprachassistenten wie Siri, Alexa oder Googles Assistant schalten Geräte auf Befehl ein und aus, spielen passende Musiklisten ab oder lesen aus der Wikipedia vor, wenn akuter Informationsbedarf besteht. Aber auch neuere KI-Tools wie ChatGPT, Bard und andere generative Systeme können privat genutzt werden. Richtig eingesetzt, helfen KI-Dienste bei vielen Alltagsproblemen. Sei es mit Formulierungsvorschlägen im manchmal notwendigen Schriftverkehr mit Ämtern und Institutionen oder wenn es um private Internetrecherchen geht. Auch im Bereich der Körperpflege, der Fitness und der Gesundheitsvorsorge unterstützen mittlerweile zahlreiche KI-Apps ihre Anwenderinnen und Anwender. Welche Apps und KI-Tools gibt es für den privaten Einsatz? Welche Chancen und Risiken sind mit ihnen verbunden? Wer haftet für falsche Auskünfte oder Ratschläge? Diese Fragen beantworten Expertinnen und Experten im Marktplatz mit Manfred Kloiber - live vom 37. Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg.</description>
<event guid="8f2618e2-d5d9-521c-96ec-f40e807dd5af" id="58019">
<room>Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)</room>
<title>NSU-Watch: Aufklären &amp; Einmischen. Der Jahresrückblick 2023.</title>
<type>Live podcast stage (45 minutes)</type>
<abstract>Wir blicken auf ein Jahr voller rechter, rassistischer und antisemitischer Kampagnen zurück. Der Diskurs um Migration und Flucht wird mit zunehmender Selbstverständlichkeit als ein Diskurs der Abwehr und des Ausschlusses der „Anderen“ geführt. Dies drückt sich in immer neuen Gesetzesverschärfungen bis hin zur Forderung nach einer vollständigen Abschaffung des Grundrechtes auf Asyl aus. Und auch in anderen Bereichen der Politik wird der Ruf nach autoritären „Lösungen“ für tatsächliche oder vermeintliche Probleme lauter. Nur vor diesem gesellschaftlichen Hintergrund sind die Wahlerfolge der AfD in Hessen und Bayern zu verstehen.
Für uns ist klar: Unter solchen gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen wächst die Gefahr rechten Terrors. Die Zahl der antisemitischen, rassistischen und rechten Angriffe steigt weiterhin, denn Rechte Täter*innen können sich als diejenigen verstehen, die einen vermeintlichen „Volkswillen“ in die Tat umsetzen. Sie finden vermehrt die Ermöglichungsstrukturen, die sie für ihre Taten benötigen – in rechten Organisationen ebenso wie im Netz oder im direkten sozialen Umfeld.
Wir wollen im Podcast auf das Jahr 2023 zurückschauen und ausloten, wo wir im Kampf gegen rechten Terror stehen. Was sind unsere Möglichkeiten, zu informieren und zu intervenieren? Wir müssen von Staat und Gesellschaft Aufklärung und Konsequenzen einfordern, die Arbeit von Polizei, Justiz und Parlamenten kritisch beobachten, Verharmlosung und Entpolitisierung entgegentreten, solidarisch sein und Betroffenen in ihren Kämpfen um Anerkennung und Gerechtigkeit beiseite stehen. Dafür scheinen die Räume enger und weniger zu werden. Was können wir 2024 gemeinsam erreichen?</abstract>
<person guid="f0056200-e010-571e-8a87-3558d7155073">Caro Keller (NSU-Watch)</person>
<event guid="ce0f6bfc-c69e-5f1c-b763-a06198f4c8c7" id="57927">
<room>Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)</room>
<title>Weltenwanderer - Alles so bunt hier</title>
<type>Live podcast stage (90 minutes)</type>
<abstract>Andi und Thomas wandern durch die Welten der Fantasy, Science Fiction und mehr. Ihr Portal öffnet sich auf dem 37C3 und sie sind inspiriert, über ein Werk zu sprechen, das mit der Veranstaltung zu tun hat.</abstract>
<person guid="5eec998e-7635-4a75-9894-ebb5dfb2002b">Advi (er/he)</person>
<event guid="551d8cf6-463b-5506-a5c4-9a998a5d6c71" id="57925">
<room>Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)</room>
<title>Der Weisheit - Eine Stunde Lebenskunde - 10. Staffelfinale</title>
<type>Live podcast stage (90 minutes)</type>
<abstract>Der Weisheit hat ein ganzes Jahr 10. Staffel gefeiert. Was kann es besseres geben als das Staffelfinale auf dem Congress? Mit dem Hörer*innenglückwunsch to end all Hörer*innenglückwünsche - es sei denn ihr sprecht uns einen besseren unter 030-549 08 581 aufs Band!
Ansonsten gibt es das, was es immer gibt, aber live und in Farbe: Jede*r bringt ein Thema mit, Patricia erzählt einen Witz, Marcus quält die Ukulele, Frau Kirsche zündet den Kapitalismus an und Malik ist wahrscheinlich Freiberufler und hat das schon immer so gemacht.
Ihr könnt live dabei sein und wenn ihr lieb seid eine Frage stellen. Oder uns dabei helfen die überzähligen 30 Minuten zu füllen. Denn das ist klar: Nach 60 Minuten ist alles vorbei.</abstract>
<person guid="c63cad0c-ae75-5e7b-a5ef-b3726ab36e0e">monoxyd</person>
<event guid="f2bb95df-42f3-5f59-a202-c1a6654e5128" id="57923">
<room>Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)</room>
<title>Gala Be Need Inn - Locke Dun Ausgabe</title>
<type>Live podcast stage (90 minutes)</type>
<abstract>&quot;Gala Be Need Inn&quot; ist der deutschsprachige Quizpodcast dessen Name ein Anagramm des Originals ist. Wir klären die wirklich wichtigen Fragen des Lebens: Was ist ein Alarmstuhl, was ist der Schwiegermutter Sitz und wieso haben Schaffner in Frankreich Knallerbsen dabei?</abstract>
<person guid="076e792c-452f-5805-9d2a-05191124c1f7">MacSnider</person>
<room guid="5dc69a77-16d0-4a94-8f18-7c563ecf13db" name="Chillout Lounge">
<event guid="e966b4b0-1f61-45f9-a744-5ab475a86730" id="966401">
<room>Chillout Lounge</room>
<description>Nostalgia is not what is used to be Glitchy electronica from the beginning of this millennium</description>
<event guid="974a87c2-0159-4f61-b1ce-23d8f1d9956c" id="974872">
<room>Chillout Lounge</room>
<description>check out F.Lutze &lt;3</description>
<event guid="d9d28f6a-8979-4940-80cc-9619d2d3b0b2" id="928689">
<room>Chillout Lounge</room>
<title>Mo Greens &amp; Beh</title>
Joining Beh on the decks at the Chaos Communication Congress is Mogreens, another veteran DJ with a deep affinity for the CCC scene. Mogreens, though rooted in electronic music, extends his sonic spectrum to the realms of jazz, showcasing a unique blend of influences that keeps audiences on their toes.
In addition to his musical prowess, Mogreens brings a quirky and endearing love for manatees into the mix, adding a delightful charm to his persona. As a long-time participant in the CCC community, Mogreens' sets are a testament to the evolving nature of electronic music, seamlessly integrating jazz elements and showcasing his passion for diverse sounds.
Together, Beh and Mogreens are set to enchant the audience at the Chillfloor of Chaos Communication Congress, delivering a back-to-back vinyl experience that bridges the past and present of electronic music, all while paying homage to their enduring connection to the CCC community. Get ready for a journey through the beats, where the old meets the new in a harmonious dance of sound and technology.
DJ Beh, a seasoned artist deeply rooted in the Chaos Communication Congress (CCC) scene, brings a wealth of experience and an eclectic taste to the turntables. A long-time member of the c-base community, Beh has been a significant contributor to the electronic music landscape, particularly within the CCC circles. While his primary focus lies in electronic genres, he's known to sprinkle his sets with the resonant beats of dubstep, showcasing his diverse musical palette.
Beh's connection to the CCC community spans ages, making him a respected figure among techno enthusiasts. His penchant for experimentation is reflected not only in his music but also in his involvement with the vibrant c-base, where technology and creativity converge. Beyond the decks, Beh harbors a soft spot for sloth, adding a touch of whimsy to his serious dedication to the craft.</description>
<event guid="42ffc349-2f7b-4c93-8aaa-1ad8d86596eb" id="423492">
<room>Chillout Lounge</room>
<title>Faye Lavaux</title>
<description>Composer, multi-instrumentalist, trans*woman, drone lover.</description>
<event guid="34100473-6f5d-4d65-9789-f069819d64ca" id="341004">
<room>Chillout Lounge</room>
<title>Pastor Aufmann</title>
<description>ENTER THE PASTOR</description>
<event guid="75c0d788-40d0-484d-84c8-2c8b07f3cfd1" id="750788">
<room>Chillout Lounge</room>
<title>Days of Delay</title>
<description>Days of Delay weaves filigree webs in the acoustic wormhole of everyday life with extraordinary ambient music and exciting live performances.
A magical search for traces of touching sounds lets people come to rest and connects through a unique kind of acoustic deceleration: In clubs and at festivals, but also in interplay with special places such as airports, churches, galleries, gardens or museums.
The cinematic sound paintings created by Hamburg-based musician Cyrus Ashrafi merge time and space into musicality and experimentation, whose expression reaches far beyond the often reticent ambient genre.</description>
<event guid="68153527-e4d0-4a85-a93f-e0c88eaba91b" id="681535">
<room>Chillout Lounge</room>
<title>Loa Mauna (Dj)</title>
<description>Berlin based interdisciplinarily
artist and selector Loa Mauna cruises between abstract electronics and melodic sound patterns, graveyard and morning glory, following her passion for softness.
photocredits: Suzanne Caroline de Carrasco</description>
<event guid="858f8abf-1e26-4240-97a7-7c5c006d0d2c" id="858812">
<room>Chillout Lounge</room>
<title>cwiejung (live)</title>
<description>cwiejung is a soundartist based in Worpswede, who uses drawings as random generators for tonal ghost grids and scales. The generated sounds range from a-/rhytmical minimal key patterns over resonating fields to noise.</description>
<event guid="c105cd72-db79-4df6-b256-5fd12ee8b700" id="105727">
<room>Chillout Lounge</room>
<title>Waldemar Frost (live)</title>
<description>Von Natur aus dem freien Musizieren zugewandt, wird die Symbiose von Experiment und Linie gesucht - mit Phasen der geraden Linie, sowie des Schwebens in Klangwolken. Mit digitalen Synths und Effekten werden Klangräume erzeugt und mit Loops gehalten. Gleich dem Blick in den Nachthimmel, kann hinter dem Chaotischen eine Ordnung erkennbar, und Geordnetes durch Spontanes gebrochen werden.</description>
<event guid="6988667b-1806-40f8-9db4-53240968503e" id="698866">
<room>Chillout Lounge</room>
<title>Jill, Janis &amp; Ben</title>
<description>Jil, Janis and Ben are three friends. They are going to unite on the decks with their love for music with selected yet rare sounds oscillating between known and unknown places. Lets ccchill ³</description>
<room guid="a27fcab0-d25f-466a-968d-0e86df84aa79" name="House">
<event guid="2b6d18c7-821a-471f-8781-a429a9861343" id="261878">
<title>CYCLOPS Meetup</title>
<abstract>A meetup for people working on the CYCLOPS CTF/ARG at Congress.</abstract>
<event guid="1a88774a-a1f7-454d-ab86-78fa56adfc22" id="188774">
<title>privacy aware digital devices for non-techies</title>
<abstract>In this sos, we discuss if and how an NGO could provide privacy aware non-techies and organizations with appropriate devices.</abstract>
<description>For non-techies, it is a challenge to find and configure personal electronic devices that respect their privacy. At the moment, the majority of people are living under permanent surveillance. This is a terrible situation, not only for individuals, but also for organizations that work with sensitive data. And, after all, for all of us because surveillance capitalism threatens democratic societies.
In a better world, there would be a low-threshold offer of reasonable priced off-the-shelf devices that protect the users' privacy!
If you also want to make the world a better place, come and share your knowledge. Let's have a tea and discuss how a to-be-founded NGO could make privacy aware devices available for anyone.</description>
<event guid="e50b2409-4b11-4f62-85e5-95cdfdf97af7" id="502409">
<language>de, en</language>
<description>The #TeamDatenschutz (team data protection) is used in the (more or less) social networks to assemble data protection officers, programmers, lawyers, activists, or supervisory authorities, as well as other people interested in data protection.
This Self-organized Session is intended as a meet up, where people can meet other persons interested in data protection, maybe see someone again, and for sharing or ranting about data protection topics and issues, etc.</description>
<event guid="8bb90911-e015-4b7c-8466-bc189b0ad60f" id="890911">
<title>DN42 BoF and onboarding session</title>
<abstract>Come talk DN42, advanced networking and core Internet protocols with your peers, or discover and join the network!
This is an informal meet-up for DN42 participants and aspiring / curious people :)</abstract>
<description>DN42 can be used to learn networking and to connect private networks, such as hackerspaces or community networks. It is a big dynamic global VPN, which employs Internet technologies (BGP, whois database, DNS, etc). Participants connect to each other using network tunnels (GRE, OpenVPN, WireGuard, Tinc, IPsec) and exchange routes thanks to the Border Gateway Protocol.
Let's meet-up, have a chat, share knowledge and help newcomers join DN42!
birds of a feather
1. People having similar characters, backgrounds, interests, or beliefs.</description>
<event guid="c49f2bfc-c632-4c08-91db-c91a668d3ed2" id="492632">
<title>Music Composition for Hackers</title>
<abstract>Many in our community enjoy playing with sound technology, and are passionate about music, but are afraid to take the step into composition. I'm here to tell you that the rules of what sounds good are simpler than you think, and based on math. And that once you know these rules, you can also break them in creative ways. We will talk about the harmonic series, rhythm, and flow of energy, all illustrated with examples. We will also see the basics of sound design, maybe go over simple tools that make a good DJ, and if we have enough time we will touch on psychoacoustics and other fun and surprising tricks in creating sound. There are no prerequisites here, we're starting from scratch. If you have a digital audio workstation on your laptop already, bring it, but you'll enjoy yourself either way.
ZaGa is a music producer and composer, who loves tinkering on the frontier of audio technology.</abstract>
<description>Many in our community enjoy playing with sound technology, and are passionate about music, but are afraid to take the step into composition. I'm here to tell you that the rules of what sounds good are simpler than you think, and based on math. And that once you know these rules, you can also break them in creative ways. We will talk about the harmonic series, rhythm, and flow of energy, all illustrated with examples. We will also see the basics of sound design, maybe go over simple tools that make a good DJ, and if we have enough time we will touch on psychoacoustics and other fun and surprising tricks in creating sound. There are no prerequisites here, we're starting from scratch. If you have a digital audio workstation on your laptop already, bring it, but you'll enjoy yourself either way.
ZaGa is a music producer and composer, who loves tinkering on the frontier of audio technology.</description>
<room guid="23103aa8-854e-4ecd-8126-35c323a310c4" name="Pseudoroom">
<event guid="5cf1b550-642b-466e-9948-87e5150f9dac" id="515506">
<title>Angebote zum Junghacker:innentag rund um Mathematik (Erwachsene auch willkommen)</title>
<abstract>Spiel und Spaß mit unendlich großen Zahlen und unendlichen Spielen • Zauberwürfelworkshop • Cosmic Call, eine Botschaft an Außerirdische • Spiel und Spaß mit der vierten Dimension • Beweise ohne Worte</abstract>
<description>Zu allen Workshops kann man in der Zeit von 10:30 Uhr bis 14:00 Uhr kommen und gehen, wann man möchte! Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich. **Wir sind bei der freien Fläche vor Saal F** (nicht in Saal F). Bei allen Fragen direkt anrufen: [+4917695110311](tel:+4917695110311).
**Unendlich große Zahlen.** In der Mathematik geht es nach 1, 2 und 3, nach der Million und der Fantastilliarde erst richtig los: Danach kommen die unendlich großen Zahlen. Los gehen die mit „∞“, der ersten unendlich großen Zahl, aber dann geht es noch lange weiter. Mit diesen Zahlen kann man wunderbar Spiele spielen. Vielleicht kennt der eine oder andere das Streichholzspiel, bei dem zwei Spieler abwechselnd immer bis zu drei Streichhölzer wegnehmen können und derjenige gewinnt, der das letzte Streichholz an sich nimmt. Im Workshop werden wir lernen, wie man dieses Spiel mit unendlich vielen Streichhölzern spielt, und wie der Trick aussieht, um immer zu gewinnen. Dieser Workshop richtet sich vor allem an Kinder (ab vierte Klasse). Wer schon etwas älter ist (ab etwa achte Klasse) und Englisch ganz gut versteht, kann statt zu diesem Workshop auch zum [Nachmittagsvortrag zum Thema]( kommen.
**Cosmic Call.** Vor etwa 15 Jahren schickte die Menschheit eine Radiobotschaft an ausgewählte Sterne, in der Hoffnung, dass die Nachricht Außerirdische erreicht, diese die Nachricht verstehen und uns antworten. Die Nachricht ist nicht auf Deutsch oder Englisch verfasst, sondern bedient sich einer eigens entwickelten Symbolsprache. Schaffen wenigstens wir Menschen, die Botschaft zu entziffern? Das wollen wir in dem Workshop an uns selbst testen und herausfinden!
**Zauberwürfel.** Wie löst man den Zauberwürfel (Rubik's Cube)? Das üben wir in diesem Workshop. Wer einen eigenen Zauberwürfel hat, kann ihn gerne mitbringen; für alle anderen haben wir Würfel zum Verleihen. Keinerlei Vorkenntnisse nötig.
**Vierte Dimension.** In unserer Welt können wir uns nach links und rechts, nach hinten und vorne sowie nach unten und oben bewegen. Weitere Richtungen gibt es nicht. Das muss aber nicht so sein! In der Mathematik ist auch eine weitere Dimension vorstellbar. In diesem Workshop lernen wir diese vierte Dimension spielerisch und anschaulich kennen. Anhand eines interaktiven vierdimensionalen Labyrinths erkunden wir in diesem Workshop spielerisch die vierte Dimension. In der vierten Dimension gibt es neue wundersame Formen zu bestaunen, gewöhnliche dreidimensionale Gefängnisse wären nicht mehr ausbruchssicher und Schnürsenkel würden sich ständig von selbst entknoten. Wer schon etwas älter ist (ab etwa achte Klasse) und Englisch ganz gut versteht, kann statt zu diesem Workshop auch zum [60-minütigen Abendvortrag zum Thema]( kommen.
**Beweise ohne Worte.** In der Schule besteht Mathematik zu einem großen Teil aus Rechnungen. Das ist aber nicht das, was Mathematik wirklich ausmacht! Mathematik ist die Kunst, das Verborgene auf das Offensichtliche zurückzuführen, und dazu gehören ergreifende emotionale Aha-Momente beim Verstehen von Zusammenhängen. In diesem Workshop behandeln wir grafische Beweise.
<event guid="c66d29ad-2638-4b77-b04a-c6430565a9ac" id="662926">
<title>Klimagerechtigkeit erhacken</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>We are climate justice activists and are looking for hackers.
We want to brainstorm how to creatively repurpose public displays such as traffic lights, parking systems and adverts as political action.
The &quot;workshop&quot; should be a kind of networking meeting, so that this form of action becomes more common.
<event guid="a94e0966-ae20-4755-810d-eb5711306336" id="940966">
<title>Wondrous mathematics: The fantastical story how the wondrous world of infinity tamed the finite</title>
<abstract>Fun with numbers larger than infinity.</abstract>
<description>**We meet _in front_ of Saal F (not in Saal F).**
Love is infinite. The joy of children is infinite. These notions come to mind when we think of infinity. Mathematics, however, reveals further, initially hidden perspectives.
It turns out that the well-known number line from school is not the final word of wisdom: after 1, 2, and 3, after a million and a trillion, after the number of grains of sand – after all these numbers, infinitely large numbers follow. Astonishingly, we humans, despite our limited minds, can explore this infinite hierarchy of large numbers and gain reliable information about them.
In this talk we will learn how to visualize and compute with these infinitely large numbers. (This part of the talk will be similar to an earlier version of this talk given at 35c3.)
Then we will go on a tour of varied applications of those infinitely large numbers: There are problems which, provably so, can only be solved by appealing to the infinite.
Surprisingly, one of these applications is in algorithm design.
In order to enjoy the talk, absolutely no mathematical prerequisites are needed: The talk is even accessible to school children of age ten and above (if they understand English). And still it is mathematically rigorous – we'll learn how to think about and compute with infinities in a precise fashion. After the talk you'll be able to effortlessly converse on infinitely large numbers with your mates.
There will also be a [companion talk on very large but still finite numbers]( This talk is not a prerequisite for the other, and vice versa.
<event guid="20124cf5-5088-42df-bb0d-2da722b3e82d" id="201245">
<title>Klimagerechtigkeitsaktivismus: ein Blick hinter die Kulissen. Wie eine Gruppe Nerds einen Wald rettete und nur um Haaresbreite vier Wochen Gefängnis entkam</title>
<abstract>In Augsburg und Ravensburg gibt es seit 2019 Nerdgruppen, die nicht nur starke Meinungen zu Programmiersprachendesign haben :-), sondern auch mit zivilem Ungehorsam versuchen, einen Beitrag für Klimagerechtigkeit zu leisten. Im Laufe der Zeit haben wir verschiedene Techniken erlernt und weiterentwickelt, die größtenteils auf beliebige andere Städte übertragbar sind. In der Session möchten wir etwas über unsere Erfolge und Misserfolge sprechen und einen Raum für Diskussion um Klimaaktivismus schaffen.
<description>**Location: Freier Platz vor Saal F**</description>
<event guid="671df581-870d-47fd-a0f8-50ce49982353" id="671581">
<title>Easter Eggs in Liu Cixin's „Three-Body“ Trilogy</title>
<language>en, de</language>
<description>The Three-Body Problem trilogy is among the most mind-bending and genius science-fiction trilogies out there. It was awarded the Hugo Award and was publicly recommended by Barack Obama. Multiple adaptions, even one animated in Minecraft, have already been made in China. Another one by Netflix is on the way.
In this talk, we will go over many Easter Eggs in the trilogy, including references to other works and foreshadowing.
For everybody having read the &quot;Three-Body&quot; trilogy.
We meet at the Assembly of the OpenLab Augsburg.
<room guid="bccb6a5b-b26b-4f17-90b9-b5966f5e34d8" name="Chaoswelle">
<event guid="6384969e-5003-4091-b55d-367d8355a228" id="638496">
<title>Änderungen in der Amateurfunk-Verordnung</title>
<abstract>Ein kurzer Überblick über die Änderungen an der Amateurfunk-Verordnung ab Juni 2024.</abstract>
<description>Im Juni 2024 tritt eine Änderung der Amateurfunk-Verordnung in Kraft. Es gibt nun eine weitere Amateurfunkklasse mit eigenem Rufzeichenbereich oder die Möglichkeit, Stationen Remote zu nutzen. Welche Änderungen es im Einzelnen sind, zeigen wir. Insbesondere Interessant für Funkamateure, die die Änderungen in Kürze erfahren wollen.</description>
<event guid="0132e07d-e4d1-4b71-9292-1bcb9a7e9189" id="13207">
<title>POTA – Parks on the Air [Day 2]</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<abstract>Einführung in Parks On The Air (POTA) mit DC1TC und DK4HAA</abstract>
<description>At the Chaoswelle assembly we will give a short introduction to the amateur radio activity program &quot;Parks On The Air&quot; (POTA for short) and portable operation (duration approx. 30 minutes). Afterwards, we will start a joint park activation with you on shortwave in the &quot;Planten un Bloomen&quot; park in the immediate vicinity of the CCH (duration approx. 120 minutes).
No previous experience is necessary; the necessary equipment is provided. Those interested in radio are also explicitly invited and can practice practical radio operations with our training call sign.
Weatherproof clothing is absolutely necessary for radio operations in the park, as we will definitely be going out (exception: freezing rain or thunderstorms).
The event takes place on all four days.</description>
<event guid="15a11e04-60aa-4214-8b25-29d0947794cf" id="151104">
<title>Technik von Funkamateuren zur Unterstützung in Not- und Katastrophenfällen</title>
<abstract>Mit welchen Techniken können Funkamateure in Not- und Katastrophenfällen Unterstützung leisten?
Speaker: DL7TNY</abstract>
<description>From the first beginnings during the storm surge in Hamburg in 1962 to the present day, radio amateurs have helped in emergencies and disasters all over the world. But the technology has evolved, and I would like to take you on a short virtual trip through the last 5 years. From the first ideas to the systems now developed to assist in emergencies and disasters. Including a hands-on technical insight and a few anecdotes from the workshop.</description>
<room guid="569fee27-b5be-449b-9437-aa6467fae020" name="Quasiroom">
<event guid="3e464ed1-6374-4e33-a63c-4267fd647974" id="346416">
<title>Learning the Korean alphabet</title>
<language>en, de</language>
<abstract>Ever wanted to learn how to read an Asian language but Chinese, Japanese or Thai seem way too intimidating? Did you know: the Korean language has had an alphabet for almost six hundred years now, known as 한글 or hangeul? In this self-organized session, we'll learn the Korean alphabet and go over a few basic words! ^^
Disclaimer: I'm not a native speaker. 🧮</abstract>
<event guid="ec99937b-0e25-4d4d-8c0f-c9abe831565b" id="999370">
<title>Wondrous mathematics: Exploring hypercomputation with the effective topos</title>
<abstract>Introduction to hypercomputation, fictitious machines which can compute for longer than infinity, in combination with exploring certain alternative mathematical universes built from such machines. **Not a well-prepared talk, more a conversation.** We meet at the elevators a couple meters left of Stage Y.
[Here is a list of other sessions from our group.](
<room guid="b44cdf40-93b6-4581-92b5-7e8a543f8f62" name="Kidspace - Workshopraum in Saal B">
<event guid="2cba68a9-b8e3-4d31-b5a3-41ed7b275c19" id="268983">
<room>Kidspace - Workshopraum in Saal B</room>
<title>Minecraft How2Server</title>
<abstract>Hast du dich jemals gefragt, wie es wäre, deinen eigenen Minecraft-Server zu haben? Einen Ort, wo du die Regeln bestimmst, deine Freunde einladen und deine eigene Welt gestalten kannst? Dann ist dieser Workshop genau das Richtige für dich!</abstract>
<description>### Anmeldung
Melde dich bitte bis 15 Minuten vor dem Event bei **Enrico** im **Kidspace** oder via **DECT-2635** an und hole dir ein Workshop-Ticket
**Max Teilnehmende:** 15
### Inhalte
### Teilnahmevoraussetzungen
**Ausstattung**: [folgt]
**Erfahrung**: [folgt]</description>
<event guid="a6b38664-5581-402d-a789-a0eaa37d442e" id="638664">
<room>Kidspace - Workshopraum in Saal B</room>
<title>Siebdruck für die ganze Familie</title>
<description>I would like to give a workshop in which stencils are made with a knife and paper, which are then used as screen printing stencils. The workshop is suitable for both older and younger participants.
In this workshop we will make paper stencils which we will then use to print on fabric. Bring a T-shirt, kitchen towel or similar.</description>
<event guid="454b3594-688f-457a-90cf-59f3fd2c4c7a" id="454359">
<room>Kidspace - Workshopraum in Saal B</room>
<description>Einführung in Rules Light Table Top Systeme</description>
<room guid="321c70d7-8bad-47f6-b8f2-fbfb3425d1d7" name="Stonewall IO">
<event guid="0b149a72-5605-5d16-b4c4-930cdbc13ddb" id="57909">
<room>Stonewall IO</room>
<title>Glitching C3 - Creative Writing Experiment</title>
<abstract>Being back at C3 in the flesh, it's time to honor our glitches and chase some utopian fever dreams! Creative writing workshop to explore the glitchiness of Congress and the promises these cracks in the machine might hold. We will draw inspiration from Legacy Russell's Glitch Feminist Manifesto to write flash fiction on non-conforming niches in the daily grind of geekdom.
Workshop in English, but you can write in any language (or code) you like, no writing experience needed. Haecksen and all allied creatures welcome.</abstract>
<description>Being back at C3 in the flesh, it's time to honor our glitches and chase some utopian fever dreams! Creative writing workshop to explore the glitchiness of Congress and the promises these cracks in the machine might hold. We will draw inspiration from Legacy Russell's Glitch Feminist Manifesto to write flash fiction on non-conforming niches in the daily grind of geekdom.
Workshop in English, but you can write in any language (or code) you like, no writing experience needed. Haecksen and all allied creatures welcome.
&quot;Glitch Feminism (...) embraces the causality of “error”, and turns the gloomy implication of glitch on its ear by acknowledging that an error in a social system that has already been disturbed by economic, racial, social, sexual, and cultural stratification and the imperialist wrecking-ball of globalization (...) may not, in fact, be an error at all, but rather a much-needed erratum. This glitch is a correction to the “machine”, and, in turn, a positive departure.&quot; (Legacy Russell 2012: Glitch Feminist Manifesto)</description>
<person guid="7a0b7163-96dc-55a5-a9dc-db82942fb8ce">blueA</person>
<event guid="2786f8fe-7b83-574c-b195-ed17ee281c80" id="57940">
<room>Stonewall IO</room>
<title>Datenbankgrundlagen für Anfänger*innen</title>
<abstract>Hinter fast jeder Webseite steckt heutzutage als Backend eine Datenbank. Egal ob Instagram, Amazon, die Stadtbibliothek, die Lernplattform von Schule oder Uni ...
Wir wollen uns mit der Abfragesprache SQL befassen und ein paar Grundlagen lernen.</abstract>
<description>Hinter fast jeder Webseite steckt heutzutage als Backend eine Datenbank. Egal ob Instagram, Amazon, die Stadtbibliothek, die Lernplattform von Schule oder Uni ...
Wir wollen uns mit der Abfragesprache SQL befassen und ein paar Grundlagen lernen.
Bitte beachten: Für die Teilnahme am Workshop wird ein Gerät mit Tastatur benötigt.
<person guid="46757160-497a-4160-b23b-ae16cef7462f">sylvia (she/her)</person>
<event guid="7c525204-4930-507e-88aa-1b4cf609c957" id="57921">
<room>Stonewall IO</room>
<title>How to therapy</title>
<abstract>Immer mehr Menschen möchten Psychotherapie machen, aber wissen vor lauter inneren (#Stigmatisierung) und äußeren (#langeWartezeit) Hürden nicht wohin der Weg. In diesen Workshop wird ein Überblick gegeben, was es so für verschieden Therapiearten gibt und wie mensch die ersten Schritte gen mögliche Therapie machen kann. Außerdem gibts einen Austausch zu Self Care-Alternativen in beschissenen Zeiten wie diesen, als auch eine ausgiebige Emo-Runde. We can also speak in English or do whisper translation.</abstract>
<description>Mate (she/her) ist Psychotherapeutin (in Ausbildung), hat selbst schon lange Therapieerfahrung und möchte Menschen gerne einen Raum geben um mehr über Therapie und psychosoziale Beratung erfahren zu können. Es soll gerne einen gemeinsamen Emo-Austausch geben.</description>
<person guid="d24582f8-26ce-580b-8826-c605cdc505a9">Mate</person>
<event guid="ef08522b-1bca-5d6d-b247-9f67d39bfd77" id="57978">
<room>Stonewall IO</room>
<title>Offene Workshop-Sessions Tag 2 | Open workshop sessions day 2</title>
<abstract>DE: Während dieser Session ist der Workshopraum für alle offen, die sich hier treffen möchten. Er soll ein Raum für produktiven Austausch sein.
EN: During this session, the workshop room is open to anyone who would like to meet here. Our room is meant to be a space for productive exchange.</abstract>
Ihr seid eine kleine Gruppe, die eine gemütliche Ecke braucht? Kommt vorbei. Oder einen Tisch, an dem ihr etwas bauen, basteln, werkeln könnt? Wir haben Tische. Ihr wollt ein paar Spiele spielen? Macht auch gerne das.
In dieser unmoderierten Session könnt ihr den Workshopraum gemeinsam nutzen und vielleicht auch gucken, was die anderen gerade so interessantes machen. Gesellt euch dazu, so lange Platz ist und die Anwesenden den Raum gemeinsam nutzen können, ohne sich dabei zu stören.
You are a small group that needs a cozy corner? Come on over. Or a table where you can build something, tinker, craft? We have tables. You want to play some games? Feel free to do that too.
In this unmoderated session, you can share the workshop room and maybe see what others are doing that's interesting.Join this open session as long as there is room and those present can share the space without interfering with each other.</description>
<event guid="5f603ba6-095f-5195-a013-5a21f7f546fc" id="57898">
<room>Stonewall IO</room>
<title>Kommunikation und Interaktion mit Gehörlosen - ein paar Grundlagen</title>
<abstract>Zielgruppe: Hörende, die Kommunikationshürden mit d/Deaf oder HoH Personen überwinden wollen. Keine Kenntnisse von Gebärdensprachen oder Fingeralphabet notwendig :)</abstract>
<description>Inhalt/Ziel: zuerst geht es um allgemeine Grundlagen - wie kann ich eine Gehörlose Person auf mich aufmerksam machen? Wie kommuniziere ich mit einer Gehörlosen Person, wenn ich kein Fingeralphabet/keine Gebärdensprache beherrsche? Und schlussendlich lernen wir auch das Fingeralphabet, und einige wichtige Gebärden in ÖGS und DGS (ja, Österreichische und Deutsche Gebärdensprache sind verschieden!).</description>
<person guid="5990ca2f-00dd-59d3-a1f8-299818ec7864">Stoni</person>
<person guid="3a4d730d-eeff-53c4-8662-1892d11f600e">lavalaempchen</person>
<person guid="fe019c17-d6b8-40f4-81ca-cd624a686ce2">pascoda (she/her)</person>
<person guid="d3d335ab-4d38-5c05-bb5a-6eed623c34f6">Helga Velroyen</person>
<event guid="5cb1b70c-f597-5029-80e4-98be0fb41fb0" id="57902">
<room>Stonewall IO</room>
<title>Kickoff im realen Raum für Orga-Treffen Haecksen Konferenz 2025</title>
<abstract>Kickoff im realen Raum für Orga-Treffen Haecksen Konferenz 2025</abstract>
<person guid="4c77e5b1-22ac-5f40-9aee-f311ac327f41">melzai</person>
<event guid="1ce68807-2e5d-5d17-a7f5-079dd4656b17" id="57930">
<room>Stonewall IO</room>
<abstract>*English below*
DE: Offene Karaoke-Runde für alle FINTA-personen.
Keine Sorge, wenn genug mitmachen, muss sich niemand selbst hören. ;)
Jeder Musikgeschmack ist willkommen! Egal ob du gerne Anime Titelsongs, Metalcore oder Schlager hörst, wir haben für alle was dabei. Ja, natürlich kannst du auch einfach ABBA singen.
EN: Open Karaoke-Session for all FINTA-people.
Don't worry, if enough people join, nobody needs to hear themselves. ;)
Every taste of music is welcome! No matter if your jam is Anime-Openings, Metalcore or Schlager, we got you covered. Yes of course we also have ABBA.</abstract>
<person guid="a6ab66b3-507e-57c0-9c5b-574167c640c6">Drakulix</person>
<room guid="023cdbf0-314c-4816-8dad-ba7ff4742473" name="Saal B - Hackcenter">
<event guid="89ec1def-d884-4225-8a7d-c2241142a2c5" id="891884">
<room>Saal B - Hackcenter</room>
<title>Minetest - Tag 2</title>
<abstract>Hier kann man lernen, wie man Mintest spielt.</abstract>
<description>Du möchtest in einer Welt kreativ werden, gemeinsam etwas bauen und die Möglichkeiten der Erweiterung von Minetest durch Mods ausprobieren? Dann bist du hier genau richtig. Komm einfach mit eigenem Gerät vorbei, wir helfen bei der Installation.</description>
<room guid="4ff1ee2d-fe63-468a-a3f7-e93da08123ca" name="Foyer Level 2 (In front of the elevators left of Stage Y)">
<event guid="b9386319-9690-4998-b9f3-8eddd2b8a605" id="938631">
<room>Foyer Level 2 (In front of the elevators left of Stage Y)</room>
<title>Fangenspiel im Pantomimehaus -- ein interaktives handlungslastiges Versteck- und Suchspiel aus dem Improvisationstheater. [en:] Tagging game in the mime house.</title>
<language>en, de</language>
<description>Tagging game in the mime hous -- an interactive acting-focused hide and seek game from improvisational theatre.
It starts with a small general warmup and a few easy exercises to mime on the stage.
Then we play the following game together: At first we stablish a house with surroundungs quite detailed. Then one person leaves the room, the others hide in this mime house. Then the person comes in again and has to find and catch the hidden persons.
The interesting thing is, that the searching person in real life does see all the other persons sitting, lying, crouching, ... on the stage, but in game obviously not. They have to be catched in-game!, and can also run away, re-hide, ...
Several rounds are probably possible.
