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  • Save jonlabelle/5375315 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jonlabelle/5375315 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Useful collection of JavaScript string utilities.
// String utils
// resources:
// -- mout,
* "Safer" String.toLowerCase()
function lowerCase(str) {
return str.toLowerCase();
* "Safer" String.toUpperCase()
function upperCase(str) {
return str.toUpperCase();
* Convert string to camelCase text.
function camelCase(str) {
str = replaceAccents(str);
str = removeNonWord(str)
.replace(/\-/g, " ") //convert all hyphens to spaces
.replace(/\s[a-z]/g, upperCase) //convert first char of each word to UPPERCASE
.replace(/\s+/g, "") //remove spaces
.replace(/^[A-Z]/g, lowerCase); //convert first char to lowercase
return str;
* Add space between camelCase text.
function unCamelCase(str) {
str = str.replace(/([a-z\xE0-\xFF])([A-Z\xC0\xDF])/g, "$1 $2");
str = str.toLowerCase(); //add space between camelCase text
return str;
* UPPERCASE first char of each word.
function properCase(str) {
return lowerCase(str).replace(/^\w|\s\w/g, upperCase);
* camelCase + UPPERCASE first char
function pascalCase(str) {
return camelCase(str).replace(/^[a-z]/, upperCase);
* UPPERCASE first char of each sentence and lowercase other chars.
function sentenceCase(str) {
// Replace first char of each sentence (new line or after '.\s+') to
return lowerCase(str).replace(/(^\w)|\.\s+(\w)/gm, upperCase);
* Convert to lower case, remove accents, remove non-word chars and
* replace spaces with the specified delimeter.
* Does not split camelCase text.
function slugify(str, delimeter) {
if (delimeter == null) {
delimeter = "-";
str = replaceAccents(str);
str = removeNonWord(str);
str = trim(str) //should come after removeNonWord
.replace(/ +/g, delimeter) //replace spaces with delimeter
return str;
* Replaces spaces with hyphens, split camelCase text, remove non-word chars, remove accents and convert to lower case.
function hyphenate(str) {
str = unCamelCase(str);
return slugify(str, "-");
* Replaces hyphens with spaces. (only hyphens between word chars)
function unhyphenate(str) {
return str.replace(/(\w)(-)(\w)/g, "$1 $3");
* Replaces spaces with underscores, split camelCase text, remove
* non-word chars, remove accents and convert to lower case.
function underscore(str) {
str = unCamelCase(str);
return slugify(str, "_");
* Remove non-word chars.
function removeNonWord(str) {
return str.replace(/[^0-9a-zA-Z\xC0-\xFF \-]/g, "");
* Convert line-breaks from DOS/MAC to a single standard (UNIX by default)
function normalizeLineBreaks(str, lineEnd) {
lineEnd = lineEnd || "\n";
return str
.replace(/\r\n/g, lineEnd) // DOS
.replace(/\r/g, lineEnd) // Mac
.replace(/\n/g, lineEnd); // Unix
* Replaces all accented chars with regular ones
function replaceAccents(str) {
// verifies if the String has accents and replace them
if ([\xC0-\xFF]/g) > -1) {
str = str
.replace(/[\xC0-\xC5]/g, "A")
.replace(/[\xC6]/g, "AE")
.replace(/[\xC7]/g, "C")
.replace(/[\xC8-\xCB]/g, "E")
.replace(/[\xCC-\xCF]/g, "I")
.replace(/[\xD0]/g, "D")
.replace(/[\xD1]/g, "N")
.replace(/[\xD2-\xD6\xD8]/g, "O")
.replace(/[\xD9-\xDC]/g, "U")
.replace(/[\xDD]/g, "Y")
.replace(/[\xDE]/g, "P")
.replace(/[\xE0-\xE5]/g, "a")
.replace(/[\xE6]/g, "ae")
.replace(/[\xE7]/g, "c")
.replace(/[\xE8-\xEB]/g, "e")
.replace(/[\xEC-\xEF]/g, "i")
.replace(/[\xF1]/g, "n")
.replace(/[\xF2-\xF6\xF8]/g, "o")
.replace(/[\xF9-\xFC]/g, "u")
.replace(/[\xFE]/g, "p")
.replace(/[\xFD\xFF]/g, "y");
return str;
* Searches for a given substring
function contains(str, substring, fromIndex) {
return str.indexOf(substring, fromIndex) !== -1;
* Truncate string at full words.
function crop(str, maxChars, append) {
return truncate(str, maxChars, append, true);
