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Created April 26, 2017 11:24
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Provide liquidity for NuBits using NuBot

Provide liquidity for Nu using NuBot


  • Create separate account if using Nu funds.
  • Link account to primary account (from primary account).
  • Enable multi-factor authentication.
  • Enable API access.
  • Create API key.
  • Restrict API access to IP of gateway.

Setup server (VPS)

  • Create Droplet on DigitalOcean.
    • Use Ubuntu LTS.
    • Choose specifications: 4 GB RAM recommended.
    • Select SSH key, or use password (not recommended).
  • Open console and note its fingerprint if possible. Compare at SSH login. This can verify you're connecting to that server and not an impostor.

Set SSH alias for VPS

cat << EOF >> ~/.ssh/config
Host nubotserver
    User nu
    HostName $vpsip

NuBot on VPS

ssh root@nubotserver

Enable firewall

ufw allow ssh
ufw enable

Press Y, Enter.

Add user nu without password

Passwordless logins are denied by default.

adduser nu --disabled-password
mkdir /home/nu/.ssh
chown nu:nu /home/nu/.ssh
chmod 700 /home/nu/.ssh
cat /root/.ssh/authorized_keys >> /home/nu/.ssh/authorized_keys
chown nu:nu /home/nu/.ssh/authorized_keys

Install unarchiver

apt-get install -y unzip

Install Java

add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java

Press Enter.

apt-get update
apt-get install -y oracle-java8-installer

Accept the terms for Java. (Enter, Left, Enter)

Automate security updates

Won't reboot.

dpkg-reconfigure --priority=low unattended-upgrades

Setup NuBot

ssh nu@nubotserver
ln -s nubot-v0.5.0-RC5 nubot

NuBot configuration


  • txFee: 0.25
  • bookSellOffset: 0.001
  • bookBuyOffset: 0.001


  • txFee: 0.2
  • bookSellOffset: 0.003
  • bookBuyOffset: 0.003

Adjust these to your liking in the configuration panel of the web interface for NuBot. Use the Preview button to view a graph with the resulting walls.

cat << EOF > ~/$EXCHANGE.json
  "exchangeName": "$EXCHANGE",
  "apiKey": "$APIKEY",
  "apiSecret": "$APISECRET",
  "dualSide": true,
  "pair": "usnbt_btc",
  "txFee": 0.25,
  "priceIncrement": 3.0E-4,
  "emergencyTimeout": 60,
  "keepProceeds": 0.0,
  "wallchangeThreshold": 0.15,
  "bookDisabletier2": false,
  "bookSellwall": 100.0,
  "bookBuywall": 100.0,
  "bookSellOffset": 0.001,
  "bookBuyOffset": 0.001,
  "bookSellMaxVolumeCumulative": 0.0,
  "bookBuyMaxVolumeCumulative": 0.0,
  "bookBuyInterval": 0.008,
  "bookSellInterval": 0.008,
  "bookSellType": "EXP",
  "bookBuyType": "EXP",
  "bookSellSteepness": "MID",
  "bookBuySteepness": "MID",
  "rpcUser": "",
  "rpcPass": "",
  "nubitAddress": "",
  "nudPort": 9091,
  "bypassStreaming": true,
  "nudIp": "",
  "mailnotifications": "NONE",
  "mailRecipient": "",
  "submitLiquidity": false,
  "executeOrders": true,
  "verbosity": "NORMAL",
  "gitter": false,
  "multipleOperators": false,
  "webport": 8889,
  "poolModeActive": false,
  "poolURI": "",
  "poolPayoutAddress": "",
  "poolSubmitInterval": 50,
  "mainFeed": "coinmarketcap_ne",
  "backupFeeds": [

ln -s $EXCHANGE.json config.json

Configure startup of NuBot

Create scripts for ease of use.

cat << 'EOF' > ~/

tmux new-session -d -s "NuBot" -n "NuBot" "cd nubot && java -jar NuBot.jar -server -skipCredentials -cfg=../config.json ; /bin/bash || $SHELL"
tmux move-window -s "Gateway":0 -t 1
tmux set-option -t "Gateway" base-index 1
chmod +x ~/

Start NuBot

Open SSH tunnel to access NuBot's web interface

ssh -f nu@nubotserver -L 8889:REPLACE_WITH_NUBOT_SERVER_IP:8889 -N

Login to server

ssh nu@nubotserver

Start NuBot


Open NuBot's control panel


Check your configuration in the “Configuration” tab. Preview the walls at the bottom.

Start with a low amount of funds on the entire exchange account until you're confident the configuration is correct.

Press “Start NuBot” under the “Dashboard” tab.

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