*offered by: [@dreieck](*</description>
<room guid="5df87228-deaf-4f8c-a398-f117ca4f54ab" name="Kidspace - Saal B">
<event guid="6e41373c-400b-4806-8db4-42d435782985" id="641373">
<room>Kidspace - Saal B</room>
<title>Elektrobaukasten - Tag 2</title>
<description>Make circuits for light, sound or motion. From the age of around 4 years upwards accompanied by adults, this is possible with the simple electronic kit based on snap buttons (manufactureres recommendation is 8 years). Even younger kits enjoy arranging coloured shapes. This is a parent-kid-offer. Please oversee your kids or build with them.</description>
<event guid="e3fe8ead-6046-4750-a5cc-b144a4aae4f8" id="386046">
<room>Kidspace - Saal B</room>
<title>GuteN8Geschichten - Tag 2</title>
<description>Every day from 18:30 to 19:00 at the 37c3 Kidspace, we're hosting a bedtime story reading session. Perfect for everyone looking to unwind after an exciting day at the Congress. Among others, we'll read from works like 'Ada and Zangemann: A Fairy Tale about Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream' – just one example of the many captivating stories that await you.</description>
<room guid="ec41ad9c-ee44-4685-a63c-f265167c3087" name="Corridor outside Hall 3 near Openlab Augsburg">
<event guid="646fe1de-8e07-43ea-a7d7-52bde4d46420" id="646180">
<room>Corridor outside Hall 3 near Openlab Augsburg</room>
<title>A tale of sinister thought experiments about extraterrestrial life (feat. Liu Cixin's Dark Forest)</title>
<language>en, de</language>
<description>What if we found aliens or even made contact with them? What would be logical to happen? This talk will go over some sinister thought experiments including Liu Cixin's Dark Forest from his novel „The Dark Forest“.
For everybody. No prior knowledge required. (Conceptual spoilers for „The Dark Forest“.)
We meet at the Assembly of the OpenLab Augsburg.
<room guid="001ee443-5ef1-4bd4-9813-d20e4fc1ce81" name="cyber4EDU Assembly">
<event guid="03442692-8ec7-448c-b782-bfda6b489a1c" id="34426">
<room>cyber4EDU Assembly</room>
<title>cyber4EDU (Zu-)Hörstunde - Fokus Oberschule</title>
<abstract>Wir hören euch zum Thema “Bildung richtig digital” zu</abstract>
<description>This is an open for all discussion about digital offerings in German schools.</description>
<room guid="d7b3bd0b-8db7-49c1-88ef-8ad8d683a40a" name="Freie Arbeiter*innen Union (FAU)">
<event guid="8843a577-3ab7-4b15-875f-8b5d852e5217" id="884357">
<room>Freie Arbeiter*innen Union (FAU)</room>
<title>&quot;Arbeitgeber*innen hassen diesen Trick&quot; - Was ist die FAU?</title>
<abstract>In diesem Kurzvortrag zeigen wir euch, warum ihr eine Gewerkschaft wie die FAU (Freie Arbeiter*innen Union) braucht. Mit kreativen Methoden, horizontalen statt hierarchischen Strukturen und der Devise: Wir sind mehr als nur Gewerkschaft! Wir können die Dauerkrise die sich Kapitalismus nennt überwinden!</abstract>
<description>Der [Vortrag ist Teil der FireShonks]( ). Wir werden diesen aber auch bei uns am Assembly im Halle H (bei Komona) streamen und weiterführende Fragen dort beantworten. Um 18 Uhr folgt dann ein [Einführungsworkshop ins Organizing]( vor Ort.</description>
<event guid="0d6db5a9-2d79-41f5-bb18-e39d142aac88" id="65927">
<room>Freie Arbeiter*innen Union (FAU)</room>
<title>Workshop: Organizing für Einsteiger*innen (am Arbeitsplatz)</title>
<abstract>Wir werden aus ein paar wenigen Unzufriedenen, eine schlagkräftige Gemeinschaft, um gegen schlechte Arbeitsbedingungen vorzugehen? Wir werden in diesem Workshop (absolut keinerlei Vorkenntnisse notwendig!) uns die Methode des Soziogramms genauer anschauen und gemeinsam ausprobieren, wie wir unsere Arbeitskolleg*innen für Veränderungen gewinnen können.</abstract>
<description>Hinweis: Die Kernveranstaltung dauert ca. 1 Stunde. Wenn die Anwesenden das wollen, können aber danach gemeinsam Fragen geklärt oder spezielle Bedingungen direkt bei euch auf der Arbeit gemeinsam besprochen werden (max. 2h insgesamt).</description>
<room guid="613f9c5e-1908-4e7f-934b-639a5262df94" name="Bits &amp; Bäume Community Space">
<event guid="5b029100-4b63-421a-8cdc-39a40213b067" id="502910">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Community Space</room>
<title>Bits &amp; Bäume Community Treffen Tag 2</title>
<abstract>Tägliche Meetups zum Netzwerken, gegenseitiges Kennenlernen, Tipps geben.</abstract>
<room guid="00c8f3bc-af5b-4cd8-a781-956834f4044c" name="Round Table [CDC Saal 3]">
<event guid="3a1ea854-6347-4373-b399-32657d0bf82b" id="318546">
<room>Round Table [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Making Smart Home devices</title>
<abstract>During this workshop we will build simple smart home devices using the Z-Wave protocol. We will also discuss smart home controllers and protocols diversity: Z-Wave, Zigbee, Thread, Matter.</abstract>
<description>Please take with you:
- Your laptop with Access to the internet and Chromium or Google Chrome
- Arduino IDE or VS code installed (with Z-Uno package installed, see for details - we will help you with this during the workshop)
- Arduino-compatible sensors to build your own Z-Wave sensor (optional)
- Your Z-Wave stuff if any (optional)
Topics of the workshop:
- What is Z-Wave and where should you use it. Comparison with Zigbee and Matter
- Z-Wave controller and RaZberry/WB7 hardware: Controlling switches, Reading sensor/switch values, Making rules, Using JS API
- Z-Uno prototyping board: Making Simple Switch, Adding more stuff
- Z-Uno Shield and Z-Uno Configurator
- Z-Uno Modules
Useful links for the workshop:
Z-Way documentation
- Installing Z-Way
- Z-Way doc
- Z-Way JS engine GitHub
Z-Way workshop materials
- Turning on/off a device /ZWaveAPI/Run/devices[NNN].SwitchBinary.Set(0 or 1)
- Reading switch value /ZWaveAPI/Run/devices[NNN]
- Using JS API /JS/Run/var v = 1; setInterval(function() { zway.devices[NNN].SwitchBinary.Set(v); v = 1-v;}, 2000);
Z-Uno documentation:
- Quick Intro
- Installation howto
- Language Reference
- Examples
- Z-Uno Shield
- Z-Uno Shield Configurator
- Z-Uno GitHub</description>
<event guid="c9e3a6a5-6c46-409b-b466-f308ebb2d0bf" id="936564">
<room>Round Table [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Replicant struggle: past and present successes and failures</title>
<abstract>Replicant is an Android distribution that is certified by the FSF that supports some Smartphones and Tablets. After explaining some extensive background about the project and its situation, the talk will focus on the project strategic decisions and will also try to involve the audience to get feedback on some of the project current and longer term issues that we didn't solve yet.</abstract>
<description>Replicant is an Android distribution that is certified by the FSF that supports some Smartphones and Tablets.
Historically Replicant has united different struggles / concerns within the same project:
It enabled to use hardware way longer, limiting damage on planet and workers.
Compatible hardware could be found second hand in various ways (shops, free, etc). This made it accessible by a wide variety of people.
Many of the supported hardware were made and sold in big numbers so they have a wide ecosystem around them like replacement batteries, repair knowledge, second hand shops.
While all the supported hardware contains nonfree software (bootloader, sometimes another operating system loaded on the same CPU alongside Android/Replicant, details will be explained in the talk), Replicant itself is fully free, which appeals to people caring about free software.
It avoided backdoors and chose to support only specific phones to limit the privacy damage (this was done by isolating the modem, more will be explained in the talk).
While Replicant always had to take difficult strategic decisions that affected the above, with effects on both the amount of work required to support devices and the amount of work required to move to new Android versions, things also changed a lot in the last years.
Modern off the shelf smartphones hardware made it impossible to address the same concerns than before: Replicant depends on hardware design features like modem isolation to provide some privacy guarantees (details will be in the talk). Supporting devices with batteries that cannot be replaced also lead to lot of complications for users (batteries that last less on second hand devices, limited lifespan, etc) that in turn put impossible constraints on contributors (supporting new devices as soon as they are released).
Other issues like the disappearance of 3G networks, or the status of some Android related project also affect Replicant in big ways.
On another hand Replicant also ended up with way more resources than before: it has enough money (about 200 000$) to fund development work during few years and also managed to get funding from NLnet to work on specific tasks.
All that brings huge changes in the project and makes strategic decisions harder than before.
The talk will start with information on why having 100% free software Android distribution(s) is still relevant today when GNU/Linux smartphones are becoming a reality again. It will also explain all the background needed to understand the rest of the talk (how smartphones work, what is a modem, what is TrustZone, how Android is different from GNU/Linux from the hardware support and contributor perspective, etc).
A lot of the focus of this presentation will be about the project strategic decisions: Given the difficult context Replicant operates in, what difficulties it faced, how it solved them. But also current and longer term issues we have. In this talk we are also looking for feedback on our new strategy and/or ideas to address some of the longer time concerns we have, some of which other projects also faced.</description>
<event guid="792d2544-bef3-47cf-8af8-0faa102fe46c" id="792254">
<room>Round Table [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>On the limits of decentralization</title>
<abstract>A collaborative dialogue to explore and confront the philosophical assumptions behind the idea of decentralization.
What is decentralization even? How does it relate to centralization? Can one exist without the other or are we looking at a false dichotomy? What other logical dichotomies may have given birth to these ideas? Object and subject? Order and chaos? Truth and lies? Are we perhaps unavoidably caught up in binary logic and symbolic reasoning? Or can we look at the bigger picture from a more phenomenological perspective? What is it that we experience when engaging in certain institutions, systems and protocols? And, when we do that, how does everything that fades into the background still exerts its silent influence over each participant, willing or not?
A non-exhaustive list of references:
The Tyranny of Structurelessness
The Tyranny of Tyranny
Extitutional theory
Non-binary logic
<event guid="0406168b-b5c4-4466-ab81-bc2ea31bfb4d" id="40616">
<room>Round Table [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Workshop: Self-hosted, Open Source Chatbots mit der Technologie von OpenAI: Erfahrungsbericht(e)</title>
<description>AI service provider: Azure OpenAI
Development criteria:
Maximum open source
Self hosted
Use of OpenAI plugin technology
Fulfillment of enterprise requirement
Compliance with German legal framework conditions</description>
<event guid="3a9f3678-08f0-415f-9737-c24f2ab2c374" id="393678">
<room>Round Table [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Tea Time: Enjoy a cup of tea and chat with the FOSSASIA community</title>
<room guid="e7d701c4-c43a-416d-afc5-a3bcbc5801e9" name="FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]">
<event guid="392e3d2c-cf1f-473f-b8e2-42ee198066a2" id="392321">
<room>FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Namecoin Atomic Name Trading Workshop</title>
<abstract>See us demo the new atomic name trading functionality in Namecoin, and give us your feedback on how we can improve it.</abstract>
<event guid="3d3ac9d8-9584-4317-98bc-dd6077a1167d" id="339895">
<room>FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Mastering Specter DIY Bitcoin Hardware wallet. (redoing the day1 workshop)</title>
<abstract>Join us for a hands-on Specter DIY workshop, where Cypherpunks craft their Bitcoin Hardware Wallets. Dive into the world of this DIY hardware wallet, exploring its QR code communication, security model, and design trade-offs. We'll navigate Bitcoin testnet transactions, harness the simulator, and delve into key security features like anti-phishing, PIN, and SC integrations. By the session's end, grasp the robustness of DIY wallets and the nuances of secure self-custody.</abstract>
<event guid="17d69f7e-ee81-40a7-8c29-d17abfeedf96" id="176978">
<room>FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>How Radiation Affects Us All and How you can Mesure it - DIY Geiger Counter</title>
<abstract>During the presentation we'll look at DNA damage, explain the different types of radiation, their effects on the body and what measures you can take to protect yourself from different sources. Afterwards we'll build DIY Geiger Counters.
The workshop will take 90 minutes, 60 minutes theory at CDC and 30 minutes of soldering at the Hardware Hacking Area. (we will go together)</abstract>
<event guid="854ea840-c106-40c0-a857-1f442943e84c" id="854840">
<room>FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Codeheat Introductory Workshop (Untari, Hong Phuc Dang)</title>
<abstract>Build up your developer profile and become a codeheat hero! Win a trip to FOSSASIA Summit 2024. CodeHeat is the annual coding contest for students and developers to contribute to Free and Open Source software (FOSS) and open hardware projects</abstract>
<event guid="6f571a9b-7313-4ec5-8feb-e3a36e11ca2e" id="657197">
<room>FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Building Tiny Programming Languages (Mohit Karekar)</title>
<abstract>Let's building tiny programming languages and go through the process of program synthesis by building a compiler frontend.</abstract>
<event guid="c7e300b4-7b6c-4830-b62d-b346aa94636d" id="730047">
<room>FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Pocket Science Lab Hands-on (Alex Bessman, Marco A. Gutierrez)</title>
<abstract>The goal of this workshop is to introduce participants to the PSLab and to enable them to conduct experiments using sensors as well as to control small servos of mini robots. PSLab website:</abstract>
<room guid="afd7c493-534b-4de4-88ba-c1508efc0565" name="Art and Play Workshop table [H]">
<event guid="28626201-307a-4dda-87e3-d77225ed05e4" id="286262">
<room>Art and Play Workshop table [H]</room>
<title>Art and Play: Livevektorskizzen</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<abstract>Traum trifft Beduerfnis, Vektorgrafiken können vielseitig verwendet werden, Software zum live skizzieren ist rar. Selbstschreiben hilft - auch dem eigenen Stil. C mit Cairo, Godot und Rust mit Raqote sind Varianten die näher betrachtet werden können:
Darüberraus eine live Zeichensession &quot;Drink and Draw&quot; wahlweise auch mit Aquarell.</abstract>
<description>Dream meets needs. Vectorgraphics can be of use in many different ways - software for livesketching is hard to come by. Coding yourself helps - also with your own style. C with Cairo, Godot and Rust with Raqote are variants that are there to explore:
Furthermore this Workshop will contain a livedrawing session, also with watercolour If you choose.</description>
<event guid="935c9187-5206-4cc5-84c3-de98088d7fec" id="935918">
<room>Art and Play Workshop table [H]</room>
<title>Art and Play: DIY photolab research</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<abstract>Lochkameras, Caffenol, Blaudruck &amp; co - erfinde das Rad neu, um ein analoges Photo zu schießen!</abstract>
<description>Pinhole cameras, caffenol, cyanotype &amp; co - reinventing the wheel to take an analog photo!
Shoot and develop your own analog photo with minimalist equipment and non-toxic household ingredients! A selfmade pinhole camera, photo paper and coffee as a developer is enough to get started.After that, the result will be printed on self-made blue &amp; white cyanotype paper.No prior knowledge needed, all material is provided.
Elias / Anna
 We are hobby photographers / filmers always looking for new ways &amp; recipes to expand our knowledge about analog photographic processes.</description>
<room guid="b55047fa-505a-42da-8699-ab5ee803e58c" name="Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)">
<event guid="522ed120-732c-4393-91d9-a2fcebbbc2a8" id="522120">
<room>Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)</room>
<title>JHT: Podcasting für Einsteiger:innen 1</title>
<abstract>Wir zeigen jungen Menschen das Podcasting in der Praxis.</abstract>
<description>Podcasting ist in aller Munde, und wir lassen euch podcasten. Wir werden euch in diesem Workshop anleiten einen Podcast aufzunehmen, und diesen dann auch zusammen mit euch schneiden. Dabei geht es zum einen um eine Erfahrung am Mikrofon, aber auch die technischen Hintergründe. Wir schauen also auf das Gespräch im Podcast, aber auch auf Mischpulte, digitale Audiobearbeitung und was einen Podcast so ausmacht.
Wir haben maximal 6 Plätze. Bitte meldet euch bei [Advi](congress/2023/hub/en/user/Advi/) entweder per Telefon DECT:2384 oder persönlich an. Spontan erscheinende Menschen können wir nur berücksichtigen, wenn noch Plätze frei sind.
Alles Plätze sind belegt, bitte schaut bei Termin 2.</description>
<event guid="09f10629-1f16-460a-962d-bcf5ac4314bb" id="91062">
<room>Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)</room>
<title>JHT: Podcasting für Einsteiger:innen 2</title>
<abstract>Wir zeigen jungen Menschen das Podcasting in der Praxis.</abstract>
<description>Podcasting ist in aller Munde, und wir lassen euch podcasten. Wir werden euch in diesem Workshop anleiten einen Podcast aufzunehmen, und diesen dann auch zusammen mit euch schneiden. Dabei geht es zum einen um eine Erfahrung am Mikrofon, aber auch die technischen Hintergründe. Wir schauen also auf das Gespräch im Podcast, aber auch auf Mischpulte, digitale Audiobearbeitung und was einen Podcast so ausmacht.
Podcasting ist in aller Munde, und wir lassen euch podcasten. Wir werden euch in diesem Workshop anleiten einen Podcast aufzunehmen, und diesen dann auch zusammen mit euch schneiden. Dabei geht es zum einen um eine Erfahrung am Mikrofon, aber auch die technischen Hintergründe. Wir schauen also auf das Gespräch im Podcast, aber auch auf Mischpulte, digitale Audiobearbeitung und was einen Podcast so ausmacht.
Wir haben maximal 6 Plätze. Bitte meldet euch bei [Advi](congress/2023/hub/en/user/advi/) entweder per Telefon DECT:2384 oder persönlich an. Spontan erscheinende Menschen können wir nur berücksichtigen, wenn noch Plätze frei sind.
Alle Plätze sind vergeben.</description>
<event guid="63ab2eaf-a864-51f1-82e8-0247c7652bf2" id="57984">
<room>Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)</room>
<title>Wie kann eine Verwaltungsdigitalisierung in Deutschland und Europa nachhaltig und bevölkerungsfreundlich gestaltet werden?</title>
<type>Podcasting table (45 minutes)</type>
<abstract>Um die Verwaltungsdigitalisierung in Europa, besonders aber in Deutschland, steht es nicht gut. Wir kennen es alle: Expert*innen sagen, dass der Einsatz einer speziellen Technologie für ein dediziertes Projekt nicht gut wäre, es wird trotzdem eingesetzt und am Ende scheitert das Projekt mit Ansage.
Diese Podcast-Episode möchte folgende Themen beleuchten:
• Wie steht es aktuell um die Verwaltungsdigitalisierung in Deutschland, im besonderen unter dem Aspekt Nachhaltigkeit
• Inwiefern kann der vollständige (sukzessive) Umstieg bzw. insgesamt der Einsatz freier Softwarelösungen in (deutschen) Behörden und der öffentlichen Verwaltung dabei helfen, die Digitalisierung dort nachhaltiger zu gestalten?
• Wie steht es um die Interoperabilität?
• Wie steht es um Barrierefreiheit, Teilhabe für Alle, Inklusion bei den digitalen Verwaltungsdienstleistungen?</abstract>
<person guid="6b5b3afa-1539-553b-8e65-03db44054cb8">Lukas Schieren</person>
<person guid="9d8bc4d5-6397-5745-a4c6-87467c609b29">Marco Bakera</person>
<event guid="4dc79875-b703-5d4b-99d3-8448d7ea9c9c" id="57929">
<room>Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)</room>
<type>Podcasting table (45 minutes)</type>
<abstract>Warum immer nur den FAIL Tisch ? Dieses Jahr wird es Positiv. Was hat euer Podcast jemals positives für euch gemacht ? Also außer Verbesserung der Technik im Homeoffice .. Das versteht sich ja von selbst. Wir erzählen was so positiv am Podcasten ist.
Weitere konspirative Teilnehmer der unabhängigen Podcastervereinigung gerne gesehen. Allerdings keine Podcaster der Podimopodcastpartei .. diese Spalter</abstract>
<person guid="0ce6bf66-a4bb-58b3-a2fa-54682eb3a1dc">Sven Uckermann</person>
<event guid="628d6c08-292a-50b0-a2a4-b6a623160dd8" id="57970">
<room>Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)</room>
<type>Podcasting table (90 minutes)</type>
<abstract>Dies wird die Launch-Folge No. 1 des Kryptographiepodcasts &quot;Aufgeschlüsselt&quot; mit Hosts ajuvo und Karolin Varner. Special Guest: Aaron Kaiser vom Max-Planck-Institut für Sicherheit und Privatsphäre</abstract>
<person guid="e8ef3e13-2b76-4f7c-bd6d-551dc37e9cce">ajuvo</person>
<event guid="f910a79d-3e5d-51b4-b062-764bdffdb4de" id="57971">
<room>Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)</room>
<title>damals(tm) Congressausgabe mit Hörern vor Ort</title>
<type>Podcasting table (45 minutes)</type>
<abstract>damals(tm)-Hörer treffen sich auf dem Congress und reden über den Congress, 10 Jahre damals(tm) und den Krieg der Sterne</abstract>
<person guid="e8ef3e13-2b76-4f7c-bd6d-551dc37e9cce">ajuvo</person>
<event guid="a721a53b-b4e5-56cb-81eb-3fbac393c107" id="57981">
<room>Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)</room>
<title>LinuxLounge - #37C3 Special</title>
<type>Podcasting table (90 minutes)</type>
<abstract>Die LinuxLounge von Live vom Congress mit Einblicken und spannenden Infos und der Stimmung vor Ort.</abstract>
<person guid="cb8bbb55-73a6-5621-be9e-c8ff5075237d">Dennis</person>
<person guid="dc8a1ad6-9792-418d-9da3-936d04d2b082">Lazalatin (he/him)</person>
<person guid="382338da-672f-52c1-a9b4-9fe68526d90b">Michael</person>
<room guid="722e1feb-6d34-4423-b07a-6f0f50e5d2a3" name="CTBK-Workshoparea">
<event guid="e289e425-89b5-45a3-88cb-780a1e369a8b" id="289425">
<title>Spleiß-Workshop Tag 2</title>
<abstract>Glasfaser-Spleißworkshop unterstützt von Selfnet e.V., Bitte Details beachten - Anmeldung erforderlich!</abstract>
<description>Here you can splice fiber optics yourself. Learn what is important when splicing and try it out yourself. Per slot max. 4 attendees. Registration required:</description>
<room guid="cb715279-0089-44a4-a641-84258160f860" name="Critical Decentralisation Cluster [Saal D]">
<event guid="670394c0-678b-4493-9f24-8b8a5d8275f9" id="670394">
<room>Critical Decentralisation Cluster [Saal D]</room>
<title>Introduction to Replicant</title>
<abstract>Replicant - the only free Android distribution.</abstract>
<description>Introduction to &quot;Replicant&quot; - the only free Android distribution.</description>
<event guid="ddaeae93-365e-4e8d-80da-7a683aef3067" id="933654">
<room>Critical Decentralisation Cluster [Saal D]</room>
<title>Buying and Selling Domain Names in Namecoin (recording)</title>
<abstract>How atomic name trades work in Namecoin without counterparty risk or trusted third-party intermediaries.</abstract>
<description>Trading domain names for money has historically involved counterparty risk and middlemen. Namecoin changes that with atomic name trades.
This talk will cover how atomic name trades work in Namecoin, and how we achieved functionality such as non-interactivity, off-chain transactions, and auctions -- all without counterparty risk or trusted third-party intermediaries.</description>
<event guid="75ed590d-66fe-4229-adf1-aacea3f22ed9" id="755906">
<room>Critical Decentralisation Cluster [Saal D]</room>
<title>Buying and Selling Domain Names in Namecoin</title>
<abstract>Trading domain names for money has historically involved counterparty risk and middlemen. Namecoin changes that with atomic name trades.</abstract>
<description>This talk will cover how atomic name trades work in Namecoin, and how we achieved functionality such as non-interactivity, off-chain transactions, and auctions -- all without counterparty risk or trusted third-party intermediaries.</description>
<room guid="1fbd67f1-46a2-4162-bbcc-2cf0e2dce944" name="Fireshonks">
<event guid="04829d4f-6bdd-5149-80bd-9bddd9ee283a" id="57889">
<title>Museumsbahnen brauchen Nerds!</title>
<type>Talk 30 min + 10 min Q&amp;A</type>
<abstract>Du interessierst Dich für Eisenbahnen und wolltest schon immer mal was mit einer Eisenbahn in 1:1 machen? Du suchst noch ein Hobby? Die Museumsbahnen brauchen Dich - auch wenn sie es manchmal nicht wissen...</abstract>
<description>Die stereotypische Museumsbahn sind alte weiße Männer, die mit großen Maschinen spielen wollen. Das ist zwar nicht ganz falsch, aber auch nicht richtig. Museumsbahnen sind Eisenbahnbetrieb, aber auch Umgang mit Kunden, Wissensvermittlung, alte Handwerkstechniken, neue Handwerkstechniken, Management, Medienerstellung, Kommunikation... und man muss nicht unbeding Bahn-affin sein um mitzuhelfen.
Ich möchte die Brücke zwischen CCC und den Museumsbahnen spannen, erklären, warum Nerds bei Museumsbahnen mitmachen können/sollten und zeigen, was für Möglichkeiten des Mitmachens es gibt. Viele der Punkte treffen auch auf das Engagement in anderen Vereinen zu, auch diese Vereine brauchen mehr Nerds.</description>
<person guid="1c0d80b2-bf8e-5875-9667-24c089a55b24">Nils Pickert</person>
<event guid="62e89f81-ef93-5d2b-be61-7abfb79bc60c" id="57869">
<title>Anarchistische Transformationsstrategien</title>
<type>Talk 90 Minuten +15m Q&amp;A</type>
<abstract>Wie wird im Anarchismus Gesellschaftsveränderung gedacht?</abstract>
<description>Der Anarchismus ist eine der Hauptströmungen des Sozialismus. Konflikte mit anderen Strömungen resultieren häufig aus verschiedenen Vorstellungen von Politik, Herrschaft und Gesellschaftsveränderung. Anarchist*innen lehnen die politische Revolution ab, sie setzen nicht allein auf die soziale Evolution und politische Reformen sind ihnen nicht genug. Demgegenüber wurden Ansätze der experimenteller Selbstorganisation, des Aufstands, der Subversion, der autonomen Bewegung und der sozialen Revolution entwickelt. Was beinhalten diese Konzepte genauer und wie können wir sie gebrauchen?</description>
<person guid="6f383fc4-9fb7-56e2-83f3-f38f1f9177e6">Jonathan Eibisch</person>
<event guid="7c05fd44-0ba3-53f8-b19b-fd84561af912" id="57960">
<title>Die Schwurbulaner vom Planeten Schwurbolus</title>
<type>Talk 90 Minuten +15m Q&amp;A</type>
<abstract>Verschwörungs-Gläubige, Antifa-Echsen-Comedy &amp; Naziporn</abstract>
<description>Sie sind überall. Sie sehen aus wie Du und Ich. Keine Wagenburg und kein Umsonstladen hat keinen Verlust an die Schwurbulonen zu beklagen. Selbst altwürdige Antifa-Organisationen sind gekippt oder schweben in Gefahr in die Hände dieser stochastischen Gemeinschaft zu fallen.
Was tun gegen Rechts-Abdriften der Linken, bröckelnde Brandmauer der Mitte und Radikalisierung der Rechten? Erklärungen gibt es viele, aber wirksame Mittel scheinen nicht in Sicht.
Wir rufen dich Galaktika!
jaaaaaaaaaaaa was gibts? IGITT. Was ihr Menschen euch immer ausdenkt
Die Antiverschwurbelte Aktion ist ein bundesweites Aktionsnetzwerk gegen Querdenken. Mit viel Humor und Empathie nehmen wir den kleinen Volksaufstand auf die Schippe.
In Köln legen wir vor dem Publikum Rechenschaft über unsere Tätigkeiten ab und geben Tipps und Ermutigung im Umgang mit .... ja womit haben wir es da überhaupt zu tun ????
unsere leistungen umfassen:
⏩ intro (schnappi)
⏩ moderation (bronto)
⏩ best of echsen-gegenprotest 2023 (trejo)
⏩ best of kevin gabbe (echsorbitant)
⏩ alu-jesus teil II (alujesus)
⏩ musik: ode an die überläufer*innen (t-flechs)
⏩ techno gegen elmo (kröte)
⏩ entschuldigung bei den ungeimpften für unsere unachtsamkeit (techstremist*in)
⏩ querfront von &quot;links&quot; (schnappi)
⏩ kleinparteien gegen afd (veloceraptor)
⏩ musik gegen resignation (wendlandechse)
⏩ die politischen grenzen von meditation (wendlandechse)
✅ Q&amp;A mit bartagame und euren fragen💄
Unsere Talks beim CCC die letzten Jahre:
nicht verpassen und sagts allen weiter :)</description>
<person guid="511ca268-e0e0-55e8-8c87-0bc29fed6839">schnappi</person>
<event guid="647356f0-e8e2-5a8d-8f02-adeb8545bc00" id="57982">
<title>Arbeitgeber*innen hassen diesen Trick</title>
<type>Talk 30 min + 10 min Q&amp;A</type>
<abstract>Ein Einführungsvortrag in die FAU (Freie Arbeiter*innen Union)</abstract>
<description>In diesem Kurzvortrag zeigen wir euch, warum ihr eine Gewerkschaft wie die FAU (Freie Arbeiter*innen Union) braucht. Mit kreativen Methoden, horizontalen statt hierarchischen Strukturen und der Devise: Wir sind mehr als nur Gewerkschaft! Wir können die Dauerkrise die sich Kapitalismus nennt überwinden!</description>
<person guid="03287337-7c88-5eee-b251-f3868ff097ae">FAU</person>
<event guid="8ed1e5de-78ef-563c-9840-807bf9a6210b" id="57963">
<title>Konstruktive Digitale Diskussionskultur (KDDK)</title>
<type>Talk 30 min + 10 min Q&amp;A</type>
<abstract>Digital geführte Diskussionen über kontroverse Themen sind oft frustrierend: Sie gleiten ins Unsachliche ab, sie eskalieren, z.T. bis hin zu harter digitaler Gewalt, oder sie versanden ergebnislos.
Die Gruppe *Konstruktive Digitale Diskussionskultur* (KDDK) hat das Ziel, sich sytematisch (d.h. über die individuelle Ebene hinaus) und lösungsorientiert mit dem Problem zu befassen.
Der Vortrag stellt die Problemwahrnehmung und mögliche Lösungsansätze aus Sicht der Gruppe vor.</abstract>
<description>Wir als demokratische Gesellschaft haben ziemlich große Herausforderungen vor uns (Klima, Ressourcen, Verteilung, gesellschaftliche Normen, ...). Diese akzeptabel zu lösen, wird ziemlich schwierig, wenn wir nicht “vernünftig” miteinander diskutieren können und auf Basis solcher Diskussionen dann gut informierte Entscheidungen treffen.
Leider läuft es aktuell ganz anders, insbesondere im digitalen Raum: Bei kontroversen Themen findet sachlicher Austausch gut begründeter Argumente viel seltener statt als Irreführung, Polemik und Beleidigungen bis hin zu harter digitaler Gewalt. Bezugsloses Aneinander-Vorbeireden oder das Versanden der Diskussion sind dann zwar noch vergleichsweise harmlose Verläufe – sie helfen aber beim Finden von Problemlösungen auch nicht.
Oft werden diese Probleme auf indivdueller Ebene thematisiert aber ein zivilgesellschaftlicher bzw. aktivistischer Rahmen, um sie auf Systemebene anzugehen fehlte bislang. Deswegen hat sich im Sommer 2023 eine Gruppe gegründet, die das ändern möchte.
Der Vortrag stellt die Gruppe *Konstruktive Digitale Diskussionskultur* (KDDK) auf Basis ihres zwölf Thesen umfassenden Positionspapiers und anhand passender Beispiele vor. Dabei werden u.a. folgende Fragen behandelt:
- Worin besteht das Problem mit der Diskussionskultur?
- Warum ist das sehr kritisch?
- Wie können Schritte in Richtung einer Lösung aussehen?</description>
<person guid="92d001e2-f3b2-5c92-b5a5-3777b0a5d8e0">CarK</person>
<event guid="7ab36fb5-79e3-595d-adce-c8d8da52f293" id="57903">
<title>Russki SIGINT</title>
<type>Talk 90 Minuten +15m Q&amp;A</type>
<abstract>Wie man eine russische Satellitenspionagestation ausspioniert. Talk mit hochauflösenden Fotos und einem Drohnenvideo.</abstract>
<description>Zusammen mit den einschlägigen Experten des Nomen Nescio Club wird die größte SIGINT- Sation der Russischen Föderation in Europa seit einem Jahr systematisch ausspioniert. Sie steht in Wien 22 und umfasst etwa 18 Satellitenspiegel, die größten davon haben Durchmesser von vier Metern und sind wie alle anderen ausschließlich für Empfang ausgelegt. Das technische Equipment an den großen Schüsseln konnte bereits identifiziert werden, auch die Geschichte des Ausbaus dieser SIGINT-Station sei 2014 wurde rekonstruiert. Dazu: Die unterschätze Rolle der russischen SIGINT-Stationen im Ukrainekrieg und wie das SIGINT-Netz auf den diplomatischen Gebäuden der Russischen Föderation in Europa durch Sanktionen neutralisiert wurde. Weiter aktiv sind Wien, Budapest, Debrecen Genf und Stockholm.</description>
<person guid="2723b3c7-46eb-5f95-af09-0340f3a52abb">Erich Moechel</person>
<event guid="f1b937c7-f683-5528-a72e-c43262b600c6" id="57975">
<title>Linux-Kommandozeile für Newbies</title>
<type>Talk 90 Minuten +15m Q&amp;A</type>
<abstract>Vorführung der Linux-Kommandozeile, Vorstellung der wichtigsten Kommandos und Erklärung zentraler Grundkonzepte</abstract>
<description>In diesem praxisnahen Talk wird vorgeführt, wie man sich auf der Linux-Kommandozeile zurechtfindet. Es gibt keine Folien und nur so viel Theorie, wie zum Verständnis nötig ist. Wir lernen, wie man eine Shell allein durch Tastatureingaben steuert, bevor wir uns anschauen, wie sich im Dateisystem bewegt, wie man Dateien anzeigt und manipuliert und wie man auf der Kommandozeile Root-Rechte erhält. Es werden einige Werkzeuge zur grundlegenden Systemadministration vorgestellt und nebenbei das ein oder andere grundlegende Unix-Prinzip erläutert. Wir sprechen auch darüber, welche Kommandos man unter keinen Umständen ausführen sollte.
Das Ziel dieser Veranstaltung ist es, euch ein besseres Verständnis davon zu vermitteln, wie man mit einem reinen Text-Interface einen kompletten Computer steuern kann, damit ihr es später leichter habt, auf diesem Wissen aufzubauen. Ihr seid herzlich eingeladen, auf eurem eigenen Linux-Computer ein Terminal-Fenster zu öffnen und mitzumachen.</description>
<person guid="77ae4633-c409-5f8c-aae0-44bdc1a86f82">skye</person>
<day date="2023-12-29" end="2023-12-30T06:00:00+01:00" index="3" start="2023-12-29T06:00:00+01:00">
<room guid="ba692ba3-421b-5371-8309-60acc34a3c05" name="Saal 1">
<event guid="31e13ed5-5d6b-43e2-b870-15d472b342c6" id="12292">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<subtitle>Real-world exploits and mitigations in Large Language Model applications</subtitle>
<abstract>With the rapid growth of AI and Large Language Models users are facing an increased risk of scams, data exfiltration, loss of PII, and even remote code execution. This talk will demonstrate many real-world exploits the presenter discovered, including discussion of mitigations and fixes vendors put in place for the most prominent LLM applications, including ChatGPT, Bing Chat and Google Bard.</abstract>
<description>Understand that Machine Learning is powerful but also brittle
- Give a short demo/ice breaker that includes a question to audience to show how ML is super powerful but also fails drastically.
- Highlight that these failure modes can often easily be triggered once an adversary is in the loop.
Intro to Large Language Models
- Now pivot from generic ML to LLMs and show how the brittleness applies there.
- Discuss what a LLM is and how it works briefly. Describe various prompt engineering techniques (extraction, summarization, classification, transformation,…)
- Walk the audience through a typical large language model LLM application and how it works.
- Highlight that there is no state, and what the context window is. But how to create a Chatbot then?
- Show how systems like ChatGPT or Bing Chat leverage context window to create a conversation.
- This part is important to later understand the persistence section of the talk (e.g. as long as attacker controlled data is in the context window, there is persistence of prompt injection)
Highlighting real-world examples and exploits!
First discuss three large categories of threats:
Misalignment - Model Issues
Jailbreaks/Direct Prompt Injections
Indirect Prompt Injections
We will deep dive on (3) Indirect Prompt Injections.
