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Created December 23, 2017 10:43
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$ ./mach check -v
Fresh unicode-segmentation v1.2.0
Fresh language-tags v0.2.2
Fresh khronos_api v2.0.0
Fresh bitflags v0.9.1
Fresh lazycell v0.4.0
Fresh pkg-config v0.3.9
Fresh fnv v1.0.5
Fresh sig v0.1.1
Fresh lzw v0.10.0
Fresh bitreader v0.3.0
Fresh bytes v0.3.0
Fresh byteorder v1.2.1
Fresh unicode-width v0.1.4
Fresh half v1.0.0
Fresh thread_profiler v0.1.3
Fresh simd v0.2.0
Fresh rustc-serialize v0.3.24
Fresh atomic_refcell v0.1.0
Fresh smallbitvec v1.0.6
Fresh size_of_test v0.0.1 (file:///home/turnip/Code/servo/components/size_of_test)
Fresh siphasher v0.2.2
Fresh semver v0.1.20
Fresh threadpool v1.3.2
Fresh vec_map v0.8.0
Fresh safemem v0.2.0
Fresh libc v0.2.33
Fresh signpost v0.1.0 (
Fresh glob v0.2.11
Fresh futures v0.1.13
Fresh ref_slice v1.1.1
Fresh unicode-xid v0.0.4
Fresh getopts v0.2.14
Fresh strsim v0.6.0
Fresh nodrop v0.1.12
Fresh utf8-ranges v1.0.0
Fresh peeking_take_while v0.1.2
Fresh unicode-normalization v0.1.5
Fresh typeable v0.1.2
Fresh stable_deref_trait v1.0.0
Fresh rustc-demangle v0.1.4
Fresh precomputed-hash v0.1.1
Fresh same-file v0.1.3
Fresh gcc v0.3.47
Fresh dom_struct v0.0.1 (file:///home/turnip/Code/servo/components/dom_struct)
Fresh foreign-types-shared v0.1.1
Fresh semver-parser v0.7.0
Fresh cfg-if v0.1.2
Fresh scoped_threadpool v0.1.7
Fresh xi-unicode v0.1.0
Fresh void v1.0.2
Fresh scopeguard v0.3.2
Fresh quote v0.3.15
Fresh httparse v1.2.1
Fresh adler32 v1.0.0
Fresh procedural-masquerade v0.1.2
Fresh toml v0.2.1
Fresh ansi_term v0.10.2
Fresh antidote v1.0.0
Fresh ref_filter_map v1.0.1
Fresh alloc-no-stdlib v1.2.0
Fresh swapper v0.1.0
Fresh log v0.3.8
Fresh xdg v2.1.0
Fresh num-traits v0.1.37
Fresh open v1.2.0
Fresh color_quant v1.0.0
Fresh bitflags v1.0.0
Fresh sha1 v0.2.0
Compiling script_plugins v0.0.1 (file:///home/turnip/Code/servo/components/script_plugins)
Fresh nom v1.2.4
Fresh mp3-metadata v0.3.0
Running `rustc --crate-name script_plugins components/script_plugins/ --crate-type dylib --emit=dep-info,link -C prefer-dynamic -C codegen-units=4 -C debuginfo=2 --cfg 'feature="unrooted_must_root_lint"' -C metadata=40bfe4481506b4f7 --out-dir /home/turnip/Code/servo/target/debug/deps -L dependency=/home/turnip/Code/servo/target/debug/deps -C link-args=-fuse-ld=gold -W unused-extern-crates`
Fresh string_cache_shared v0.3.0
Fresh traitobject v0.1.0
Fresh ident_case v1.0.0
Fresh slab v0.3.0
Fresh dtoa v0.4.1
Fresh cc v1.0.1
Fresh lazy_static v1.0.0
Fresh either v1.1.0
Fresh matches v0.1.4
Fresh binary-space-partition v0.1.2
Fresh smallvec v0.6.0
Fresh mac v0.1.1
Fresh percent-encoding v1.0.0
Fresh lazy_static v0.2.11
Fresh mitochondria v1.1.2
Fresh itoa v0.3.1
Fresh regex-syntax v0.4.1
Fresh which v1.0.3
Fresh atty v0.2.3
Fresh ogg v0.5.0
Fresh fxhash v0.2.1
Fresh textwrap v0.9.0
Fresh blurmock v0.1.2
Fresh dtoa-short v0.3.0
Fresh rustc_version v0.1.7
Fresh base64 v0.6.0
Fresh hashglobe v0.1.0 (file:///home/turnip/Code/servo/components/hashglobe)
Fresh num_cpus v1.4.0
Fresh thread-id v3.1.0
Fresh memchr v1.0.1
Fresh rand v0.3.15
Fresh shared_library v0.1.5
Fresh time v0.1.37
Fresh iovec v0.1.0
Fresh pulse-ffi v0.1.0 (
Fresh synom v0.11.3
Fresh mime v0.2.4
Fresh arrayvec v0.4.6
Fresh encoding_rs v0.7.1
Fresh net2 v0.2.29
Fresh servo_arc v0.0.1 (file:///home/turnip/Code/servo/components/servo_arc)
Fresh owning_ref v0.3.3
Fresh walkdir v1.0.7
Fresh foreign-types v0.3.2
Fresh semver v0.6.0
Fresh unreachable v0.1.1
Fresh deflate v0.7.5
Fresh inflate v0.3.3
Fresh cubeb-ffi v0.0.2 (
Fresh nsstring v0.1.0 (file:///home/turnip/Code/servo/support/gecko/nsstring)
Fresh brotli-decompressor v1.0.9
Fresh num-integer v0.1.34
Fresh mp4parse v0.9.1
Fresh enum_primitive v0.1.1
Fresh gif v0.9.1
Fresh xml-rs v0.7.0
Fresh cexpr v0.2.0
Fresh cmake v0.1.27
Fresh itertools v0.5.10
Fresh coco v0.1.1
Fresh utf-8 v0.7.1
Fresh tempdir v0.3.5
Fresh ogg_metadata v0.4.1
Fresh clap v2.28.0
Fresh debug_unreachable v0.1.1
Fresh ordered-float v0.4.0
Fresh fallible v0.0.1 (file:///home/turnip/Code/servo/components/fallible)
Fresh aho-corasick v0.6.3
