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Created February 19, 2018 16:37
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Abbreviated Jenkinsfile to build on multiple archs (from project)
for (x in slaves) {
def slave = x
for (y in pyvers) {
def pyver = y
builders["${slave} - ${pyver}"] = {
node(slave) {
stage("${slave} - ${pyver}"){
step ([$class: 'WsCleanup'])
checkout scm
def bn = env.BUILD_NUMBER
if(slave == "Linux"){
docker.image('lasote/conantests').inside("-e CONAN_USER_HOME=${WORKSPACE}") {
sh(script: "python ${runner} ${modules} ${pyver} ${branch} ${workdir} --num_cores=${numcores}")
else if(slave == "Windows"){
bat(script: "python ${runner} ${modules} ${pyver} ${branch} \"${workdir}\" --num_cores=${numcores}")
else if(slave == "Macos"){
withEnv(['PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin']) {
sh(script: "python ${runner} ${modules} ${pyver} ${branch} ${workdir} --num_cores=${numcores}")
parallel builders
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