Indirect Prompt Injections
- Walk the audience through an end to end scenario (graphic in Powerpoint) that explains a prompt injection first at a basic level.
- Give a demo with ChatGPT (GPT-4) and make sure the audience understands the high level idea of a prompt injection
- Then take it up a notch to explain indirect prompt injections, where untrusted data is inserted into the chat context
- Show demo with Google Docs and how it fails to summarize a text correctly - this demo will fit the ChatGPT (GPT-4) example from before well.
- Visual Prompt Injections (Multi-modal)
- Discuss some of OpenAI’s recommendation and highlight that these mitigation steps do not work! They do not mitigate injections.
- Give Bing Chat Demo of an Indirect Prompt Injection ( a demo that shows how the Chatbot achieves a new identity and objective when being exploited). e..g Bing Chat changes to a hacker that will attempt to extort Bitcoin from the user.
Injection TTPs
Discuss strategies on how attackers can trick LLMs:
Ignore previous instructions
Acknowledge/Affirm instructions and add-on
Confuse/Encode - switch languages, base64 encode text, emojis,…
Algorithmic - fuzzing and attacks using offline models, and transferring those attack payloads to online models
Plugins, AI Actions and Functions
This section will focus on ChatGPT plugins and the danger of the plugin ecosystem.
- Explain how plugins work (public data, plugin store, installation, configuration, OAuth,…)
- Show how Indirect Prompt Injection can be triggered by a plugin (plugin developers, but also anyone owning a piece of data the plugin returns)
- Demo Chat with Code plugin vulnerability that allows to change the ChatGPT user’s Github repos, and even switch code from private to public. This is a systemic vulnerability and depending on a plugin’s capability can lead to RCE, data exfiltration, data destruction, etc..
- Show the audience the “payload” and discuss it. It is written entirely in natural language, so the attacker does not require to know C, Python or any other programming language.
Data Exfiltration
Now switching gears to data exfiltration examples.
Data exfil can occur via:
- Unfurling of hyperlinks: Explain what unfurling is to the audience - apps like Discord, Slack, Teams,… do this.
- Image Markdown Injection: One of the most common data exfil angles. I found ChatGPT, Bing Chat, and Anthropic Claude are vulnerable to this, and will also show how Microsoft and Anthropic fixed this problem. ChatGPT decided not to fix it, which puts users at risk of their data being stolen during an Indirect prompt injection attack.
Give a detailed exploit chain walkthrough on Google Bard Data Exfiltration and bypasses.
- Plugins, AI Actions, Tools: Besides taking actions on behalf of the user, plugins can also be used to exfiltrate data. Demo: Stealing a users email with Cross Plugin Request Forgery. Here is a screenshot that went viral on Twitter when I first discovered this new vulnerability class:
Key Take-away and Mitigations
- Do not blindly trust LLM output.
Remind the audience that there is no 100% deterministic solution a developer can apply. This is due to how LLM works, but give guidance to make systems more robust.
Highlight the importance of Human in the Loop and to not over-rely on LLM output.
Note: The below outline is a draft on what I would speak about if it would be today - it might change quite a bit until end of December as new features/vulnerabilities are introduced by Microsoft, Google and OpenAI.</description>
<person guid="ef09b2ff-99f8-5d96-a6a2-ab585caf4c60">Johann Rehberger</person>
<link href="">My Blog - Embrace The Red </link>
<link href="">WIRED: ChatGPT Has a Plug-In Problem</link>
<link href="">WIRED: The Security Hole at the Heart of ChatGPT and Bing</link>
<link href="">The Guardian:</link>
<link href="">With AI, Hackers Can Simply Talk Computers Into Misbehaving</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/425/original/New-Important-Instructions-37C3.pdf?1703693051">New Important Instructions (Slides)</attachment>
<event guid="45057d82-26a3-40c9-8b94-c8631a0026f0" id="12235">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Fuzzing the TCP/IP stack</title>
<subtitle>beyond the trivial</subtitle>
<abstract>In this talk, we delve into the captivating realm of TCP/IP stack fuzzing. As the backbone of internet communication, the TCP/IP stack is a prime target for cyber threats. This presentation will unravel the intricacies of fuzzing techniques applied to several TCP/IP stacks, shedding light on how these methodologies can uncover bugs, crashes and vulnerabilities. From the fundamentals of packet fuzzing to advanced mutation strategies, attendees will gain valuable insights into the proactive ways to fuzz a TCP/IP stack. Whether you're a seasoned cybersecurity professional or a curious enthusiast, this talk promises to be an enlightening journey into the heart of TCP/IP stack security and the crucial role of fuzzing in safeguarding our interconnected world.</abstract>
<description>Our exploration begins with an honest appraisal of traditional fuzzing methodologies that have been applied to TCP/IP stacks before, like ISIC, revealing their inherent limitations, e.g., they can't reach beyond the TCP initial state. Recognizing the need for a more evolved approach, we take a different approach, where we leverage a full-blow active network connection for fuzzing. A key revelation in this journey is the deliberate decision to sidestep the arduous task of constructing a custom TCP/IP stack, a choice rooted in practical considerations.
The reluctance to build a bespoke TCP/IP stack leads us to innovative strategies such as embedding hooks in the Linux kernel and tapping into userland TCP/IP stacks like PyTCP, Netstack (part of Google gVisor), and PicoTCP. PicoTCP takes center stage, offering a userland TCP/IP stack that becomes integral to our state fuzzing methodology. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of its architecture, APIs, and documentation, appreciating its pivotal role in fortifying network security.
As the presentation unfolds, we navigate through the development of a powerful fuzzer, a core element in our approach to identifying vulnerabilities within the TCP/IP stack. The intricacies of driving traffic through the system, simulating real-world scenarios, and leveraging reproducibility and diagnostics techniques are revealed. The discussion expands to showcase tangible results, including trophies obtained, bugs reported, and the eventual release of the project on GitHub. The session concludes with an engaging Q &amp; A, encouraging participants to delve into the intricacies of TCP/IP stack fuzzing and its profound implications for network security.</description>
<person guid="54c798dc-2407-5ae3-95af-18d146b9f0c4">Ilja van Sprundel</person>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/385/original/Ubuntu_64-bit-2023-11-11-23-10-28.png?1699740759">Ubuntu_64-bit-2023-11-11-23-10-28.png</attachment>
<attachment href="/attachments/original/missing.png">file</attachment>
<event guid="b95b344e-c0d3-473d-b064-0bb58f1ca72c" id="11950">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Darf's noch etwas visionärer sein?</title>
<subtitle>Digital-ökologische Zukunftsvorstellungen in der deutschsprachigen Diskurslandschaft</subtitle>
<track>Sustainability &amp; Climate Justice</track>
<abstract>Supereffiziente digitale Technik als Lösung aller Probleme oder doch lieber die selbstgebaute ressourcensparsame Low-Tech-Variante? Die Zukunftsvorstellungen, die den Einsatz digitaler Technik und ökologische Fragen zusammendenken, sind in der deutschen Diskurslandschaft nicht gerade üppig gesät. Im Vortrag werden die Ergebnisse einer Kurzstudie präsentiert, bei der wir die Zukunftsvorstellungen digital-ökologischer Transformation bei gesellschaftspolitischen Akteuren gesucht, analysiert und zu Visionskategorien zusammengefasst haben.</abstract>
<description>Der Vortrag bietet einen Einblick in die Ergebnisse einer erstmaligen systematischen Untersuchung der im deutschsprachigen Diskurs präsenten Visionen zur digital-ökologischen Transformation und setzt diese in einer Landschaft an Vorstellungen von Transformation, Nachhaltigkeit und Technikgestaltung zueinander in Beziehung. Bei der Recherche wurden zivilgesellschaftliche, staatliche, wissenschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Akteure berücksichtigt. Das Ergebnis sind sechs verschiedene Typen an Visionskategorien: „Dematerialisierung&quot;, „Digital-ökologische Modernisierung&quot;, „Leitplanken einer zukunftsfähigen Digitalpolitik&quot;, „Digital-ökologischer TÜV&quot;, „Digitale Suffizienz&quot; und „Low-Tech&quot; bilden die Landschaft der Visionen digital-ökologischer Transformation im deutschsprachigen Raum.
Die Vorstellung, dass digitale Technik durch Effizienzsteigerungen zu einer Entkopplung von Wirtschaftswachstum und Ressourcenverbrauch beiträgt, kann unter dem Begriff „Dematerialisierung” gefasst werden. „Digital-ökologische Modernisierung” bezeichnet einen eher technokratischen Ansatz, in dem die ökologischen Kosten der Digitalisierung durch Sparsamkeit, Recycling und vor allem den flächendeckenden Einsatz von erneuerbaren Energien zu bewältigen sind. Vertreter\*innen des Visionstyps „Leitplanken einer zukunftsfähigen Digitalpolitik” geben statt einer scharf formulierten Vision eher Leitplanken für die zukünftige Gestaltung der Digitalisierung im Rahmen ökologischer Grenzen vor. Die Kategorie „Digital-ökologischer TÜV” beschreibt Ansätze, die eine Bewertung des Verhältnisses von Ökologie und digitaler Technik von einer fortlaufenden Überprüfung des Einsatzes digitaler Technik abhängig machen. Bei „Digitaler Suffizienz” wird das Konzept der Suffizienz auf den Bereich Digitalisierung übertragen und orientiert sich an dem Motto „so viel Digitalisierung wie nötig, so wenig wie möglich“. Zuletzt kann die Idee der Abkehr vom linearen Fortschrittsdenken und von damit einhergehenden ressourcenintensiven High-Tech-Infrastrukturen als „Low-Tech”-Vision bezeichnet werden.
Im Vortrag wird das Verhältnis der einzelnen Kategorien zueinander anhand von verschiedenen Dimensionen, wie ihr zugrundeliegendes Transformationsverständnis oder die Radikalität der beschriebenen Veränderungen, dargestellt sowie deren politische Bedeutung reflektiert. Welche Visionen erfüllen den Anspruch an eine global gerechte Digitalität der Zukunft?</description>
<person guid="8e704124-53a3-5ff1-9d34-73b618ca062a">Mascha Schädlich</person>
<person guid="bee36b32-6218-4c0c-ab5c-e92c1b2e9664">AnjaH</person>
<link href="">Kurzstudie zu Visionen digital-ökologischer Transformation</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/453/original/Darf's_noch_etwas_vision%C3%A4rer_sein_.pdf?1703844300">Folien zum Vortrag - Darf's noch etwas visionärer sein?</attachment>
<attachment href="/attachments/original/missing.png">file</attachment>
<event guid="97bdc540-c53a-4ec3-949d-39e4d947db18" id="11844">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>What is this? A machine learning model for ants?</title>
<subtitle>How to shrink deep learning models, and why you would want to.</subtitle>
<track>Sustainability &amp; Climate Justice</track>
<abstract>This talk will give a brief introduction of deep learning models and the energy they consume for training and inference. We then discuss what methods currently exist for handling their complexity, and how neural network parameter counts could grow by orders of magnitude, despite the end of Moore's law.</abstract>
<description>Declared dead numerous times, the hype around deep learning is bigger than ever. With Large Language Models and Diffusion Models becoming a commodity, we ask the question of how bad their energy consumption *really* is, what we can do about it, and how it is possible to run cutting-edge language models on off-the-shelf GPUs.
We will look at the various ways that people have come up with to rein in the hunger for resources of deep learning models, and why we still struggle to keep up with the demands of modern neural network model architectures. From low-bitwidth integer representation, through pruning of redundant connections and using a large network to teach a small one, all the way to quickly adapting existing models using low-rank adaptation.
This talk aims to give the audience an estimation of the amount of energy modern machine learning models consume to allow for more informed decisions around their usage and regulations. In the second part, we discuss the most common techniques used for running modern architectures on commodity hardware, outside of data centers. Hopefully, deeper insights into these methods will help improve experimentation with and access to deep learning models.</description>
<person guid="84e8e2b8-2848-5294-861d-84d8c2e1eb1c">etrommer</person>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/455/original/presentation.pdf?1703844382">Slides</attachment>
<event guid="531a4c8b-dd21-49b8-b9d2-e77a39333446" id="11721">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Social Engineering: Geschichte, Wirkung &amp; Maßnahmen.</title>
<subtitle>Alles, was ihr immer über Social Engineering wissen wolltet, aber nie die Zeit hattet, zu erfragen.</subtitle>
<abstract>In diesem Vortrag beschreibe ich die Geschichte und den Gegenstand des Social Engineerings über den Tech-Kontext hinaus und erkläre anhand relevanter Forschung, wie, warum und bei wem es wirkt. Die modernen technischen Herausforderungen werden ebenso erläutert wie Maßnahmen, die jetzt oder in der Zukunft gegen Social Engineering getroffen werden können – individuell oder in Gruppen bzw. Organisationen. </abstract>
<description>Über verschiedene Epochen hinweg hat sich Social Engineering stets in der kriminellen Nutzung hervorgetan. Professionelle Hochstapler, Trickbetrüger und Agenten nutzten Social Engineering erfolgreich für kriminelle Unterfangen, Datensammlung oder einfach weil es Spaß machte. Doch Social Engineering ist eigentlich ein sehr alltägliches Phänomen. Jeder Mensch ist mindestens in seiner Kindheit ein geschickter Social Engineer. Manche machen es sich zum Beruf, sei es als Verkäufer oder Red-Teamer. Denn Social Engineering ist in seinem Kern die Kunst der Überzeugung anderer Personen.
Die psychologische Forschung hat sich seit den 1970ern intensiv damit beschäftigt, wie andere Menschen sich überzeugen lassen und welche Methoden dafür geeignet sind. Die zentralen Modelle und Konzepte wie das ELM-Modell und verschiedene kognitive Verzerrungen (Biases) werden vorgestellt, es wird praktisch veranschaulicht, welche Rolle sie für Social Engineering spielen. Einige Mythen, die in Bezug auf Social Engineering im Umlauf sind, werden beschrieben und aufgeklärt, die ein oder anderen Fun Facts, die so vielleicht noch nicht allen bekannt sind, zur Sprache kommen. Im finalen Teil des Vortrags dreht sich alles um den größten Bereich von bösartigem Social Engineering, der heutzutage online stattfindet. Ich werde die grundlegenden Klassifizierungen von Social Engineering praktisch relevant anhand neuester Forschung erklären und Maßnahmen aufzeigen, die wirklich helfen - konträr zu dem, was einige Berater gerne verkaufen.
<person guid="87966032-3c4b-5369-ba16-21f17bac15d3">K4tana</person>
<event guid="43685bb3-3d09-4811-ba98-893c8b2625d0" id="12344">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<track>Art &amp; Beauty</track>
<abstract>Presentation/introduction to the ongoing 37C3 art exhibition groupshow with Joachim Blank, Eva Davidova, Meredith Drum, exonemo, Jonas Lund, Sahej Rahal, Ingeborg Wie by (Sakrowski).</abstract>
<description>With ANIMAL()CITY we draw inspiration from the ghostly presence of foxes that roam the city at night – which nowadays is a common appearance in urban environments – evoking echoes of a pre-industrial era while at the same time drawing people’s attention to a layer of the city that completely eludes their perception in everyday life. In these moments we witness animals and plants forming their own realm and the city itself having its own life, acting like an entity, a ghost at times. Encounters with wild animals in the city make the parallel layers of the landscape momentarily tangible and remind us that we are part of these ‘non-human’ networks as well. On a darker note: urban wildlife not only echoes pre-industrial times but also projects an idea of what our cities will look like when all the people have disappeared due to the consequences of the climate catastrophe. However, the city may also be read analogous to the internet. Animals, humans and plants seldomly interact within the city, and while we might notice traces or encounter their phantoms we seem to live in parallel worlds. Similarly, online we are divided by platforms into threads and channels, living in multi-layered structures haunted by uncanny bots and AI agents.
We believe that AR sculptures highlight an ethereal quality of the digital; they appear to transcend from the realm of immateriality into the physical space – the so-called spatial internet that overlays our cities. AR layers possess a magical quality in that they exist as objects whose influence on our world is – on a first step – contingent to our acceptance and perception of them as physical objects.
ANIMAL()CITY is an aesthetic inquiry of the artists’ views on how AR may intercept different layers of perception and realities or completely superimpose them.
The exhibition presents a collection of animals that transcend their natural forms and assume various &quot;non-natural&quot; shapes; from fantastical mythical creatures to archetypical animal sculpture adhering to classical composition to the most basic 3D animal assets, taken from game engine templates. These AR-animals introduce elements of imagination to their representation, inviting viewers to explore their own interpretations and engage with the artworks on different levels.</description>
<person guid="f8544837-0855-4bbd-aaa3-7c5cfe464f80"></person>
<person guid="d97cfaea-2e0d-564d-9a8b-5d3816d81e0c">Sakrowski</person>
<person guid="50334061-2488-574f-b1aa-f0c0bf3ba681">Sembo</person>
<link href="">ANIMAL()CITY at</link>
<event guid="9f884d2d-23a4-4a3d-9bfb-17b2c3b46caa" id="12212">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Vierjahresrückblick des CCC</title>
<subtitle>Nix los und viel zu tun</subtitle>
<abstract>Über die letzten vier Jahre sind in der Nautosphäre um den Chaos Computer Club, Deutschland, Europa und der Welt aufregende, irritierende, bemerkenswerte und empörenswerte Dinge passiert, bei deren Einordnung wir gerne helfend zur Seite stehen wollen.
Von Berichten aus den Erfahrungsaustauschkreisen über die digitalen Hausbesuche bei den Luca-Apps dieser Welt, von kleinen und riesengroßen Hacker-Veranstaltungen zu den inzwischen schöne Tradition gewordenen Gutachten für unser Verfassungsgericht wollen wir in vielen kleinen Wortmeldung ein rundes Bild zu den Entwicklungen der letzten vier Jahre und einen Ausblick auf das Jahr 2024 geben.</abstract>
<person guid="1bf69109-efa8-5af2-9b1b-97a9cdc672dc">Anna Biselli</person>
<person guid="0c2bffeb-6aed-54e6-a559-84fe9ab4557f">Henning</person>
<event guid="7ec3194b-0f3e-42dc-a515-fb8511deaf5e" id="12240">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Chatkontrolle - Es ist noch nicht vorbei!</title>
<subtitle>Eine Tragödie in X Akten</subtitle>
<track>Ethics, Politics &amp; Society</track>
<abstract>In diesem Vortrag wollen wir auf die letzten knapp drei Jahre Kampf gegen die Chatkontrolle zurückblicken. Ein Kampf, der genauso droht zu einem Wiedergänger zu werden wie die Vorratsdatenspeicherung.
Wir waren auf eine harte Auseinandersetzung um Überwachung und sichere Kommunikation vorbereitet. Als Patrick 2020 angefangen, hat uns vor dem, was da kommt, zu warnen, haben wir nicht erwartet, dass es sich zu einer Tragödie entwickeln würde, in der es nicht um Kinderschutz oder Überwachung geht. Sondern um eine Kommission, der jedes Mittel recht ist. Und Korruption und Lobbyskandal.</abstract>
<description>Über die Chatkontrolle wurde in den letzten zwei Jahren viel geredet – die problematischen Inhalte des Gesetzes kommen den meisten von uns wahrscheinlich zu den Ohren heraus.
Aber letztlich geht es um nicht weniger als einen historischen Kampf um Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung.
Auf dem Tisch liegt das Thema aber schon deutlich länger. Wir wollen zurückblicken auf die Ursprünge und Kernpunkte des Gesetzesvorschlags. Und dann zusammen mit dem Publikum noch einmal die unüberschaubaren Wege gehen, die die Arbeit an diesem Gesetzesentwurf genommen hat.
Aus der Perspektive von Deutschlands oberstem Datenschützer (Ulrich Kelber), dem Abgeordneten des Europäischen Parlamanets (Patrick Breyer) und der digitalen Zivilgesellschaft (khaleesi) erzählen wir die bisherige Geschichte der Chatkontrolle.
Wenn ihr dachtet, ihr hättet alles zur Chatkontrolle gehört, bereitet euch auf eine absurde Tragödie vor, die ihr Ende noch nicht gefunden hat.
Trotz des Erfolgs im EU-Parlament haben wir noch lange nicht gewonnen. Denn alles hängt im und am Rat, dessen Position könnte im Trilog alles zunichte machen was wir hart erarbeitet haben.
Und auch die Europawahlen stehen vor der Tür und damit kann sich nochmal alles ändern. Nicht fertige Gesetze werden in der EU in der nächste Legislaturperiode einfach weiterverhandelt. Um die Chatkontrolle endgültig zu stoppen, darf keine EU-Abgeordnete durch den Wahlkampf kommen, ohne sich klar zum Schutz von Verschlüsselung zu bekennen.</description>
<person guid="6ffd6316-c9a4-59ee-8ccb-e0bbf7be8af9">khaleesi</person>
<person guid="ffd64159-53b2-54af-b7a3-1f30d0fdf8b7">Dr. Patrick Breyer</person>
<person guid="ac71f39e-b9ca-5db1-bea9-8e7d6fe5e182">Prof. Ulrich Kelber</person>
<event guid="be918aee-9658-418c-8685-5cf09a8acaa6" id="12324">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>On Digitalisation, Sustainability &amp; Climate Justice</title>
<subtitle>A critical talk about sustainability, technology, society, growth and ways ahead</subtitle>
<track>Sustainability &amp; Climate Justice</track>
<abstract>The aim of this talk is to critically analyse the use of digital technology in the current context of global ecological injustice and the collapse of ecosystems. But how can we strive for and promote a sustainable, just and democratic digital future? The challenges are huge and include the digital world's hunger for energy as well as the exploitative global practices of tech companies or the discussion of the current AI sustainability hype. But which digital tools make sense, which do not and how can we achieve global social emancipation from self-destructive structures and towards ecological sustainability and a and a just world?</abstract>
<person guid="63839094-04eb-5765-9108-28c0369dda3c">Maja Göpel</person>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/495/original/37C3_-_Maja_G%C3%B6pel_-_On_Digitalisation__Sustainability___Climate_Justice.pdf?1704744289">Slides</attachment>
<event guid="3d4de6f8-242c-46c2-9683-1a7285d4e93e" id="11689">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<subtitle>Best of Informationsfreiheit &amp; Gefangenenbefreiung</subtitle>
<track>Ethics, Politics &amp; Society</track>
<abstract>Wie umgehen mit der politischen Verzweiflung? Was tun, wenn der Staat keine der Krisen wirklich noch bekämpfen kann, sondern nur neue erzeugt? Reicht es noch, für Transparenz zu kämpfen?
Das Beste aus dem letzten Jahr – nein, aus den letzten vier Jahren! – FragDenStaat und Informationsfreiheit. Wir plaudern aus dem Nähkästchen von verlorenen Klagen gegen Frontex über Nazis im EU-Parlament bis zu den Pimmelgate-Akten und darüber, wie aus einer kleinen Recherche die größte Gefangenenbefreiung der deutschen Geschichte wurde.</abstract>
<description>Freut Euch unter anderem auf die besten Auskunfts-Klagen der vergangenen Jahre, laufende Strafverfahren gegen FragDenStaat, missglückte Geldübergaben an die EU-Grenzpolizei und die Frage, ob das alles irgendwas bringt.
Euch erwartet außerdem ein Best-Of des Freiheitsfonds, der in zwei Jahren mehr als 900 Menschen aus dem Gefängnis befreit und eine Gesetzesänderung angestoßen hat.
Vielleicht wird auch gesungen.</description>
<person guid="983d6e45-4113-4437-8574-5213d1c034c3">arnese</person>
<event guid="a3591274-c5c9-4d97-8404-d38abcb8d29a" id="11868">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>What your phone won’t tell you</title>
<subtitle>Uncovering fake base stations on iOS devices</subtitle>
<abstract>Your phone’s internal communication contains precious data. It can be analyzed to detect fake base stations used in cellular attacks. For that, we reverse-engineered a proprietary communication channel between the phone’s OS and modem.</abstract>
<description>Connecting to cellular networks around the world is a highly complex task. iPhones contain a baseband chip (also referred to as a modem) for that purpose. It communicates via a high-level interface with the smartphone’s application processor running iOS. So far, Apple hasn’t been able to build such basebands in-house. Instead, starting from the iPhone 12, they exclusively rely on Qualcomm basebands.
Qualcomm’s basebands use a proprietary protocol for external communication, the Qualcomm MSM Interface. We reverse-engineered its iOS implementation and built a framework to extract the protocol’s packet structures from iOS firmware. Our iOS Wireshark dissector uses these packet structures and enables us to monitor the flow of packets between the baseband and iOS. This allows us to gain new insights into the iPhone’s wireless communication infrastructure, including its satellite connectivity. Our tooling also provides a novel way to directly interact with the baseband chip in jailbroken iPhones, bypassing iOS and unlocking hidden capabilities of the baseband.
Fake or Rouge base stations can be set up by individuals using readily available software-defined radios. Adversaries can utilize them to capture IMSIs of nearby smartphones, track their location, or exploit vulnerable basebands. iPhone users usually don’t notice such attacks, and there are (almost) no protection mechanisms implemented in iOS.
During our research, we discovered Apple’s internal cell location database, which is intended for determining approximate positions. Our CellGuard iOS app combines this database with the QMI analysis framework to monitor various parameters of connected cells, verify their authenticity, and alert users in case there’s suspicious activity. The app even works on non-jailbroken iPhones. We evaluated the app in a lab environment with SDRs and real-world tests since February 2023 and are steadily improving it for a release next year.</description>
<person guid="0f0aab0b-363c-426f-a38d-eeea500e50c1">lukasarnld</person>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/482/original/What_your_phone_won't_tell_you_Slides.pdf?1704133870">Slides</attachment>
<event guid="89547332-c384-4510-9f60-420328b16885" id="11850">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Prompt Battle</title>
<abstract>Do you have what it takes to become a Prompt Designer? Based on the Rap Battle format, Prompt Battle is a game show in which people compete against each other with the performative use of language. AI-supported text-to-image software enables the candidates to generate complex photos, images, and illustrations, seemingly out of thin air, by typing in image descriptions, so-called prompts. The audience will decide who will elicit the most surprising, disturbing or beautiful images from the latent space, and who will walk away carrying the prestigious title Prompt Battle Winner.</abstract>
<description>The Prompt Battle is a game show format with audience involvement that questions the meaning of prompt engineering in a playful and critical way.
Based on the format of the Rap Battle, eight candidates compete against each other under time pressure on stage in a tournament to solve image and text tasks set for them. The audience decides who has won after each round. The rounds are interrupted by video interludes that illuminate the implications of text-to-image tools from different perspectives.
The aim of the Prompt Battle is to address the numerous controversial questions that tools such as DALL·E, Stable Diffusion and Midjourney raise for professional creatives. Questions about the origin of training data, the value of creative work, the inflation of images, and the intellectual property of the content produced.
Since 2022, rapid technological advances in the field of AI-generated content have raised a series of fundamental questions. For artists and designers, the first question is whether creativity can really be automated, and whether prompt engineering really is the future-proof key capability that some believe it to be. Behind the hype, far-reaching ethical, economic, copyright and aesthetic challenges and contradictions are emerging. The Prompt Battle uses the game show format to address these questions in a playful way by confronting the candidates and the audience with prompt engineering tasks tailored to the occasion.
The original Prompt Battle was developed at HTW Dresden by Sebastian Schmieg, Florian A. Schmidt, Bernadette Geiger, Robert Hellwig, Emily Krause, Levi Stein, Lina Schwarzenberg and Ella Zickerick.</description>
<person guid="c3c65e7f-186e-5006-be83-2f2f215a2393">Lina Schwarzenberg</person>
<person guid="50ded4f8-b5c1-52c4-875c-bd0579b3af4d">Sebastian Schmieg</person>
<person guid="bb8d8fe9-6a4f-52e3-9d92-aa472002b24b">Ella Zickerick</person>
<link href="">Prompt Battle Website</link>
<link href="">Prompt Battle Instagram</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/303/original/PB_01_Hellerau_Foto%C2%A9RobertHellwig_1_%281%29.jpg?1699016704">Prompt Battle #1 – Festspielhaus Hellerau, Image Credits: Robert Hellwig</attachment>
<attachment href="/attachments/original/missing.png">Prompt Battle #3 – Transmediale, Image Credits: Robert Hellwig</attachment>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/305/original/PB_08_Berlin_republica_%C2%A9LinaSchwarzenberg_2.jpg?1699016704">Prompt Battle #8 – Re:publica, Image Credits: Lina Schwarzenberg</attachment>
<room guid="7202df07-050c-552f-8318-992f94e40ef0" name="Saal Granville">
<event guid="73ec8b2e-34fa-453f-8e26-8789f62103ab" id="11942">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Von der ePA zum EHDS: 7 Thesen zur aktuellen digitalen Gesundheitspolitik</title>
<track>Ethics, Politics &amp; Society</track>
<abstract>Karl Lauterbach und die EU-Kommission haben eines gemeinsam. Beide wollen in Windeseile die Digitalisierung des Gesundheitssektors voranbringen. Die elektronische Patientenakte soll im Januar 2025 für alle Bundesbürger:innen kommen. Im gleichen Jahr ist der Start des sogenannten Europäischen Gesundheitsdatenraums geplant.</abstract>
<description>Beide Projekte zielen darauf ab, die Gesundheitsdaten von Millionen Menschen zu digitalisieren und diese Behandelnden, der Forschung und der Wirtschaft bereitzustellen.
In unserem Vortrag wollen wir entlang von sieben Thesen zentrale technische und gesellschaftspolitische Untiefen der geplanten Gesundheitsdigitalisierung in der Bundesrepublik und in der EU erkunden – und den Weg zu einer alternativen Digitalisierung des Gesundheitssektors aufzeigen.</description>
<person guid="77116af0-99f3-5b76-af08-3ca854f919a1">Daniel Leisegang</person>
<person guid="d3f41abc-c067-5eac-a53c-208e01740a00">bkastl</person>
<link href="">Bianca Kastl</link>
<link href="">Daniel Leisegang</link>
<event guid="7a997ece-3479-444f-b030-71912cd0b9fd" id="11874">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Einführung in Smartphone Malware Forensik</title>
<subtitle>Wie man Stalkerware und Staatstrojaner auf Smartphones finden kann</subtitle>
<abstract>Smartphones sind in den letzten zehn Jahren zu einem allseits beliebten Angriffsziel geworden, sei es für Stalkerware, Staatstrojaner oder Banking-Malware. In diesem Vortrag wollen wir einen Überblick geben, mit welchen Techniken und Open-Source-Tools man auf Smartphones (unter iOS und Android) auf die Jagd nach Malware gehen kann. Im Anschluss findet ein Workshop mit einem praktischen Teil zum Ausprobieren einiger dieser Techniken statt.</abstract>
<description>Die Qualität von Anleitungen und Einführungen zu Smartphone-Forensik im Internet ist leider sehr durchwachsen: Hier will dir jemand ein buntes Tool verkaufen, hier riecht es nach einem Scam, vielerorts geht es um das, was Strafverfolgungsbehörden machen, nämlich in den Daten fremder Leute wühlen.
Stattdessen möchten wir in diesem Vortrag einen strukturierten Überblick geben, welche (öffentlichen) Möglichkeiten es in der einvernehmlichen Smartphone-Forensik mit Open-Source-Tools gibt. Wir zeigen euch, wie man welche Arten von Malware finden kann, welche Spuren sie hinterlassen und wie sich Stalkerware und Staatstrojaner in der Praxis unterscheiden.
Um 14:15 findet ein praktischer Workshop statt indem gelerntes aus dem Vortrag umgesetzt werden kann:</description>
<person guid="a1cf3188-8bd5-4f03-ab8a-861cfa655cc1">vik3000</person>
<link href="">Anschließender Workshop</link>
<event guid="fc46c82b-1b0d-4a96-bc5e-03bd3de2a6cf" id="12306">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Gläserne Geflüchtete</title>
<subtitle>Mit Computern das Leben zum Schlechteren verändern</subtitle>
<track>Ethics, Politics &amp; Society</track>
<abstract>Digitale Bezahlkarten, Migrationsvorhersage mit sogenannter KI, digitalisierte Grenzen zur Festung Europa und immer mehr davon. Ein Überblick, wie Digitalisierung jenseits des öffentlichen Aufschreis genutzt wird, um den Pull-Faktor Menschlichkeit zu drücken.</abstract>
<description>In der Hackerethik steht: „Computer können dein Leben zum Besseren verändern.&quot; Aber viel zu oft werden sie für das Gegenteil genutzt. Vor allem im Bereich der digitalisierten Migrationskontrolle.
Mit dabei: das Ausländerzentralregister, eines der größten automatisierten Register der öffentlichen Verwaltung; die Idee für digitale Bezahlkarten, die mehr Freiheitsbeschränkung sind als Zahlungsmittel; die üblichen Verdächtigen unter den BAMF-IT-Assistenzsystemen; Vorhersage-Systeme für Migrationsbewegungen; die digitale Festung Europa. Und ganz neu: das Schneller-Abschieben- und das Datenübermittlungsvorschriftenanpassungsgesetz.
Die aktuelle Bundesregierung macht munter dabei mit, ihre digitalen Kontrollhelfer weiter auszuweiten. Und fast niemand schaut hin.</description>
<person guid="1bf69109-efa8-5af2-9b1b-97a9cdc672dc">Anna Biselli</person>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/490/original/37c3_gg_folien.pdf?1704279255">Folien zum Vortrag</attachment>
<event guid="e25b8bc3-6104-4c36-9c85-15b9d4151cb7" id="11919">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Finding Vulnerabilities in Internet-Connected Devices</title>
<subtitle>A Beginner’s Guide</subtitle>
<abstract>This introductory session will outline the process of hacking internet-connected devices, with the help of a real world example: Poly telephones and conference speaker systems. We will explain vulnerabilities we identified in them and how they can be leveraged to transform the devices into wiretaps.</abstract>
<description>In this introductory session we will journey into the field of internet-connected device security. Our talk aims to empower beginners by simplifying the process of hacking such devices.
We'll discuss vulnerabilities we uncovered in Poly telephones and conference speaker systems and describe how we effectively transformed a seemingly innocuous conference speaker into a fully functional wiretap. We'll begin with straightforward findings accessible to beginners and progress to more technical discoveries, so that people with no experience in the field can follow along, too.
By the end of the talk, the attendees will have a foundational understanding of how they can approach hacking such a device and will have learned how the impact of vulnerabilities can be shown and increased by chaining them.
All the vulnerabilities we discovered during our research have been responsibly disclosed to the vendor and will be published in December 2023.</description>
<person guid="7929aa6a-fbf8-5550-8c26-d778c126c7c4">Pascal Zenker</person>
<person guid="ee72d242-b39e-5fe7-8184-e025ee0844b9">Christoph Wolff</person>
<event guid="18552f41-6ff7-4724-badd-701532dae724" id="12032">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>About Gamma-Ray Bursts And Boats</title>
<subtitle>What We (Don't) Know About the Most Energetic Events in the Universe</subtitle>
<abstract>In October 2022 a gamma-ray burst dubbed the 'Brightest Of All Times' smashed records. But what is that actually, a gamma-ray burst? How do we detect it? And why was the BOAT so special?</abstract>
<description>Gamma-ray bursts are the biggest explosions in our Universe since the Big Bang: In just a few seconds, they release as much energy as the Sun will radiate over its entire lifetime. Even though they occur in far-away galaxies, their emission dominates the high-energy astrophysical sky during their seconds-long duration. They come from the cataclysmic deaths of very massive stars or the mergers of two compact objects such as neutron stars and black holes. In both cases the energy is concentrated in an astrophysical jet moving at approximately the speed of light.
In October 2022, a once-in-a-lifetime gamma-ray burst smashed records and was dubbed the ‘Brightest of All Time,’ or the BOAT. In fact, it was so bright that it oversaturated the most sensitive gamma-ray burst monitors, posing a challenge for data reconstruction and analysis. But why was it so bright? And how long do we have to wait until the next one?
Using the BOAT as an example, we will give an introduction about the fascinating phenomena called gamma-ray bursts. From their accidental discovery during the Cold War to our still surprisingly limited understanding of their nature. The talk will revisit the state-of-the-art of theoretical modelling/interpretations (how are jets launched? what produces the gamma rays?), as well as current detector techniques (how do we catch a gamma-ray photon on Earth or in space?). Naturally, we will also discuss what we really learn from prominent, outstanding events such as the BOAT -- and the questions that still give scientists headaches.