Fresh servo_rand v0.0.1 (file:///home/turnip/Code/servo/components/rand)
Fresh parking_lot_core v0.2.7
Fresh gaol v0.0.1 (
Fresh osmesa-sys v0.1.2
Fresh cookie v0.10.1
Fresh pulse v0.2.0 (
Fresh browserhtml v0.1.17 (
Fresh syn v0.11.11
Fresh uluru v0.2.0
Fresh immeta v0.3.6
Fresh encoding_c v0.8.0
Fresh mio v0.6.9
Compiling task_info v0.0.1 (file:///home/turnip/Code/servo/support/rust-task_info)
Fresh thread_local v0.3.3
Running `/home/turnip/Code/servo/target/debug/build/task_info-4fc6f7b6441fb6e7/build-script-build`
Fresh brotli v1.0.8
Fresh num-rational v0.1.36
Fresh num-iter v0.1.33
Fresh gl_generator v0.6.1
Fresh osmesa-src v17.3.1-devel (
Fresh rayon-core v1.2.0
Fresh libloading v0.4.0
Fresh xcb v0.7.7
Fresh x11-dl v2.14.0
Fresh audio-video-metadata v0.1.6
Fresh futf v0.1.3
Fresh parking_lot v0.4.8
Fresh cubeb-pulse v0.0.2 (
Compiling synstructure v0.5.2
Compiling darling_core v0.2.0
Running `rustc --crate-name synstructure .cargo/registry/src/ --crate-type lib --emit=dep-info,metadata -C codegen-units=4 -C debuginfo=2 -C metadata=3eb729723060378e -C extra-filename=-3eb729723060378e --out-dir /home/turnip/Code/servo/target/debug/deps -L dependency=/home/turnip/Code/servo/target/debug/deps --extern quote=/home/turnip/Code/servo/target/debug/deps/libquote-be7c87ab938e668c.rmeta --extern syn=/home/turnip/Code/servo/target/debug/deps/libsyn-ba572bd00928f2fb.rmeta --cap-lints allow -C link-args=-fuse-ld=gold -W unused-extern-crates`
Running `rustc --crate-name darling_core .cargo/registry/src/ --crate-type lib --emit=dep-info,metadata -C codegen-units=4 -C debuginfo=2 --cfg 'feature="default"' --cfg 'feature="syn"' -C metadata=40ad522cb1aae4ee -C extra-filename=-40ad522cb1aae4ee --out-dir /home/turnip/Code/servo/target/debug/deps -L dependency=/home/turnip/Code/servo/target/debug/deps --extern ident_case=/home/turnip/Code/servo/target/debug/deps/libident_case-d995b9e3eb0573d7.rmeta --extern lazy_static=/home/turnip/Code/servo/target/debug/deps/liblazy_static-60d03f5adc6b0356.rmeta --extern syn=/home/turnip/Code/servo/target/debug/deps/libsyn-ba572bd00928f2fb.rmeta --extern quote=/home/turnip/Code/servo/target/debug/deps/libquote-be7c87ab938e668c.rmeta --cap-lints allow -C link-args=-fuse-ld=gold -W unused-extern-crates`
error: failed to run custom build command for `task_info v0.0.1 (file:///home/turnip/Code/servo/support/rust-task_info)`
process didn't exit successfully: `/home/turnip/Code/servo/target/debug/build/task_info-4fc6f7b6441fb6e7/build-script-build` (exit code: 101)
--- stdout
TARGET = Some("x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu")
OPT_LEVEL = Some("0")
TARGET = Some("x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu")
HOST = Some("x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu")
TARGET = Some("x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu")
TARGET = Some("x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu")
HOST = Some("x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu")
CC_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu = None
CC_x86_64_unknown_linux_gnu = None
HOST_CC = None
CC = None
HOST = Some("x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu")
TARGET = Some("x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu")
HOST = Some("x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu")
CFLAGS_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu = None
CFLAGS_x86_64_unknown_linux_gnu = None
PROFILE = Some("debug")
running: "cc" "-O0" "-ffunction-sections" "-fdata-sections" "-fPIC" "-g" "-m64" "-o" "/home/turnip/Code/servo/target/debug/build/task_info-5b509507e8510095/out/src/task_info.o" "-c" "src/task_info.c"
cargo:warning=src/task_info.c:10:10: fatal error: mach/mach_init.h: No such file or directory
cargo:warning= #include <mach/mach_init.h>
cargo:warning= ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
cargo:warning=compilation terminated.
exit code: 1
command did not execute successfully, got: exit code: 1
--- stderr
thread 'main' panicked at 'explicit panic', .cargo/registry/src/
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
error: build failed
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