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Last active May 23, 2021 19:55
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Creating and joining threads in clojure
(import '[java.util.concurrent Callable
;; Examples of creating and joining threads in clojure
(let [numthreads 5
waiting-msg "Waiting on threads to finish..."
done-msg "All threads joined. Exiting."
func #(do (Thread/sleep (+ 1000 (rand-int 4000)))
(println (.getName (Thread/currentThread)) "finishing")
(Thread/sleep 20))]
(println "\n\n******* 1 - Clojure futures, and deref to join")
(let [func #(future (func))
threads (repeatedly numthreads func)]
(dorun threads) ; create and run threads
(println waiting-msg)
(run! deref threads) ; (doall (map deref threads)) to get values
(println done-msg))
(println "\n\n******* 2a - Java ExecutorService, invokeAll")
(let [tp (Executors/newCachedThreadPool)
threads (repeat numthreads func)]
(println waiting-msg)
(.invokeAll tp threads)
(println done-msg))
(println "\n\n******* 2b - Java ExecutorService, awaitTermination")
(let [tp (Executors/newCachedThreadPool)]
(dotimes [_ numthreads] (.submit tp ^Callable func))
(println waiting-msg)
(.shutdown tp)
(.awaitTermination tp Long/MAX_VALUE TimeUnit/DAYS)
(println done-msg))
(println "\n\n******* 3 - Semaphore")
(let [sema (Semaphore. 0)
func #(future (try (func) (finally (.release sema))))]
(dotimes [_ numthreads] (func))
(println waiting-msg)
(.acquire sema numthreads)
(println done-msg))
(println "\n\n******* 4 - CoundDownLatch")
(let [latch (CountDownLatch. numthreads)
func #(future (try (func) (finally (.countDown latch))))]
(dotimes [_ numthreads] (func))
(println waiting-msg)
(.await latch)
(println done-msg))
(println "\n\n******* 5 - Manual thread creation and join")
(let [threads (repeatedly numthreads #(Thread. func))]
(run! #(.start %) threads)
(println waiting-msg)
(run! #(.join %) threads)
(println "All threads joined. Exiting.")))
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