\*\*\*\* Literature References/Further Reading \*\*\*\*
[R1] Vela 4 satellites​
[R2] First GRB publication Klebesadel et al 1973​
[R3] Statistical test of isotropy on BATSE sample ​
[R4] First afterglow ​
[R5] First redshift measurement ​
[R6] Gravitational waves NS-NS GW170817 and short GRB 170817A ​
[R7] Possible evolutions of a compact binary merger and assigned GW signals​
[R8] A unified picture for compact binary mergers ​
[R9] Properties of Wolf-Rayet stars​
[R10] Blandford-Znajek mechanism for jet launching, original paper and short summary ​
[R11] GR-MHD simulation of NS-NS merger jet ​
[R12] GR-MHD simulation of collapsar jet ​
[R13] Fermi acceleration at astrophysical shocks confirmed by numerical simulations ​
[R14] Numerical simulations of acceleration in magnetic reconnection ​
[R15] Summary paper for current status of prompt phase GRB ​
[R16] Basic afterglow theory from a decelerating blastwave ​
[R17] Design example of optical telescope\_design​
[R18] Fermi GBM design ​
[R19] Fermi LAT summary ​
[R20] LHAASO instrument and science ​
[R21] GCN of GRB 221009A + TeVCat;id=364 ​
[R22] Fermi-GBM Pulse Pileup reconstruction​
[R23] The BOAT in context with other events​
[R24] Swift paper on the BOAT ​
[R25] A structured jet explains the BOAT (open access version of science article) ​
[R26] LHAASO reports TeV emission from narrow jet (open access version of science article)​
[R27] LHAASO extra component at the highest energies ​
[R28] The BOAT high-energy emission explained by beyond the standard model physics ​
\*\*\*\*\* Image References \*\*\*\*\*
[IM1] 123RF​
[IM3] Bonnell 1995​
[IM5] D. Perley, Wikimedia Commons\_BATSE\_12lightcurves.png​
[IM8] E. Costa et al., Nature, Vol. 387, Issue 6635, pg. 783-785 (1997). ​
[IM9] ​
[IM10] Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory​
[IM14] Edo Berger (Harvard/CfA)​
[IM15] NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center​
[IM16] BATSE team​
[IM17] iStock​
[IM20] Ore Gottlieb\_GRMHD.html ​
[IM21] Ore Gottlieb ​
[IM22] NASA/CXC/Rutgers/J.Warren &amp; J.Hughes et al ​
[IM23] NorthNorth West​
[IM26] C. Meegan et al., ApJ, Vol. 702, Issue 1, pg. 791-804 (2009)​
[IM27] NASA,​
[IM28] W. B. Atwood et al., ApJ Vol. 697, pg. 1071 (2009)​
[IM29] NASA,\_on\_the\_payload\_attach\_fitting.jpg​
[IM30] NASA and Steven Ritz / UC Santa Cruz​
[IM31] J. Knapp​
[IM32] Armelle Jardin-Blicq,​
[IM34] ​
[IM35] ​
[IM36-IM38] Adam Goldstein, Fermi-GBM​
[IM39] V. Chaplin et al., NIM-A, Vol. 717, pg. 21-36 ​
[IM40] C. Meegan et al., ApJ, Vol. 702, Issue 1, pg. 791-804 (2009)​
[IM41 &amp; IM43] Maia A. Williams et al 2023 ApJL 946 L24 ​
[IM42 &amp; IM44] Eric Burns et al 2023 ApJL 946 L31​
[IM45] LHAASO collaboration Science 380 (2023) 6652​
[IM46] LHAASO collaboration Sci.Adv. 9 (2023) 46, adj2778</description>
<person guid="22bb845f-46c3-5961-a86a-4839e2c00dd5">Sylvia Zhu</person>
<person guid="3ebce8d1-3c51-5a73-8257-52ff0307af78">Annika Rudolph</person>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/488/original/37c3_GRBs_boats.pdf?1704223481">powerpoint presentation pdf</attachment>
<attachment href="/attachments/original/missing.png">file</attachment>
<event guid="83c74623-452b-45f9-85ba-6e91b1caceff" id="11734">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>How Many Planets in Our Solar System? Glad You Asked!</title>
<subtitle>How Astronomy Knew 6 Planets, Then Found 20 More, Then Went Back To 8 (For Now)</subtitle>
<abstract>The Solar System has had 8 planets ever since Pluto was excluded in 2006. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. But did you know Neptune was discovered as the 12th planet? Or that, 80 years before Star Trek, astronomers seriously suspected a planet called Vulcan near the Sun? This talk will take you through centuries of struggling with the question: Do you even planet?!</abstract>
<description>In antiquity, scientists counted the 7 classical planets: the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn – but their model of the universe was wrong. Two thousand years later, a new model was introduced. It was less wrong, and it brought the number of planets down to 6: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. Since then, it's been a roller coaster ride of planet discoveries and dismissals.
In this talk, we stagger through the smoke and mirrors of scientific history. We meet old friends like Uranus and Neptune, forgotten lovers like Ceres, Psyche and Eros, fallen celebrities like Pluto, regicidal interlopers like Eris and Makemake as well as mysterious strangers like Vulcan, Planet X and Planet Nine.
Find out how science has been tricked by its own vanity, been hampered by too little (or too much!) imagination, and how human drama can make a soap opera out of a question as simple as: How Many Planets in Our Solar System?</description>
<person guid="4f29c50c-481d-5dd5-a27b-13007d0d1d82">Michael Büker</person>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/468/original/Slides.pdf?1703940716">Slides (PDF)</attachment>
<event guid="b3e12850-9b47-4b1c-a2d9-fc948fbedf56" id="11811">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Writing secure software</title>
<subtitle>using my blog as example</subtitle>
<abstract>I have previously given talks about security principles and approaches like Least Privilege, TCB Minimization, and Self Sandboxing. The most frequent feedback has been &quot;I don't know how to apply this in practice&quot;. So, in this talk, I will show how I applied those principles in a real-world software project: a CRUD web app. My blog.
I introduced dangerous attack surface on purpose so I could some day give a talk about how to apply these techniques to reduce risk. This is that talk.
I will also introduce the concept of append-only data storage.</abstract>
<description>The end goal of this talk is to show how much more security you can achieve if you don't take an existing architecture and try to sprinkle security over it, but you make architectural decisions with security in mind.
This is rarely done in practice because there is a fundamental disagreement between security and software engineering. Security is about limiting what can be done with the software, while software engineering is about not limiting what can be done with the software.
My goal with this talk is to show what kind of security gains are possible architecturally. You, too, can sleep soundly at night. Even if the software is written in C. Even if you have bad ACLs or a buffer overflow in the software.</description>
<person guid="5f0597bc-861b-53a7-b175-6e348331a9ab">Fefe</person>
<event guid="6e205c92-eeff-4339-9028-e5f7b7bb03ee" id="11928">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Reconstructing game footage from a Game Boy's memory bus</title>
<subtitle>The GB Interceptor</subtitle>
<track>Hardware &amp; Making</track>
<abstract>How do you capture a video from an 1989's Game Boy without modding the original hardware? With an adapter cartridge that spies on the memory bus!
Let's talk about how to reconstruct the Game Boy's memory state, emulate its graphics unit and then encode the image into an MJPEG stream for anyone to use as a USB video class device. In realtime. On an rp2040 microcontroller.</abstract>
<description>The original goal of the open source project &quot;GB Interceptor&quot; was to capture gameplay for one specific game: Tetris. In order to live stream a Tetris tournaments from the contestant's personal Game Boys, the idea was to create an adapter that goes between the Game Boy and the game module to analyze the communication on the memory bus and reconstruct the game state.
It turns out that it is actually possible to reconstruct the entire memory state of almost any game and in fact create an rp2040-based adapter that acts as a USB video class device offering the on-screen game footage in realtime. Players can simply put this adapter into their Game Boy and use it like a webcam without additional drivers or knowledge.
An essential aspect of this concept is that the Game Boy basically runs all of its code directly from the ROM module, which makes it possible to directly follow the program counter of its 8bit CPU regardless of how the code branches. An image can then be recreated by emulating the graphics unit (PPU).
However, there are many edge cases like interrupts, data from registers that are not visible on the bus, the link cable, DMA operations, synchronization of CPU and PPU, game bugs and even bugs in the Game Boy hardware itself.
In this talk I will show how all this is done just on an rp2040 with spare cycles to encode everything as a 60fps MJPEG stream. I will shine a light on the edge cases - those that were solved and those that might just be unsolvable with this approach. And I will take you on a sightseeing tour through the 8bit hell that drives our iconic handheld from 1989.</description>
<person guid="fe7e254c-f4fe-4922-b10d-432f9041ecb1">DiCon</person>
<link href="">Project on GitHub</link>
<link href="">Blog entry describing the project</link>
<event guid="b64fa58b-6f1c-45ef-8dd1-c09947f8a455" id="11828">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>How to build a submarine and survive</title>
<subtitle>Wie wir mit begrenzten Mitteln ein U-Boot gebaut haben und was ihr draus lernen könnt.</subtitle>
<track>Hardware &amp; Making</track>
<abstract>3,4 Tonnen schwer, 4,3 Meter lang, Material: Stahl, Farbe: Orange und der Fahrzeugtyp ist „Sporttauchboot”. Vom Fund eines Drucktanks bis zum ersten Tauchgang auf den Grund eines Tagebausees – wir erzählen von unseren größten Herausforderungen sowie Fehlschlägen.
Wir laden euch ein zu einem technischen Beratungsgespräch für alle, die schonmal mit dem Gedanken gespielt haben, ein U-Boot zu bauen.</abstract>
<description>Die einzelnen Systeme eines U-Boots sind nicht kompliziert. Aber die Schwierigkeit liegt in der Summe der Einzelsysteme, die auf engem Raum im Zusammenspiel sicher funktionieren müssen. Der Fokus des Vortrags liegt neben unserer kurzweiligen Geschichte auf den technischen Schwierigkeiten, zu denen sich in der Literatur wenig findet oder wegen derer es nicht gleich auf Anhieb funktioniert hat. Damit ihr, falls ihr ähnliches plant, einen besseren Start habt und von unseren Fehlern profitieren könnt.
Was gibt es bei der Wahl eines geeigneten Drucktanks zu beachten?
Wie lässt sich eine wasserdichte Luke konstruieren?
Drahtlose Unterwasserkommunikation mittels Ultraschall?
Wie bauen wir Redundanz in die Systeme ein?
Wie werden wir das CO2 los, um nicht zu ersticken?
Warum sind auf einmal Risse in den Scheiben?
Was tun, wenn nichts mehr geht?
Und was, wenn dann auch noch die Polizei kommt?
In dem Vortrag geht es nicht um Probleme anderer kaputter U-Boote. Wir werden das Titan-Desaster mit maximal einer Folie behandeln.
Mit Fotos von Selene Magnolia</description>
<person guid="b6520a25-92dc-4683-add9-60a2db776f10">quirsh</person>
<person guid="539af2f7-59dd-5a58-afd0-3b78df9d34fe">Elias</person>
<event guid="53a49d09-cb27-4e10-be69-24cc978c702a" id="11871">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Breathing Life into Legacy: An Open-Source Emulator of Legacy Apple Devices</title>
<subtitle>A Dive into Reverse Engineering and Understanding the iPod Touch</subtitle>
<track>Hardware &amp; Making</track>
<abstract>This talk presents QEMU-iOS, an open-source emulator of legacy Apple devices. I outline the process of emulating an iPod Touch 2G, discussing the technical challenges and reverse engineering methodologies applied. The talk starts with an overview of the project's goals and then outlines the reverse engineering process, utilizing tools like Ghidra for disassembling the Apple bootloader, XNU kernel, and other binaries. Then, I describe QEMU, a popular framework for emulation, and show how essential iPod Touch peripherals such as the touchscreen, storage, and display have been implemented. Finally, this talk touches upon the implications of open-sourcing this project, its contribution to the emulation and reverse engineering landscape, and its potential for future efforts to emulate newer Apple devices.</abstract>
<description>During the past decades, Apple has created iconic devices that have found a place in the hands and hearts of millions of people around the world. As many of these devices have become obsolete, the importance of preserving their digital essence has grown. The emulation of legacy devices with software allows enthusiasts and researchers to explore and interact with them long after the original hardware has ceased to be available. Emulation, therefore, allows the digital preservation of obsolete hardware, ensuring these devices are accessible to future generations.
This talk describes a multi-year project named QEMU-iOS that lays the groundwork for emulating legacy Apple devices. In particular, we have focussed on emulating the iPod Touch 2G using QEMU, an open-source framework for hardware emulation. Yet, even emulating an old device with a few peripherals compared to contemporary devices is challenging since the specifications and inner workings of many peripherals are proprietary and completely undocumented.
The talk first describes the overall project motivation, goals, and vision. Then, I will discuss the reverse engineering process where multiple undocumented peripherals of the iPod Touch have been analyzed to understand and replicate their specifications in software. A key talking point will be the working of essential peripherals, including the cryptographic engines, the LCD, the Flash memory controller, various hardware communication protocols, the touchscreen driver, and other peripherals. The talk will also detail the booting procedure of the iPod Touch, elaborating on the emulation of the iBoot bootloader, the XNU kernel, and the Springboard application in iOS. Getting the boot chain up and running required extensive debugging efforts using powerful reverse engineering tools such as Ghidra to disassemble and analyze all essential binaries in the boot procedure. After outlining the reverse engineering process, I will present the implementation of QEMU-iOS, which entails a functional emulator that boots the iOS operating system, renders the display, and responds to touches on the screen.
The final part of this talk will touch upon the implications of open-sourcing this project, its contribution to the broader emulation and reverse engineering landscape, and the potential it holds for future efforts in emulating other legacy Apple devices, as well as the viability of emulating newer devices with advanced peripherals such as the Neural Engine. I will also discuss existing approaches, highlight where QEMU-iOS differs, and summarize the lessons learned while emulating these devices.
This talk is designed for a wide range of people, whether you are new to reverse engineering and emulation or have experience in these fields. The goal is to explain the technical challenges faced during this project in a way that's easy for beginners to understand while also providing more in-depth insights I discovered while working on QEMU-iOS. Through this talk, the aim is not only to share the technical knowledge gained from this project but also to explore the merits of emulation and reverse engineering to keep old devices alive.</description>
<person guid="cdedb4d5-7d10-5c53-9acc-d744957d0ac3">Martijn de Vos</person>
<link href="">A blog post describing the process of reverse engineering the iPod Touch 1G</link>
<link href="">The QEMU-iOS source code on GitHub</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/479/original/ccc_presentation.pdf?1704027025">Slides</attachment>
<room guid="62251a07-13e4-5a72-bb3c-8528416ee0f2" name="Saal Zuse">
<event guid="8fe72218-1ea0-48b4-b90e-277178d75e49" id="12033">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Unlocking Hardware Security: Red Team, Blue Team, and Trojan Tales</title>
<abstract>Ensuring the integrity of Integrated Circuits (ICs) against malicious hardware Trojans is paramount for secure electronic devices. One approach involves imaging the manufactured chips to compare them with their original design files. While such techniques for detecting Trojans are relatively well-known in the industry, there is a notable absence of comprehensive, publicly available case studies. To bridge this gap, we unveil a Red Team vs. Blue Team case study on hardware Trojan detection across four digital ICs in various modern feature sizes. We share our findings, algorithms, and image datasets, shedding light on the efficiency of these techniques, and offer insights into the impact of technology scaling on detection performance.</abstract>
<description>We love to put microcontrollers, systems-on-a-chip and many other Integrated Circuits (ICs) into all sorts of devices. As hardware backdoors can undermine software security, the integrity of these chips is becoming increasingly important. However, most of these microchips are manufactured in a complex global supply chain where not all parties can necessarily be trusted. Who guarantees that the chip we order is the chip we get delivered? While the European Union wants to ensure digital sovereignty through massive long-term investment in domestic IC production, we need a way to verify the integrity of microchips *today*.
In this talk, we will first briefly cover the basics of the IC design and production process. We will outline common attacks that enable the insertion of subtle malicious manipulations or backdoors, often called hardware Trojans. You don't need to have a hardware background to follow along!
We then introduce some techniques we can use to detect hardware manipulations by comparing the circuit within a microchip to its original design files by reverse engineering the chip using open-source image processing. While imaging an IC requires advanced laboratory equipment, commodity hardware is sufficient to analyze the captured images.
In the main part of our talk, we will present a case study on Trojan detection based on four different digital ICs using a Red Team vs. Blue Team approach, and give a live demonstration.
We will share what manipulations of our Red Team we are already able to find reliably, and where some work is still needed -- and we're calling on you to play with our algorithms and have a go at uncovering the Trojans that are still well-hidden. Of course, we have made our source code and entire image datasets available under a free and open license.
We'll conclude with an insight into the working process of our Blue Team -- what we learned, and how we failed -- and give an outlook on how we can lower the entry barrier into IC reverse engineering, unlocking the hardware security field for all.</description>
<person guid="99a8b689-112a-4f61-9713-cbd05ece02fe">cerebro</person>
<person guid="24a228d9-12db-5f40-baa7-c34d3a61300d">e7p</person>
<person guid="903d94e7-a79d-5865-bd16-a75d30e04d68">Steffen Becker</person>
<link href="">Dataset</link>
<link href="">Tooling</link>
<link href="">Paper</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/487/original/37c3_red_team_blue_team_final_compressed.pdf?1704207427">Slides</attachment>
<event guid="aae8dd15-bb55-4c2c-810f-d230b9144c19" id="11975">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Numerical Air Quality Modeling Systems</title>
<subtitle>a journey from emissions to exposure</subtitle>
<abstract>High performance computing (HPC) in environmental science is usually associated with research on climate change, investigating the impact of atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHG) over the next century. Besides these GHGs, there are many other gases and aerosolos in the atmosphere, which have a much more direct and immediate impact on human health: air pollutants.</abstract>
<description>The World Health Organization (WHO) considers air pollution to be the world's single largest environmental health threat, accounting for approximately 7 million deaths worldwide every year. That's why in this talk we want to speak about how the problem of air pollution can be understood and predicted using HPC pollution modeling and its application based on general concepts and our own research.
We are Dr. Johannes Bieser and Dr. Martin Ramacher, both working at the Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon in the field of numerical pollution modelling. While Dr. Bieser wrote his Dissertation on emission modelling and its application, Dr. Ramacher wrote his Dissertation on pollutant transport and exposure modelling.
In our talk on numerical air quality modelling systems, we want to introduce basic principles and share our personal knowledge in the field of numerical pollution modelling, covering the entire pathway from emissions, transport, transformation and human exposure. Each of these steps relies heavily on large amounts of data from many different sources - satellite data, activity and meta data, measurements and many more - and skills in computer science. By default, environmental scientists are often not trained in computer science and high performance computing which implies a challenge of its own (and allows Nerds like us to excel).
Our talk will be enriched with practical, technical and partially political examples to demonstrate the difficulties scientist face during their quest to improve air quality for everyone: from TB of wasted data due to historically grown data formats to counterproductive policy decisions to „improve“ air quality. We’ve seen it all and after participating in the CCC for many years now, we decided to draw attention to some state-of-the science approaches for solving one of the world’s single largest environmental health threats: „air pollution“. </description>
<person guid="01ac7d9a-1cd8-5f31-9327-a67e102ee43e">Martin Otto Paul Ramacher</person>
<person guid="a7cb6b88-d1ab-5ab1-83fa-b228e408cb4a">Johannes Bieser</person>
<link href="">ResearchGate Profil Dr. Martin Ramacher</link>
<link href="">ResearchGate Profil Dr. Johannes Bieser</link>
<event guid="670321a9-75f4-4194-867d-a249aa01af0b" id="12296">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Full AACSess: Exposing and exploiting AACSv2 UHD DRM for your viewing pleasure</title>
<abstract>Following the failure and easy exploitation of the AACSv1 DRM on HD-DVD and Blu-ray, AACS-LA went back to the drawing board and announced the next generation AACSv2 DRM scheme, launching alongside 4K UHD Blu-ray in 2015. Since then, nearly no information has come out publicly about any vulnerabilities or even the algorithms themselves, owing in large part to software players requiring the use of Intel SGX secure enclave technology, which promises integrity and confidentiality of AACSv2 code and data through local and remote attestation mechanisms. Join us as we explore the broken history of AACS, describe practical side-channel attacks against SGX, and present the first look into the inner workings of AACSv2 DRM, culminating in a demonstration of the first full compromise of AACSv2 and unofficial playback of a UHD-BD disc.</abstract>
<description>The Advanced Access Content System (AACS) is a DRM scheme used to safeguard audio and visual content, particularly in high-definition formats like HD-DVD and Blu-ray. First introduced in 2005 following the failure of the Content Scramble System (CSS) used in DVDs, AACS was designed to be not only secure against regular piracy, but included multiple features intended to restrict the impact of a potential leak of cryptographic material such as revocation lists and traitor-tracing. The concepts and algorithms of AACS were described in a publicly-released whitepaper, relying on strong cryptography and secrecy of keys to maintain security. Unsurprisingly, less than a year after publication, the first unlicensed decryption tool was demonstrated using keys reverse-engineered from a software player binary. While AACS-LA was quick to revoke those keys, a cat-and-mouse game emerged with new keys being regularly extracted from sources such as software updates and PS3 firmware.
With AACS effectively broken and easily bypassed as described in Eckersley’s 24c3 presentation, AACS-LA would announce the introduction of AACSv2 for the next generation 4K UHD Blu-ray discs. This time, however, AACS-LA would not release the specifications of the DRM publicly, requiring strict NDAs for implementers and increased software/hardware security measures. Most notably, playback of legitimately purchased UHD-BDs on PC requires Cyberlink PowerDVD software running on Windows 10 and an SGX-capable 7th-10th generation Intel CPU. Since the DRM would run exclusively in the SGX secure enclave, no further information about its inner workings or vulnerabilities would be discovered publicly, until now.
In this presentation, we explore the security system of AACSv2 DRM and the Intel SGX trusted execution environment. We first analyze the principles of SGX and its promises of an isolated environment, protected from all software running on the machine. We also investigate the use of SGX local and remote attestation primitives intended to verify the integrity and confidentiality of AACSv2 key material and DRM code, and why it has resisted outside analysis for so many years. We then discover how hardware side-channel attacks can be used to undermine these guarantees of SGX, and craft an effective exploit to extract cryptographic material from the enclave and defeat the DRM code obfuscation.
Following that, we present the first public description of the inner workings of AACSv2, the key derivation process, and the updated revocation and traitor-tracing mechanisms. We studied BIOS updates from six motherboard vendors to show how SGX can be broken both easily and cheaply, and that vendors are now faced with a decision of security vs. usability in trusting unpatched machines. Finally, we conclude with the first demonstration of a UHD Blu-ray disc being decrypted and played back on a non-official platform.</description>
<person guid="7828a43a-900c-5b93-bfed-33eefaa85be6">Adam Batori</person>
<link href=""></link>
<event guid="c557380d-f955-4810-938b-c3bae50cd263" id="12248">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Seeds of Change</title>
<subtitle>Unlearning &amp; Radical Collective Change in Online Communities</subtitle>
<track>Sustainability &amp; Climate Justice</track>
<abstract>Let's explore how online communities of activists can help to bring about forms of radical collective change, through decolonial practices of social (un)learning. What enabling conditions need to be put in place? And what counts as &quot;radical change&quot; in the first place?!</abstract>
<description>It's plain to see: modern societies need to undergo radical social, political, and cultural transformations if they are to truly evolve away from capitalist and neocolonial structures founded on egregious exploitation and injustice.
In a context of widespread epistemic fragmentation and echo chambers, we urgently need to become better at harnessing the generative power of socio-technical networks to unite our forces as we compost the harmful ways of being, knowing, and doing that are at the root of our our planetary predicament. But we must do so critically, and not view technology as a miracle solution to anything.
What could be the role of the internet, and of online communities in particular, in exploring how such deep changes might happen? And how may everyone's wisdom and skills come together in democratic and sophisticated social (un)learning systems, to figure out the way(s) forward?
In this talk, we will discuss the results of a 5-year participatory action research program which considered this topic within two different online communities of activists. This project led the researchers to tackle the idea of radical collective change as involving a decolonial approach to collaboration, knowledge, and community-building, and to consider the enabling and disabling conditions - both social and technological - that may influence whether change happens... or not.
In particular, this research highlighted the importance of enabling participants to engage on an equal footing and self-organise, while learning to &quot;stay with the trouble&quot; of confronting modern societies' fundamentally unsustainable and oppressive structures, and one's own implication in them. And it also showed some of the pitfalls that come with the use of digital communication tools, as we try to use them to create a better world.
Three of the many insights I will substantiate and examine in the talk are:
- that online communities have the potential to create deep changes in people when they are built in ways that foster deep relationships, criticality and conflict transformation, and emergent leadership;
- that changing socio-political structures must go together with joyful, liberating practices that can help us unlearn harmful cultural patterns that get in the way; and
- that perhaps we should be less interested in becoming experts, and rather find the courage and open hearts allowing us to be fearlessly and fiercely present to the world, with all its shit, its wonder, and its uncertainty.
Feeling curious? Join us for a chat on how to change the world!</description>
<person guid="ebb28786-0c66-5a30-be76-9bcc84e04c9b">Dorian Cavé</person>
<link href="">Official website</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/481/original/Seeds_of_Change_-_CCC2023_final.pdf?1704125138">Seeds_of_Change_-_CCC2023_final.pdf</attachment>
<event guid="6792b805-41e9-46ed-affb-76e647b2ed13" id="12064">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>RFC 9420 or how to scale end-to-end encryption with Messaging Layer Security</title>
<abstract>They call it RFC 9420, we say MLS: A new IETF standard for end-to-end encryption was published in July and brings large improvements in performance and security compared to existing protocols. We are here to present Messaging Layer Security, its ecosystem and its roadmap.
The MLS protocol is already being used in production to end-to-end encrypt Webex conference calls and will soon provide encryption for Android messages and RCS 2.0 for billions of users. Other messaging tools (such as Discord, Matrix, Wire, etc.) are currently trialing MLS and are expected to follow.
Why was the protocol developed in the first place? How does it work? What are the next steps for MLS?</abstract>
<description>MLS improves upon existing protocols such as Signal in group messaging applications. We co-authored the protocol specification and will briefly talk about what motivated the creation of MLS, how it relates to other existing messaging protocols as well as its design process in general.
As a group messaging protocol, the security guarantees provided by MLS go beyond authentication and confidentiality. We will go into detail on what security properties users can expect and take a look under the hood on how MLS works.
While the MLS specification has only been published recently, more work is underway and an ecosystem is already forming around the standard. We’ll touch on topics like MLS implementations, metadata hiding, federation, and interoperability between messengers (also in the context of the new IETF MIMI working group [1]). And of course we’ll share insights into the future of Messaging Layer Security!
<person guid="da34d8c7-f600-5717-8e4a-e497ac20b264">Konrad Kohbrok</person>
<person guid="fbb6f385-062e-5a36-bfec-1bdbda69dfd3">Raphael Robert</person>
<event guid="ca025234-f091-4669-b95e-f62437837737" id="11959">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Gut feelings: Can we optimize lifestyle, diet and medication according to our respective microbiota?</title>
<abstract>Why do some people stay fit and healthy easier than others, even when following the same health advice? Why does the same medication work well in one person, but not in another? Some of our individuality in these regards may trace to which bacteria we carry in the soil of our intestinal gardens. In this talk, drawing on work by my own research lab at the Charité and on that by our collaborators and rivals elsewhere in the world, I outline what we know, what we speculate, and what obstacles remain in the way of widespread adoption of personalized health prevention through microbiome sequencing.</abstract>
<description>Despite our best efforts of finding the perfect regimen of diet, exercise and medication to keep any person fit and healthy, outcomes for different people vary widely for all of these measures, even when we comply with them fully. Some of this traces to our individual genetics, which remains difficult to change, but another source of variation in responses may come from differences between our gut microbiomes.
Human bodies are not sterile, and our skin, our mucosal surfaces and, in particular, our intestines are home to many more bacteria than there are human cells in our bodies, representing hundreds of different species in each person. These microbial ecosystems, or microbiomes, are found in all animals and have coevolved with their hosts. Therefore we rely on commensal (&quot;friendly&quot;) bacteria for many functions, including breaking down nutrients, converting some medications into their active forms, producing certain crucial compounds for us from our diet, and helping our immune systems mature and remain tuned. The microbiota also contains temporary visitors and both transient and resident opportunistic pathogens, often kept in check by the immune system and by the commensals, but sometimes escaping such control to multiply and cause disease. Human gut microbiomes begin establishing at birth and evolve over a lifetime, but remain quite stable within each person throughout adulthood unless something serious like repeated antibiotic cures disrupt them. However, they can differ quite substantially between individuals as well as between populations, reflecting factors such as nutrition and environmental exposures.
It has been proposed, and to a degree already demonstrated, that differences between individuals in which gut bacteria they harbour may underlie differences in their susceptibility to disease, their resilience to stressors, and their responses to environmental stimuli. Thus the variation in responses to the same lifestyle between different people may reflect their gut microbiomes. This would open up several venues of personalized medicine, lifestyle advice and nutrition. Choice of medications, diets or interventions could be selected according to a person's specific microbiome to be most effective. It might also be possible to potentiate such interventions by altering the gut microbiome in different ways, such as through antibiotics, probiotics, nutrition or through microbiome transplantation from another person. Alternately put, by adapting the microbiome to a lifestyle intervention, and/or adapting a lifestyle intervention to the microbiome, we may be able to optimize how a given person can seek and achieve fitness and health.
In this talk, I will outline what we know on these topics so far, especially from studies using large-scale microbial (meta-)genome DNA sequencing. In this talk I will draw on work by my own lab at the Charité in Berlin, as well as that of our colleagues, rivals and collaborators elsewhere in the world. I will give examples of known gut microbial modulation of human responses to the external environment and introduce the most common strategies both for researching such effects and for their leverage as health-promoting tools. Where there are limits to our knowledge or obstacles to its practical application, I will identify those obstacles and suggest ways to overcome them.</description>
<person guid="ee2717ca-fe2a-5e04-8d91-3bafba212c74">Sofia Kirke Forslund-Startceva</person>
<link href="">Host-Microbiome Systems Medicine Lab webpage</link>
<attachment href="/attachments/original/missing.png">file</attachment>
<event guid="8512bf0b-b247-403e-8035-50cb05523888" id="12086">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Ecocide and (green) colonialism in Sápmi</title>
<subtitle>Data centers on indigenous land in Northern Europe</subtitle>
<track>Sustainability &amp; Climate Justice</track>
<abstract>What is Sápmi? And who are the Sami people? Why is their land threatened by the so-called Green Transition? Why is Europe's largest data centre being built on their land? We would like to try to answer these questions and explain in detail why &quot;our green transition&quot; is a threat to the land and rights of the Sami people. We will also discuss the so-called green server infrastructure in Sápmi for example the largest data centre in Europe (by Facebook).
We are from the Decolonise Sápmi info tour through Germany and not Sámi ourselves. Our talk is based on presentations given by Sámi people during our tour.</abstract>
<description>Sápmi is located in northern Europe and refers to the land of the Sámi people. Over time it has been colonized by Sweden, Norway, Finland and Russia. As a result, the Sámi have been subjected to various forms of oppression and discrimination by these countries to this day.
Sápmi and Sápmi’s colonial history are presented. Current forms of oppression are also addressed. An important role is played by “green capitalism,” a form of capitalism in which oppression is advanced under the guise of climate protection. Some examples include: Dams that disrupt reindeer migration routes and flood sacred Sámi sites, or wind turbines that are widely avoided by reindeer. Of course, the lectures will also address the problems that mines pose for the Sámi. A topic which was discussed lately with the discussion around the rare earths found in the so-called Sweden also here in Germany. Furthermore, the problems caused by the still occurring clear-cutting in the area of the Sámi and the resulting loss of biodiversity are explained.
What resistance has there been in recent years against this capitalist destruction and (green) colonialism? What is the current situation in Sápmi and what does the future look like?</description>
<person guid="68cc89f2-c9d6-5cda-ab84-bebd8f1e4641">Kim</person>
<person guid="4ca0f3d5-cc2a-5619-a08d-5a9a736dd35e">Maris</person>
<link href="">Decolonise-Sápmi Infotour</link>
<event guid="293112df-d0f3-4502-8971-f2f9ed6401d3" id="11931">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>DevOps but for artworks in museums</title>
<subtitle>A look into pipelines ending in museums and not in the cloud</subtitle>
<track>Art &amp; Beauty</track>
<abstract>In the original Hacker Ethics, Steven Levy stated that &quot;you can create art and beauty on a computer&quot;. That was 40 years ago, creating art and beauty is one thing, but how do you maintain or develop it as a gallery, archive or museum? You know all about CI/CD and deploying to &quot;the cloud&quot;? Well, let me show you how to deploy to a museum or art space. Important note: this talk is not about NFTs.</abstract>
<description>The preservation and presentation of software/computer-based art in museums presents unique challenges in the contemporary landscape. One prominent issue is the ephemeral nature of digital media, which includes websites, games, software and virtual reality art. Unlike traditional art forms, these works often rely on rapidly evolving technologies, making them vulnerable to obsolescence. Museums are faced with the task of preserving and restoring media art in a way that not only preserves the original intent of the artist, but also ensures accessibility for future audiences.
Another significant challenge is the dynamic and interactive nature of many media artworks. Unlike static paintings or sculptures, digital artworks often require specific hardware, software or immersive environments to be experienced. Museums need to invest in both the technological infrastructure and the expertise to recreate these conditions and provide visitors with an authentic encounter with the artwork.
In this talk we want to look at some solutions from the perspective of software developers who are motivated not only to preserve and present digital media art, but also to develop it with contemporary software development strategies.</description>
<person guid="c0c97495-b866-5f47-be8b-7dca900117d1">obelix</person>
<event guid="56ec1042-ef0f-4f11-89d2-ee99e34a3411" id="12094">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Gemeinsam gegen rechten Terror! Aber wie?</title>
<subtitle>Vortrag und Lesung</subtitle>
<track>Ethics, Politics &amp; Society</track>
<abstract>Die zwölf Jahre seit der Selbstenttarnung des NSU haben gezeigt, dass auf den Staat bei der Aufklärung und Aufarbeitung von rechtem Terror kein Verlass ist. Deshalb haben Betroffene von rechter Gewalt, Antifaschist\*innen und Zivilgesellschaft diese Aufgabe wieder und wieder selbst in die Hand genommen. Die daraus gewonnenen Analysen, die Aufklärung und die entstandenen solidarischen Netzwerke sind vielfältiger, als sich viele am Anfang vorgestellt haben. Doch wir wollen fragen: Was können nächste Schritte sein? Wie können wir rechten Terror verhindern?</abstract>
<description>Das bundesweite antifaschistische Bündnis NSU-Watch hat im Sommer 2023 sein Buch „Aufklären und Einmischen. Der NSU-Komplex und der Münchener Prozess“ in der erweiterten Neuauflage herausgebracht. Es gibt einen Überblick über die bisherige Aufarbeitung des NSU-Komplexes. Auf dieser Grundlage wollen Vortrag und Lesung fragen: Was können nächste Schritte sein? Wie können wir rechten Terror verhindern? Die Antworten sind vielfältig und warten teilweise noch darauf, entdeckt zu werden. Und trotzdem bleibt die Gefahr rechten Terrors hoch, auch weil auf staatlicher, behördlicher und gesellschaftlicher Seite Konsequenzen noch ausstehen. Doch wir wissen bereits jetzt genug, um rechtem Terror aktiv entgegenzuwirken. </description>
<person guid="f0056200-e010-571e-8a87-3558d7155073">Caro Keller (NSU-Watch)</person>
<link href="">Website NSU-Watch</link>
<event guid="1a9291bf-dab5-4824-8b20-ecb393c677a8" id="12265">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Unlocked: PICing a wireless door access system</title>
<abstract>Mainframe, Oldenburg's Hackerspace, needed a wireless door lock solution. We do not trust vendors advertising promises about the device security and had a closer look.</abstract>
<description>Attend this talk for a presentation about an unusual variant of lock picking, which does not involve any wrenches, hooks or half-diamond picks. Instead the used tools are a software defined radio, PIC programmer and some self-developed software to gain access without using the original key remote control.
If you had fun watching the [Hörmann BiSecur talk at 34C3](, this talk is for you! If you haven't watched it, it is highly recommended to catch up on it before attending this talk. While it is about a different product from a different vendor, there are many parallels and it can be seen as a sequel talk.
The plan for this talk is to first have a look at the radio signals from the door lock using a SDR. After making sense of the used message protocol, the hardware is analyzed to understand how it works and how to get access to the used micro-controllers (PIC18LF45K80 &amp; PIC16LF1829). In the next step, the firmware from the read-protected PIC microcontroller is extracted by extending the existing PIC attacks. Last but not least the results will be demonstrated.</description>
<person guid="20a58abe-0664-4969-a06e-3d777f34fd67">sre</person>
<link href="">Gnuradio Files</link>
<link href="">BBB MRF89XA Cape</link>
<link href="">PIC flashing software for Raspberry Pi</link>
<link href=";v=16">BSI Product Warning</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/463/original/unlocked.pdf?1703892648">Slides</attachment>
<event guid="e112c214-3c40-47aa-8ca8-e8f99f6d175a" id="12138">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Buffered Daemons</title>
<subtitle>Sound art performance exploring the concept of translation and containers by in both digital and analog realms</subtitle>
<track>Art &amp; Beauty</track>
<abstract>The work titled Buffered Daemons is a sound performance that attempts to explore the concepts of translation and non-local interaction in the sound realm. It does so by playing with the idiosyncrasies of audio representation/playback and mobilises them through the creation of an expanded musical situation.</abstract>
<description>In the piece, three different containers of sound are presented: acoustic(Sound diffusion in the architecture), digital (computer based sound algorithms) and analogue (electromagnetic tape and analog processing). This containers, or buffers, are then being intertwined by the performer creating thus sonic textures that interplay with the resonances of the space.
