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Created May 10, 2020 20:31
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import {useEffect, useState} from 'react';
import {Alert} from 'react-native';
import BackgroundGeolocation from '@mauron85/react-native-background-geolocation';
import {defaultLocation} from '../utils/vars';
import {getDistanceFromLatLonInKm} from '../utils/getDistance';
const useTracking = (isActive: boolean) => {
const [location, setLocation] = useState(defaultLocation);
const [history, setHistory] = useState<any>([]);
const [distance, setDistance] = useState<number>(0);
useEffect(() => {
if (!isActive) {
desiredAccuracy: BackgroundGeolocation.HIGH_ACCURACY,
stationaryRadius: 50,
distanceFilter: 50,
notificationTitle: 'Background tracking',
notificationText: 'enabled',
//debug: true,
startOnBoot: false,
stopOnTerminate: true,
locationProvider: BackgroundGeolocation.DISTANCE_FILTER_PROVIDER, // DISTANCE_FILTER_PROVIDER for
interval: 10000,
fastestInterval: 5000,
activitiesInterval: 10000,
stopOnStillActivity: false,
url: '',
httpHeaders: {
'X-FOO': 'bar',
// customize post properties
postTemplate: {
lat: '@latitude',
lon: '@longitude',
foo: 'bar', // you can also add your own properties
BackgroundGeolocation.on('location', (location) => {
console.log('loc', location);
setLocation((prev) => ({
latitude: location.latitude,
longitude: location.longitude,
setHistory((prev) => {
setDistance((prevDistance) => {
if (prev.length === 0) {
return 0;
const latestItem = prev[prev.length - 1];
return (
prevDistance +
return prev.concat({
latitude: location.latitude,
longitude: location.longitude,
// handle your locations here
// to perform long running operation on iOS
// you need to create background task
BackgroundGeolocation.startTask((taskKey) => {
// execute long running task
// eg. ajax post location
// IMPORTANT: task has to be ended by endTask
BackgroundGeolocation.on('stationary', (stationaryLocation) => {
// handle stationary locations here
BackgroundGeolocation.on('error', (error) => {
//console.log('[ERROR] BackgroundGeolocation error:', error);
BackgroundGeolocation.on('start', () => {
//console.log('[INFO] BackgroundGeolocation service has been started');
BackgroundGeolocation.on('stop', () => {
//console.log('[INFO] BackgroundGeolocation service has been stopped');
BackgroundGeolocation.on('authorization', (status) => {
'[INFO] BackgroundGeolocation authorization status: ' + status,
if (status !== BackgroundGeolocation.AUTHORIZED) {
// we need to set delay or otherwise alert may not be shown
() =>
'App requires location tracking permission',
'Would you like to open app settings?',
text: 'Yes',
onPress: () => BackgroundGeolocation.showAppSettings(),
text: 'No',
onPress: () => console.log('No Pressed'),
style: 'cancel',
BackgroundGeolocation.on('background', () => {
console.log('[INFO] App is in background');
BackgroundGeolocation.on('foreground', () => {
console.log('[INFO] App is in foreground');
BackgroundGeolocation.checkStatus((status) => {
'[INFO] BackgroundGeolocation service is running',
'[INFO] BackgroundGeolocation services enabled',
'[INFO] BackgroundGeolocation auth status: ' + status.authorization,
// you don't need to check status before start (this is just the example)
if (!status.isRunning) {
BackgroundGeolocation.start(); //triggers start on start event
return () => {
console.log('Removing all listeners');
}, [location, isActive]);
return {location, history, distance};
export default useTracking;
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Hi @jonasgroendahl, can you please share the utils folder content?

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did you ever get the utils folder content?

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@qisantanu, @edgecaststudio you don't need the "../utils/vars" file, notice that it is used in the "location" hook, so just look in the code as it is being read and create an equal object

conts defaultLocation = {
latitude: 0,
longitude: 0

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I am getting the below error:

  • What went wrong:
    A problem occurred evaluating project ':mauron85_react-native-background-geolocation'.

Project with path ':@mauron85_react-native-background-geolocation-common' could not be found in project ':mauron85_react-native-background-geolocation'.

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