* Escape RegExp string chars.
function escapeRegExp(str) {
var ESCAPE_CHARS = /[\\.+*?\^$\[\](){}\/'#]/g;
return str.replace(ESCAPE_CHARS, "\\$&");
* Escapes a string for insertion into HTML.
function escapeHtml(str) {
str = str
.replace(/&/g, "&")
.replace(/</g, "&lt;")
.replace(/>/g, "&gt;")
.replace(/'/g, "&#39;")
.replace(/"/g, "&quot;");
return str;
* Unescapes HTML special chars
function unescapeHtml(str) {
str = str
.replace(/&amp;/g, "&")
.replace(/&lt;/g, "<")
.replace(/&gt;/g, ">")
.replace(/&#39;/g, "'")
.replace(/&quot;/g, '"');
return str;
* Escape string into unicode sequences
function escapeUnicode(str, shouldEscapePrintable) {
return str.replace(/[\s\S]/g, function (ch) {
// skip printable ASCII chars if we should not escape them
if (!shouldEscapePrintable && /[\x20-\x7E]/.test(ch)) {
return ch;
// we use "000" and slice(-4) for brevity, need to pad zeros,
// unicode escape always have 4 chars after "\u"
return "\\u" + ("000" + ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);
* Remove HTML tags from string.
function stripHtmlTags(str) {
return str.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, "");
* Remove non-printable ASCII chars
function removeNonASCII(str) {
// Matches non-printable ASCII chars -
return str.replace(/[^\x20-\x7E]/g, "");
* String interpolation
function interpolate(template, replacements, syntax) {
var stache = /\{\{(\w+)\}\}/g; //mustache-like
var replaceFn = function (match, prop) {
return prop in replacements ? replacements[prop] : "";
return template.replace(syntax || stache, replaceFn);
* Pad string with `char` if its' length is smaller than `minLen`
function rpad(str, minLen, ch) {
ch = ch || " ";
return str.length < minLen ? str + repeat(ch, minLen - str.length) : str;
* Pad string with `char` if its' length is smaller than `minLen`
function lpad(str, minLen, ch) {
ch = ch || " ";
return str.length < minLen ? repeat(ch, minLen - str.length) + str : str;
* Repeat string n times
function repeat(str, n) {
return new Array(n + 1).join(str);
* Limit number of chars.
function truncate(str, maxChars, append, onlyFullWords) {
append = append || "...";
maxChars = onlyFullWords ? maxChars + 1 : maxChars;
str = trim(str);
if (str.length <= maxChars) {
return str;
str = str.substr(0, maxChars - append.length);
//crop at last space or remove trailing whitespace
str = onlyFullWords ? str.substr(0, str.lastIndexOf(" ")) : trim(str);
return str + append;
" ",
* Remove chars from beginning of string.
function ltrim(str, chars) {
chars = chars || WHITE_SPACES;
var start = 0,
len = str.length,
charLen = chars.length,
found = true,
while (found && start < len) {
found = false;
i = -1;
c = str.charAt(start);
while (++i < charLen) {
if (c === chars[i]) {
found = true;
return start >= len ? "" : str.substr(start, len);
* Remove chars from end of string.
function rtrim(str, chars) {
chars = chars || WHITE_SPACES;
var end = str.length - 1,
charLen = chars.length,
found = true,
while (found && end >= 0) {
found = false;
i = -1;
c = str.charAt(end);
while (++i < charLen) {
if (c === chars[i]) {
found = true;
return end >= 0 ? str.substring(0, end + 1) : "";
* Remove white-spaces from beginning and end of string.
function trim(str, chars) {
chars = chars || WHITE_SPACES;
return ltrim(rtrim(str, chars), chars);
* Capture all capital letters following a word boundary (in case the
* input is in all caps)
function abbreviate(str) {
return str.match(/\b([A-Z])/g).join("");
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etetlow commented Dec 12, 2020

Just to let you know, you've got normalizeLineBreaks in there twice.

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Just to let you know, you've got normalizeLineBreaks in there twice.

Thanks @etelow.... fixed now.

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