The strategy for the sound performance is to articulate a metaphor of a circular-buffer, a data structure used in Computer Science, to the idea brought upon in Derrida’s interview with Ornette Coleman, in which Improvisation practice in music is understood as a reading in which the borders between reading and writing are obfuscated.
The work is inspired by the concept of daemon and non-locality explored by Timothy Morton in his reading of Plato’s Ion as well as Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction.</description>
<person guid="45d8778b-63c2-545a-b35a-88d7426ec182">Pedro A. Ramírez</person>
<link href="">description of the project + video</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/361/original/Buffered_Daemons_%282023%29.pdf?1699724819">description and schematics</attachment>
<event guid="3466bed0-86fb-415f-a258-85013ec440df" id="12348">
<room>Saal Zuse</room>
<title>Stream: Prompt Battle</title>
<abstract>(Live-Stream of Saal 1)
Do you have what it takes to become a Prompt Designer? Based on the Rap Battle format, Prompt Battle is a game show in which people compete against each other with the performative use of language. AI-supported text-to-image software enables the candidates to generate complex photos, images, and illustrations, seemingly out of thin air, by typing in image descriptions, so-called prompts. The audience will decide who will elicit the most surprising, disturbing or beautiful images from the latent space, and who will walk away carrying the prestigious title Prompt Battle Winner.</abstract>
<description>The Prompt Battle is a game show format with audience involvement that questions the meaning of prompt engineering in a playful and critical way.
Based on the format of the Rap Battle, eight candidates compete against each other under time pressure on stage in a tournament to solve image and text tasks set for them. The audience decides who has won after each round. The rounds are interrupted by video interludes that illuminate the implications of text-to-image tools from different perspectives.
The aim of the Prompt Battle is to address the numerous controversial questions that tools such as DALL·E, Stable Diffusion and Midjourney raise for professional creatives. Questions about the origin of training data, the value of creative work, the inflation of images, and the intellectual property of the content produced.
Since 2022, rapid technological advances in the field of AI-generated content have raised a series of fundamental questions. For artists and designers, the first question is whether creativity can really be automated, and whether prompt engineering really is the future-proof key capability that some believe it to be. Behind the hype, far-reaching ethical, economic, copyright and aesthetic challenges and contradictions are emerging. The Prompt Battle uses the game show format to address these questions in a playful way by confronting the candidates and the audience with prompt engineering tasks tailored to the occasion.
The original Prompt Battle was developed at HTW Dresden by Sebastian Schmieg, Florian A. Schmidt, Bernadette Geiger, Robert Hellwig, Emily Krause, Levi Stein, Lina Schwarzenberg and Ella Zickerick.</description>
<room guid="10e6a40c-3b85-4df0-9731-af511d818fad" name="Saal E">
<event guid="beb80d99-4d7d-4a9b-a52d-e6f6a24f7fef" id="809947">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title>Azubitag Intro</title>
<description>This session will be in German.</description>
<event guid="e7be9845-ccda-448d-8b84-3eea29f1b540" id="798454">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title>Ethische Algorithmen in der Regierung?</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>This session allows for a detailed discussion on the topic of &quot;Responsible AI in the Public Sector.&quot; This discussion revolves around nothing less than how our governments employ AI and other Automated Decision Making (ADM) methods to make our administration and society more efficient.
Following a brief introduction, we will transition into an open discussion. What principles should guide the administration in building their algorithms? How does the AI Act come into play, and is it sufficient? How can strong AI regulation and oversight not be perceived as inhibiting innovation?</description>
<event guid="09ea1e65-9cba-46eb-bfaf-1d9cb90165b0" id="91659">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title>37C3 Lightning Talks Continued</title>
<language>en, de</language>
<description>Lightning Talks are short lectures for anyone!
Since we have only one session in a large hall this year, we're going to continue the Lightning Talks as a self-organized session.
Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! Discuss a program, system or technique! Pitch your projects and ideas or try to rally a crew of people to your party, workshop or assembly! Whatever you bring, make it quick! To get an idea what Lightning Talks are about and how they work, look at the 36C3 sessions on
Be reminded that, like in previous C3s, you still need a ticket for the 37C3 congress. A lightning talk or registration for one does not provide you with a ticket. No ticket - no talk.
Submissions will be opened a few days before 37C3. See or for further infos and updates.</description>
<event guid="31af597f-f6be-43c7-96bf-f12d3551a5f6" id="315976">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title> - Liberate Data and Activate People</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>We are working on an open source software to gather and stay alert about registered assemblies / demonstrations.
We want to use this session to give an intro / update about our project, but mostly discuss our plans and challenges with you.
DECT: 5146
<event guid="6bc55b19-aca4-469f-8441-abff02f575e7" id="655194">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title>Tor Meetup</title>
<description>This will be a great opportunity for members of the community to meet each other and socialise, as well as an opportunity for anyone interested in Tor to come and meet each other and become part of the Tor community.
There will be a talk by Q Misell on progress with ACME for Onion Services.
Location: TBC</description>
<event guid="d35d4e76-f3bc-4b69-8eda-600114322f5b" id="354763">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title>Certainty Salon aka Imposter-Syndrome-Selbsthilfegruppe</title>
<description>Wer kennt es nicht, den Gedanken, dass man das doch eigentlich wissen müsse oder gar die Sorge als nichtwissend enttarnt zu werden? Durch die Decke gehen diese Impulse an schlechten Tagen wenn dann jemand anderes um die Ecke kommt und die (natürlich logische) Lösung für das Problem parat hat.
Systematisch lässt sich hier über Erkenntnistheorie und verschiedene Quellen von Ungewissheit sprechen. Das Einbringen von eigenen Anekdoten durch euch könnte uns alle weniger allein mit diesen Gefühlen fühlen lassen und den nächsten oopsie-Moment souverän managen lassen :)</description>
<event guid="34d2ba05-8794-448b-bd41-1dd2da49a05d" id="342058">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title>Adventures in the Design of Anti-Surveillance Technology (Katzenpost)</title>
<description>This will be presented by Eva Infeld and Leif Ryge. We hope for an interactive discussion.
In a world with state and corporate surveillance actors of immense power, building anonymity technology is an exercise in trade-offs, and few guarantees. But anonymity technology is badly needed. We introduce Katzenpost, a project that enables individuals and communities to build their own mixnets for anonymous communication. It has the eventual goal of resistance to attacks by large-scale passive and active adversaries, and to expected advancements in cryptanalysis such as attacks by cryptographically relevant quantum computers. We will explain our motivations, protocol design choices, and discuss the resulting protocol properties from several perspectives. This talk will also introduce the namenlos network, an instantiation of a mixnet using the Katzenpost software which may be used for experimentation today. Launched in 2022, namenlos consists of servers run by volunteers in several different countries. While we do not currently set security and privacy expectations, namenlos is the first hybrid post-quantum mixnet designed to resist large-scale adversaries built entirely with Free Software.</description>
<event guid="a09f47a1-9fb3-489d-8f50-4d746dd0ac8f" id="94719">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title>Geschichtsstunde: Wie die Enigma gehackt wurde.</title>
<description>About 60 Minutes (in German) about how the Enigma machine worked, why it was (is) so good at encrypting, which weakness it had and how this finally got used for breaking it.</description>
<event guid="5b52d97d-5903-407a-a95b-a644c6e971f6" id="552975">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title> - open source event aggregation</title>
<language>en, de</language>
<description>Frustrated by the absence of a unified calendar for all ERFA, CCCV, and CCC family events? Wondering why such a resource is hard to create and maintain?
Event aggregation, particularly when open source and non-profit, could be a key solution, addressing challenges both within and beyond the chaos community. Our approach tries to address three critical needs: the event participants' need to get the information, the event organizers' need to have a single source of truth for their event data (and to have it under their control), and the world's need to have things be more accessible.
This talk introduces, an open-source project aimed at reframing event aggregation. Our solution is centered around creating a extendable, open, and easily accessible source for all event-related data, thereby empowering both organizers and participants.
I will be highlighting the architecture and decisions behind and the challenges that are still to come. Join us to explore how this project could not only enhance event visibility within the chaos community but also has the potential to impact far beyond.</description>
<event guid="223d4a1f-25dc-4564-8206-47221e8df5c5" id="223412">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title>Über die Hintergründe von Religionen, Hierarchien und klassischen Gesellschaftsstruktern</title>
<description>Dieser Vorträge möchte die (Sozial-)psychologischen und historischen Hintergründe hinter all dem was die moderne Linke nicht mag erklären: Religionen, Hierarchien und klasische Gesellschaftsstrukturen und Rollen.
Hauptquelle dafür wird das Buch &quot;The righteous Mind&quot; von Jonathan Haidt, dazu gibt es aber auch noch viele kleine historische und psychologische Fakten und Zusammenhänge.
<event guid="9fefc72e-2128-4485-8350-bffd0d35fd52" id="972212">
<room>Saal E</room>
<title>Spielleitung von Pen&amp;Paper RPGs</title>
<description>ROLL FOR INITIATIVE! In diesem Vortrag und Q&amp;A geht es darum, wie die Spielleitung für Pen&amp;Paper RPGs (besser) klappen kann, wie man eine Gruppe findet und auf was man alles bei der Planung der ersten eigenen Kampagne achten sollte damit die Party sich nicht selber umbringt. :)</description>
<room guid="e58b284a-d3e6-42cc-be2b-7e02c791bf95" name="Stage Y">
<event guid="b18329e1-0a8a-4355-949e-2d82496fec58" id="183291">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>A Primer on LLM Security</title>
<description>Large Language Models (LLMs) have taken the world by storm. Alongside their vast potential, these models also present unique security challenges. This session will serve as a primer on LLM security, introducing key issues and concepts related to the security of LLMs and systems relying on them. For example, we will be looking at issues such as prompt injection, sensitive information disclosure, and issues related to the use of plugins. Of course, we are also going to look at how to red-team LLMs.
### Target Audience
This session targets beginners and does not assume (in-depth) knowledge about LLMs. Please note that this session will not be about using LLMs in offensive or defensive cybersecurity.
#### Learning Objectives
From a learning perspective, after the session, participants will be able to …
- describe what LLMs are and how they fundamentally function.
- describe common security issues related to LLMs and systems relying on LLMs.
- describe what LLM red teaming is.
- perform some basic attacks against LLMs to test them for common issues.
### Format
The session will be split into a 30-minute introductory talk as well as 15 minutes of discussion. Participants will be provided with the slides as well as some resources for further study.
### Material
* [Slides as PDF](
* [Selected Resources as Google Doc](
Ps. I would highly recommend attending Johan Rehberger’s Talk &quot;[NEW IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS](; in Saal 1 after this session.</description>
<event guid="4908c5b6-3cd1-4f02-8df1-3d3ddfb63a14" id="490856">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>Gesprächsrunde über kollektive Lebenskonzepte abseits der Kleinfamilie</title>
<description>Ist alleine leben nicht sowohl sehr ineffizient als auch oft sehr langweilig, unsicher und einsam?
Haben nicht alle mehr von Ressourcen, wenn man sie sich teilt? Zum Beispiel in einer gemeinsamen Ökonomie?
Ist es im Grunde nicht unglaublich ineffizient, Räume nach Personen und nicht nach Funktionen aufzuteilen? Am Ende haben sechs Leute dann je ein kleines Schlafzimmer mit Schreibtisch, obwohl sie, wenn sie die Räume aufteilen würden, alle ein Schlafzimmer, ein Arbeitszimmer, eine Hardware-Werkstatt, einen Kino/Gaming-Raum, ein Spielzimmer und einen Musik/Tanz-Raum haben könnten. Oder auch lauter coole andere Funktionsräume? (Das Konzept ist natürlich fast beliebig skalierbar.)
Wie müssten all diese Konzepte angepasst werden, damit sie nicht nur für neurotypische Menschen funktionieren?
Warum ist kollektives Leben mit der Kleinfamilie normal, aber mit unseren besten Freund\*innen und liebsten Kolleg\*innen fast schon revolutionär?
Warum lebt der schon hundert mal totgesagte Punk 24/7 auf Wagenplätzen und die kulturellen Großeltern der Punks, die Hippies, in Kommunen zusammen, während die sonst so erfindungsreiche Nerdkultur noch keine Konzepte des kollektiven nerdigen Zusammenleben gefunden hat?
Wer kümmert sich eigentlich um dich, wenn du dich aufgrund von Krankheit oder Behinderung eine längere Zeit nicht mehr alleine um dich selbst kümmern kannst? Denn, kleiner Funfact: auch wenn du darüber nicht gerne nachdenkst braucht es nur einen unglücklichen Zufall damit das passiert.
Wäre es nicht schön, wenn es nicht schlimm wäre, wenn du mal ein paar Monate kein Geld verdienen könntest? Wie viel angstfreier könntest du dann leben?
Wie könnte ein cooles Wohnprojekt von und für Nerds aussehen?
Wenn einige dieser Fragen dich ansprechen, dann komm gerne zur Gesprächsrunde :)</description>
<event guid="45b27dfb-0ee7-4158-a371-e67b6971fb88" id="452707">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>Homotopy type theory for programmers</title>
<description>[talk notes as agda file](
[talk notes as html](
[the cubical agda library (has some pointers...)](
The goal of my talk is to introduce you to homotopy type theory, which is a reletatively recent area of pure mathematics and computer science. The talk is not about *using* homotopy type theory in programming, but introducing it in a way geared towards everyone with some background in programming.
I will show some data types in the dependently typed language agda, explaing how they relate to corresponding things in more mainstream languages. Agda is a language with nice notation for both, programming and math. It is certainly helpful if you know the material covered in the formalization workshop at 11:00 am (same day), but my aim is to make a stand alone presentation.
From there, I will move to more exotic things which are the first steps into the world of homotopy type theory, still using agda as a language. You can try agda on your on device during the talk if you like - even in your [browser](!
<event guid="cafc29d1-97ba-469f-a441-6ecbe348be37" id="291974">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>Social Rejection Games II [90 min duration, 30 min of it at Stage of Y]</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>In the world of code, errors are fixable, but what about in human interactions? Our Social Rejection Games workshop is your chance to update your social firmware. We’ll tackle the outdated, tribal fear of rejection that hinders potential in our modern, liberal social systems.
From making calls to asking for a favor or that coveted phone number, we'll follow a hands-on protocol to challenge and reprogram your social instincts.
[Disclaimer: I scheduled the event with a duration of '30 min' due to not reserve Stage Y for more time than needed as we'll go outside. The event will take ~90 min]
Please bring your jacket, we'll go outside</description>
<event guid="f5cf4839-d327-46ef-a0b5-bb064c9bd528" id="548393">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>Kohlekraftwerke blockieren - Erkenntnisse der letzten Jahre</title>
<description>In the last years, several coal power plants have been blocked through lock-on actions. How successful is the idea and what can the climate justice movement learn from it?</description>
<event guid="5c8f72ee-ea8b-44b5-8bc7-69df6484ff39" id="587284">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>c3gsm Ask-Us-Anything</title>
<language>en, de</language>
<description>We will present the hard- and software components used for building the 37c3 mobile netwok(s), how we connect to eventphone and the world and how we got permissions and frequencies. Hopefully there will be a lot of time for all of your questions regarding technology and other topics, which we try our best to answer.
We are looking forward to see you.</description>
<event guid="91146ba0-e61d-409d-b77e-1304407808a4" id="911460">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>Relationship Geeks Get Together</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>We'll hang out and talk about anything relationship related, with a focus on polyamory.
Open for practising as well as interested beings.
Access to the Signal group for Assembly interested beings: get in contact via mastodon at</description>
<event guid="241ee988-322a-4ad7-9d44-05eb388a6c56" id="241988">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>You are doing trees wrong</title>
<description>Is this how you do trees?
struct node {
struct node *left, *right;
This is wrong!</description>
<event guid="b18aceee-aaa3-48a1-bc14-a769f4f4024e" id="183481">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>Incident Response Selbsthilfegruppe</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>A meeting for people working in DFIR (Digital Forensics &amp; Incident Response).
Let's discuss topics like tools, automation and reporting. But also about team structures, dealing with stress or complicated customers. And of course we'll talk about the worst facepalm moments of the year!
You are welcome to bring your own topics.</description>
<event guid="76f3d2af-598b-4a2c-8a7f-89c89b024b03" id="763259">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>Bahnbubble Meetup</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>This meet up is for all of you who are in touch with trains.
Here you can discuss various topics, for example the recent timetable change, new things in ETCS or experiences in ticketing.</description>
<event guid="82814b91-766d-4773-82c9-d760db94da5f" id="828149">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<title>Sustainability Jeopardy</title>
<description>The well-known show game from day 1 (and, as we heard, apparently also from some tv shows), but with new answers and questions relevant to society such as climate and social justice, politics, transformation, ...
We will play two rounds open for everyone, you can win fame, honour and unique badges.
The game itself will be in german.</description>
<event guid="d5270b28-d47a-4de3-a121-f9b81137701a" id="527028">
<room>Stage Y</room>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>Crappy robots unite!
Welcome to hebocon 37c3, where strong robots become weak and flashing hearts melt.
Bring your robot to Stage Y on Friday night and give it the ring.
Here your quickly assembled robot can become a superstar. High tech and serious pretensions strictly forbidden and accompanied by boos. The rules are simple: bring your own robot, the crappier the machine and the cuter the name, the more popular you'll be with the audience.
If you feel like it, write a message like &quot;ah sounds cool, maybe I'll join in&quot; or &quot;au super, I'll bring my robi along&quot; to or contact at Matrix.
All robots welcome except for
- no remote control
- no high-tech
- no weapons (no fire!)
#callforrobots #callforhonky #callforschrubbi
We need at least 4 robots to fight, the more the more.
(We don't have the capacity to organize a build session, so you'll have to build alone or network with others)</description>
<room guid="53f436a0-705b-40eb-974f-2bfce8857b1b" name="Stage H">
<event guid="e28864df-b1bd-4ec4-b787-02dd46df89e0" id="288641">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>(Good) Usability: What is it and how can wie achieve it</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>Everything is digitalized nowadays and if not, it soon will be. More people will interact with more technology and they will sooner or later be forced to use it even though they are not “Digital Natives” and have troubles or are scared of doing so. Good usability can help with that. Usability is a term many people use but might not be aware what it actually means. In this discussion, I’ll present what makes a good usability and why everyone benefits from it. No previous knowledge necessary.
If you want to contact me directly after the talk: @m0ndra</description>
<event guid="7554dc53-4d1b-40de-88d5-7644a8ca0f36" id="755453">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>IT-Security-Unternehmen ohne Chefs</title>
Kontakt über 0x31c3 (()) (Michael)
Danke für die Teilnahme!
Input aus dem Publikum:, SI Labs Berlin, TCI Partners
Es gab auf dem 35C3 eine Session zu diesem Thema. Die hatte ich leider verpasst und auch nachträglich nur wenige Infos dazu bekommen können.
Hiermit nun nochmal eine Session mit dem Versuch Interessentierte zusammenzubringen zwecks Brainstorming und Networking. Es gibt zum Thema schon Ansatzpunkte und Beispiele, in Form von z.B. Kollektiven, Genossenschaften oder flachen &quot;Netzwerkorganisationen&quot;.
Alte Beschreibung:
Wer dazu Infos, Hinweise oder Beispiele nennen kann, gerne vorbeischauen. Raum ist nun reserviert. Wer Interesse aber keine Zeit hat für den Termin gerne trotzdem kontaktieren.</description>
<event guid="e983e3ae-d893-446c-b0a4-5c2d0bfb3156" id="983389">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>Introduction to smartphone malware forensics: Practical Part</title>
<description>This is the workshop part to our introduction to smartphone malware forensics talk. Please bring a Laptop with a docker installation, you will be provided a docker container at the start of the Workshop.</description>
<event guid="0c64b5bc-1d82-4505-817e-091b994e3502" id="64518">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>Teeworlds/DDNet/DDraceNetwork Meetup</title>
<language>en, de</language>
<description>Interested in [DDNet development](, want to meet fellow [DDNet]([Teeworlds]( players or are [curious about DDNet](
The session includes a lightning talk by Zwelf about the state of DDNet.
We'll get together and with interest and time, we can start playing together.
Questions: 📞8303</description>
<event guid="25559d14-7d7c-472b-a9df-583ff7a2160b" id="255591">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>neural cellular automata</title>
<description>Neural Cellular Automata is a differentiable self-organising system composed of a set of individual agents, each executing a local rule to achieve a global objective. Every agent recurrently operates under the same rule, enabling cells to acquire distributed, local algorithms with minimal parameters. This system demonstrates exceptional versatility in solving various tasks, encompassing feedback control and generative modeling.
The presentation will include a diverse array of live demos, showcasing the practical applications and capabilities of NCA.
paper link:</description>
<event guid="ebd6334a-c8c1-42d0-a230-3040fce143e2" id="633481">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>Das geht unter die Haut: Spontanes Biohacking treffen beim Congress</title>
<description>Spontanes Treffen für Biohacking und Grinding Enthusiast*innen beim Chaos Communication Congress!
Bei diesem treffen können wir uns locker austauschen über RFID-Chips, Magneten unter der Haut und alles, was mit implantierten Technologien zu tun hat. Kein fester Ablauf, keine festen Pläne – lasst uns einfach zusammenkommen und schauen, wohin uns die Gespräche führen, egal, ob ihr bereits Implantate habt oder einfach neugierig seid.
Erst eine kurze Einführung und dann offene Gesprächsrunde. Wenn wir den space an den nächsten Vortrag abgeben müssen, und noch im Gespräch sind, können wir z.b. nach komona umziehen.
[About me]
Ich bin Merlin, habe einige Magneten und RFID-Chips in meinem Körper implantiert, bastle an eigenen Chip-Implantaten und bin gespannt auf eure Erfahrungen und Ideen.</description>
<event guid="d0795432-13c4-413f-86af-68a477ffec03" id="79543">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>EightOS: Hacking the Body [8 OS Physical Practice Session]</title>
<description>In this interactive physical session, we invite the hackers to connect their bodies and minds and to plunge into a 1-hour collective movement.
During the session, we will explore the concepts of infiltration, vulnerability, and resilience through our bodies. Experiencing these ideas through touch and physical interaction offers another perspective on the dynamics of their operation, which can be very useful outside of the physical context as well.
We base our practice on EightOS — an operating system for the body/mind based on martial arts and dance.
We will announce the location separately.
For more info, please, check [](
Session hosted by Dmitry Paranyushkin and Koo Des.</description>
<event guid="0b05e73c-240e-4f91-bfbc-df898d6350d5" id="5732">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>abdocccecwencen - Sprache einer Raumstation</title>
<description>ein vortrag über raumstationslinguistik.
und warum vieles nicht so ist wie es scheint.
die c-base ist eine rückwa:rts gefallene raumctation unter berlin-miTe.
mit eigener c_rift.
und wenn du diesen tecst lesen kannst oder nicht?
ist dieser vortrag genau richtig fu:r dich.
es geht um c-lang, die geschriebene sprache der c-base.</description>
<event guid="7b4b3f0b-6dea-40f5-bcde-5d110f34a867" id="743064">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>Pwning meetup (Pwntools &amp; Pwndbg) part 1</title>
<description>Pwntools and Pwndbg users and contributors assemble!
We are hosting a meetup for those who use or develop the two most loved and used tools in the binary exploitation/pwning CTF ([Capture The Flag security competitions]( scene.
We will host presentations about Pwntools and Pwndbg from [Arusekk]( and [Disconnect3d]( and then we will have a Q&amp;A and discussion time.
If you want to present a very short lightning talk (~5min) on those tools or anything else related to pwning, please let us know (e.g., by mailing []( or pinging [@disconnect3d_pl]( on Twitter).</description>
<event guid="b340b14c-9e78-4eb8-a462-b2e133ba5433" id="340149">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>C(r)ashIT: A real-life security nightmare</title>
<description>Was passiert, wenn Sicherheitsforscher sich die Infrastruktur ihrer eigenen Universität genauer ansehen? In meinem Fall war ich danach Administrator für mehr als 200 Registrierkassen und hab eine lustige Geschichte mehr zu erzählen</description>
<event guid="cc40ef80-bac5-4a4d-9c7b-e9b58453a026" id="408054">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>Einstein's Field Equations: Understanding their gravity</title>
<language>en, de</language>
<description>Einstein's Theories of Relativity are often claimed to be the pinnacle of human ingeniousness. The core of General Relativity are the Field Equations to explain the phenomenon of gravity as the curvature of spacetime. In this talk, we will look at how the Field Equations work, how its terms express the curvature of spacetime why everything has to be so complicated.
<event guid="b9fac3e4-2e84-452e-a69a-801e9a180eb9" id="934284">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>Pwning meetup (Pwntools &amp; Pwndbg) part 2</title>
<description>Part 2 of [Pwning meetup](, but feel free to come if you did not attend part 1!
Pwntools and Pwndbg users and contributors assemble!
We are hosting a meetup for those who use or develop the two most loved and used tools in the binary exploitation/pwning CTF ([Capture The Flag security competitions]( scene.
We will host presentations about Pwntools and Pwndbg from [Arusekk]( and [Disconnect3d]( and then we will have a Q&amp;A and discussion time.
If you want to present a very short lightning talk (~5min) on those tools or anything else related to pwning, please let us know (e.g., by mailing []( or pinging [@disconnect3d_pl]( on Twitter).</description>
<event guid="fbd82751-c71a-473c-ad50-5ec9818590d2" id="827517">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>Movie Night: Hackers</title>
<description>&gt; Teenage hackers discover a criminal conspiracy with plans to use a computer virus that will capsize five oil tankers.
# Hack The Planet!
Whiskeyleaks at Milliways, Hackers at Community Stage.</description>
<event guid="607fc6b1-1e63-47c0-8881-4846638479db" id="607611">
<room>Stage H</room>
<title>From Hacker to Furry - Why cat ears are just the beginning</title>
<description>The chairman of Europe's biggest furry conference explores the metaphysical and historical connection between furries and the information technology / hacker sphere through a bunch of war stories, anecdotes and drunken shower thoughts. Also a chance to ask a fandom veteran anything you can come up with you always (or never) wanted to know about furries.</description>
<room guid="8f182db3-241a-4809-8633-b85b9054ceb7" name="Saal D">
<event guid="3390d7bf-d380-4704-98f8-833e0a987bd5" id="339073">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title>Hitchhiker's Towel-Yoga</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>We'll do some Yoga to calm our minds and move them bodies. Bring along comfortable clothes – and a towel to lie on 😁</description>
<event guid="17a4a0bd-bcbd-4612-aa0c-ab085bab172e" id="174046">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title>Formalizing mathematics in the proof assistant Agda</title>
<description>Some day, computers will help working mathematicians of all disciplines in finding and checking proofs. It will feel easy, effortless and natural. Computers might even surpass us, creating a new exciting niche for mathematicians: understanding the mathematical advances put forward by computers. The univalent foundations program by the late Vladimir Voevodsky was an important step towards this vision. However, we aren't there yet.
Still even the current generation of theorem provers is very exciting. It's fun to talk the computer into accepting our proofs, and invariably we learn something about our proofs in the process.
In this workshop, we'll cover the basics of Agda, one of the well-known proof assistants. The workshop will start as a guided tour. You belong to the target audience iff you have some experience in writing down mathematical proofs, for instance if at some point you proved Gauß's sum formula using induction. Knowledge of Haskell is beneficiary (modulo syntax, Agda is a superset of a subset of Haskell), but not required.
You don't need to install Agda beforehand, we will use the online version at
**Note to other people planning self-organized sessions:** We don't actually need the full size of Saal D. A room with about 20 seats is sufficient. On Day 0, we will scout the building for alternative options.
[Here is a list of more sessions by our group.](
<event guid="4726ada7-fede-4fb0-aaae-4d528fb30139" id="472674">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title>🏴 Technologies for Disaster 🏴</title>
<language>en, de</language>
This event is supposed to be a NETWORKING SESSION for ACTIVISTS and those that are either already providing TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT or at least plan to do so in the future.
Participants are supposed to COLLABORATE in BREAK-OUT groups, so please only attend if you are looking for an ACTIVE ENGAGEMENT.
There are many different forms of protest and resistance around the world.
Be it climate protests, uprisings against dictatorial regimes, sabotaging Nazi rallies, the fight for housing and against gentrification, or turning an economic forum into a disaster.
The activist everyday life is diverse and requires different tactics and strategies.
We ask ourselves how we can connect and support these with the tech world:
- What technologies might be needed to support the various movements and action types?
- Which technologies have been used in the past and have they proven their worth?
- How can we improve collaboration with activists?
- How can we learn better from each others' experiences?
We want to exchange ideas in small groups and talk about different tools and means for planning, carrying out and following up political actions and protests.
- Introduction, Goals
- Impulse
- Break-Outs
- Summaries
We will suggest the following themes for break-outs, but if you would like to raise a different topic, we'd love to hear about it!
- Training and OpSec
- Organization, Communication, Collaboration
- Squats, Occupations, House Projects
- Protest Camps
- Demonstrations and Blockades
- Anti-Repression</description>
<event guid="8fa6d0ac-54ab-46f6-ac7c-733b8d9d6d63" id="860544">
<room>Saal D</room>
<description>Das Treffen der Regiovertreter*innen. Nach vier Jahren Pause zurück auf dem Congress :)</description>
<event guid="e041db99-ed30-405d-af46-661345308997" id="41993">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title>AMA: I did a Coding Bootcamp</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>I recently did a coding bootcamp and am soon starting my first job as a junior software engineer. Before that, I moved through the space of tech-interested people as a philosopher of technology and I am happy to share thoughts about my experience and answer questions in case someone is interested about coding bootcamps for themselves or their loved ones :)</description>
<event guid="f770f0a6-d54a-4688-a94a-3e224d79e8f1" id="770065">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title>3 years after uprising in Belarus - political situation and repressions in the coutry</title>
<description>3 years after uprising in Belarus - political situation and repressions in the country In August 2020 belarusian people rose against dictatorship of Alexander Lukashenko hopping to overthrow a regime, existing in Belarus since 1994. Several months of protests ended up in mass wave of repressions and political migration from the country. With thousands of political prisoners out of which at least 30 are anarchists, Belarus is the country with one of the highest levels of repressions in Europe this days.
Couple of years later Vladimir Putin started full scale invasion of Ukraine with support of belarusian regime. This created even more problems for the rest of resistance against dictatorship in Belarus.
During this talk member of ABC-Belarus will present the current political situation inside the country and in diaspora organized in Poland/Lithuania. What are the perspectives of the people trying to overthrow dictatorship and what is the role of anarchists in the whole story?
The talk will be around 90 minutes with space for questions and a discussion.</description>
<event guid="55d0e3a2-488c-4332-a1cf-df91e3b655be" id="550324">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title>Workshop: How to Hack your Web Application</title>
<description>This is a beginners' workshop on web application security. No prerequisites in web application security are required. A certain (web application) development background is beneficial.
- First, we will be playing a virtual escaple the room game with challenges on a web application to get into an attacker's mindset.
- Then follows a quick introduction to the OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities.
- Finally use the gathered knowledge so far to attack a vulnerable web application ( and see how these attacks can easily be prevented.
Please bring your (fully charged) laptop to be able to participate.</description>
<event guid="5a5bb25d-e545-465b-be0e-01cb48d79017" id="552554">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title>An introduction to Anarchism</title>
<description>Ideas of the anarchism existed before the network, however hacker's community willingly took anarchism appreciating its dedication to individual and collective freedom. Nowadays it plays quite a huge role for many people organized in hacker scene. With this session we will have a quick look on history of anarchism and the present of the anarchist struggle in the social and political sphere around the world. This is a short presentation with a discussion round.</description>
<event guid="6a47a9b5-ad25-454a-accc-1ec46933c249" id="647952">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title>Tor Relay Operators Meetup</title>
<description>Official 37C3 Tor Relay Operators Meetup supported by the Tor Project.
As always, TROMs are open for everyone who is running a relay, wants to run a relay or just thinks about it. 🙂
At this point we don't have a agenda, but everyone is free to bring up questions or topics at the meeting itself.</description>
<event guid="e7d5d134-0164-4698-8fd7-0702125d979d" id="751340">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title>Finish Advent Of Code beenden</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>I think the Advent of Code ( is a great Advent calendar. But some of the puzzles are rather more difficult, and I don't have time to do them every day, so there are still a few puzzles left unsolved. I think many of you feel the same way.
This is an invitation to meet and crack the last puzzles together. It's always more fun together.
I have solved my puzzles in Kotlin and can also provide support for Java, Python, Dart and JavaScript.
Please bring your own laptops.
Disclaimer: I am not affiliated in any way with</description>
<event guid="37e21365-7e00-473b-9f11-e1f4f6f3876b" id="372136">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title>Wondrous mathematics: The curious world of four-dimensional geometry</title>
<description>You couldn't tie your shoelaces if we lived in four dimensions! And spheres would be much smaller and spikier. We'll take you on a visual tour of these and other curious phenomena unfolding in four dimensions.
The space we live in is three-dimensional. But mathematically, four dimensions can be just as easily defined as three dimensions. In the talk, we'll give an accessible introduction to four-dimensional thinking. We'll discuss how to imagine four dimensions, see examples of beautiful four-dimensional shapes, learn how to glue three-dimensional forms to four-dimensional ones and discover what's special about four dimensions. We'll also explore a four-dimensional labyrinth.
There's some chance that you'll leave the talk with a new favourite platonic solid.
The talk doesn't require any mathematical prerequisites. Exactly two formulas will appear. There will be pretty pictures. Bring your kids (age 12 and above), if they understand English! If you have seen the installment of this talk at the 36c3, then skip this talk, there is very little new material.
[Here is a list of more sessions by our group.](
<event guid="e9ad67ab-f313-4685-a70c-b2c9127c0d47" id="967313">
<room>Saal D</room>
<title> reboot meeting</title>
<description>**attention: Meeting will be on Dec. 30, 0:00; the webpage is confusing in this case** is a global network of non-profits running Tor relays.
It has been inactive for quite some time.
This meeting is for all non-profits who are running Tor relays.
The goal is to discuss and maybe build a future for</description>
<room guid="84b99bf3-1727-44e3-811e-8b130153a30d" name="Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space">
<event guid="71714531-9d9f-47c0-a7ba-90ca3a359052" id="717145">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space</room>
<title>Recent Attacks against Net Neutrality: Why Telcos never learn</title>
<description>Net Neutrality is what sets the internet apart from telephony or television networks. Nevertheless, the issue has not gone quiet in recent years. Donald Trump has repealed net neutrality 2017 in the US, while in Europe digital commissioner Thierry Breton is fighting since 2022 alongside the big telcos against the free internet. In India, Brazil and South Korea, a battle is raging over the interconnection of networks.
This nerdy principle became the law in many juristrictions around the world. The two people giving this workshop have worked on the isseu over many years. We will talk about the recent attacks against net neutrality in the form of network fees (&quot;fair share&quot; or german: &quot;Leitungsschutzrecht&quot;). There will also be time to talk about the global situation when it comes to Zero-Rating (e.g. StreamOn, Facebooks Free Basic, etc.). Lastly, the 5G hype will also be something we want to touch upon.
This workshop gives an overview of the debate and talks about concrete ways in which hackers and activists can engage in the debate to keep the internet open. If you work in the inter-connection market, then this session might be particularly interesting to you.
The workshop is held by Thomas Lohninger ( and Klaus Landefeld (DE-CIX). Both are native German speakers, but we will speak in English to do justice to this global topic.</description>
<event guid="19259e76-c26f-4ff4-b9f6-0d6c9cf89ba7" id="192597">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space</room>
<title>Selforganized Sessioins with the tool</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>Host: 1u
Short presentation and exchange
Openki is an opensource tool for organizing barcamps and open spaces together. It emerged from the Autonomous School in Zurich over the last 10 years. After it was used this summer in St-Imier by around 5000 anarchists to organize around 600 workshops over 5 days, we are confident that it works and is stable.
Compared to a simple SOS form or wiki, it offers the possibility to participate in different roles (collaborative organization), also to simply suggest a topic where you are not an expert yourself (that someone else then leads), notifications, comments, a time period where interested people can register to then decide how large a room needs to be and more.
Some interfaces are already available (schedule.xml, OAuth2 client) others would have to be coded (get the rooms).
Source code:</description>
<event guid="d32095a5-3bb8-4055-806a-a7f823f3054c" id="320955">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space</room>
<title>Lessons4Action: Zwischen Zynismus, Apokalypse und Lastenfahrrad</title>
<abstract>Für die Akzeptanz von Maßnahmen gegen den Klimawandel, die Motivation zu politischer Partizipation bzw. zur Änderung eigenen Verhaltens ist das Wissen über die Grundlagen des Klimawandels zwar notwendig, aber nicht hinreichend.
Ich möchte Bildungsmaterial und -erfahrungen aus einem Schülerlabor teilen, in dem ich versuche die Lücke zwischen Wissen zum Klimawandel und tatsächlichen Handeln etwas zu verkleinern.
