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Last active April 26, 2022 09:36
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Save jose8a/8dce609b8dd9429a194e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Converting a folder full of markdown files, each linking to each other ... convert those files to HTML, and convert the relative links to point to the new html files. Add code highlighting with highlight.js . Finally serve up the result as a static web site.
Converting md files to html w/highlighting
0a) Create a root directory to pull in all the repos
0b) Recursively clone or pull each repo
$> git clone <repo_url> | git pull on the existing repos
0c) Create a TOC index.html file for the root folder
$> echo '<head>' >> index.html
$> echo '' >> index.html
$> echo '</head>' >> index.html
$> echo '<body>' >> index.html
$> ls >> temp.html
$> sed -n '/./s/<a href="($1)">($1)</a>/p' temp.html >> index.html
$> echo '</body>' >> index.html
$> rm temp.html
1) Recursively convert each md file to html using pandoc:
$> find . -name "*.md" | while read i; do pandoc -f markdown -t html "$i" -o "${i%.*}.html"; done
2) Change all internal file urls from pointing to *.md links and instead point to the local *.html file
a) recursively run this sed command (programatically replace FILENAME)
sed -n -i.bak '/href="\./s/\.md/\.html/' FILENAME.html
b) alternatively, run the following command instead (programatically replace FILENAME)
sed -e '/href="\./s/\.md/\.html/' FILENAME.html > FILENAME.html.tmp && mv FILENAME.html.tmp FILENAME.html
3) Add code highlighting to all pages with highlight.js library using the following:
a) Download highlight js and add to assets folder
b) Add <head></head> to each .html file (via temp file) if it doesn't already exist
$> touch temp.html
$> echo '<head>' >> temp.html
$> echo '' >> temp.html
$> echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/styles/default.css">' >> temp.html
$> echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../css/typeplate.css">' >> temp.html
$> echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../css/custom.css">' >> temp.html
$> echo '' >> temp.html
$> echo '<script src="/path/to/highlight.pack.js"></script>' >> temp.html
$> echo '<script>hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad();</script>' >> temp.html
$> echo '</head>' >> temp.html
$> echo '<body>' >> temp.html
$> cat FILENAME.html >> temp.html
$> cat temp.html > FILENAME.html
$> echo '</body>' >> FILENAME.html
$> rm temp.html
4) Recursively delete all *.md files
$> find . -name "*.md" | while read i; do pandoc -f markdown -t html "$i" -o "${i%.*}.html"; done
5) Fire up a simple static server to serve these files:
a) use python:
i) cd /path/to/files
ii) python -m SimpleHTTPServer [port]
b) use Node:
i) install http-server: npm install http-server -g
ii) cd /path/to/files
iii) http-server -p [port] ==> default_port=8080
***** EXTRAS:
1) From each file, extract 'Goals', 'Exercises', and 'Resources' if they exist
*** Write a Ruby script to split out the Goals/Exercises/Resources sections
*** Use to work on the file:
*** Use "string".include?(other_string) to break up sections on <h2> headers
*** Insert <div id="SECTION-NAME" > .... </div> around each of those sections
3) Label the new divs according to the section .. eg. <div id="goals">...</div>
a) 'Goals' is the first <h2> in the document
b) 'Exercises' is the last or 2nd-to-last <h2> in the document
c) 'Resources' is the last <h2> in the document
4) Change the page layout and move these sections in such a way as to improve
page navigation. Add the following to custom.css:
a) #goals {...} styles/layout
b) #exercises {...} styles/layout
c) #resources {...} styles/layout
5) Add any necessary JQuery animation effects to these elements
*** maybe use the jQuery velocity.js library
6) Add any other CSS styles to the page as deemed necessary
7) Add hotkeys for the website - see:
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Thanks for this.

By the way, it looks like you forgot to change line 44 to -delete

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