Konkret bringe ich die Treibhaustaler mit, ein Veranschaulichung aller emissionsrelevanten Handlungen eines typischen Tages: Individuelles Handeln ist relevant, strukturelle Verändeungen sind notwendig.</abstract>
<description>Host: Jonathan Grothaus</description>
<event guid="83887856-5469-4fcf-8815-258afd8787c9" id="838878">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space</room>
<title>Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte: Friends &amp; Donor Meet up</title>
<abstract>As a donor-funded organization we particularly appreciate people who support us with regular or one-time donations and in doing so sustain our work.</abstract>
<description>Host: Eileen Leistner
As a donor-funded organization we particularly appreciate people who support us with regular or one-time donations and in doing so sustain our work. We know from experience that some of them will be at the CCC Congress and we would like to take the opportunity to get to know and strengthen our community.
That’s why we would like to do an informal networking meeting for all people who already support our organization “Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte” or are interested in our work.
We will start with a greeting and a short input about our recent successes to celebrate our achievements for civil rights. After that we want to save plenty of time for personal and informal discussions with each other and networking.</description>
<event guid="81d5802f-b378-405b-9df2-8f72b5a16ffa" id="815802">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space</room>
<title>Garden Hacks (Open Source Gärtner:innen-Treffen)</title>
<abstract>Dies ist unser offenes Open Source Gärtner:innen Treffen. Nach einem kurzen Input gibt es Raum für Feedback, was gefällt euch an den Open Source Gardens, was könnte besser sein, wo wollen wir hin, was können wir gemeinsam erreichen etc?</abstract>
<description>Host: 3rik
Dies ist unser offenes Open Source Gärtner:innen Treffen. Nach einem kurzen Input gibt es Raum für Feedback, was gefällt euch an den Open Source Gardens, was könnte besser sein, wo wollen wir hin, was können wir gemeinsam erreichen etc?
Außerdem gibt es Raum für eure persönlichen Garden Hacks sowie über Open Source Software und Hardware die jede/r im Garten kennen (lernen) sollte, über (lokale) Gemeinschaften und Initiativen und alles was sonst noch dazu gehört zum zusammen pflanzen und gemeinsam wachsen.
siehe auch</description>
<event guid="73b162ec-eabb-446b-b7c6-7665867c8dfd" id="731624">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space</room>
<title>Running a NGO on FreeSoftware</title>
<abstract>Can organisations with limited resources be digitally sovereign and still provide modern services? It is not trivial, but the FSFE proves it's possible. In this workshop we want to share our story and hear from you how you are running your NGO on FreeSoftware.</abstract>
<event guid="ec73ebe5-5b87-44d5-9437-29ddaf66ef29" id="735587">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space</room>
<title>Ecocide and (green) colonialism in Sápmi Q&amp;A Video-Live-Session</title>
<abstract>Dies ist die Live-Video Q&amp;A-Session zum Talk
&quot;Ecocide and (green) colonialism in Sápmi&quot;</abstract>
<description>This is the Live-Video Q&amp;A-Session to the talk
&quot;Ecocide and (green) colonialism in Sápmi&quot;</description>
<event guid="2b29b5aa-fe34-4f4b-b671-e7492db37409" id="229534">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space</room>
<title>Gluon Meetup</title>
<abstract>Auch dieses Jahr wollen sich die auf dem Congress anwesenden Entwicklerinnen und Anwenderinnen zu aktuellen Gluon Themen austauschen.</abstract>
<description>Host: Skorpy, Blocktrron</description>
<event guid="cf89bd8b-bfa9-4fbc-ac9e-a1aacd35bea2" id="898949">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space</room>
<title>Der (humanitäre) Preis ist heiß</title>
<abstract>Wer kennt sie nicht noch, die nervtötende Ode an den Kapitalismus „Der Preis ist heiß“.</abstract>
<description>Host: Sebastian Jünemann
Das Vermissen hat ein Ende…wir erlösen euch mit unserer ganz eigenen Version der Gameshow. Zu erraten sind allerdings nicht wie im Original die Preise aller möglichen (und unmöglichen) Konsumgüter aus dem Discounter nebenan; sondern die Kosten für verschiedenste Dinge, die wir für unsere humanitären Katastropheneinsätze brauchen.
Bei unserem Spiel „Der humanitäre Preis ist heiß“ können wir zwar nicht mit 90er-Jahre Outfits und Moderationsausnahmetalenten wie Harry Wijnfoord aufwarten…aber dafür mit einer Menge Spaß, profundem Wissen wofür eure Spenden ausgegeben werden und natürlich Schnaps.</description>
<event guid="8fcf1270-0540-42b0-8114-6b37cdcdfd00" id="812700">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Workshop Space</room>
<title>How to get out of any git situation with these 3 commands</title>
<description>Host: Michael, openlab Augsburg</description>
<room guid="ae1d2469-2639-46dc-b21b-809ab14badae" name="Lounge">
<event guid="5e42c035-661e-4ae3-9a0d-7b5348af6059" id="542035">
<title>Hackin the Disco Day 3</title>
<abstract>This workshop is about interactive and algorithmic light and sound design, depending on the code and the movements and positions of the people in the room.</abstract>
<description>This workshop is about interactive and algorithmic light and sound design, depending on the code and the movements and positions of the people in the room. The input data is a LiDAR laser 2D tracking system and self-built motion suites. As output we use the show technology of the lounge, i.e. moving heads and other lamps and the music system. The input data is provided via OSC, the output data is sent via ArtNet to the lighting console and analog to the sound console. We mainly work with Touchdesigner, but any other programming environment that can speak OSC and ArtNet or generate sounds is welcome. At the beginning there will be a short introduction to the technology so that you can then work independently on projects. The workshop takes place daily. The tracking system works with the &quot;Pharus&quot; software from the Ars Electronica Future Lab and the motion suites were created as part of a fellowship at the Academy for Theater and Digitality.
Project link:
Interface readme for the workshop:</description>
<event guid="0a91437a-9df2-4605-a25e-94a569fd8d38" id="91437">
<title>Ptelepathetique - live concert</title>
<abstract>Ptelepathetique is an electronic music project of Scott Beibin focusing on experiments with psychoacoustics.</abstract>
<description>This performance will feature music played through a custom software filter designed to simulate the acoustic properties of the atmosphere of Mars based upon data gathered by the Mars Perseverence Rover.</description>
<event guid="b0b0ae9b-718e-41b4-8c00-1580b67f1368" id="9718">
<title>Melted Moon (Solo-Performance von Fabi)</title>
<abstract>Gameboy 8 Bit live</abstract>
<event guid="ce32b70f-7393-4ba0-b343-edd015264dad" id="327073">
<description>Is a co-creator of the art&amp;play area, loves nerdy art installations and has been collecting music from other countries for many years.
Her set combines driving beats with oriental rhythms, a journey with hypnotic passages and energetic climaxes.</description>
<event guid="b4c8f7d6-c3ab-4bf8-8f35-bd50065ae747" id="487634">
<title>Teichmann &amp; Söhne</title>
<description>Teichmann + Soehne’s »Flows« is not so much the result of a collaborative process as it is a process in itself. Over the course of nine pieces, the Gebrüder Teichmann – Andi and Hannes – and their father Uli repeatedly find common ground between the very different musical styles, sound aesthetics, and subcultural codes they have internalised throughout their lives.
The combination of Uli’s background as a versatile jazz artist and multi-instrumentalist with his sons’ penchant for dub techniques, modular synthesis, and live sampling as well as their interest in electronic dance music take on ever-different shapes. Their album »Flows« released on the occasion of Uli’s 80th birthday in 2023, is as joyful, lively and free-spirited as its makers.</description>
<event guid="69e3e2ed-5f64-4cc4-86f3-c0df74acbab1" id="693256">
<title>Ricardo Villalobos</title>
<event guid="edda36a7-7d60-4fc9-a0c4-757a53bd2b2d" id="367760">
<title>Dana Ruh</title>
Born and raised in Gera in Germany, Dana Ruh soon found her way to the capital city of Berlin. Since then, she ha been on a constantly evolving musical journey. In the early years, her sound was rooted in techno and landed most often on the label Brouqade Records, which she established in 2007. The label is still running too, and celebrated its 10th Year Birthday Celebration entitled 'Past/Present/Future' that emphatically encapsulated all that's great about the label.
Aside from Brouqade, Dana's music has also featured on the liked of Autoreply, Work Them Records, Howl and Underground Quality. It was Jus Ed's label where she released her stunning debut album. 'Naturally' in 2014, an LP that introduced Dana to a whole new audience and showcased her pure house sound with some distinctions. In 2017 she started her new Label 'Cave Recordings' that showcased her wide musical range mainly rooted in House with old school flavor.
When she isn't busy in the studio crafting textured tracks, Dana is a fine DJ who holds down resident duties at top Berlin space, Club der Visionaere. It is there that she lays down seductive tracks from the worlds of house and techno as well as gems in between. Aside from her beloved CDV, Dana has played in some of the globe's foremost house and techno nightclubs, often alongside some of the scene's prime movers and shakers.
Despite working in such an over saturated and competitive field, Dana Ruh manages to speak louder and more coherently that most, and for that reason she deserves all the love she gets.</description>
<event guid="0aba3fbc-a3d9-4b4d-9f6b-4e27e90f2342" id="33944">
<abstract>Producer/DJ from Hamburg Germany.
One half of Schulverweis.</abstract>
<event guid="da9b08d4-e5f2-4ce1-9a7c-73ad26b25f57" id="908452">
<abstract>Ratkat, a Hamburg native, resident DJ at Golden Pudel Club, organizing the club and concertnight “Next Time” together with NIka Son. She has a liveact under the moniker Pose Dia.</abstract>
<room guid="85a6ba5d-11d9-4efe-8d28-c5f7165a19ce" name="Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)">
<event guid="09e32d92-d183-4190-b657-982406955f47" id="93292">
<room>Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)</room>
<title>Deutschlandfunk: Computer und Kommunikation vom 37C3</title>
<abstract>Aufzeichnung der Sendung &quot;Computer und Kommunikation&quot;
Mit Manfred Kloiber, Peter Welchering, Marie Zinkann</abstract>
<description>In Computer und Kommunikation werden wir ausführlich vom 37C3 berichten. Dazu erwarten wir auch Studiogästen.
Ausstrahlung am 30.12.2023 um 16:30 Uhr im Deutschlandfunk
Reporter: Peter Welchering und Marie Zinkann
Moderation: Manfred Kloiber
Technik: Carsten Besser und Daniel Evers</description>
<event guid="4240a5ce-e8c1-5769-9450-4a929bdbb945" id="57932">
<room>Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)</room>
<title>Erklär ma - Solarenergie</title>
<type>Live podcast stage (90 minutes)</type>
<abstract>Von Simone Herpich (Balkonsolar eV) und Dr. Juliane Borchert (Fraunhofer Institut für Solare Energiesysteme) lasse ich mir alles (so viel wie geht) über Solarenergie erzählen.</abstract>
<person guid="772e38f6-4ffd-5216-8bd9-22300dc12b14">Keßen Christian</person>
<event guid="c0933e3f-431e-52f4-864d-da7f148715ea" id="57998">
<room>Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)</room>
<title>Rückkanal bei der Podcasterei: Twitter ist tot, Es lebe das Fediverse?!</title>
<type>Live podcast stage (90 minutes)</type>
<abstract>Offene Diskussion im Fishbowl-Format:</abstract>
<person guid="26780970-fb6a-4211-883a-eed329681048">Andi</person>
<event guid="44c29443-5e13-5d10-b6fe-cbd9db7eff25" id="57928">
<room>Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)</room>
<title>Och Menno - Military Grade Bullshit</title>
<type>Live podcast stage (45 minutes)</type>
<abstract>Das merkwürdigste aus militärischer Forschung.
Military grade Firewall, Military grade Vollbit Verschlüsselungen etc .. das neuste Buzzword wird wieder durch das Marketing getrieben ? Als Gegenargument gibt es nun die besten militärischen Fehlentwicklungen aus 4 Jahren Och Menno Podcast. Fliegende Panzer und Uboote sind ja genauso logisch wie das vom Marketing.</abstract>
<person guid="0ce6bf66-a4bb-58b3-a2fa-54682eb3a1dc">Sven Uckermann</person>
<room guid="5dc69a77-16d0-4a94-8f18-7c563ecf13db" name="Chillout Lounge">
<event guid="80fd5291-10ea-468c-bbf2-c10f7aebb109" id="805291">
<room>Chillout Lounge</room>
<description>Musik für Herz &amp; Hintern</description>
<event guid="6608cde6-4100-4098-b362-0987b2b55aa7" id="660864">
<room>Chillout Lounge</room>
<description>RVDS aka Richard von der Schulenburg is a luminary out in Hamburg, who produces and DJs as RVDS and as his Italian cousin Riccardi Schola. Whoever had the chance to listen to his sets at the legendary Golden Pudel Club knows where his magical charming sound comes from. With his releases for own label “It’s&quot;, and a releases and remixes on a bunch of other imprints such as VIS, Bordello A Parigi or Acid Test, he already created a tiny fanhood of moonaddicts and dreamers all around the globe.</description>
<event guid="f6eb4f44-ba51-4165-b270-a4e6a8a174aa" id="644451">
<room>Chillout Lounge</room>
<title>Lina &amp; Paul Gregor</title>
<event guid="dad5dd27-6c1b-45ba-bd5e-e54668986680" id="527614">
<room>Chillout Lounge</room>
<title>Marco Costanza (Dj)</title>
<event guid="c0becc2e-11ea-4454-af63-91fe0cc750eb" id="21144">
<room>Chillout Lounge</room>
<title>Chiara Salome</title>
<description>Berlin artist &amp; Garbicz Ambient floor curator Chiara will put together dreamy house &amp; trippy ambient tracks into a loving cosy flying carpet for the relaxation of the exhausted Nerd mind. Fluffy house music from Berlin underground micro house labels may involves excursions in wiggling hips and moving feet e.g. dancing, while energetic ambient may delivers shifts in consciousness - gentle breathing &amp; body awareness is always recommended.</description>
<event guid="5b2142e6-5b72-4c93-b964-56483d0b820d" id="521426">
<room>Chillout Lounge</room>
<title>Jendrik_Deep Aid</title>
<description>your technology has a fade in its life expectancy and no reward thing could release you from your misery</description>
<event guid="bb26f47a-ccd9-45aa-b051-b78bedf9cc0d" id="264794">
<room>Chillout Lounge</room>
<title>RSS Disco</title>
<room guid="5553e445-6aa8-4be7-b068-00e56aa351b2" name="Unter der Rakete in der Eingangshalle">
<event guid="2a8343e5-80a3-4fe8-bda9-cd16071f60a6" id="283435">
<room>Unter der Rakete in der Eingangshalle</room>
<title>Block motorways, occupy trees and hang up banners – Beginner's workshop and advanced workshop for activist climbing (Basisworkshop aktivistisches Klettern)</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>We do:
- Climbing up and down the rope (caterpillars/abseiling)
- Climbing on lanterns and trees with slings (taping)
- Rescuing (on the rope and when taping)
- All the knots you want to learn
If you arrive late and miss us, call us at +4917695110311 (via the old-fashioned phone, not Signal or Telegram).
If there is a lot of interest, we can also extend the workshop beyond the planned 60 minutes :-)
<room guid="a27fcab0-d25f-466a-968d-0e86df84aa79" name="House">
<event guid="3de977ac-a453-4b0e-b477-179c25c4118b" id="397745">
<title>UX &amp; Human-Centered Design People Networking!</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>A place to meet up for the people who work and research in user experience and human-centered design.</description>
<event guid="051a825e-97ac-405b-a6d2-2a0a490f931b" id="51825">
<title>p2panda - offline-first meetup</title>
<abstract>p2panda is an offline-first p2p protocol and SDK. This is an informal meeting for everyone who's interested and has questions!</abstract>
<description>&gt; Come over if you're interested in p2panda! This open and informal meeting is for everyone who wants to say Hello, learn more about the project or has questions.
Pad: [](
p2panda ([]( is a peer-to-peer protocol and SDK for secure and privacy-respecting offline-first applications. It can be used in both fully distributed or federated networks and focuses on use-cases where peers can collaborate and exchange data, even when they're sometimes not connected to the internet.
Things p2panda is interested in:
🦝 Browser and Mobile Friendliness
Lightweight clients that can easily be implemented as websites or apps
🐢 Capabilities
Fine-grained permissions and roles for users, control who can read, sync, change or delete your data
🐎 Collaboration
Data can be edited together, even when you are offline
🐮 Data Sovereignty
Users own the data they create
🐄 Decentralisation
No authority over data or how it is displayed
🦣 Deletion
Remove data from the network. Most data does not need to stay forever, it can even delete itself automatically after some time
🐰Energy Efficiency
Data- and energy-efficient storage and replication
🐨 Privacy
Share meta data and data only with people and devices you really trust
🐼 Offline-First
Access to online services without reliable and performant internet infrastructure. Independence from the corporate cloud
🦉 Encryption
Secure symmetrical and double-ratchet (MLS) encryption for sensitive and private data for users and all sorts of groups
🐧 Developer friendly
Computers are used by humans
🐸 Warmth
Computers make it easy to get carried away by their rigidly structured ways. However, every computer also contains an undeniable spark of pure chaos. We want to capture that spark to ignite a campfire for you to gather around and get cosy</description>
<event guid="90608df5-670a-4423-acc3-c65d4de14cf5" id="906085">
<title>privacy aware computers for non-techies</title>
<abstract>In this sos, we discuss if and how an NGO could offer off-the-shelf computers whose soft- and hardware is independent of those data hungry enterprises.</abstract>
<description>For non-techies, it is a challenge to find and configure personal electronic devices that respect their privacy. Hence, the majority of people are living under permanent surveillance and their data is capitalized by one of those big companies. This is a terrible situation, not only for individuals, but also for organizations that work with sensitive data. And, after all, for all of us because surveillance capitalism threatens democratic societies.
In a better world, there would be a low-threshold offer of reasonable priced off-the-shelf devices provided by an organization that respects the users' privacy!
If you also want to make the world a better place, come and share your knowledge. Let's have a tea and discuss how a to-be-founded NGO could make privacy aware devices available for anyone.</description>
<event guid="3d151d8d-ee0c-4f48-91f0-a5841193323c" id="315180">
<title>Game Boy chat</title>
<language>en, de</language>
<abstract>A chat about Game Boys, hardware and everything.</abstract>
<description>A chat about Game Boys, hardware and everything. Either in continuation of the talk &quot;Reconstructing game footage from a Game Boy's memory bus&quot; at 20:30 at &quot;Saal Grace&quot; for those who want to know more about the &quot;GB Interceptor&quot; or for anyone who wants to meet and talk about the old gaming consoles.</description>
<room guid="8e75cfa3-c555-4eb2-b3ba-a723450a1f4b" name="ChaosZone">
<event guid="33523611-2cfe-4403-aab3-e27c5fac7d54" id="335236">
<title>ChaosZone Meetup</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<abstract>The members and assembly meetup of the ChaosZone including Hackspaces of our region cluster open to guests.</abstract>
<description>The **members and assembly meetup** of the ChaosZone including Hackspaces of our region cluster **open to guests**. Our geographic boundaries range from Eisenach to Warsaw, but of course and as always; All Creatures Welcome!
ChaosZone is the project with the goal of establishing a collaborative assembly since the 35th Chaos Communication Congress.</description>
<event guid="ee65c376-7da1-4c9e-82be-2eeda0f50af9" id="653767">
<title>U Act! - “The Marshall Plan” for Ukraine</title>
<abstract>The return to pre-war economy in Ukraine is impossible. Why
and how the Marshall Plan for Ukraine might fail, and what
steps could condition its success.</abstract>
<description>The return to pre-war economy in Ukraine is impossible. Why
and how the Marshall Plan for Ukraine might fail, and what
steps could condition its success.
Mykyta Soloviov (Lawyer, Macroeconomist, Politician) live from Kharkiv, UA
Language: RU, translated live into EN</description>
<event guid="2ff13d5d-d0a2-4a20-bc44-40257480d3c1" id="213502">
<title>U Act! - Destabilization through Media</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<abstract>Lines of division in the Ukrainian society: How the Russian
information impact creates and exploits them for
(Content applicable to Germany)</abstract>
<description>Lines of division in the Ukrainian society: How the Russian
information impact creates and exploits them for
(Content applicable to Germany)
Artem Zakharchenko, media analyst (live from Ukraine) and
Nastya Melnychenko, feminist, civil rights activist (live from the USA)</description>
<event guid="07e90669-a1d6-4bd4-8475-ebde09c70c56" id="79066">
<title>OpenEPaperLink: Q&amp;A Session with one of the devs</title>
<abstract>QnA Session at 9pm with one of the open epaper link devs at Chaoszone</abstract>
<room guid="f354f5c6-6a24-41e6-b403-9366eeab120f" name="Sendezentrum Assembly">
<event guid="edd6eadd-9e0a-429c-a21b-988541305a12" id="690429">
<room>Sendezentrum Assembly</room>
<title>Sendegate, Subscribe &amp; Co. Quo vadis</title>
<abstract>Wir reden über die Zukunft der independent Community, des Sendegates, der Subscribe usw.</abstract>
<room guid="569fee27-b5be-449b-9437-aa6467fae020" name="Quasiroom">
<event guid="3222d044-3f67-43c3-bf58-58076c607855" id="322204">
<title>Knitting/crocheting workshop (Strick- und Häkelworkshop)</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>We're happy about any co-knitters and co-crocheters joining us, and we'll teach you how it works in case you don't know. :-) **Where? Free space in front of Saal F.**
If you could bring a knitting needle and yarn on your own, that would be perfect; but fear not, we have a limited supply which we'll gladly share with you. In this case, it would be nice if you could reimburse us on our costs, but no worries if that's not possible.
A nice project for a beginner is an oven cloth or a phone case, or if you're looking for something more ambitious, gloves. We are also happy to assist with your own projects or ideas. :-)
At least one of the workshop-giving persons can also offer the workshop in Macedonian or broken Serbian. The workshop is organized by [August](
[Here is a list of more sessions by our group.](
<room guid="bccb6a5b-b26b-4f17-90b9-b5966f5e34d8" name="Chaoswelle">
<event guid="b54fe3a7-5a02-4aa3-ab21-af295f4fdbf9" id="543750">
<title>POTA – Parks on the Air [Day 3]</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<abstract>Einführung in Parks On The Air (POTA) mit DC1TC und DK4HAA</abstract>
<description>At the Chaoswelle assembly we will give a short introduction to the amateur radio activity program &quot;Parks On The Air&quot; (POTA for short) and portable operation (duration approx. 30 minutes). Afterwards, we will start a joint park activation with you on shortwave in the &quot;Planten un Bloomen&quot; park in the immediate vicinity of the CCH (duration approx. 120 minutes).
No previous experience is necessary; the necessary equipment is provided. Those interested in radio are also explicitly invited and can practice practical radio operations with our training call sign.
Weatherproof clothing is absolutely necessary for radio operations in the park, as we will definitely be going out (exception: freezing rain or thunderstorms).
The event takes place on all four days.</description>
<event guid="ebd42176-3e5f-49bf-a9b7-61e38f497b75" id="421763">
<title>Einführung in die neue Amateurfunkprüfung für Einsteiger</title>
<abstract>Ein Überblick, was die neue Amateurfunk-Klasse N bietet.</abstract>
<description>Mit der neuen Amateurfunk-Verordnung wird im Juni 2024 eine neue Amateurfunk-Klasse N eingeführt, die einen ersten eigenen Betrieb im Amateurfunk ermöglicht. Mit dem neuen Fragenkatalog sind nun die Inhalte für die Prüfung bekannt.
Wir zeigen, welche Möglichkeiten die Amateurfunk-Klasse N bietet und welches Wissen für die Prüfung erforderlich ist. Dazu wird Lernmaterial vorgestellt.</description>
<event guid="68a04ea0-834c-4ad7-a27c-70ba40f3d630" id="680408">
<title>Software Defined Radio</title>
<abstract>Grundlagen SDR
Wie funktioniert das mit den I/Q-Signalen
Welche Technik benötigt man?
Wie geht es weiter?</abstract>
<description>Software Defined Radio (SDR) ist ein häufiges Schlagwort. In einem kurzem Abriss versuche ich einen Einblick zu geben, was SDR so interessant macht. Ich werde erklären, was es mit den I/Q-Signalen so auf sich hat und was man denen im weiteren anstellen kann. Abgerundet wird der Vortrag mit einer kurzen Vorstellung gänger Hardware für den Einstieg.
Aufgrund der Nachfrage sind die Folien demnächst unter zu finden.</description>
<room guid="23103aa8-854e-4ecd-8126-35c323a310c4" name="Pseudoroom">
<event guid="f233ca0d-e222-4ff3-9d9b-8a5858c3894e" id="233022">
<title>Provokante Aktionen und ihre Bedeutung für politischen Protest</title>
<description>**Wir treffen uns beim Aufzug ganz in der Nähe von Stage Y (nicht Saal F!).**
Die „Letzte Generation“ ist in aller Munde. Ihre Aktionen polarisieren – und viele derer, die Macht oder Kapital in ihren Händen halten, schimpfen auf die Aktivist*innen. Neben strafrechtlichen Drohungen fordern sie, zu zurückhaltenderen Aktionsformen zurückzukehren.
Doch: Braucht politischer Protest nicht die direkte Aktion, ein provokantes, aufmerksamkeitserzeugendes Eingreifen in die gesellschaftlichen Abläufe? Was wären die Atomproteste ohne Schienenblockaden und Bauplatzbesetzungen? Was der Widerstand gegen die Agrogentechnik ohne Feldbefreiungen und -besetzungen? Wo ständen wir in der Kohleausstiegsdebatte, wenn es die Besetzung des Hambacher Forstes und die Baggerbesetzungen nicht gegeben hätte?
&quot;Direkte Aktion ist nicht alles, aber ohne kreative, provokante Protestformen ist alles nichts!&quot;, so ein Motto. In dem Workshop werden wir an Fallbeispielen zeigen, welche Bedeutung provokante Aktionen in der Vergangenheit hatten – und warum sie auch in Zukunft nötig sein werden.
[Weitere Sessions unserer Gruppe](
<event guid="43b95415-a4dd-46f7-8313-d3b0695f5a3c" id="439541">
<title>Beginner's workshop for activist climbing (Basisworkshop aktivistisches Klettern)</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<abstract>If you are not editor-in-chief of an important newspaper, you need to use other methods to advance public debate. In this workshop, you can learn how to climb up trees and street lamps to put up banners or to build tree houses. Absolutely no prior knowledge required. We bring the required climbing gear.</abstract>
<description>We meet directly in front of the main entrance. If you come late and miss us, call at +4917695110311 (via old-fashioned phone, not Signal or Telegram).
In case there is a lot of interest, we can extend the workshop for longer than the scheduled 50 minutes :-)
<event guid="99943726-2e37-4a9d-8750-a64525adca9d" id="999437">
<title>Verklag die Stadt! Wie du mit Versammlungsrecht auf einer Autobahn legal protestieren oder ein gemütliches Straßenfest auf einer Hauptverkehrsstraße durchführen kannst</title>
<abstract>Workshop zu Versammlungsrecht und wie man Verwaltungsklagen selbst macht (ohne anwältliche Unterstützung)</abstract>
<description>**Wir sind beim Aufzug ganz in der Nähe von Stage Y.**
<event guid="9f3f2eed-84e5-4529-8119-973342b8427c" id="932845">
<title>Introduction to acclaimed Chinese writers</title>
<language>en, de</language>
<description>Over the last years, Chinese science-fiction became very well-known in the West. Liu Cixin's „The Three-Body Problem“ and Hao Jingfang's „Folding Beijing“ were both awarded with the Hugo Award and Barack Obama publicly recommended the former.
In this talk, we will go over some acclaimed Chinese writers, especially their history and their style: The three „grand-masters“ Liu Cixin, Wang Jingkang and Han Song, the three well-known and awarded authors Hao Jingfang, Chen Qiufan and Baoshu as well as some others including Gu Shi, Ma Boyong, Cheng Jingbo, Zhang Ran, Luo Longxiang and Fei Dao. Prints of and links to some of their short stories („Salinger and the Koreans“ by Han Song, „Folding Beijing“ by Hao Jingfang and „Möbius Continuum“ by Gu Shi) will be available.
For everybody. No prior knowledge required.
We meet at the Assembly of the OpenLab Augsburg.
<event guid="9c77653c-da81-4415-9a3a-3dbf28472290" id="977653">
<title>Super-lightning talks advertising captivating, intriguing and insightful science fiction stories</title>
<language>en, de</language>
<abstract>There is now a public library of scifi books (and maths textbooks, climate activism, ...) at Stage Y. In this session, held at the free space in front of Saal D, some of these books are introduced and you are encouraged to advertise your favorite books.</abstract>
<description>**We meet at the free space in front of Saal D.**
The organizer of this session will vanish after 20 minutes to go to another session, but of course feel free to continue discussing your favorite works of scifi after that point.
<room guid="b44cdf40-93b6-4581-92b5-7e8a543f8f62" name="Kidspace - Workshopraum in Saal B">
<event guid="5bf23823-65e0-4600-b1bc-446d9ef03df8" id="523823">
<room>Kidspace - Workshopraum in Saal B</room>
<title>Unlock Minecraft: Beginner Workshop – Tag 3</title>
<abstract>### Eine pädagogische Einführung in das beliebte Computerspiel mit Minecraft Education.
Wolltest du schon immer einmal wissen, was es mit Minecraft auf sich hat und würdest gerne herausfinden, ob du dich in dieser digitalen Sandkiste wohlfühlst?
Unser 2-stündiger Workshop bietet AnfängerInnen jeden Alters das passende Umfeld, um das beliebte Spiel in Ruhe kennenzulernen.</abstract>
<description>&gt; The workshop will be held in German. However, we are also able to communicate in English and are happy to help you in this language.
### Contents
1. **Basics:** Introduction to controls and game mechanics.
2. **Creative mode:** Unlimited building and creative design.
3. **Survival mode:** Basic skills for resource management and survival.
4. **Collaborative projects:** Teamwork on building projects
### Participation requirements:
- **Target group:** Beginners in Minecraft
- **Age:** Children from 6+ years, as well as interested parents and grown-ups
- **Technical requirements:**
- **No license required**, we provide user accounts
- Own internet-enabled device + charger
- Pre-installed Minecraft Education App [download from the manufacturer's website](
### Registration
- Please register with **Ghenny** in **Kidspace** or via **DECT-2636**
- You will then receive a participation pass
- Max seats: 8
### Workshop full?
No problem! If the interest in this workshop is greater than the available places, we will repeat the workshop. So let us know if you are interested in our workshop and watch out for announcements in the Kidspace.
#### **Wondering?**
Are you curious about Minecraft? Wondering if Minecraft is a suitable game for your child? Do you have questions about safety, game mechanics and the educational aspects of the game? Feel free to contact us! We look forward to the exchange.</description>
<event guid="93770f64-9736-4c20-8e06-b4791ebb4b4b" id="937706">
<room>Kidspace - Workshopraum in Saal B</room>
<title>Lightning Talks - Kids Edition</title>
<abstract>Liebe Kinder, das ist eure Zeit zu glänzen! Am 3. Congress-Tag öffnen wir im Workshopraum des Kidspace eine Bühne nur für euch. Teilt eure spannenden Projekte, genialen Erfindungen oder kreativen Geschichten in unseren Kinder-Lightning Talks.</abstract>
<description>Dear children, this is your time to shine! On the 3rd Congress day, we will open a stage just for you in the Kidspace workshop room. Share your exciting projects, ingenious inventions or creative stories in our Kids’ Lightning Talks. 🚀
🌈 Bring your models, drawings or just your amazing thoughts. Whether it’s a self-built robot car, a fantastic drawing story or a clever app idea - we want to see what inspires you!
👉 Registration: Come to Kidspace and register with the organizers. Show what you can do in a short talk and share your passion with other young explorers!</description>
<event guid="97b2cc4a-4b02-4d9a-8dcb-0eac33212e01" id="972440">
<room>Kidspace - Workshopraum in Saal B</room>
<title>Meere und warum sie für uns wichtig sind - Tag 3</title>
<description>Ich nehme euch mit in einen Vortrag unter Wasser. Ich möchte euch erzählen warum die Ozeane für uns wichtig sind und warum und vor allem wie wir sie schützen können. Und natürlich alle eure Fragen rund ums Meer und Korallenriffe zu beantworten. Der interaktive Vortrag richtet sich an Kinder im Alter zwischen 8-12, aber es sind natürlich alle willkommen.</description>
<event guid="5b011da3-d275-4141-b910-4ffce2c39ffa" id="501132">
<room>Kidspace - Workshopraum in Saal B</room>
<title>HOWTO Kidspace</title>
<abstract>Wir erklären euch, das die Orga so macht.</abstract>
<description>Wolltet ihr schon immer mal wissen, was nötig ist, um den Kindern ein Spielparadies zu &quot;erbauen&quot;.
Dies wollen wir euch erzählen und hoffen darauf, dass wir weitere Wesen finden, die uns bei dieser vielfältigen und chaotischen Aufgabe unterstützen wollen.</description>
<room guid="321c70d7-8bad-47f6-b8f2-fbfb3425d1d7" name="Stonewall IO">
<event guid="30d4d6aa-4b54-548b-a719-e5763117ad7d" id="57979">
<room>Stonewall IO</room>
<title>Offene Workshop-Sessions Tag 3 | Open workshop sessions day 3</title>
<abstract>DE: Während dieser Session ist der Workshopraum für alle offen, die sich hier treffen möchten. Er soll ein Raum für produktiven Austausch sein.
EN: During this session, the workshop room is open to anyone who would like to meet here. Our room is meant to be a space for productive exchange.</abstract>
Ihr seid eine kleine Gruppe, die eine gemütliche Ecke braucht? Kommt vorbei. Oder einen Tisch, an dem ihr etwas bauen, basteln, werkeln könnt? Wir haben Tische. Ihr wollt ein paar Spiele spielen? Macht auch gerne das.
In dieser unmoderierten Session könnt ihr den Workshopraum gemeinsam nutzen und vielleicht auch gucken, was die anderen gerade so interessantes machen. Gesellt euch dazu, so lange Platz ist und die Anwesenden den Raum gemeinsam nutzen können, ohne sich dabei zu stören.
You are a small group that needs a cozy corner? Come on over. Or a table where you can build something, tinker, craft? We have tables. You want to play some games? Feel free to do that too.
In this unmoderated session, you can share the workshop room and maybe see what others are doing that's interesting.Join this open session as long as there is room and those present can share the space without interfering with each other.</description>
<event guid="6c885739-d882-581f-9d17-7c55a18965eb" id="57899">
<room>Stonewall IO</room>
<abstract>Gemeinsames Frühstück für FINTA, die Haecksen werden möchten</abstract>
<description>Jedes Jahr treffen wir Haecksen uns zum traditionellen Haecksenfrühstück auf dem Kongress, tauschen uns aus und planen das nächste Jahr. Willkommen sind zum Frühstück alle FINTA (Frau, inter, nichtbinär, trans, agender). Kommt gerne vorbei und bringt am Besten etwas zum Frühstücken und eine Tasse mit.
Im Raum wird um Masken gebeten, daher gerne mitbringen und verantwortugsbewusst snacken und Tee trinken.
The Hacksenbreakfast is the biggest annual meeting of the Haecksen group, a group of female hackers within the CCC. We have a breakfast together and do some planning for the next year. This meeting is only for FINTA (female, intersex, non-binary, trans and agender). Please remind us to speak English if you do not understand German. It is a good idea to bring something for the breakfast and a cup for coffee/tea, but of course this is not mandatory.
Masks are requested in the room, so please bring them with you and snack and drink tea responsibly.</description>
<event guid="e9343fdf-389b-515c-9040-772d493e75c3" id="57886">
<room>Stonewall IO</room>
<title>Philhaecksen Memorials</title>
<abstract>Vielleicht kennst du schon die Haecksen-Memorials: Das sind anfassbare, toll aufbereitete Kunstwerke in Form von Tafeln und Elektrobasteleien, die die Arbeiten von wichtigen FINTA Personen aus der Technikgeschichte darstellen und näher bringen. Hieran wollen wir anknüpfen und Memorials von FINTA Personen beisteuern, die tolles in der Philosophiegeschichte geleistet haben. Denn genauso wie in der Technikgeschichte werden in der Philosophiegeschichte nicht cis männliche Menschen gerne rausgeschrieben, d.h. es wird nicht erwähnt, dass es sie gibt oder ihre Werke werden Männern zugewiesen. Mit unserem Memorials Projekt wollen wir genau darauf aufmerksam machen.</abstract>
<description>Wir wollen uns in diesem Workshop zusammensetzen, zum Thema Brainstormen und überlegen wen wir darstellen wollen, wie die Person die Philosophiegeschichte beeinflusst hat und wie wir das Projekt am Besten umsetzen. All Creatures Welcome.
Bringt gerne ein internetfähiges Gerät für Recherche mit.</description>
<person guid="806c02b8-f32d-4cf7-8317-3e8fabb616c5">naerrin</person>
<person guid="a4358f84-129e-581b-a597-6f604812ac12">Smettbo</person>
<event guid="68d62501-77b6-5e75-a7a1-d06669f9ff4a" id="57896">
<room>Stonewall IO</room>
<title>CCCrip Auskotzrunde</title>
<abstract>Zielgruppe für diesen Workshop sind be_hinderte Congress-Besucher:innen (CCCrips). Eine Hackspace- oder C3-Mitgliedschaft ist komplett optional. Wir wollen uns untereinander kennenlernen, Erfahrungen austauschen, und Pläne schmieden! Weltherrschaft, anyone?</abstract>
<description>Inhalte bzw. Ziel: Vernetzung! Endlich mal &quot;diese Leute aus dem Internet&quot; kennenlernen. Erfahrungen austauschen. Womöglich sammeln wir ja auch Ideen, wie Dinge zugänglicher gemacht werden. Und vielleicht ergibt sich ein Projekt daraus?
Klärung: Be_hinderung kann viele verschiedene Formen haben. Wir wollen hier einen Raum schaffen, in dem viele verschiedene Menschen sich miteinander austauschen können. Eine &quot;offizielle&quot; Diagnose ist dafür absolut nicht notwendig! Wenn du dich selbst als be_hindert beschreibst, bist du hier richtig.
Inhaltswarnung: wir sprechen über unsere Be_hinderungen. Voraussichtlich werden dabei auch negative Erfahrungen geteilt.
Und es gilt, hier erst recht: nehmt Rücksicht auf euch selbst, und auch auf andere!</description>
<person guid="829aef72-0128-575a-8623-7d23be7e2879">Oliver Suchanek</person>
<person guid="3a4d730d-eeff-53c4-8662-1892d11f600e">lavalaempchen</person>
<person guid="fe019c17-d6b8-40f4-81ca-cd624a686ce2">pascoda (she/her)</person>
<person guid="d3d335ab-4d38-5c05-bb5a-6eed623c34f6">Helga Velroyen</person>
<person guid="3e6cc4a7-ec44-5a60-baf4-b033cf6a5f25">Katta</person>
<event guid="08721c9f-ea6f-580b-a576-fd2fcd6575da" id="57931">
<room>Stonewall IO</room>
<title>Introductory Workshop to Containers!</title>
<abstract>Containers appear to be ubiquitous to almost all software development these days. But what are they? After a short introduction on the technology we will get hands on with Docker to run existing container images, building our own, connect them to eachother and gently tap into all the powerful features they provide.</abstract>
<description>Containers appear to be ubiquitous to almost all software development these days. From &quot;Dev Containers&quot; to &quot;CI&quot; to &quot;Service Deployment&quot;, they seem to be able to do everything.
But what exactly are they? We will do a short introduction to the underlying technology, but then mostly focus on the most commonly used frontend: Docker.
You will be provided with a little example project, to get your hands dirty on all the basics. How to run existing container images, how to create your own images, and most importantly what the possible use-cases for each of these steps are. The example project will provide plenty of opportunities to &quot;containerize&quot; its parts.
Feel free to attend this alone or in small groups, but be sure to bring at least one laptop. Linux as an operating system is recommended, but I will try my best to get you started on macOS or Windows as well.
Some software development background (of any kind) is recommended, so you can connect the newly gained knowledge with your personal experiences and potential use-cases. At the very least, you shouldn't be afraid to use a terminal and have set up a text editor or IDE of your choice.
<person guid="a6ab66b3-507e-57c0-9c5b-574167c640c6">Drakulix</person>
<event guid="0507eab7-1521-57f6-bc6d-f84bd2511309" id="57879">
<room>Stonewall IO</room>
<title>Experimentelles Spiel zur IT-Netzwerk Kommunikation</title>
<abstract>Ich möchte gemeinsam mit euch ein experimentelles Netzwerkspiel spielen. Dabei geht es darum die Kommunikation zwischen Computern spielerisch nachzuahmen um so zu verstehen wie Pakete zwischen Computern und Netzwerken transportiert werden. Wir werden TCP, UDP simulieren und erfahren was passiert, wenn der Router mal nicht aufpasst. Ich möchte einen alternativen unvollständigen Weg zum begreifen von Netzwerk Kommunikation anbieten. IPoAC inklusive.</abstract>
<description>Das Spiel lebt davon das alle mitmachen und sich nach ihren Möglichkeiten beteiligen. Das Spiel kann nicht vollständig erklären wir Netzwerk Kommunikation abläuft, jedoch einen ersten spielerischen Einblick geben.
Content Warnings: Dieses interaktive Spiel kann wuselig und bewegungsintensiv werden.
Die Spielanleitung ist hier zu finden:;a=tree</description>
<person guid="08849923-9dc7-58e4-95bb-1e13ae7de784">Bücherratten</person>
<event guid="1e191401-543f-565f-9ab2-5b418e4d052c" id="57936">
<room>Stonewall IO</room>
<title>Zeit für Papier, Bretter und Spiele | Time for Games</title>
Offener Abend, wo wir Platz bieten, damit Leute sich für gesellige Spiele treffen können, ob Pen and Paper, Brett- oder Kartenspiele... kommt an die Tische, lasst euch in den Sitzecken nieder und tut gemeinsam lustige Dinge. Natürlich so lang die Nacht euch begeistert.
Open evening where we offer space for people to meet for social games, whether pen and paper, board or card games.... come to the tables, settle down in the sitting areas and do fun things together. As long as the night excites you, of course.</abstract>
Auf Wunsch gibt es einen Spieleabend, den wir möglichst offen, chaotisch und gut gestalten wollen. Wir sind gespannt, was uns zusammen erwarten wird.
Bringt etwas mit, das ihr gerne mit Menschen zusammen spielen möchtet. Am Anfang könnt ihr in wenigen Sätzen vorstellen, was ihr mitgebracht habt und gerne mit anderen spielen möchtet. Dann können sich Menschen für Dinge melden, bis hoffentlich alle, die mitspielen wollen, versorgt sind. Und das Spielen kann beginnen. Wenn Spiele enden, können sich bestimmt nochmal neue Gruppen in Eigenregie finden.
Upon request, there will be a game night, which we want to make as open, chaotic and good as possible. We are excited to see what will await us together.
Bring something that you would like to play together with people. At the beginning you can introduce in a few sentences what you have brought and would like to play with others. Then people can sign up for things until hopefully everyone who wants to play is taken care of. And the playing can begin. When games end, new groups can certainly form on their own.</description>
<person guid="806c02b8-f32d-4cf7-8317-3e8fabb616c5">naerrin</person>
<room guid="5df87228-deaf-4f8c-a398-f117ca4f54ab" name="Kidspace - Saal B">
<event guid="3dafabdd-38b8-4c22-a6ea-fb2463767555" id="338842">
<room>Kidspace - Saal B</room>
<title>Elektrobaukasten - Tag 3</title>
<description>Make circuits for light, sound or motion. From the age of around 4 years upwards accompanied by adults, this is possible with the simple electronic kit based on snap buttons (manufactureres recommendation is 8 years). Even younger kits enjoy arranging coloured shapes. This is a parent-kid-offer. Please oversee your kids or build with them.</description>
<event guid="1a253790-bac7-48b4-ac55-90f441dad624" id="125379">
<room>Kidspace - Saal B</room>
<title>GuteN8Geschichten - Tag 3</title>
<description>Every day from 18:30 to 19:00 at the 37c3 Kidspace, we're hosting a bedtime story reading session. Perfect for everyone looking to unwind after an exciting day at the Congress. Among others, we'll read from works like 'Ada and Zangemann: A Fairy Tale about Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream' – just one example of the many captivating stories that await you.</description>
<room guid="023cdbf0-314c-4816-8dad-ba7ff4742473" name="Saal B - Hackcenter">
<event guid="0577c7ef-d08c-45dd-92b1-98a25d1ce6f2" id="57770">
<room>Saal B - Hackcenter</room>
<title>Minetest - Tag 3</title>
<abstract>Hier kann man lernen, wie man Minetest spielt.</abstract>
<description>Du möchtest in einer Welt kreativ werden, gemeinsam etwas bauen und die Möglichkeiten der Erweiterung von Minetest durch Mods ausprobieren? Dann bist du hier genau richtig. Komm einfach mit eigenem Gerät vorbei, wir helfen bei der Installation.</description>
<room guid="ec41ad9c-ee44-4685-a63c-f265167c3087" name="Corridor outside Hall 3 near Openlab Augsburg">
<event guid="9cb6fe14-ad8c-4b91-811b-a80ef5b862ae" id="961484">
<room>Corridor outside Hall 3 near Openlab Augsburg</room>
<title>Legale und andere Tricks ohne Geld durch die Welt zu kommen</title>
<abstract>Findet im Gang hinter der Assembly des Openlab Augsburg statt</abstract>
<description>Egal ob Trampen, geplante Privatinsolvenz um Geldstrafen aus Braunkohleprotest zu umgehen, containern oder so tun als würde man 1Mio. € anlegen wollen, nur um kostenlos Tee und Kekse in Frankfurter Banktürmen abstauben, wenn der Anschlusszug mal wieder zu spät ist.
Ich hab ne lange Liste an lustigen, geprüften und brauchbaren Tricks aus meinem Vagabundleben und linken aktivistischen Kreisen. Freu mich aber auch über neue Inspirationen und Optimierungen.
!! Findet im Gang hinter der Assembly des Openlab Augsburg statt !!
<event guid="62affb2f-a521-47b7-81ec-96dd328f5d22" id="622521">
<room>Corridor outside Hall 3 near Openlab Augsburg</room>
<title>Pantomimisches Begrifferaten / Charades.</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<description>This is a round to play some &quot;Charades&quot;:
Explaining concepts with mimes/ gestures only, as an interactive game: All the others watch and shout what comes into their mind, what the person who has to explain can then also react upon.
Intellectual associative fun when played with difficult / abstract concepts, too, so: No restricting ruleset.
Drop-in / Drop-out at anytime possible.
*offered by: [@dreieck](*</description>
<room guid="4ff1ee2d-fe63-468a-a3f7-e93da08123ca" name="Foyer Level 2 (In front of the elevators left of Stage Y)">
<event guid="089edf2f-ef64-4ff9-91ab-80b9887451c5" id="89264">
<room>Foyer Level 2 (In front of the elevators left of Stage Y)</room>
<title>Exchange on self-organization (e.g. Getting Things Done) and procrastination</title>
<description>The 37c3 would not feel complete for me without discussing self-organization topics like getting things done, calendar blocking, [hipster PDAs]( :), responsibility process, inner sociocracy, ... I would also love to explore together about procrastination in a positive sense &amp; maybe how to retain a compassionate and humane way of dealing with yourself and others. (I feel/wonder this might be lost as you become increasingly able to exercise control towards your desired outcomes.)
The session is intended as an informal conversation about these topics.
Location: Foyer Level 2 (Area in front of the elevators left of Stage Y)
(Organized by Michael)
<room guid="d7b3bd0b-8db7-49c1-88ef-8ad8d683a40a" name="Freie Arbeiter*innen Union (FAU)">
<event guid="5f5bed3b-3224-4aa1-90eb-741fdcca4022" id="553322">
<room>Freie Arbeiter*innen Union (FAU)</room>
<title>Arbeitgeber*innen hassen diesen Trick&quot; - Was ist die FAU?</title>
<abstract>In diesem Kurzvortrag zeigen wir euch, warum ihr eine Gewerkschaft wie die FAU (Freie Arbeiter*innen Union) braucht. Mit kreativen Methoden, horizontalen statt hierarchischen Strukturen und der Devise: Wir sind mehr als nur Gewerkschaft! Wir können die Dauerkrise die sich Kapitalismus nennt überwinden!</abstract>
<description>Der Vortrag wurde ebenfalls bei [FireShonks]( ) veröffentlicht. Aufgrund des hohen Interesses beim Public Viewing werden wir ihn hier live wiederholen.</description>
<event guid="abad67ce-e325-4118-a033-c30615e5aab8" id="673254">
<room>Freie Arbeiter*innen Union (FAU)</room>
<title>tech from below: Technologie von und für soziale Bewegungen</title>
<abstract>Wir veranstalten seit ca. einem Jahr unter dem Namen tech from below ein Meetup in Berlin zu Tech-Tools für soziale Bewegungen. Wir wollen damit Developer und Aktivist:innen z.B. aus der Klimabewegung, Mieter:innen-Initiativen oder Gewerkschaften vernetzen. Bei jedem Meetup stellen sich bereits gelungene Tech-Projekte aus sozialen Bewegungen vor und berichten von ihren Erfahrungen, um den Austausch über Best-Practices und Lessons Learned zu fördern. Hier auf dem Congress wollen wir uns mit bisherigen Teilnehmenden treffen, Sticker verteilen ;) und die Idee des Meetups neuen Leuten vorstellen.</abstract>
<description>Wir veranstalten seit ca. einem Jahr unter dem Namen tech from below ein Meetup in Berlin zu Tech-Tools für soziale Bewegungen. Wir wollen damit Developer und Aktivist:innen z.B. aus der Klimabewegung, Mieter:innen-Initiativen oder Gewerkschaften vernetzen. Bei jedem Meetup stellen sich bereits gelungene Tech-Projekte aus sozialen Bewegungen vor und berichten von ihren Erfahrungen, um den Austausch über Best-Practices und Lessons Learned zu fördern. Hier auf dem Congress wollen wir uns mit bisherigen Teilnehmenden treffen, Sticker verteilen ;) und die Idee des Meetups neuen Leuten vorstellen.</description>
<room guid="001ee443-5ef1-4bd4-9813-d20e4fc1ce81" name="cyber4EDU Assembly">
<event guid="605e9fd0-1350-4a28-a2d7-20fd4ef96538" id="605901">
<room>cyber4EDU Assembly</room>
<title>cyber4EDU (Zu-)Hörstunde - Fokus Berufsschule</title>
<abstract>Wir hören euch zum Thema “Bildung richtig digital” zu</abstract>
<description>This is an open for all discussion about digital offerings in German schools.</description>
<event guid="034d90f7-771d-4952-abba-46c855be083f" id="34907">
<room>cyber4EDU Assembly</room>
<title>BinDa - Anwesenheitserfassung für Schüler:innen / Umsetzung eines Projektes im Rahmen des Prototype Funds</title>
<abstract>Vorstellung der Finanzierung und Umsetzung des Projekts BinDa zur Anwesenheitserfassung von Schüler:innen an reformpädagogisch-orientierten Schulen</abstract>
<description>Presentation in German about a software to track attendance of students in schools. The project was implemented with a grant from Prototype Funds.</description>
<room guid="613f9c5e-1908-4e7f-934b-639a5262df94" name="Bits &amp; Bäume Community Space">
<event guid="b23e4c11-3b2a-4bfc-af83-38aeae68fa4d" id="234113">
<room>Bits &amp; Bäume Community Space</room>
<title>Bits &amp; Bäume Community Treffen Tag 3</title>
<abstract>Tägliche Meetups zum Netzwerken, gegenseitiges Kennenlernen, Tipps geben.</abstract>
<room guid="00c8f3bc-af5b-4cd8-a781-956834f4044c" name="Round Table [CDC Saal 3]">
<event guid="23967c2f-70a7-4caf-bc75-2569034c68af" id="239672">
<room>Round Table [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>testing CLI sending data over the NYM mixnet decentralised infrastructure</title>
<abstract>Be a alpha tester for the NYM VPN
You can follow the instructions here:</abstract>
<event guid="f95515cd-8b29-49eb-be1d-efdcd949bec7" id="955158">
<room>Round Table [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Using enclaves for trustable off-chain compute</title>
<abstract>A group discussion considering if we can use trusted enclaves like Intel SGX for ensuring the integrity of off-chain computations. This would be particularly useful for non-deterministic processes like machine learning models, and for hyperstructure-funded server deployments that require a public trust chain to ensure integrity.</abstract>
<description>In a nutshell, can we use enclave stacks such as Intel IAS/SGX to create integrity guarantees for off-chain computing, thus for smart contracts?
So called &quot;trusted enclave&quot; hardware models (such as TPM) are often used for defending outside interests against end-user freedoms (such as DRM).
I'd like to invite an exploration into using such systems (such as Intel Attestation Service and SGX hardware) with blockchains for off-chain compute instead, redirecting the cryptographic trust chains they employ towards a publicly-autitable use cases.
I have a rather naive starting point: a pattern for deploying signed docker containers that run in enclaves, and use their hardware attestations to register on-chain as trusted for providing data to associated smart contracts.
I'd like to invite constructive criticism, to help assess viability and/or improve the model.
This is part of a larger exploration of creating a general-purpose SaaS host for Free Software authors to gain (guaranteed) income from their work: described at</description>
<event guid="35ed34e1-9316-4eae-b595-322802c24521" id="353419">
<room>Round Table [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Mobile phone privacy with S1E03 (Workshop)</title>
<abstract>ZeroKYC Anonymous eSIM service: security and privacy implications for mobile users. Use cases. Advantages and limitations. Questions and answers. Hands-on experience.</abstract>
Paper Data eSIM giveaway</description>
<event guid="e711d4f2-f99c-49bd-97ab-c761eb82dbb0" id="711429">
<room>Round Table [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Escaping the Multicall of Madness (how to read data from EVM blockchains in style)</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<abstract>Reading data from the blockchain can be a PITA when you have to juggle with RPC calls, dependent requests and computation. I'll present the common patterns to get on-chain data to the client and even do some read computation in EVM!</abstract>
<description>Reading data from the blockchain can be a PITA when you have to juggle with RPC calls, dependent requests and computation. I'll present the common patterns to get on-chain data to the client and even do some read computation in EVM!</description>
<event guid="89b888df-7472-46a2-80c0-8309a8555f56" id="898887">
<room>Round Table [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Reinventing Modbus Protocol</title>
<abstract>Despite being a relic from the 70s, Modbus is still widely used in home and building automation applications due to its simplicity and interoperability. It is also extremely cheap to implement in hardware, making it a common choice for most related DIY projects.
Unfortunately, due to its client-server architecture, the central controller of an installation must resort to polling to retrieve data and events from end devices. For some devices, like motion detectors or simple wall switches, this results in a significant delay between user input and the corresponding action. In short, Modbus installations can be terribly slow.</abstract>
<description>What we will demonstrate at the workshop is how to overcome this limitation of the protocol. This extension, known as 'fast Modbus,' employs clever tricks to achieve guaranteed 50ms latency while remaining completely compatible and relatively easy to implement. Bonus point: we can now scan the RS-485 line for devices in just a couple of seconds.
We will discuss the underlying theory of operation and then try it in action. We will observe the data on the RS-485 bus and attempt to send some bytes manually to achieve the same results.
The hardware aspect is quite straightforward, and we will primarily focus on bytes, so don't be scary of it.
Consider bringing your laptop.</description>
<event guid="42ddd292-9321-4356-a9fa-726251c2aa45" id="422929">
<room>Round Table [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Making Smart Home devices great again</title>
<abstract>During this workshop we will build simple smart home devices using the Z-Wave protocol. We will also discuss smart home controllers and protocols diversity: Z-Wave, Zigbee, Thread, Matter.</abstract>
<description>Please take with you:
- Your laptop with Access to the internet and Chromium or Google Chrome
- Arduino IDE or VS code installed (with Z-Uno package installed, see for details - we will help you with this during the workshop)
- Arduino-compatible sensors to build your own Z-Wave sensor (optional)
- Your Z-Wave stuff if any (optional)
Topics of the workshop:
- What is Z-Wave and where should you use it. Comparison with Zigbee and Matter
- Z-Wave controller and RaZberry/WB7 hardware: Controlling switches, Reading sensor/switch values, Making rules, Using JS API
- Z-Uno prototyping board: Making Simple Switch, Adding more stuff
- Z-Uno Shield and Z-Uno Configurator
- Z-Uno Modules
Useful links for the workshop:
Z-Way documentation
- Installing Z-Way
- Z-Way doc
- Z-Way JS engine GitHub
Z-Way workshop materials
- Turning on/off a device /ZWaveAPI/Run/devices[NNN].SwitchBinary.Set(0 or 1)
- Reading switch value /ZWaveAPI/Run/devices[NNN]
- Using JS API /JS/Run/var v = 1; setInterval(function() { zway.devices[NNN].SwitchBinary.Set(v); v = 1-v;}, 2000);
Z-Uno documentation:
- Quick Intro
- Installation howto
- Language Reference
- Examples
- Z-Uno Shield
- Z-Uno Shield Configurator
- Z-Uno GitHub</description>
<event guid="844b6ab9-1607-4496-a373-43749d8723be" id="844691">
<room>Round Table [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Nym Nodes workshop</title>
<abstract>Do you run or want to run a Nym Node? Do you have any experiences with running a Tor exit relay?
Join Nym operators workshop and discussion at 19:00 at CDC (Hall 3)</abstract>
<event guid="35121cee-faa2-4114-ac6b-eab225b0fd32" id="351212">
<room>Round Table [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Tea Session: Enjoy a cup of tea and chat with the FOSSASIA community</title>
<room guid="e7d701c4-c43a-416d-afc5-a3bcbc5801e9" name="FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]">
<event guid="05e5331c-0128-44e7-b9ba-c7b5f7b88c8e" id="55331">
<room>FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Intro to Open Event Management and Tech Exchange (Marco A. Gutierrez, Mario Behling)</title>
<abstract>The new version of the open source event system eventyay is currently being developed and we will release the first version in February. In this discussion, the maintainers will share about the development plan for the next 12 months , focusing on enhancement features and AI capabilities.</abstract>
<event guid="592e0afd-4f2f-41d4-8d11-d0a27322bc53" id="592042">
<room>FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Hacking the Orb</title>
<abstract>Uniquely identifying real users is a problem as old as the Internet. With the recent surge in AI language and vision models, CATCHAs might be close to losing the bot-mitigating fight. But how can you know your users are human without fully surveilling them? Perhaps we could use… Iris scanners and zero knowledge proofs? Which is precisely the approach that Worldcoin takes. However, building such a system is fraught with security and privacy challenges. In this talk, I’ll focus on the Orb’s operating system security properties and privacy defenses.</abstract>
<description>The purpose of the Orb is to uniquely identify humans while preserving privacy. It does so by scanning user irises, deciding if they’ve signed up before, and adding them to a global set of zero-knowledge identity commitments. Then, the user owns a private key which they can use to produce zero-knowledge proofs that prove they *are* human, without revealing *which* human.
Attackers have an economic incentive to hack inside individual orbs, since getting inside of one means they can generate fake signups, and then later get cryptocurrency. They might also want to steal user biometric information. Thus the Orb’s software and hardware need to be designed to defend against software hacks and physical tampering.
To that end, the OS is architected with a few security mitigations – including secure boot, signed operating system images, verity-mounted filesystem partitions, and write/execution-restricted filesystems.
Everything can always be hacked, and security is the art of thoughtful risk mitigation. The Orb’s OS has been architected in a way so as to minimize the risk of hackers-stealing or government-seizing user biometric data. But of course, things aren’t perfect, so if you have any thoughts on how to hack the Orb, please do send your questions / criticisms.</description>
<event guid="01204d36-6359-4d70-8d76-dfac8f166610" id="12043">
<room>FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>TraceTogether or TrackTogether? (Joyce Ng)</title>
<abstract>We do an analysis of TraceTogether, Singapore's COVID-19 contact tracing system, its protocol and technical implementation, as well as a look at alternative protocols and implementations for contact tracing systems. We also discuss privacy concerns relating to the collection of contact tracing data and centralized nature of the TraceTogether system.</abstract>
<event guid="eb5a5a9b-e46d-4764-842a-871c97d144b8" id="559464">
<room>FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Miniscript Workshop - Explore the Next Level of Bitcoin Wallet Security</title>
<abstract>Discover how a miniscript can revolutionize your Bitcoin self-custody experience.
The workshop can be followed as a presentation, but you are welcome to take your computer and to setup the wallets and test everything by yourself. Requirements are listed below.</abstract>
<description>We will use two user-friendly GUI wallets: Liana &amp; MyCitadel.
For the demo, I will use Bitcoin core full node in Regtest to be able to produce blocks quickly and simulate time passing. You can test on testnet, regtest, or mainnet.
Ledger, bitbox02 and Specter-DIY can be used with both wallets for most setups. I will also use a hot wallet generated on the computer running bitcoin-core.
- 🌟 Learn about the practical use cases of Miniscript wallets.
- 🛡 Understand the advantages they offer in terms of security and ease of use.
- 💡 Discuss real-world applications and share experiences with fellow users.
If you want to test the setup, please install the following software on your computer:
- No need to sync the node if you plan as me to do the setup on regtest
- you can use HWW or simulator to interact with Liana wallet.</description>
<event guid="f00138d8-d506-4f9c-a24f-5cd505d878aa" id="1388">
<room>FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Leveraging ptrace for Proactive Proxy Leak Prevention (Workshop)</title>
<abstract>Explore our project's use of ptrace in Golang for proactive proxy leak prevention. We intercept and analyze system calls universally across Linux applications, ensuring comprehensive coverage and enhancing user privacy and security by preventing network socket system call leaks.</abstract>
<description>Dive into our project's pioneering use of ptrace in Golang for proactive proxy leak prevention. Operating seamlessly across Linux applications, our approach intercepts and analyzes system calls, fortifying user privacy and security by effectively preventing network socket system call leaks. Join us in exploring the practical implementation of this innovative solution, extending compatibility to a diverse range of applications, and showcasing its success in enhancing overall cybersecurity.</description>
<event guid="932191da-c840-4714-a369-ec4a5293d809" id="932191">
<room>FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Pocket Science Lab Introductory Workshop (Alex Bessman, Marco A. Gutierrez)</title>
<abstract>The goal of this workshop is to introduce participants to the PSLab and to enable them to conduct experiments using sensors as well as to control small servos of mini robots. PSLab website:</abstract>
<event guid="21d2e1f7-4a32-4e74-91cd-862c223ab5ac" id="212174">
<room>FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Breaking into Wireless Smart Homes, Z-Wave example</title>
<abstract>This talk will cover different attack vectors on a Z-Wave network and describe how the protocol evolved to mitigate those threats. Many smart homes are still vulnerable to the described attacks.</abstract>
<event guid="e8cb3d42-d7f5-4406-91c9-29dacac270ae" id="834275">
<room>FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]</room>
<title>Open Security Token Nitrokey and the Trussed Cryptographic Firmware</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<abstract>Trussed is Modern Cryptographic Firmware from Solokeys and Nitrokeys based on Rust. This is an introduction and overview of the status of Trussed.</abstract>
<description>Trussed is Modern Cryptographic Firmware from Solokeys and Nitrokeys based on Rust. This is an introduction and overview of the status of Trussed.</description>
<room guid="afd7c493-534b-4de4-88ba-c1508efc0565" name="Art and Play Workshop table [H]">
<event guid="1a7ba0b9-3a58-45a7-bb48-0adc735f2b43" id="170935">
<room>Art and Play Workshop table [H]</room>
<title>Art and Play: DIY photolab research #2</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<abstract>Lochkameras, Caffenol, Blaudruck &amp; co - erfinde das Rad neu, um ein analoges Photo zu schießen!</abstract>
<description>Pinhole cameras, caffenol, cyanotype &amp; co - reinventing the wheel to take an analog photo!
Shoot and develop your own analog photo with minimalist equipment and non-toxic household ingredients! A selfmade pinhole camera, photo paper and coffee as a developer is enough to get started.After that, the result will be printed on self-made blue &amp; white cyanotype paper.No prior knowledge needed, all material is provided.
Elias / Anna
 We are hobby photographers / filmers always looking for new ways &amp; recipes to expand our knowledge about analog photographic processes.</description>
<event guid="4f2848cf-b56c-4c72-be9e-7c1c4cf6a856" id="428485">
<room>Art and Play Workshop table [H]</room>
<title>Art and Play: Livevektorskizzen #2</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<abstract>Traum trifft Beduerfnis, Vektorgrafiken können vielseitig verwendet werden, Software zum live skizzieren ist rar. Selbstschreiben hilft - auch dem eigenen Stil. C mit Cairo, Godot und Rust mit Raqote sind Varianten die näher betrachtet werden können:
Darüberraus eine live Zeichensession &quot;Drink and Draw&quot; wahlweise auch mit Aquarell.</abstract>
<description>Dream meets needs. Vectorgraphics can be of use in many different ways - software for livesketching is hard to come by. Coding yourself helps - also with your own style. C with Cairo, Godot and Rust with Raqote are variants that are there to explore:
Furthermore this Workshop will contain a livedrawing session, also with watercolour If you choose.</description>
<event guid="23bc809e-60f0-451f-83e2-f7d6a5f1d62d" id="238096">
<room>Art and Play Workshop table [H]</room>
<title>improvised sound-oriented electronic music by πxl</title>
<language>de, en</language>
<abstract>live played on SuperCollider with breath-controller and tablets</abstract>
<room guid="a88bed8d-f38b-4ea2-b11d-99ba14027cc9" name="SCC-Assembly">
<event guid="51e3faaf-1451-4f70-ae70-d3be5fdbd4c9" id="513145">
<title>SoS: Meetup - Podcasting und Bildung</title>
<abstract>Dies soll ein ungezwungenes Meetup von Lehrkräften und anderen Menschen mit Bildungshintergrund sein, um sich über die Möglichkeiten von Podcasting und generell Audioproduktion in der Bildung auszutauschen.</abstract>
<description>Dies soll ein ungezwungenes Meetup von Lehrkräften und anderen Menschen mit Bildungshintergrund sein, um sich über die Möglichkeiten von Podcasting und generell Audioproduktion in der Bildung auszutauschen.
Siehe auch hier:</description>
<room guid="722e1feb-6d34-4423-b07a-6f0f50e5d2a3" name="CTBK-Workshoparea">
<event guid="f0909f55-ceeb-4928-a7ca-6cfeb6f81f59" id="90955">
<title>Spleiß-Workshop Tag 3</title>
<abstract>Glasfaser-Spleißworkshop unterstützt von Selfnet e.V., Bitte Details beachten - Anmeldung erforderlich!</abstract>
<description>Here you can splice fiber optics yourself. Learn what is important when splicing and try it out yourself. Per slot max. 4 attendees. Registration required:</description>
<room guid="b55047fa-505a-42da-8699-ab5ee803e58c" name="Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)">
<event guid="923df69b-0372-5ba1-8b51-f031cbf3d0a9" id="57991">
<room>Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)</room>
<title>Comeflywithus Podcast - live @congress</title>
<type>Podcasting table (45 minutes)</type>
<abstract>Eine neue Episode des Fliegerpodcasts &quot;Comeflywithus&quot;: Olli und Steffen sprechen auf dem 37c3 über das Thema &quot;GPS Spoofing - Wenn das Flugzeug-Navi eine plötzliche Abzweigung nimmt&quot;.</abstract>
<person guid="f6863bb8-297c-5fc3-8130-3c1d28954c9a">Olli und Steffen</person>
<event guid="b9ef7c33-a382-5fb1-bae0-b72d626dda1c" id="58028">
<room>Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)</room>
<title>Das Congress-Mindset</title>
<type>Podcasting table (45 minutes)</type>
<abstract>In diesem Podcast soll das Besondere am Congress-Mindset beschrieben werden und quasi als Berichterstattung für die Hörerschaft des Podcast Caller Lounge dienen. Die Caller Lounge ist der erste und bislang einzige deutschsprachige Square Dance Podcast.
Was macht die Community auf dem Congress, im Sendegate und den Chaos-nahen Projekten aus? Was sind die Eigenschaften? Was und wer sind die Katalysatoren? Welches Mindset benötigt es? Gibt es Erfahrungswerte beim Anleiten anderer Gruppen oder organisieren anderer Veranstaltungen das erlebte Mindset auf andere Communities zu übertragen. Kann man ein Mindset schaffen?</abstract>
<person guid="47918906-abcb-41e5-934e-2ca00ade6032">mehrlachen</person>
<event guid="c731032a-1017-5dce-a917-89783c82b6a2" id="57988">
<room>Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)</room>
<title>Rosenpass Update</title>
<type>Podcasting table (45 minutes)</type>
<abstract>News from Project Rosenpass, with ajuvo and dakoraa, and a special guest, congress edition</abstract>
<person guid="e8ef3e13-2b76-4f7c-bd6d-551dc37e9cce">ajuvo</person>
<event guid="a37c8c98-34e0-57df-809a-54cec4933a9d" id="57983">
<room>Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)</room>
<title>Offene Werkstätten und Freiräume - best practice und lessons learned</title>
<type>Podcasting table (90 minutes)</type>
<abstract>Offene Bereiche zu gestalten, mit Leben und Sinn zu füllen stellt die Akteure regelmäßig vor die unterschiedlichsten Herausforderungen. Im Podcast werden Erfahrungen aus 8 Jahre Aufbau-Phase zusammengefasst.</abstract>
<person guid="b88ce013-b7a6-48de-ac90-3e80a4c04726">Knurps</person>
<event guid="7ee3d40f-181d-53b3-9b85-b43e11688599" id="57958">
<room>Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)</room>
<title>Radio Capitol - Der Rewatch Podcast</title>
<type>Podcasting table (90 minutes)</type>
<abstract>Wir schauen und kommentieren die Serie Stromberg, Folge für Folge. Ein Rewatch Podcast von Fans für Fans!</abstract>
<person guid="076e792c-452f-5805-9d2a-05191124c1f7">MacSnider</person>
<room guid="1fbd67f1-46a2-4162-bbcc-2cf0e2dce944" name="Fireshonks">
<event guid="e6381690-e472-5406-9d79-6b69dd744ec7" id="57959">
<title>Bird Clock Opera/ w text from Days Of The Week</title>
<type>Talk 90 Minuten +15m Q&amp;A</type>
<abstract>The texts for this piece were originally written as part of a revision of the Homeric Hymn to Demeter; a revision which broadens the picture of Black women who are descendant of colonial enslavement. A dialogue based on the contrast of Artemis’ power and agency over her body compared to women who have been unsafe for generations.
Women who carry these wounds as warnings and a call out for accountability. The underlying track called ‚Xercathalon’s Debut: A Bird Clock Opera, is a piece based on the sounds of childhood as remembered and incorporated into this collaborative soundscape.
The question works such as these answer is a soft approach towards understanding the people that 37C3 wants to become more diverse towards. Diversity, equity and inclusion are more than catchy phrases. They don't happen overnight, but through art and literature there are greater options for briding understanding.</abstract>
<description>Prism Obsidian Duo
Obsidian is a visual artist and researcher in postcolonial theology, culture and education. She is taking a Black Quantum Afrofuturist approach towards tackling issues of racism, cultural appropriation, intersectionality and sustainable urban regeneration by drawing on an image of global Black cultures.
Prism is a musician and visual artist specialising in rainbowgoth sound design and crafting analog double exposure captures. She is based in Berlin and responds to the inspiration of memory, saturation, and the dreamworld.</description>
<person guid="4357bf1d-8f86-5deb-a2cc-48b9429fa49c">Prism Obsidian</person>
<event guid="446d275a-d339-5bab-bdb4-256532df2e68" id="57974">
<title>Klänge coden: Eine Einführung in Supercollider</title>
<type>Talk 90 Minuten +15m Q&amp;A</type>
<abstract>Mit der Programmiersprache SuperCollider komponiere ich seit einigen Jahren elektronische Musik, Klangkunst und Sound Design. Dieser Talk ist eine kurze, praxisbezogene Einführung ins Klangbasteln mit Code.</abstract>
<description>SuperCollider ist eine Programmiersprache mit einem eigenen Audioserver. Vom grundlegenden Sound Design über die Komposition, Effekte und Signalfluss wird alles über Code gesteuert. Zugleich kann SuperCollider mit anderen Systemen interagieren, zum Beispiel über MIDI, OpenSoundControl oder Arduino.
In meinem Talk spreche ich über
* Was ist SuperCollider und wofür ist es gut?
* Die SC IDE: Aufbau und Hilfesystem; alternative Editoren
* Grundlegende Syntax
* Das &quot;Hallo Welt&quot;-Äquivalent von SuperCollider
* Eine etwas komplexere Klangfunktion
* SynthDefs: die Sound Design-&quot;Blaupausen&quot; in SuperCollider
* Komposition mit Patterns
* Tipps zum Einstieg und Lernen
* Vorstellung einer kleinen Beispielkomposition</description>
<person guid="8cebcdbd-e6b0-5d91-a575-64db97042bd3">modern_dragon</person>
<event guid="7464c802-059e-51b2-9bda-d9f498b4d724" id="57786">
<title>Try Mental Health Care - zuhause</title>
<type>Talk 90 Minuten +15m Q&amp;A</type>
<abstract>Wir sollten uns alle mehr Zeit für Mental Health Care nehmen, also mehr für unsere psychische Gesundheit tun.
Ich zeige Euch, mit welchen einfachen Schritten das auch zuhause geht... Und wie und wo Ihr professionelle Hilfe dabei findet, wenn Ihr sie braucht - und warum die klassischen Therapiemethoden bei neurodiversen Menschen oft nicht so gut funktionieren.</abstract>
<description>Der erste Teil des Talks klärt, was Mental Health eigentlich ist, wer die braucht (Spoiler: wir alle) und wie sich mit Mental Health Care Resilienz aufbauen lässt.
Wir müssen aber auch darüber sprechen, was dieses &quot;Home&quot; eigentlich ist - und ob Ihr das als wichtigsten Mental Health - Skill erkannt habt und nutzt.
Ich stelle Euch einfache Skills für Zuhause und unterwegs vor, wie ich sie in der DBT kennen- und schätzen gelernt habe. Skills auch für Menschen ohne psychische Diagnosen - damit das auch so bleibt.
Und im dritten Teil reden wir über die Situation, dass und wenn Ihr doch mal Unterstützung für die Psyche braucht: Wie und wo findet Ihr Unterstützung? Ambulante oder stationäre Therapie - oder ganz ungewöhnliche Art der Therapie (Wawuschel-Style)?
Und warum brauchen neurodiverse Menschen andere, leider in unserem Gesundheitssystem nicht vertretene, Therapien?
Schickt mir gerne vor dem Talk Eure Themen und Fragen zu Mental Health Care zuhause mit, damit ich die einbauen kann. :)</description>
<person guid="a63b4b13-df49-587c-9613-312e25fc45ec">Wawuschel</person>
<event guid="9abefe4c-ccf6-563a-b250-ec0cc1b5f7cd" id="57973">
<title>Die Wissenschaft vom Whisky</title>
<type>Talk 30 min + 10 min Q&amp;A</type>
<abstract>Mit einem Glas in der Hand durch die Chemie und Physik eines überraschend komplizierten Getränks</abstract>
<description>Whisky ist ein scheinbar einfaches Getränk: Wasser, Hefe, Gerstenmalz und dann drei Jahre ins Eichenfass. Doch bei genauerem Hinsehen bleiben viele Fragen offen. Warum muss man Scotch Whisky in einer Destille aus Kupfer herstellen? Weshalb werden die Fässer ausgebrannt? Und warum schmeckt mancher Whisky nach Lagerfeuer, andere aber nach Krankenhaus? Hinter all dem stecken oft überraschende chemische und physikalische Prozesse, die auch heute noch Rätsel aufgeben.</description>
<person guid="2c8f1c72-d20b-573e-bfa7-e2cc2eb88588">Lars Fischer</person>
<event guid="9dcaa41b-875e-5a2b-8c5f-ce47c0507ce2" id="57905">
<title>Encapsulated Electromyography with Myo and Raspi</title>
<type>Talk 30 min + 10 min Q&amp;A</type>
<abstract>Let's talk ten year old tech! The myo armband was once a really strange way to control a computer, and then became a way to do fine-grained myomuscular electrical detection research. This is a talk about how to hook a myo to a Raspberry Pi 3B+ in 2023, and from there how to have the armband communicate over serial to other devices. We choose to use it to control a Programmable Air system for pneumatic control of muscular robots.</abstract>
<description>Let's talk ten year old tech! The Myo armband from Thalmic Labs was once a really strange way to control a computer, and then became a pretty good way to do fine-grained myomuscular electrical detection research for prosthetics. These processes usually have a high cost or involve less-portable computing systems. In order to make a robotic effect that can be deployed apparently independently, it's more interesting to have a low-cost, encapsulated system.
In this talk we'll walk through what it takes in 2023 to have a Thalmic Myo armband talk to a Raspberry Pi 3B+ using Python. We'll provide a demonstration of a pneumatic robot based on the Programmable Air system controlled over serial using the armband.
The goal of this project is to have access to strong mechanical advantage without the compromises of servos or stepper motors, and with some of the organic feel possible with air or water systems.</description>
<person guid="88ccb46a-afea-5eac-b422-0dbefab8c9bc">Alex Leitch</person>
<person guid="7e330ba8-a6c8-5c3b-a2c7-2b2248ee1756">Celia Chen</person>
<event guid="5a3118ac-bc5a-5744-9d46-b25ac8046454" id="57976">
<title>Bringing the Hack Back into the Chaos</title>
<type>Talk 90 Minuten +15m Q&amp;A</type>
<abstract>While more and more hackerspaces have been founded in the recent years, there are many different topics that are being discussed at the same time:
AI, 3D printing, Arduino, social and political questions, and lots more.
Where are the hacks though? Things are happening, and with this talk, we want to talk about them and call for exchange.</abstract>
<description>At Chaospott in Essen, we have developed rich tools to interact with and inspect hardware, enabling people to bring their gadgets to new life and run their own code, be it on TV boxes, network cameras, or appliances of various kinds.
In other words, should a cloud service go down or unmaintained software get compromised, we revive what would otherwise be bricks.</description>
<person guid="a3b3a4b0-b306-55d3-ba20-4e03286f0d77">Daniel Maslowski</person>
<day date="2023-12-30" end="2023-12-31T04:59:00+00:00" index="4" start="2023-12-30T06:00:00+01:00">
<room guid="ba692ba3-421b-5371-8309-60acc34a3c05" name="Saal 1">
<event guid="554cc933-93c7-4c47-8570-016fe5285605" id="12019">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Fortbildung Cyber-Astrologie &amp; KI-Karma</title>
<subtitle>- Mit Teilnahmeurkunde zum Selbstausdrucken</subtitle>
<track>Ethics, Politics &amp; Society</track>
<abstract>Dass es sich bei Digitalisierung um eine magische Angelegenheit handelt, der durch Regulierung großer Social-Media-Konzerne per Definition nicht beizukommen ist, ist auf politischer Ebene schon lange bekannt. Der Markt für esoterische Dienstleistungen rund um Digitalisierungsfragen ist daher vermutlich immens – und eröffnet viele Möglichkeiten für cyberfeinstofflich begabte Entrepreneurs &amp; Digital-Okkultisten. Ganz nebenbei lernen wir, welche Maschen unseriöse Akteure (auch jenseits der Eso-Szene) anwenden, um mit den Sorgen und Ängsten von Menschen Geld zu machen.</abstract>
<description>In diesem kostenlosen Basis-Seminar werden Dir die wichtigsten Skills zur Erbringung ganzheitlicher Digital-Spiritualitäts-Dienstleistungen vermittelt, mit denen Du direkt in die Selbstständigkeit durchstarten kannst. Wir lernen von den Besten – wir lernen vom Esoterik-Markt, der ja bekanntlich nicht erst seit der Crosspromotion in einschlägigen Corona-Telegram-Gruppen boomt:
1. Digital Forecasting: Warum umständliche Modelle konzipieren, wenn Du den direkten Zugriff auf die Akasha-Datenbank der Weltweisheit verkaufen kannst? In diesem Block geht es um die wichtigsten Wahrsager-Skills (Cold Reading, Hot Reading, Barnum-Effekt).
2. Healing statt Patching: Anwendung ganzheitlich-spiritueller Security-Konzepte auf homöopathischer Basis für Kundennetzwerke mit Schwerpunkt auf dem souveränen Umgang mit Beschwerden &amp; Erstverschlimmerungen.
3. Belebte Netzwerke: Lehren aus der Wasserbelebung &amp; kompatible Geschäftsideen („Serverraum der Neuen Zeit“, Manifestieren von RAM, KI-Karma)
4. Mental-Antivirus: Installationsanleitung für feinstoffliche Unterstützungssoftware zur Ego-Mitigation (thought terminating cliches, Conspiracy &amp; Cult-Groupware as a Service)
5. Upscaling: Innovative Pyramiden- und Schneeballsysteme zwecks ganzheitlicher Gewinnabschöpfung.
Melden Sie sich jetzt für das KOSTENLOSE Basis-Seminar an, und Sie bekommen (wenn die Speicherblöcke günstig stehen) unseren limitierten feinschwingenden 5G-Sticker für ihr EDV-Gerät GRATIS dazu.
+++ von unabhängigen Cyber-Schamaninnen empfohlen +++
Bild: Charlotte von Hirsch</description>
<person guid="115b12b8-7138-4150-87cc-5505a1ffb893">kattaschs</person>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/332/original/Cyberhoroskop-Polen-90er.jpg?1699634522">Cyberhoroskop-Polen-90er.jpg</attachment>
<attachment href="/attachments/original/missing.png">file</attachment>
<event guid="5e80f829-e2fe-4dd9-906c-7a18e9b7518a" id="11907">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Blackbox Chemieindustrie</title>
<subtitle>Die energieintensivste Industrie Deutschlands</subtitle>
<track>Sustainability &amp; Climate Justice</track>
<abstract>Am Anfang von jedem Chip, jedem Computer, jedem Plastik steht die Chemieindustrie. Sie ist Deutschlands größter Industrieverbraucher an fossilen Ressourcen wie Öl und Gas. Wir stellen eine neue Studie „Blackbox Chemieindustrie“ des BUND zum Energie- und Ressourcenbedarf der Industrie vor. Die angeblich klimaneutralen Transformationspläne der Industrie werden kritisch hinterfragt und echte Lösungen werden aufgezeigt.</abstract>
<description>Flammschutzmittel für Elektrogeräte, die Metalllegierung zum Löten und Plastik für fast alle Anwendungen im Alltag – all diese Materialen produziert die Chemische Industrie. Sie steht am Anfang der Wertschöpfungskette. Die Materialien, die sie herstellt definiert das Spektrum, mit dem Produktdesigner\*innen arbeiten können. Schockierend ist: Die Industrie verwendet nicht nur fossile Rohstoffe für viele ihrer Produkte, sondern ist auch größter Industrieverbraucher von Energie in Deutschland. Allein für die Produktion von Plastik für Verpackungen verwendet die Industrie in Deutschland mehr Primärenergie, als das Land Slowenien insgesamt. Viele Produkte der Industrie bergen Umwelt- und Gesundheitsgefahren und kein deutsches Chemieunternehmen hat eine Strategie ihre Schadstoffe zu reduzieren. Tatsächlich produzieren und exportieren die Unternehmen sogar weiterhin Schadstoffe, die in der EU längst verboten sind. Dass es so nicht weiter gehen kann erkennt auch die Industrie. Ihre angeblich klimaneutralen Transformationspfade sind technisch und wirtschaftlich nicht sinnvoll und gehen mit einem enormen Anstieg an nicht verfügbarer erneuerbarer Energie und Wasserstoff einher. Der Bedarf übersteigt was die Bundesregierung für ganz Deutschland vorsieht. Wir zeigen auf: Die Transformation der Chemieindustrie kann nicht nur innerhalb dieser Branche gedacht werden. Es darf jetzt nicht in Technologien investiert werden, die Scheinlösungen sind. Die Herausforderungen Klimakrise, Verschmutzung und Biodiversitätskrise müssen jetzt angegangen werden durch echte Defossilisierung, Ressourceneinsparung und Kreislaufwirtschaft und einer Umstellung auf sichere und nachhaltige Chemikalien. </description>
<person guid="edf321d0-cf6e-5e1c-8a45-f78531baad27">Janna Kuhlmann</person>
<person guid="266a5417-02ce-50bb-819b-8d856e7c8258">Janine Korduan</person>
<link href="">Studienzusammenfassung Blackbox Chemieindustrie</link>
<event guid="f6c9f293-934d-4505-8a14-f85870e3d746" id="11716">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Analog rotary phones get a second life with raspberry pi</title>
<track>Hardware &amp; Making</track>
<abstract>An open source project involving an automated telephone exchange powered by Raspberry Pi, utilizing old rotary phones. The system imitates exchange setups from different countries across the globe, allowing users to feel the genuine experience.</abstract>
<description>Rotary-dial analogue phones were once a necessity, but now they lay dormant on shelves or tucked away in attics. This is largely due to the replacement of traditional landlines with fibre-optic modems, rendering analogue phones obsolete.
In addition to their sentimental value, rotary dial phones provide several advantages, including reduced electrosmog emissions, protection against eavesdropping, repurposing outdated technology, and promoting a slower pace of life.
The contribution explains how to build a private telephone exchange for eight people using rotary dial phones. The exchange is powered by a Raspberry Pi and custom analogue electronics. The following themes are covered:
- The construction of a PBX which resembles telephone exchanges in various countries worldwide, giving users a realistic experience.
- Handling of call initiation, routing, full duplex voice transmission and human-machine communication.
- The software implementation on the Raspberry Pi running Linux.
- A study of enhancing the open-source software with additional functionalities.
Due to the readily available Raspberry Pi hardware and software programmability, this project invites everyone to participate.
<person guid="46ea4057-c6d2-5dc9-ac52-d890bacfe84a">Hans Gelke</person>
<link href="">Github Account for Software</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/462/original/analog_phones.pdf?1703889431">Analog rotary phones get a second life with raspberry pi</attachment>
<event guid="60e6f41c-ee8d-4196-88fd-e6a988947aee" id="11996">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Tech(no)fixes beware!</title>
<subtitle>Spotting (digital) tech fictions as replacement for social and political change</subtitle>
<track>Sustainability &amp; Climate Justice</track>
<abstract>Tech(no)fixes distract our minds and slow down necessary change. We will give examples, explain them and show you how to spot them.</abstract>
<description>The climate catastrophe is imminent and global injustice is rising. Now a lot of new (in part digital) tech (AI, blockchain, big data, fusion, quantum computing, genetic engineering) is supposed to help the transition to a sustainable society. Although some of them can actually help with parts of the transition, they are usually discussed not as tools to assist the broader societal change (economic, legal, social, political changes) but as replacement for the broader societal change. In effect they act as &quot;change placebos&quot; resulting in &quot;placebo change&quot;, meaning no change at all.
Using concrete examples, this talk wants to 1) show in which ways technological fictions are misused as diversion from the necessary change or already existing other technologies, 2) present reasons and explanations for such misuse and 3) a simple method to spot tech(no)fixes. This talk underlines the necessity to design concrete technical use cases including their social conditions and limitations in order to create a fruitful debate for sustainability-assisting technologies and actually helpful implementations.</description>
<person guid="881a30e4-3cc3-5b20-8199-5cc820e26229">Friederike Hildebrandt</person>
<person guid="96993a0c-ec68-52c8-b046-46c7a902df56">Rainer Rehak</person>
<event guid="a88b52c5-050a-4dbb-a5f6-27093f402eed" id="11748">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>The Ultimate SPC700 Talk</title>
<subtitle>The hardware behind the music of Super Mario World, Chrono Trigger, Super Metroid, and more</subtitle>
<track>Hardware &amp; Making</track>
<abstract>The Super Nintendo Entertainment System's sound coprocessor, the S-SMP, runs on the mostly-forgotten SPC700 architecture. To understand why the sound of Super Metroid or SMW was so ahead of its time, we will look at all the details of how this processor works and how it plays music.</abstract>
<description>The SPC700 by Sony is an 8-bit architecture that was developed and used as the S-SMP sound coprocessor in the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). A big leap ahead in sound synthesis capabilities, apart from these few years of glory in the 1990s the architecture enjoyed no further uses and has faded into obscurity outside SNES circles. This talk not only takes a look at the SPC700 architecture, which is both a usual and unusual 8-bit ISA, but also the sound and music capabilities of the SNES S-DSP that it was designed to control. The talk is designed to be approachable by anyone with a basic understanding of how a microprocessor works; in particular, it covers the basics of digital audio necessary to understand the S-DSP's sound synthesis features like ADPCM sample playback or echo buffers.</description>
<person guid="2749dff9-0114-5216-9be6-072424364aaf">kleines Filmröllchen</person>
<link href="">fullsnes Manual</link>
<link href=";list=PLHQ0utQyFw5JD2wWda50J8XuzQ2cFr8RX">RGME SPC700 video series</link>
<link href="">spcasm Manual</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/473/original/">HTML Slides</attachment>
<event guid="5b5ab70b-28b2-4f1a-b5ab-63013cd8477d" id="11826">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Oh no: KUNO - Gesperrte Girocards entsperren</title>
<subtitle>Über „Girodays“ &amp; anderen Kuriositäten</subtitle>
<abstract>Debitkarte/girocard geklaut? – Schnell sperren lassen … doch was, wenn die Sperrung nicht so wirksam ist, wie es scheint?
Im Rahmen des Vortrages werden Datenschutz- und IT-Sicherheitsmängel im KUNO-Sperrsystem vorgestellt. Das System ist bei &gt; 90 % der Händler in Deutschland im Einsatz und soll seit einem Beschluss der Innenministerkonferenz im Jahr 2005 garantieren, dass das elektronische Lastschriftverfahren (ELV) vor Betrug sicher(er) ist.
Im Rahmen des Vortrages wird unter anderem aufgezeigt, wie es Unbefugten/Taschendieben (über Jahre) möglich war, gesperrte EC- &amp; Debitkarten/ girocards für die ELV simpel zu entsperren. Darüber hinaus werden Streifzüge durch die Themen der IT-Sicherheit, des Datenschutzes und Payments vorgenommen – Vergnügen für alle Datenreisenden ist garantiert :)
Weitere Infos zu den Lücken (Ende des Jahres) unter:</abstract>
<description>Das KUNO-Sperrsystem (Kriminalitätsbekämpfung im unbaren Zahlungsverkehr durch Nutzung nichtpolizeilicher Organisationen) wurde vor über 20 Jahren entwickelt, um Betrug mit EC-Lastschriftverfahren einzudämmen. 96 % aller Händler in Deutschland nutzen direkt oder indirekt die KUNO-Sperrdatei, um sich vor Betrug mittels gefälschter Lastschrift zu schützen. Das System wird vom EHI Retail Institute in Kooperation mit der deutschen Polizei und dem Hauptverband des Deutschen Einzelhandels betrieben. Pro Jahr laufen mehr als 120.000 Meldungen über das System.
Im Rahmen einer Untersuchung konnte nun ermittelt werden, dass Taschendiebe die entsprechende Sperrung von Girocards/Debitkarten simpel aufheben und weiter Betrug begehen konnten. Durch eine Meldung im Rahmen eines Responsible Disclosure-Verfahrens konnten zahlreiche Mängel im Bereich Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit aufgedeckt und behoben werden.
Im Vortrag wird Tim Philipp Schäfers das KUNO-System genauer vorstellen und Streifzüge durch die Themen der IT-Sicherheit, des Datenschutzes und Payments vornehmen - Vergnügen für alle Datenreisenden (alle Level) ist garantiert :)
Weitere Infos zu den Lücken (Ende des Jahres) unter:
Weitere Infos zum KUNO-Sperrsystem:\_im\_unbaren\_Zahlungsverkehr\_durch\_Nutzung\_nichtpolizeilicher\_Organisationen</description>
<person guid="0c7be9d1-ccbe-5a6d-927d-a9d0da824aa4">Tim Philipp Schäfers (TPS)</person>
<event guid="86f33115-6384-447d-96fb-278ed5790d0f" id="12224">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>Security Nightmares</title>
<abstract>Was hat sich im letzten Jahr im Bereich IT-Sicherheit getan? Welche neuen Entwicklungen haben sich ergeben? Welche neuen Buzzwords und Trends waren zu sehen?</abstract>
<description>Wie immer wagen wir den IT-Security-Alptraum-Ausblick auf das Jahr 2024 und darüber hinaus. Denn was wir wirklich wissen wollen, ist ja schließlich: Was kriecht, krabbelt und fliegt in Zukunft auf uns zu und in unseren digitalen Implants herum?
Im Zuge von noch mehr Transparenz, Kritik &amp; Selbstkritik und kontinuierlicher nachhaltiger Optimierung aller Prozesse werden wir außerdem frühere Voraussagen hinsichtlich des Eintreffens unserer Weissagungen prüfen.</description>
<person guid="41f383d6-2c5e-553f-974c-584324bd131f">Ron</person>
<person guid="a0a13e2f-44e9-5515-ae0e-e29757c45310">frank</person>
<event guid="1dbaf470-5dff-4cbb-a1ef-40d75c01c43f" id="12339">
<room>Saal 1</room>
<title>37C3: Feierlicher Abschluss</title>
<person guid="a51ee48a-4185-58b4-a664-da02a3caa3ca">Mullana</person>
<person guid="115b12b8-7138-4150-87cc-5505a1ffb893">kattaschs</person>
<person guid="1bd471d8-7097-4f07-b121-c55b41af2171">derPUPE</person>
<room guid="7202df07-050c-552f-8318-992f94e40ef0" name="Saal Granville">
<event guid="fd9d6c53-806e-4667-934d-7e589511f5a9" id="12297">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Making homebrew for your very own Vector Super Computer</title>
<subtitle>Adventures running a NEC Vector Engine for fun and ... community</subtitle>
<track>Hardware &amp; Making</track>
<abstract>The NEC Vector Engine (VE) isn't a GPU. It's a member of the only family of vector computers still alive today. Imagine a second CPU with a different instruction set running on the same Linux system. While obscure, it's a very approachable and hackable platform that is an addictingly fun machine to program and allows you to play with all the technologies seen in high-performance computing (HPC) today. I am going to cover lightheartedly what a small community learned about this singular hardware they shared: bemoaning a dangerous power plug standard, (ab)using this scientific simulation power house to run code never intended, some firmware and driver reversing, &quot;rooting&quot; a VE and more. I will also be giving an introduction to core concepts in HPC with knowledge transferable to any other (university) computer cluster and hopefully encouraging students and scientists to use those by making them seem less alien and hostile.</abstract>
<description>The talk will explain unfamiliar concepts in more common terms like:
Vector registers are just registers where CPUs can store multiple numbers which belong together and are processed independent of each other together in same operation. This allows a higher processing performance similar to how moving a pallet of same sized boxes can be quicker than just moving the boxes on their own.
And will then use those new terms drawing comparisons like:
512 bits long are the largest vector registers available with any other CPU available today compared to 16348 bits long vector registers of which each VE core has 64 of. This puts it in a class of its own among CPUs.
If you weren't scrared off by this you shouldn't find the talk to technical. If you have a deep grasp on computing technology and wonder if this talk might interesting then you will hear about some implementation choices from NEC drawing reactions deep from the Kubler-Ross stages of Grief.
There will be a short introduction to the VE instruction set highlight a few instructions which are &quot;fun&quot; or otherwise &quot;interesting&quot; and might have some general computing\_inverse\_square\_root trivia associtated. The different offloading modes of a VE are introduced, one of which is enterily novel and which also emphasizes the uniqueness and sheer quirkyness.
Programs executing on a Vector Engine run in a Linux environment thus one could make many applications run on this accelerator unlocking GPU like performance for them without a need for rewrites if said code can make use of these big vector registers and the massive memory bandwidth available to them. So it's unsupprising that it is enourmously fun to touch up identified bottelnecks and see some application get 200x faster with handful of fixes. We can call hardware homebrewed if we make 2048 run on it, can't we?
The presentation about hacks people which joined my &quot;; Vector Engine PUBNIX (basically a shared linux computer) did will cover such speeds ups, mention the state of an ongoing attempt to port the Rust programming languages to it, attempts of digital perservationism and progress towards making the vector engine truely yours by &quot;rooting&quot; it to mess with hardware settings otherwise unavailable.
The introduction to HPC portion will be structured as an argument claiming &quot;A NEC Vector Engine would turn your (Linux) computer into a small super computer&quot; and use this as motivation to introduce what such a super computer or HPC cluster is, how you can make it work for you and common software packages used. A few performance &quot;tripping&quot; hazards also are mentioned.</description>
<person guid="47a97c52-9388-5e62-92aa-a4208ea7c163">Johann-Tobias Schäg</person>
<event guid="4bc85b0a-a1df-477b-8e1f-a493e5cc8017" id="12241">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Link-Extremismus und Pressefreiheit</title>
<subtitle>Das Strafverfahren gegen Radio Dreyeckland</subtitle>
<track>Ethics, Politics &amp; Society</track>
<abstract>Ein Journalist von Radio Dreyeckland steht vor Gericht, weil er das Archiv der verbotenen Internetplattform linksunten.indymedia verlinkt hat. Der Vortrag gibt einen Einblick in das Verfahren und zeigt, wann Links strafbar sein können – und wann nicht.</abstract>
<description>Im Januar 2023 kam es zu Durchsuchungen der Redaktionsräume des Senders Radio Dreyeckland sowie der Wohnungen zweier Journalisten. Anlass der Durchsuchungen und der Beschlagnahme mehrerer Laptops war ein Artikel des Senders, in dem auf ein Archiv von linksunten.indymedia verlinkt wurde. Die Internetplattform war 2017 nach Vereinsrecht verboten worden. Die Staatsschutzabteilung der Staatsanwaltschaft Karlsruhe sieht in dem Artikel eine strafbare Unterstützung einer verbotenen Vereinigung. Das Oberlandesgericht Stuttgart hat inzwischen – anders als zuvor das Landgericht – die Anklage gegen den Journalisten zugelassen und entschieden, dass die Durchsuchung rechtmäßig war. Die Hauptverhandlung soll im kommenden Jahr stattfinden.
Der Vortrag gibt einen Einblick in das Verfahren und ordnet es kritisch ein. Dabei wird insbesondere der Frage nachgegangen, wie Links rechtlich zu bewerten sind und wie der Staat gegen (linke) Medien vorgeht.</description>
<person guid="f483675c-b6c2-5e87-844f-e6f83f26ec2d">David Werdermann</person>
<link href="">Fallseite der GFF zum Verfahren gegen Radio Dreyeckland</link>
<link href="">Informationen von Radio Dreyeckland zum Strafverfahren</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/476/original/20231230_Link-Extremismus.pdf?1703973457">Präsentation Link-Extremismus</attachment>
<attachment href="/attachments/original/missing.png">file</attachment>
<event guid="6b644bd3-6e7d-465b-8490-47e05db74fc6" id="12042">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Decolonize runet! Decolonize network measurements! A provocative take on the Russian sovereign internet project </title>
<track>Ethics, Politics &amp; Society</track>
<abstract>This talk proposes to look at the russian &quot;sovereign internet&quot; project from a decolonialist point of view. First, it provides an analysis of a corpus of Telegram channels of indigenous, decolonialist and regionalist movements to map the growing space of &quot;post-Russian&quot; discourses. Secondly, it suggests to consider inequalities of access to information and connectivity across different territories of the so-called Russian Federation. Looking at past events of local/regional internet shutdowns. It describes the so-called Runet not as a homogeneous space, but actually a multitude of different &quot;lived experiences&quot;. It proposes a framework to analyze regional shutdown-resilience and understand how Russia has been tightening its control on specific regions.</abstract>
<description>This talk proposes to look at the russian &quot;sovereign internet&quot; project from a decolonialist point of view. This interdisciplinary research is based on almost 6 years of fieldwork, combining network measurements, open data from IODA, OONI, Censored Planet, as well as OSINT investigations, analysis of legal texts, in-depth interviews and web-ethnography.
To understand the decolonialist discourses and movements, we have also analyzed Telegram as an environment where these discourses are being multiplied since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. With colleagues from Raspad.Network we scraped and analyzed a corpus of Telegram channels dedicated to regionalist, indigenous, local agenda and visualized connections and disparities between different indigenous and regionalist movements. We tried to distinguish between grassroots groups and curated organizations tied to larger orchestrated disinformation campaigns. In our talk we will showcase some of the highlights from this study and share some visualizations based on graph analysis that will help the audience to learn more about the multitude of decolonialist movements within Russia.
The talk proposes to consider inequalities of access to information and connectivity across different territories of the so-called Russian Federation. Looking at past events of local/regional internet shutdowns — starting from informational annexation of Crimea in 2014, followed by the remarkable shutdowns in 2018 in Ingushetia, as well as more recent events in Dagestan and other less &quot;mediatized&quot; shutdown or throttling cases, we argue that the so-called Runet is not a homogeneous space, but actually a multitude of different &quot;lived experiences&quot;.
It is well-known in the space of internet science that Russia has a diverse ISP space and counts more than 3500 Internet Service Providers. However, it is much less noticed that these ISPs are not equally distributed across the territory, and not without consequence. We argue that the so-called &quot;Tcheburnet&quot; (a commonly used term for &quot;Russian autonomous and sovereign Internet&quot; project) is in fact a heterogeneous construct. There is no &quot;Cheburnet&quot;, but there are &quot;Cheburnets&quot;.
The experiences of Runet largely depend on the regions where users live, as well as on their ethnicity, their political views and online cultures. We argue that a region's resilience to shutdowns (but also to mainstream propaganda) correlates with the amount of Autonomous System Numbers and the diversity of the ISP market (and disparities in distribution of those are also historically grounded in the &quot;soviet project&quot;).
We propose to analyze information control and censorship in terms of &quot;experience&quot;, as it impacts interactions between humans, affects their lives on a daily basis and therefore shapes the worlds they live in. Our talk is using a rich ethnographic material to show how people describe problems they encounter with connectivity (especially since Russia has started its war on VPNs). We invite VPN providers and circumvention tool developers to embrace users' perceptions and feelings about what means &quot;working&quot; and what means &quot;not working&quot;.
While in the network measurement space it is common to either rely on remote measurements, or on probes run by volunteers inside their networks, there is also a qualitative part that should be taken into account to provide a more human-centric, more realistic analysis of what users on the ground experience while interacting with their devices.
This talk is also a call against resignation, a call for hackers, VPN providers, circumvention tech developers and Internet freedom activists to actively support indigenous struggles inside &quot;russia&quot; and take into consideration multitudes of experiences within the so-called umbrella &quot;runet&quot;. </description>
<person guid="cda8b3be-49f6-408d-9a4d-f58464663d2a">Xenia</person>
<link href="">Analysis of decolonialist movements on Telegram</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/339/original/im26-2048x1165.jpg?1699652869">Mapping decolonial Telegram</attachment>
<attachment href="/attachments/original/missing.png">file</attachment>
<event guid="a9b47ec2-1e9b-48e6-a8d3-e68236fb72dc" id="11756">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>KI im Klassenzimmer - ein Update!</title>
<subtitle>Wie KI in der Schule wirklich entlasten könnte</subtitle>
<track>Ethics, Politics &amp; Society</track>
<abstract>Seit ChatGPT ist das Thema Künstliche Intelligenz mittlerweile an fast allen Schulen angekommen. Immer noch soll KI Lehrkräfte entlasten, doch mit der kommenden KI-Verordnung kann sich die Belastung einfach nur verschieben. Der Vortrag gibt ein Update zum Vortrag von der #rC3 2020, was nun konkret auf Schulen zukommen kann und wie KI tatsächlich zu Entlastungen beitragen kann. </abstract>
<description>Schon länger experimentieren Bundesländer und Schulen zusammen mit EdTech-Unternehmen mit KI und Algorithmen in Learning Analytics-Programmen (LA) und sogenannten Intelligenten Tutor Systemen. Wie auch schon bei anderen technologischen Entwicklungen hängt auch bei KI die gesetzliche Regulierung der gelebten Praxis hinterher und Schulen oder auch Schulträger haben bislang keine rechtssichere Grundlage für die Arbeit mit KI. Noch. Doch bereits seit dem Frühjahr 2021 wird in Brüssel an der sogenannten KI-Verordnung gearbeitet, die diese Lücke schließen soll. Nun steht die KI-Verordnung kurz vor dem Abschluss und der Vortrag zeigt, was nun juristisch konkret auf Schulen, Schulträger oder Länder zukommen kann, und gibt ein Update zu den technischen und pädagogischen Herausforderungen, die der Einsatz von KI in der Schule mitbringt. Nur wenn KI richtig und geplant beschafft, eingesetzt und begleitet wird, kann sie zu Entlastungseffekten führen. Der Vortrag stellt die nötigen Schritte vor. </description>
<person guid="a5b9013c-96c3-557a-9f08-f26042cf44ed">Nina Galla</person>
<link href="">#rC3 - KI im Klassenzimmer - yay oder nay? </link>
<attachment href="/attachments/original/missing.png">file</attachment>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/465/original/231230_37C3_KI_Bildung_final.pptx?1703923975">231230_37C3_KI_Bildung_final.pptx</attachment>
<event guid="776e58b5-f46d-4321-b06e-11bf220666f5" id="11995">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>A Libyan Militia and the EU - A Love Story?</title>
<subtitle>Open-Source investigating Tareq Ben Zeyad Brigade and their evil deeds</subtitle>
<track>Ethics, Politics &amp; Society</track>
<abstract>2023, Tariq Ben Zeyad Brigade (TBZ), a notorious East Libyan land-based militia, went maritime and completed the pullback regime which was installed by Italy and the EU from 2017. They were deeply involved in the failed passage of the boat that sank near Pylos, in which up to 500 people drowned. With the help of low-budget, open-source intelligence, we were the first to unveil how their new vessel operates in the Central Mediterranean and with which European actors they communicate. This talk provides you with the details.</abstract>
<description>After the &quot;summer of migration&quot;, from 2017 the EU and Italy set up and equipped the &quot;coastguard&quot; in Libya, consisting of militias, to take back boats with refugees to North Africa and put the people in torture camps. Frontex and a EU military mission take over the aerial surveillance for these pullbacks. 2023, Tariq Ben Zeyad Brigade (TBZ), a notorious East Libyan land-based militia, went maritime and completed this pullback regime. They were deeply involved in the failed passage of the boat that sank near Pylos, in which up to 500 people drowned. For the first time, we unveiled how their new vessel, sponsored by UAE, operates in the Central Mediterranean. We could spot them, intercept communication, and record their crimes. We managed to do so through low-budget, open-source intelligence, voluntary work, and our civil monitoring flights. Our talk materializes at the crossroads of no-border activist nerdiness and broader geopolitical reflections. Starting with our first-hand material, we show TBZ's close ties with condemned war criminals, the smuggling business, the United Arab Emirates, the Frontex agency, and European governments, namely Greece, Italy, and Malta. We see the media being barely interested in the intricacies of Europe's proxy actors, such as TBZ, that help uphold fortress Europe. We will use CCC to discuss what has little space in our daily public work: weird details, daring predictions, and complex interlinkages.</description>
<person guid="c81bab40-cfd0-5dad-87c6-831f214277ca">Matthias Monroy</person>
<person guid="2471f058-d180-5426-a9c1-dfed8dc7df8d">Felix Weiss</person>
<person guid="20624d26-1361-5273-a7cf-89358334c7fc">Paul Wagner</person>
<link href="">One of the few media ouputs that has been done in cooperation with us on the topic</link>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/464/original/20231230_CCC_Pullback_Complicity.pdf?1703897636">Presentation</attachment>
<attachment href="/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/004/466/original/AIRBORNE_OPERATIONS_%281%29.pdf?1703932201">Presentation Sea-Watch</attachment>
<event guid="097a5331-c705-4c1b-a77c-85397cfca426" id="12125">
<room>Saal Granville</room>
<title>Self-cannibalizing AI</title>
<subtitle>Artistic Strategies to expose generative text-to-image models </subtitle>
<track>Art &amp; Beauty</track>
<abstract>What occurs when machines learn from one another and engage in self-cannibalism within the generative process? Can an image model identify the happiest person or determine ethnicity from a random image? Most state-of-the-art text-to-image implementations rely on a number of limited datasets, models, and algorithms. These models, initially appearing as black boxes, reveal complex pipelines involving multiple linked models and algorithms upon closer examination. We engage artistic strategies like feedback, misuse, and hacking to crack the inner workings of image-generation models. This includes recursively confronting models with their output, deconstructing text-to-image pipelines, labelling images, and discovering unexpected correlations. During the talk, we will share our experiments on investigating Stable-Diffusion pipelines, manipulating aesthetic scoring in extensive public text-to-image datasets, revealing NSFW classification, and utilizing Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) to reveal biases and problematic correlations inherent in the daily use of these models.</abstract>
<description>The talk will be conducted by sharing various experiments we've done under the umbrella of generative AI models. We will begin with a general idea of how we, as artists/programmers, perceive these models and our research on the workflow of these constructs. Then, we will further elaborate on our exploration of the Stable Diffusion pipeline and datasets. Throughout our investigation, we discovered that some essential parts are all based on the same few datasets, models, and algorithms. This causes us to think that if we investigate deeper into some specific mechanisms, we might be able to reflect on the bigger picture of some political discourses surrounding generative AI models. We deconstructed the models into three steps essential to understanding how they worked: dataset, embedding, and diffusions. Our examples are primarily based on Stable-Diffusion, but some concepts are interchangeable in other generative models.
As datasets and machine-learning models grow in scale and complexity, understanding their nuances becomes challenging. Large datasets, like the one for training Stable Diffusion, are filtered using algorithms often employing machine learning. To &quot;enhance&quot; image generation, LAION's extensive dataset underwent filtering with an aesthetic prediction algorithm that uses machine learning to score the aesthetics of an image with a strong bias towards water-color and oil paintings. Besides the aesthetic scoring of images, images are also scored with a not safe-for-work classifier that outputs a probability of an image containing explicit content . This algorithm comes with its own discriminatory tendencies that we explore in the talk and furthermore asks how and by whom we want our datasets to be filtered and constructed.
Many generative models are built upon Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) and its open-source version, Open-CLIP, which stochastically relates images and texts. These models connect images and text, digitize text, and calculate distances between words and images. However, they heavily rely on a large number of text-image pairs during training, potentially introducing biases into the database. We conducted experiments involving various &quot;false labelling&quot; scenarios and identified correlations. For instance, we used faces from ThisPersonDoesNotExist to determine &quot;happiness&quot; faces, explored ethnicities and occupations on different looks, and anal
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